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1、b) 下列名词常用做不可数名词accommodation, advice, baggage, fun, luck, paper等2、可数名词和不可数名词的相互转化a) 很多蔬菜动物等名词,一般是可数的,但用来表示食品时就转化成不可数名词。They grow their own carrots.Good stew must contain carrot.There are few lambs in the zoo.Would you like some lamb or pork? b)物质名词或抽象名词一般是不可数的,但用来表示具体个别事物时,通常是可数的。Beer ie refreshing

2、in summer.They have two beers.Some rich men live in luxury.A refrigerator is a luxury here.c)物质名词用于表示各种不同品种时,几乎都能用做可数名词。a store sellingmany different teas, various soaps等。应注意某些物质名词或抽象名词用做复数时,词意往往起变化。Light travels faster than sound.Do you have lights in the corridor?d)当抽象名词前后有修饰语表示某一种或某一方面的抽象概念时,其前可加

3、a, an。There is a certain honesty about this man which forces me to admire him.Geography gives us a knowledge of other countries.二)复合名词2) 复合名词的形式a) 两个名词写做一个名词,中间无连字符,如:headache, newspaper, railwayb) 两个名词写做一个词,中间有连字符,如:mouse-trap, tooth-brushc) 两个名词分开写,如:flower shop, police station, goods train上面三条无一定

4、的规则可循,需要熟记。3) 复合名词的复数a) 以不可数名词结尾的复合名词没有复数形式,如:homework, moonlightb) 以可数名词结尾的复合名词有复数形式,如:bedrooms, bookcasesc) 以man 或woman为前缀的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词均变成复数,如:woman student-women studentsd) 以可数名词加介词(短语)构成的复合名词,在名词后加s,如:looker-on-lookers-on, mother-in-law-mothers-in-lawe) 以动词或动词的ed形式加副词构成的复合词,在词尾加s,如:sit-in-sit

5、-ins, stand-by-stand-bys, grown-up-grown-upsf) 一动词ing形式加副词构成的复合名词,在动词ing形式后加s,如:coming-in-coming-ins(收入)三)单位名词单位名词常用来表示不可数名词的个体性,即使之能以“个体”计算,也能与可数名词搭配表示“一双”,“一群”等意义。4) 表示形状的单位名词有:a ball of string, a bar of chocolate, a block of ice, a cake of soap, a drop of water, a grain of sand, seven head of cat

6、tle, a loaf of bread, a lump of sugar, a slice of meat等。5) 表示容积,重量的单位名词有:a bag of flour, a basket of fruit, a bottle of wine, a gallon of oil, a quart of milk, a pound of butter,等。6) 表示成双成群的单位名词有:a couple of players, a flock of birds, a pair of shoes, a swarm of bees等。单位名词及其搭配需要结合句子或课文熟记。练习 书后P69,73

7、四)名词复数1)以字母o结尾的名词复数a) 加-es的有:echo, hero, Negro, potato, tomato, torpedo, vetob) 加-s的有:auto, bamboo, dynamo, kilo, memo, photo, piano, radio, shampoo, studio, tango, zooc) 既可加-s又可加-es的有:buffalo, cargo, Eskimo, mosquito, motto, tornado, volcano2)以字母f或fe结尾的名词复数a) 加-s的有:belief, chief, cliff, grief, gulf

8、, handkerchief, roof, proof, safeb) 去掉f或fe加-ves的有:calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, thief, shelf, self, wife, wolfc) 有几个常见名词可以直接在后面去掉f加-ves或直接加s: hoof, scarf, wharf3)单复数形式相同的名词有:deer, means, series, sheep, species4)一些外来词汇的复数需要看见的时候特殊记忆,如:analysisanalyses五)名词属格英语名词有两种属格,s属格和of属格。what is the ships

9、name?What is the name of the ship?1)s属格的使用a) 主要用于表示有生命的名词,如:womens clothes, the horses mouthb) 用于国家机关,社团及一些地理名称,如:the governments property, Europes futurec) 用于船只,飞机,火车等,如:the ships bell, a gliders wingsd) 用于表示时间,距离,价值和重量的名词,如:a moments thoughts, eight hours drive, two dollars worthe) 常用于一些习惯用语当中,如:f

10、or heavens sake, at the wits end2)of属格的使用 主要用于表示无生命的名词,如:the wheel of history, the windows of the houses3)双重属格 双重属格用来表示的所有关系是人而不是物。a friend of mine, some sons of Mrs Whites , two plays of Shakespeares 双重属格还常用this, that, these, those修饰of短语前面的名词,以表示爱憎褒贬等情感。this idea of yours, that dog of Roberts三、练习见书

