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The Application of Cognitive Strategies文档格式.docx

1、AbstractVocabulary learning is an important aspect of second language learning. Vocabulary is indispensable to the acquisition and application of a language. It is recognized that the mastery of vocabulary is an essential component of second language and foreign language learning; therefore learners

2、 must develop vocabularies in order to become proficient in a second language or foreign language. Whats more, as the study of learning strategies become more and more hot and deeper. In this paper the author discussed vocabulary learning based on the theoretical cognitive strategies.This paper deve

3、loped in four parts: (1) The importance of vocabulary in second language learning; The significance of L2 Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) (2) Cognitive strategies.(3) Definition of Vocabulary learning strategies in this paper and the application of cognitive strategies to vocabulary learning (4

4、) Conclusion and suggestionKey word:vocabulary learning; vocabulary learning strategies; cognitive strategies1.1Definitions of learning strategiesBefore we come to analysis the vocabulary strategies we should first understand what is learning strategies. Learning strategies refer to methods that stu

5、dents use to learn. This ranges from techniques for improved memory to better studying of test-taking strategies. The definition of learning strategies will directly affect the classification of language learning strategies. Many language learning strategies classification systems have been divided.

6、 The mid-1970s was generally believed to be the starting point of the research on learner strategies when Rubin first, shortly after, Stern presented their studies on the learning strategies of “good” or “successful” L2 learners. Rubin and Stern focused on good learners processes in learning another

7、 language. And later Bialystock (1981), believes that it should be defined in terms of the conception of learning. Her definition is that language learning strategies are “optional means for exploiting available information to improve competence in a second language.” Based on psychological function

8、s, OMalley and Chamot define it as the special thought or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new information. Oxford defines learning strategies as “specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more e

9、ffective, and more transferable to new situations.” Cohen who based on the intent of strategy use refers language learning strategies to the steps or actions consciously selected by learners to improve their learning of a language. It generally deals with the input and how we receive message in ways

10、 of processing, storing and retrieving.1.2 Classifications of leaning strategiesFrom the above definitions we can see the diverse opinions about language learning strategies. This will directly affect the classification of language learning strategies. Many language learning strategies classificatio

11、ns systems have been divided. Based on the study of successful language learners, Rubin classifies language learning strategies into three categories: learning strategies, communication strategies, and social strategies. Bialystocks classification is a linguistically based system dealing with formal

12、 practice, functional practice, monitoring and inferencing. Based on psychological functions, OMalley and Chamot divide language learning strategies into three categories: metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social-affective strategies. Oxford divides language learning strategies int

13、o two main classes, direct and indirect, which are further subdivided into 6 groups: metacongnitve, affective strategies, social strategies, cognitive strategies, memory strategies and compensation strategies. According to Stern, there are five main language learning strategies. They are: management

14、 and planning strategies, cognitive strategies, communicative-experiential strategies, interpersonal strategies and affective strategies. Cohen classifies language learning strategies into strategies in using the language, which is related to separate language skills. In what follows, the typologies

15、 of language learning strategies will be handled in detail, with the focus on some influential classifications. 1.3The importance of vocabulary in second language learningVocabulary learning is an important aspect of second language learning. Vocabulary is indispensable to the acquisition and applic

16、ation of a language. However, it was until 1970s that research into vocabulary learning began to receive attention and gain development in applied linguistics. Just as Wilkins states, that “while without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” McCarthy also

17、states: It is experience of most language teachers that the single, biggest component of and language course is vocabulary. No matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully be sounds of L2 are mastered, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in an L

18、2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way. Laufer also tells us “No text comprehension is possible, either in ones native language or in a foreign language, without understanding the texts vocabulary”. Krashen and Terrell also clearly indicate that “Vocabulary is of prime concern in L2 settings bec

19、ause it plays a dominant role in classroom success.”In sum, vocabulary plays a vital part in all aspects of language learning including listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. It is recognized that the mastery of vocabulary is an essential component of second language and foreign lang

20、uage learning; therefore learners must develop vocabularies in order to become proficient in a second language or foreign language.1.4The significance of L2 Vocabulary learning strategies (VLS)Nation divides English vocabulary into the three groups: high frequency word, low frequency words, and spec

21、ialized vocabulary. High-frequency words are those that occur often in the material we read or listen to. It consists mainly of short words which cannot be broken into meaningful parts. Although low-frequency vocabulary is mage from a much smaller number of word parts, they are very large groups of

22、words which cover a very small proportion of any text, with each word occurring very infrequently. Specialized vocabulary may occur several times within a certain topic or subject area, but they are unlikely to occur in texts outside that subject area.Because of the infrequency of their occurrence i

23、n texts, low-frequency words become hard to learn for language learners, and therefore even harder for second language learners. In this case, it is better to use strategies to deal with these words. Moreover, Willemand and Melvin found that students who have been studying a foreign language, even i

24、f only for a month or so, have most likely developed conscious or unconscious learning strategies to master the material also assumed that learners either consciously or subconsciously adopt some vocabulary learning strategies. Graces suggested that, because students actually do most of their learni

25、ng of new words independently, it makes sense to encourage them to adopt personal plans to expand their vocabulary overtime (Lawson and Hogben)The above statements revealed that it is necessary for L2 learners to adopt VLS in the process of vocabulary acquisition. I will analysis the VLS based on co

26、gnitive strategies.2. Cognitive strategies.OMalley and Chamot divide language learning strategies into three categories: metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social-affective strategies. In this paper I focus on cognitive strategies because it was the most frequently used among the th

27、ree broad categories of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS)2.1 The definition of cognitive strategies:It turns out difficult to define cognitive strategies, partly because terms such as skills, strategies, and processes are used differently by different people. OMalley and Chamot pointed out cognit

28、ive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and they involve more direct manipulation of the learning materials itself.2.2 The classification of cognitive strategiesCognitive strategies can be divided into four subcategories: 1 Memorization; 2. Guessing 3 dictionary use; 4 note taking

29、 1 Memorization strategies can be further divided into 5 subcategies (1) Repetition: imitating a language model, including overt practice and silent rehearsal.(2) Imagery: relating new information to visual concepts in memory via familiar, easily retrievable visualizations, phrases, of locations.(3)

30、 Word formation (4) Grouping: reordering or reclassifying and perhaps labeling the material to be learned based on common attributes.(5) Contextualization: Placing a word or phrase in a meaningful language sequence.2. Guessing 3 dictionary use 4 note taking writing down the main idea, important poin

31、ts, outline, or summary of information presented orally or in writing.3.1 Definition and classification of Vocabulary learning strategies in this paper 3.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary learning strategiesBased on the learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies r

32、efer to both general approaches and specific action or techniques used by a learner to make the vocabulary learning become easier, faster and better. Following we will discussed the application of cognitive strategies to vocabulary learning: 1 Memorization (Imagery) (Grouping) (repetition);3.1.2 The classification of cognitive strategies to vocabulary learning-studied by some famous linguistics (1) Memorization -Imagery Imagery is one of the stra

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