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1、(阳光)强烈照射beat it 滚开,走开beat up 痛打,狠揍become of 发生于,使遭遇beg off 反悔,推辞,恳求免除(某种义务)in behalf of sb/ in sbs behalf 为帮助某人on behalf of sb/ on sbs behalf 代表某人;因为某人bring into being 使出现,使存在come into being 出现,形成,成立bend over backward 竭尽全力for the benefit of 为了beside oneself (情绪)失控at best 充其量,至多get/have the best of s

2、th 战胜get/have the better of 战胜,在。中占上风fill the bill 符合要求,适合需要by birth 血统上do ones bit 干分内的事every bit 完全,从头到尾black and blue 遍体鳞伤in black and white 白纸黑字;黑白分明 (at) full blast 最大音量,最大马力blaze a trail 开路先锋,领先on the blink 失灵,出毛病block off (用路障)封锁,封闭block up 塞住,堵住(洞)in cold blood 蓄意而残忍地blot out 遮住,掩盖;有意地忘记(不愉快

3、的记忆)blow sb out 轻易打败 blow sth out 吹灭,熄灭 come to blows (因某事)动手打起来out of the blue 出乎意料,突然,晴天霹雳call ones bluff 要求某人摊派,向某人挑战across the board 全体,整体,全面above board 开诚布公,公开,光明正大boast about= boast of 自夸,吹嘘in the same boat 同处困境boil down (to) 归纳,归结为boil over 煮沸;发怒;(局势,情绪)恶化,爆发a bolt from/out of the blue 晴天霹雳,突

4、如其来的事情have a bone to pick with sb 有理由抱怨或争论make no bones about 开诚布公,坦率直言book in 办理入住手续 book sb in/into sth 为某人预订房间by the book 循规蹈矩,严格遵守章法be bound up in 热衷于,忙于be bound up with 与。密切相关bow out 退出,告别(尤指一度成功的事业)prick sb.s brains 向。请教rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁branch out 拓展(新业务)break away (from) 逃脱;脱离,背叛make a cl

5、ean breast of 彻底坦白take sbs breath away 令人惊叹,使惊羡不已under ones breath 小声说,轻声说brim over(with) 盛满,洋溢bring around/round 使恢复;说服,信服;导向。bring off 完成,做完bristle with 充满,布满brush aside 不理,漠视brush off 刷掉,拂去;不理睬,打发掉brush up 重温,奋起直追buck up 振作起来buckle down 开始认真做,努力于。build in/into 使固定于。;使成为。的组成部分bump into 碰见,偶遇bundle

6、 up 捆扎;裹衣服do a bunk 溜走,悄悄离开burst into 突然发作burst out 突然激动地喊叫;突然开始(做某事)beat around/about the bush 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击get down to business 着手干正事have no business doing sth/to do sth 无权,没有理由not be in the business of doing sth 无意做某事mind your business 少管闲事on business 因公mean business 是认真的butt in 插手,干预;插嘴on the button

7、 准确地,准时地buy off 收买,贿赂by and by 不久,很快by and large 大体上,总的来说by the by/way 顺便a piece of cake 容易做的事carry off 赢得,获得;成功对付carry sth over 继续存在,保持下去,延期carve out 创业,干出一番事业carve up 瓜分cash in on 从。中牟利,捞到好处,靠。赚钱cast about/around for 苦苦思索,四处寻找catch on 理解;流行起来catch out 发觉。错误cater to 满足需要,迎合cater for 满足需要,迎合;承办酒席by

8、any chance 或许,可能chance on/upon 偶然发现,碰巧遇到stand a chance of 有可能成功,有机会获得take a chance(on sth) 冒险in character 符合某人的性格out of character 不符合某人的性格check out 结账离开;查证,核实check up(on) 监督,督促;hold/keep sth in check 控制,制止 chew over 仔细考虑,深思熟虑choke back 忍住,抑制choke up 哽咽lay claim to 声称对。的所有权clamp down(on sb/sth) 严厉打击k

9、eepcompany 陪伴,作伴part company (with) 与。分离,断绝关系be composed of 由。组成in concert 一起,一致in concert with sb/sth 与。合作(同心协力)jump to a conclusion 匆忙下结论out of condition 状态不好,健康不佳in confidence 私下地,秘密地be in sbs confidence 受某人信任,是某人的心腹take into ones confidence 向某人吐露内心秘密,把某人视为知己in conjunction with 与。一起in(all/good) c

