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1、 A、exercise B、exercises ( ) 4、-When do you go to school ?- I usually go to school_ 7:A、in B、on C、at二、问答句连线When do you get up ? I go to school at 7:When do you play sports? I eat breakfast at 6:When do you eat breakfast ? I go home at 4:00 .When do you go to school ? I get up at 5:30 .When do you go

2、home ? I play sports at 6:第三课时一、Read and write “ T ” or “ F ”.Hello, everyone! Im a policeman. My name is Tom. I eat dinner at 7:00 and then I go to work at 9:00 in the evening. I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:00. Then I go to bed. I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. And I play

3、 sports at 3:30 in the afternoon . I like to watch TV and go hiking . I often go hiking on the weekend.( ) 1、Tom is a policeman .( ) 2、Tom goes to work at 9:00 in the morning .( ) 3、Tom likes to go shopping .( ) 4、Tom plays sports at 3:30 in the afternoon .二、Read and choose.( )1、-When do you eat din

4、ner ? -I usually eat dinner _ 6:A、on B、at C、in( ) 2、Thank you for _ me . A、help B、helps C、helping( ) 3、I usually play _ piano . A、a B、the C、/( ) 4、I usually go _ with my sister .A、shop B、shoping C、shopping( ) 5、We have Chinese、English and music_ the morning . 第四课时一、Look and write (看图写出相应的单词或短语)What

5、do you do on the weekend ? Sure .Thank you for telling me . I usually watch TV.What do you do ? I play sports at 2:00p.m.When do you play sports ? Youre welcome .Can I ask you some questions ? Im a policeman .第五课时一、根据首字母填入合适的单词1、I usually do m_ e_ at 7:30 . (晨练)2、I eat d_ at 5:00 in the afternoon .(

6、吃晚饭)3、I often p_ f _ (踢足球). 4、I often p_ the _ (弹钢琴) on the weekend .5、We h_ E_ c_ (上英语课) every day .6、W _ (什么时候) do you go to school ?二、连词成句。1、do you what do the on weekend ?2、play I often football .3、play I the piano usually the on weekend .4、go let us hiking together Sunday next .第六课时一、Fill in th

7、e blanks (填空,首字母已给出)。A: What do you do o_ the weekend ?B: I o_ watch TV and go s_ . Sometimes I go h_ . What about you ? I u_ play the p_ . Sometimes I go h_, too . Great ! Lets go h_ together next Sunday , OK ? OK .二、按要求完成下列各题1、What do you do on the weekend ?(根据实际情况回答)2、When do you usually go to sc

8、hool ? (根据实际情况回答)3、When do you get up ?4、I usually play sports at 4:30 . (对划线部分提问)5、you eat dinner do when usually ? (连词成句)Unit 2 Whats your favourite season ?一、Look and write (看图写出相应的单词).二、Read and choose (选择填空).( )1、-Whats your favourite _ ? - Winter .A、spring B、season C、seasons( ) 2、-Whats the we

9、ather like in_ ? -Its hot .A、 spring B、summer C、fall三、根据汉语写出英文单词(首字母已给出)f (秋天) s (夏天) s (季节)w (哪一个) b (最) s (春天)w (冬天)第二课时一、Read and choose (选择填空).( ) 1、-Which season do you like best ? -_A、I like spring best . B、I can swim in the lake .( ) 2、-Whats the weather like in fall ? -_ A、Its warm and sunny

10、 . B、Its cool and windy .( ) 3、Which season _ you like best ?A、 do B、does C、can( ) 4、Which season_ Tom like best ?二、Read and judge (下面各组单词画线部分读音相同的写“T ”不同的写 “F”).( )1、air chair ( ) 2、 ski speak( ) 3、pear bear ( ) 4、 spell speak一、Form the sentence .1、season which you do like best ?2、winter I like bes

11、t .3、season which does like Mike best ?二、Read and choose. ( ) 1、I can swim_ the sea .( ) 2、Whats the weather like_ fall_ Beijing. A、on on B、on in C、in in ( ) 3、You can plant trees _ spring .( ) 4、_ is your favourite season ?A、When B、What C、Where一、Look and write (看图写出相应的单词或短语).1、I like summer .(对划线部分

12、提问)2、Whats your favourite season ? (同义句)3、Why do you like winter ? (用make a nowman回答)4、Whats the weather like in summer ?5、Which season do you like best ?一、Form the sentence.1、your what is season favourite ?2、do you like why spring ?3、can I because a snowman make .4、season which you do best like ?二、

13、根据答句写出问题.1、A: B:I can swim in the se in summer.2、A:Its warm and sunny in spring .3、A: B: I like fall best .4、A: I can make a snowman in winter .5、A: Because I can fly kites in spring .一、Read and choose. ( ) 1、-Why do you like_ ? -Because I can swim in the lake .A、spring B、summer C、fall( ) 2、-Why do

