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1、11 Unit 1 Whats the matter?一重点短语 1. have a fever/cough/ cold发烧/咳嗽/感冒 2. have a toothache /stomachache/headache/backache/ nosebleed 牙疼/胃疼/头痛/后背痛/流鼻血3. have a sore back/ throat 背疼/喉咙痛 4. talk too much 说得太多 too many passengers 太多乘客5. drink enough water 喝足够的水 big enough 足够大 6. lie down and rest 躺下来休息7.

2、hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 8. get an X-ray 拍X 光片9. see a dentist 看牙医10. go to a doctor 看医生11. take one s temperature 量体温12. put some medicine on sth. 在上面敷药13. feel very hot 感到很热14. sound like 听起来像15. on the weekend 在周末16. all weekend 整个周末17. in the same way 以同样的方式18. go along 沿着走19. see sb. do/doing

3、sth. 看见某人做/正在做某事20. on the side of the road 在马路边21. shout for help 大声呼救22. without thinking twice 没有多想23. get on/off 上/下车24. have a heart problem 有心脏病25. to one s surprise 使. 惊讶的26. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于27. in/on time 及时/准时28. this/next time 这/下次29. get hit on the head 碰到头30. put her head back 把她的头向后仰31

4、. save a life 挽救生命32. get into trouble 陷入麻烦/苦恼33. right away/ at once 立刻;马上34. because of 由于35. get out of 离开;从出来36. hurt oneself 受伤37. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎38. fall down 摔倒39. feel sick 感到恶心40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖41. be interested in 对 感兴趣42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难43. mountain climbing

5、登山运动44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事45. run out (of) 用完;用尽46. so that 以便47. so. . . that 如此 以至于48. be in control of 掌管;管理49. in a difficult situation 在闲境屮50. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事51. make a decision 做出决定52. take risks 冒险53. give up 放弃54. act quickly 快速行动二重点句型(一) 医生询问病情的常用语句:1. Whats wrong/the m

6、atter (with you)? 你怎么了?Whats your trouble? 你哪里不舒服?When did it start? 从何时开始生病的?2. How are you (feeling) now? 你现在觉得怎么样?Are you feeling better today? 你今天好些了吗?3. Do you feel tired?你觉得疲劳吗? (二) 病人诉说病情的常用语句:1. I dont feel very well. / Im not feeling well. 我感到不舒服。2. I have (got) a headache.我头痛。Theres someth

7、ing wrong with my leg.我的腿有毛病了。3. I feel terrible.我感到很难受。I feel even worse.我感到情况更糟了.4. It began two days ago. 两天前开始的.(三) 处置或提出建议:1) Open your mouth, please. 张开嘴。2) Take this medicine three times a day. 这个药一天吃三次。3) Youd better stay in bed till tomorrow. 最好卧床休息到明天。4) Drink lots of water and have a good

8、 rest. 多喝水,好好休息。5) You should lie down and rest. 卧床多休息。6) You shouldnt eat anything for two hours. 你不应在2小时内吃任何东西。7) See a dentist and get an X-ray. 看牙医8) Take your temperature.9) Put some medicine on the cut. 在伤口上面敷药10) Put a bandage on it. 用绷带包扎11) Put your head back 把你的头向后仰三:1. What s the matter?

9、怎么啦?出什么事情了?【解析】matter/ mt(r) /n.问题;事情 What s the matter with you? = Whats the trouble with you? = What s wrong with you? = Whats up? = What happens to sb.? 你怎么了?【拓展】matter的用法(1) It doesnt matter 没关系 (用来回答别人道歉时的用语)(2) as a matter of fact= in fact 事实上, 实际上2. I have a cold 我感冒了 I have a stomachache 我患胃

10、痛 I have a sore back. 我背痛。【解析1】have a cold 受凉;感冒 have a/an + 疾病名词 “患病” (cold/fever/cough) have a sore throat 患喉咙痛 have a sore back 患背痛 have a fever 发烧 have a cold =catch a cold 患感冒 have a stomachache 患胃痛 have a toothache患牙痛 have a headache 患头痛 have a backache患背痛【解析2】back n 背;背部 at the back of.在.的后面

11、go/come back 返回 give back 归还3. hand n 手 hand in hand 手拉手 V 交给;传递 hand in 上交 hand on 依次传递 hand out 分发4. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. 她昨天说话太多了并且没有喝足够的水。【解析1】too much/too many/much too短语含义用法例句too much太多后接不可数名词There is too much rain these days修饰动词,放在动词之后Watching TV too muc

12、h is bad for your eyes.too many太多后接可数名词复数There are too many things for me to do every day.much too太修饰形容词或副词Its much too cold in winter.( ) Mr. Smith eats _ food, so hes _ fat. A .much too; too much B .too many; much too C. too much; too much D. too much ;much too【2013孝感】Why are you so tired these da

13、ys? Well, I have _ homework to do. A. too much B. too manyC. much tooD. many too 【2013广西玉林】 The meat is _ delicious. Yes, but dont eat _. A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. too much ; much too D. much too; much too【解析2】enough 的用法 (1) adj.足够的,充分的 修饰名词时,可放在名词之前或之后 enough time (2) adv. “足够地

14、, 十分,相当” 修饰adj./adv,放在adj./adv 后 expensive enough (3) be +adj. +enough to do sth be strong enough to carry the box.( ) The boy isnt _ to dress himself. A. old enough B. enough old C. old( ) What do you think of the lecture of Li Yangs Crazy English? I think its _ , but someone thinks its much too _. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful; enough; boring D. enough wonder

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