10、onscience 公正地,凭良心on ones conscience 使人内疚,使良心不安in consideration of 作为。的报酬 consist in 在于consult(with).about 与。商议contribute to 捐助;投稿to the core 十足的,透顶的around/round the corner 在附近;即将来临cut corners 图省事,走捷径turn the corner 转危为安,脱离危险keep ones own counsel 将意见或计划保密count against 认为对某人不利count down 倒计时count in 把。

11、算入,包括count on/upon sb/sth 依赖,依靠,指望count out 逐一数;不把。算入count up 把。相加by courtesy of 承蒙。的好意;蒙。提供cover for 代替,顶替;为。打掩护cover up 掩盖,掩饰;盖住,遮住take cover 隐蔽crack up 垮掉,崩溃;开始大笑起来crawl with 挤满,爬满to sbs credit 值得赞扬,受尊重crop up (意外)出现,发生cross off/out 划掉,删掉a far cry from 和。相差很远cry out for 迫切需要on cue 恰在此时take ones c

12、ue from 模仿。的样子做,学。的样 off the cuff 即兴地cut across(through) 抄近路cut back/cut down 减少,削减dam up 阻拦,抑制in the dark (about sth) 对某事全然不知dash sth off 仓促写出,草草画成 dawn (up) on sb 使开始明白,渐渐领悟call it a day 结束,到此为止to a/the day 恰好,刚好,一天不差deal with sb 对付,应对;与。做生意 deal with sth 解决,处理;涉及,关于to death 极度,非常be in sbs debt 受某

13、人的恩惠,欠某人的人情债deep down 在内心深处,在心底;事实上,实际上in default of 由于缺乏,因为没有。in defiance of 无视,不顾by degrees 渐渐地take(a) delight in 以。为乐be out of ones depth 非某人所能理解 leave sb to their own devices 自行其是,不加干涉make a/no difference 有(没有)作用,关系,影响dig into 开始津津有味地吃;挤痛,磨痛;探究,探寻dig up 发掘,挖出;发现,搜集a dime a dozen 多得很,不稀罕dip into

14、把手伸进。取东西;浏览,涉猎;提取款项dish it out 数落,指责 dish sth out 大量提供,分发;(食物)分到盘里 dispense with sb/sth 摒弃,省掉at/from a distance 离一段距离;遥远的,久远地in/into the distance 在远处keep sb at a distance 对。冷淡;同。疏远 do away with 杀死,干掉;废除,取消do for sb/sth 毁灭,破坏do up 扣上,绑紧,包起来;修缮,整修double up 弯腰,弓身double up(on sth/with sb) 合用be/go down w

15、ith sth 患。病drag on/out 拖延太久draw on 凭借,利用,动用;渐渐逝去draw up 拟定;停住dream up 凭空想出,虚构出dress up 装扮,装饰;穿上盛装drive at 意指,用意所在drop by/in 顺便来访drop off 打盹儿,小睡;减少,下降drum up 竭力争取支持,兜揽生意dry up 干涸;渐渐减少,枯竭;突然住口;擦干off duty/on duty 下班、上班dwell on/upon 老是想着;细看,凝视,详述on earth (表强调)到底,究竟be on edge 紧张不安,激动to the effect that 大意

16、是,意思是end up 最终成为,最后处于no end 非常,极其on end 竖着;连续地enter on/upon 开始,着手,参与equal to 相等;胜任。,应对。err on the side of sth 过于。of the essence 必不可少,非常重要break even 打个平手;收支平衡even as 正当,恰好在。时候be/get even(with sb) 向某人报复,跟某人算账 in the event 结果,到头来in the event that 如果,在。情况下in the event of 万一,如果。every now and then 常常,不时,有

17、时make an example of 杀一儆百take exception to sth (强烈地)反对,生。的气exert oneself 努力,竭力make an exhibition of oneself 出洋相,当众出丑explain sth away 为。作辩解 in the extreme 极端,非常not see eye to eye with sb (on sth) 与某人看法不一致face up to. 敢于面对,勇于正视in the face of . 在。面前;不顾,即使to ones face 当着某人的面without fail 务必,必定lose faith in

18、 不再信任fall back 后退,撤退;减少,降低fall back on 求助于,借助于fall for sb 爱上 fall for sth 信以为真fall in 集合,列队fall in with 同意,赞成;碰见fall on/upon 袭击,攻击;责任落在。身上fall out (with sb) 与某人争吵,吵架 fall out 掉落;解散fall through 落空,失败fall to doing sth 开始做,干起来fall to sb 责任落在。身上,应由。做take a fancy to 喜欢上,爱上by far。 得多,大大地in so far as 到。程度,