14、you like spring ? - Because I can fly_. A、kite B、kites( ) 3、-Why do you like _ ? -Because I can make a snowman .A、spring B、summer C、winter( ) 4、When is the _ time to go to Dalian ? -Spring .A、good B、best C、better( ) 5、Its very _ today . Lets go swimming .A、hot B、cold C、cool二、根据汉语写出英语(首字母已给出).s _ (游泳

15、) f _ _ (放风筝) s _ (滑冰)m_ _ _ (堆雪人) b_ (因为) w_ (冬天)w_ (为什么) p_ _ (种树) s _ (睡觉)s_ (春天) s_ (夏天) f _ (秋天)Unit 3 My birthday一、写出下列单词的缩写形式。January February March April August September October November December 二、根据汉语写英语。五月 六月 七月 三、选择填空。( )1. _ is your birthday? A. When B. Where( ) 2. My birthday is _ Jun

16、e. A. on B. in( )1、-When is your birthday ? - My birthday is _March .A、at B、in C、on( ) 2、-When is Childrens Day ? -Its in _ .A、May B、June C、July( ) 3、-When is Tree-planting Day ? - Its in_ .A、July B、March C、August( ) 4、-When is Christmas Day ? -Its in _ .A、October B、November C、December( )5、-When is

17、New years Day ? -Its in _ .A、January B、February C、April二、填入所缺的字母,把单词补充完整。A_g_st M_ rch J_ne d_te N_v_mber b_ _thday Oct_ b_ r D_c _mber J_ nuary J_ly S_ pt_ mber F_ bruary(1)your is when birthday ?(2)my is birthday may in .(3)mothers my is birthday June in .二、Read and judge (下列单词的画线部分读音相同的写“T”不同的写“F

18、”)( )ear hear ( ) deer hear( ) cheap sheep ( ) sheep skip一、写出下列单词的简写形式.first second thirdfourth fifth eighthninth twelfth twentieth 二、把下列问句及答语连接起来.When is your birthday ? No, my birthday is in May .Whats the date ? Its October 1st .Is your birthday in March ? Its September 4th.When is the National D

19、ay ? My birthday is in June.一、Look and answer ( Whats the date ? ).Its . Its . Its .Its . Its . 二、根据汉语填入单词完成句子1、My mothers _ (生日) is in May .2、Whats the_ (日期) today ?3、My birthday is in _ (六月).4、The National Day is October_ (一日).5、My_ (叔叔) Toms birthday is in June .1、what the is date ?2、December is

20、it 25th .3、her birthday is June in .4、it today day is what ?5、birthday my March is 12th .二、Read and choose .( ) 1、_ is your birthday ?A、When B、Who C、when( ) 2、My birthday is _ October .( ) 3、-When is Teachers Day ?A、Its September 10th . B、Its July 10th .( ) 4、Whats the _ ? -July 9th .A、day B、date C、

21、today( )5、-Where is the canteen ? - Its on the _ floor .A、first B、five C、oneUnit 4 What are you doing ?一、Look and write (看图写短语)._ _ _ _ ( ) 1、-What are you_ ? -I am walking .A、do B、doing C、does( ) 2、-What are you doing ? - Im_ the dishes .( ) 3、-What are you doing ? - Im _ pictures .A、draw B、drawing

22、 ( ) 4、-Whats John doing ? _ reading a book .A、Shes B、Hes一、Read and choose.( ) 1、_ are you doing ?A、When B、What C、Why( ) 2、Im_ pictures .A、draw B、to draw C、drawing( ) 3、I _ doing the dishes .A、is B、are C、am( ) 4、_ is cooking dinner .A、 I B、She C、You( ) 5、What _ John doing ?A、 am B、is C、are二、选择合适的字母或

23、字母组合完成单词( )1、dr_ w A、e B、a C、i( )2、d_nn_ r A、i a B、i e C、e i( )3、_nswer A、a B、i C、e( )4、ph_ ne A、o B、a C、i( )5、p_cture A、e B、a C、i1、are you what doing ?2、doing John is dishes the .3、to you I am talking .4、is John what doing ?5、answering phone the is he .二、根据答句写问句.Im doing the dishes .Zhang Peng is r

24、eading a book . John is answering the phone . Im drawing pictures .一、Look and write._ _ _ _ _二、根据所给汉语填入相应的短语完成句子1、I am _ (听音乐) .2、My father is_ (接听电话) .3、Mike is _ (看书) .4、Is your father _ (画画)?5、Her father is_ (写电子邮件) .( )1、Can I speak _ your mom, please ?A、on B、to C、in( ) 2、Mom , theres a call _ you .A、for B、to C、with( ) 3、-What_ she doing ? - Shes_ dinner .A、are /cooking B、is /cook C、is /cooking( ) 4、Im _ music now .A、listens B、listeni

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