11、 86、87 页第二讲 句子结构类型教学目的:要求学生掌握英语句子的基本类型,并能对基本句型加以分析和改写。1.介绍英语句子的基本类型。2.要求学生做课堂练习。.3.课外作业,完成剩余练习。教学过程:一、英语句子的基本类型。英语句子有五种基本类型。 . 1.Subject + Intransitive Verb此句型特点:既然该句型中动词后面不带宾语,所以用于此句型的动词应该是不及物动词。a. Man proposes;God disposes.b. Modesty benefits;pride hurts.这种句型谓语动词后往往带有状语:c. Great minds think alike.

12、d. The sun sets in the west 2.主语+系动词+主语补足语(也称作表语)Subject + Link Verb + Subject Complement 此句型特点是:句中动词一般是be动词或其他系动词。1).最常见的是形容词、名词(短语)作表语。a. He looks unhappy.bBread is the staff of life2).也可用介词短语作表语:cBeauty is in the eye of the beholder。 3).在英语中,除了be动词以外,还有以下系动词:(1)单纯表示主语的特征、状态的:feel,look,sound, tast

13、e,smell seem appear等。aThe iron feels hotbThe rose doesnt smell much (2)表示主语由一种状态转变为另一种状态的:become,grow,get,turn,fall,go,come等(这些系动词与形容词连用,一般是具有固定的搭配关系)aOur supplies of sugar and rice fell short。bHope your dreams will come true (3)表示主语保持某种状态的:continue,remain,Stay,keep,hold,rest,prove等。aThe weather con

14、tinued fine for several daysbHe held silent for the whole day 3.主语+谓语+宾语Subject +Transitive Verb +Object英语中绝大多数动词都适用于这一句型,而且能作宾语的成分很多aBeauty will buy no beefbIve finished reading the book主语+谓语+双宾语Subject +Dative Verb +Indirect Object +Direct Object有些动词后边需要接两个宾语:一个指人的宾语,称之为间接宾语;另一个指物的宾语,称之为直接宾语。间接宾语和

15、之间宾语统称为双宾语。a He showed the guard his passport.bI will buy you a meal能这样使用的动词可分成三类:(根据间接宾语和介词的关系来分)1).同give一样,当间接宾语后移时,间接宾语前需带介词to,表示间接宾语是动作的接受者。这样的动词有:assign,award,bring,deliver,deny,feed,give,grant,hand,lend,offer,owe,pass,promise,post,read,recommend,sell,send,show,take,write,ect.aHe showed his pas

16、sport to the guard.bHe showed the guard his passport2).同buy一样,当间接宾语后移时,间接宾语前需带介词for,这样的动词有:book(预订),buy,build,change,choose,cook,fetch,find,get,keep,make,order,prepare,sing,ect.aI am going to buy a gift for her.bI am going to buy her a gift3).有个别动词只用于这样的结构:“主语+动词+间接宾语(+直接宾语)”,而不用介词来替换。charge,cost,be

17、t,ect.aIll bet you ten dollars.bThe repairman charged me ten dollars 此外,较特殊的动词如:ask,当间接宾语后移时,间接宾语前需带介词of。aCan I ask a question ofyou.4.主语+谓语+复合宾语Subject +Factitive Verb + Object + Object Complement1).接复合宾语的动词有些动词后面接宾语时意思不完整,因而在宾语后还需要接补充说明宾语的补足语,宾语和宾语补足语统称为复合宾语。 常见的带复合宾语的动词有:appoint,believe,call,choo

18、se,consider,declare,elect,feel,find,keep,leave,let,make,name,nominate,prove,see,suppose,vote,ect.aThey appointed John chairman.bA hedge(树篱)between keeps friendship green2).区分双宾语和复合宾语比较:I made John our chairmanI made John a cake判断两种宾语的方法很简单:在宾语后边加上be动词,若能构成完整的句子,则是补足语。比如我们可以说:John is our chairman。说以上