19、在。范围hold fast to 坚持(某种思想);抓紧on the fence 骑墙态度few and far between 稀少,稀疏fit as a fiddle 非常健康play second fiddle to 当二把手,居次要地位figure out 弄懂,弄明白;计算出fill up (with sth) 充满,填满on file 归档be/come under fire 受到攻击;受到严厉批评fish for 旁敲侧击地打听,转弯抹角地谋取fix sth up 修理,装饰;fix sb up 安排,安顿 flake out 疲倦地倒下,睡着flatter oneself 自命

20、不凡flick through 浏览,草草翻阅in the flesh 亲自,本人,活生生地follow through 坚持到底follow up 穷追,把。探究到底fool about/around 闲荡,干蠢事be/come to the fore 变得重要,起重要作用 foul up 搞糟,弄乱make a fuss of/over 关爱备至,过分爱护gain on 逼近,接近gamble away 赌光take a gamble 冒险give the game away 泄露机密,露出马脚gear up (for/to sth) 为。做好准备;促进,增加ginger up 使有活力,

21、使精神be glued to sth 全神贯注看着某物,盯着 with good grace 乐意地,心甘情愿地make the grade 达到标准,符合要求,成功come to grief 惨遭失败;受伤,遭到不幸grin and bear it 默默忍受,逆来顺受grind sth out 大量生成,粗制滥造 come/get to grips with sth 开始理解并着手处理难题gain ground (on sb/sth) 逼近,迫近,追赶;发展,普及get off the ground 顺利开始,开始发生on the grounds of 根据,以。为理由grow on 逐渐为

22、某人所喜爱hate sbs guts 恨之入骨hack into 非法侵入(计算机系统)hack through 披荆斩棘前进hail from 来自,出生于get in sbs hair 烦扰某人,激怒某人,缠着提问等hammer away at sth 努力干,孜孜以求hammer out sth 反复讨论出,充分研究出give a big hand to sb 喝彩hang about/around(with sb) 闲荡,逗留;和某人腻在一起hang on sth 有赖于,取决于;别挂电话;坚持hang on to 抓紧某物;保留,不卖掉hang together 相符,一致;齐心协力

23、handly any 几乎没有,几乎不take through ones hat 吹牛,胡说八道have it in for 跟某人过不去,厌恶above/over ones head 超过某人的理解能力come to a head 事情达到紧要关头,需要当机立断head over heels in love 深深爱着某人,迷恋keep ones head 保持冷静lose sbs head 不知所措from (the bottom of) ones heart 打心眼里;衷心地,真诚地heart and soul 全心全意地in ones heart of hearts 在内心深处set o

24、nes heart on 渴望take heart 重新振作take to heart 对某事感到烦恼,十分介意。to ones hearts content 尽情地,心满意足take heed of=take care of 留意,注意like hell (强调)拼命地,非常;绝不to hell with sb/sth 见鬼去吧neither here nor there 不重要,无关紧要over the hill 人老珠黄的,老而不中用的hinge on/upon (行动、结果)有赖于,取决于hit on/upon 突然有个好主意,偶然想到妙点子bring home to 使某人了解某事的

25、重要性do the honors 履行社交责任,执行礼仪on/upon ones honor 以人格担保hook up 钩住;接通get (sb) off the hook 使摆脱困境hope against hope (that.) 对某事依旧抱有一丝希望on the hour 准时地bring the house down 博得满堂喝彩keep house 操持家务on the house (酒吧或饭店)免费提供的hunt down 追捕(某人)hunt for 搜寻;追捕be in for 即将经历,即将遭受in that 原因是,因为every inch 整体,全部;完全地inform

26、 sb/oneself of/about 通知;了解,熟悉to/for all the intents(and purposes) 几乎完全,差不多等于in the interest of 为了,为帮助(或取得)in the interim 在。期间at intervals 不时iron out 熨平;解决问题(all)by itself (完全)自动;独自,孤零零地 in itself 本身,本质上jog sbs memory 唤起某人的记忆get the jump on 抢在。之前just about 几乎,差不多,大概bring sb to justice 将。绳之以法,缉拿归案kick

27、 about/around 粗暴对待;非正式谈论,随便谈谈kick off 开始;踢开kick up 扬起尘埃;越来越强in kind 以实物支付;以同样的方法of a kind 不怎么样,徒有其名;同类的bring sth to its knees 摧毁某物,使瘫痪knock about/around 虐待;厮混;漫游knock off 下班,收工knock sth off 减价,降价;迅速而轻松地完成knock out =knock down 打倒,击倒;淘汰出局;使倾倒know better than 明白事理,不至于糊涂到to ones knowledge 据某人所知lap sth up 乐于接受;喝光lash out (at) 狠打,痛打laugh sth off 一笑置之,付之一笑 leaf through 浏览,迅速翻阅by/in leaps

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