19、句中的our chairman是宾语补足语。无法构成完整的句子,则为直接宾语。比如我们不能说:John is a cake。(约翰是一块蛋糕)所以,a cake 是直接宾语。四类名词从句 在英文中,名词或名词短语主要充当四种成分:主语、宾语、表愈和同位语(见下表一列)。如果我们把句子当作名词来用,分别在另一个句中作主语、宾语、表语和同位语(见下表二列),于是构成了四种从句:主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。因为这四种从句在本质上相当于名词的作用,所以我们把它们统称为名词从句。1.要在陈述句句首加上that 从上述表格我们可以看到,我们并不是把三种句子直接用来作另一句子的某一成分,而是要

20、分别对三种句子稍加修改。 对于陈述句,我们需要在句首加上that,然后把“that+陈述句”这一结构分别放在另一个句子的四种位置即构成四种名词从句。 1)主语从句 把“that+陈述句”这一结构放在主语位置即构成主语从句: That English is difficult is not my idea. That the moon itself does not give off light is common knowledge. 更常见的是用it作形式主语置于句首,而将主语从句放在句末。 It is obvious that he doesnt understand English. I

21、t is common knowledge that the moon itself does not give off light. 因此,下列都是常见的主语从句句型: It is +过去分词+that 从句 Its reported that Its believed that Its generally thought that It should be noted that It has been found that It must be pointed out that 同样可以这么用的动词有:say,expect,know,estimate,forcast,等。It is+形容词

22、+that从句:It is clear thatIt is possible that It is likely that It is natural thatIt is certain thatIt is strange thatIt is fortunate thatIt is necessary thatIt is+名词短语+that从句:a pity,a shame,an honor,a good idea,no wonder,等等。It is a pity thatIt is a fact thatIt is good news thatIt is a good thing that

23、It is no wonder thatIt is a shame thatIt is an honor thatIt is common knowledge thatIt is my belief thatIt is a miracle that2)宾语从句 把“that+陈述句”这一结构放在宾语位置即构成宾语从句:I think (that)you are right.We know (that)the world is round.只有宾语从句中的that才可以省去,主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中that一般不要省去。3)表语从句 把“that+陈述句”这一结构放在表语位置即构成表语从

24、句:My idea is that the child should be sent to school.4)同位语从句 把“that+陈述句”这一结构放在同位语位置即构成同位语从句。所谓同位语,就是用来补充说明名词的成分,当我们用一个完整的陈述句来补充名词时,即构成同位语从句。所以同位语从句都是位于一个名词后边,形式上变构成“名词+that+陈述句”。 He has prepared to prove his theory that two different weights would fall to the ground at the same time.The rumor that T

25、om was a thief turned out to be untrue.注意:同位语从句可能与所修饰的名词被其他成分隔开。They spread the lie everywhere that Tom was guilty of theft.A saying goes that practice makes perfect.2.为什么要加that?首先,that完全是后来在陈述句开头加上去的,因此,that显然不要充当从句任何成分,只起着引导作用。That English is difficult is not my idea.假如我们把that去掉,上句就说成:English.这就话就

26、有两个中心谓语不分:is difficult 和is not my idea。在英文中,句子的核心意思主要是靠谓语部分来表达的,一个句子只表达一个核心意思(因为我们说话要一句一句说),也就只能有一个谓语部分。现在句子有两个谓语部分,势必会造成读者混淆不清,因为他会先读出:English is difficult.可是当他继续往下读时,又出现了is not my idea这个谓语部分。English is difficult is not my idea.为了避免这个混淆,我们在句首加上一个标志that,that一出现就等于是在告诉你说:that后面紧接着的句子是要作为另一个句子的某一个成分来使

27、用,不是我要表达的核心思想。因此,读者读到:That English is difficult对于同位语从句和表语从句,若没有that作标志同样会存在这种意思混淆不清的问题。一般疑问句可分别充当四种句子成分1.一般疑问句要变成特殊陈述句,并且用whether或if来引导。1)主语从句Whether he comes or not makes no difference to me.I dont know if/whether he needs my help. My concern is whether he comes or not.They are faced with the probl

28、em whether they should continue to work.2.if还是whether?1)if一般只用于引导宾语从句,而whether可引导包括宾语从句在内的其他名词从句。a.if he comes or not makes no differenceb.The question is if he will come2)if不和or not 直接连用,即一般不说I or not。但可以说if or not 。而whether没有此限制。a.I dont know if or not he comes。b.I dont know whether or not he comes。特殊疑问句可分别充当四种句子成分1.特殊疑问句变成陈述句语序,而不是倒装语序。aI have no idea when he will returu。bWhy he refused to cooperate with us is still a mystery。2充当四种成分a. September 11,2001 started out as an ordinary day ,but what happened that morning will be f

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