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1、八年级英语unit4知识点总结I. Phrases1. Think about = think of 考虑,思考 2.share.with.与.分享;和.共用3. Cover.with.用.覆盖. covered with.被.覆盖5. Die out 灭绝,灭亡 6.die of 死于内因7. Die from 死于外因 danger 处于危险状态9. Lose ones life/lives失去生命 10.lose ones home/job失去家园/工作11. Run out of.跑出.外 12.protect .from.保护.免受.的伤害13. Stay /ke

2、ep calm 保持冷静 14.get/stay away from.远离.15. And so on 等等 with sb.和.聊天17. Make it into use将其投入使用 e into being形成,产生19. Look like看起来像. 20.all kinds of 各种各样21. Different kinds of 不同种类 22.make friends with sb. 和.交朋友23. For the better/worse向着较好/坏的方向(转变) in the countryside农村生活25. The fattest

3、of. 在.中最胖 26.thousands and thousands of.千千万万的.27. Feed on 以.为食 28.fall down 倒塌29. The level of the earthquake 震级 30.turn on/off 打开/关上31. Turn up/down 把.调大/调小 32.rebuild ones home 重建家园33. Play an important part in.在.中扮演重要角色34. Southwest China = the southwest of China35. With the help of sb. = with on

4、es help 在.的帮助下 36.return to normal life回到正常的生活37.on the Internet 在网上 38.through the Internet 通过因特网39. Shop online 网上购物 do = use .for doing. 用.干. 41.Face to face面对面;hand in hand手拉手;neck and neck齐头并进;back to back背靠背 number 在数量上II.sentences1. The countryside is much quieter than the cit

5、y. 农村比城市更安静。 形容词和副词的比较级前可以用much, a little, even, far来修饰,不能修饰比较级的词有 so,too,very,many,more 等,in the countryside 在乡村 in the city 在城市 in the suburbs 在郊区 2. As we know, they are both important to us.正如我们所知,他们对我们都很重要。3. Why do you think so?你为什么这样认为?4. We share the same world with them.我们和他们共同拥有同一个世界。5. Ho

6、w can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?我们如何在地震中保护自己?6. Computer is the most useful of the three.电脑是这三个中最有用的。7. The most important thing is to stay calm.最重要的事是保持冷静。8. A terrible earthquake hit Qinghai. 一场可怕的地震发生在青海。9. When did it come into being?它什么时候产生的呢?10. Im not sure if /whether it is a g

7、ood idea to shop online. 我不确信网上购物是否好。11. What did it look like?它看起来怎么样?12. It is becoming an important part of our lives.它正成为我们生活中重要一部分。13. Get money by cheating.通过欺骗获取钱财。14. Guess what?你猜怎么着?15. Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁 the sky 在天上 【例 2】(10 年西宁中考)Can you see the kite flying_ the sky?

8、Its so high A on Bin Cwith Dto III.grammar1. That must be fun! Must 用来表示猜测可能性,比may 表示的可能性大。表示不可能不用mustnt/may not,而用cant。Eg. He cant be in Hulunbeir. 2.形容词比较级 含义:形容词有三个比较等级:原级(原形);比较级(表示更.一些,较.);最高级(表示最.)。表示两者之间比较时,用比较级,表示三者或三者以上中“最.”时,用最高级。最高级在句子中,前加“the”。注意:1)同级比较用“as+形容词或副词原形+as” ,否定句中用“ not + soa

9、s+形容词或副词原形 +as” 。egHe is as old as my brother 2)比较级+and+比较级”或“more and more+多音节词原形” ,表示“越来越” 。 egWinter is coming, it is getting colder and colder 3)“the+比较级,the+比较级, ”指“越.越.” 。egThe more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make 4)“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最.之一” 。整个作主语时,谓语用 单数,表示“最.之一” 。eg

10、Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world. 【例 20】(10 年厦门中考)The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us_ Acloser Bbigger Cfarther 【例 21】What a mess! We really dont know how to deal with the matterIt got even_. Abetter Bbest Cworst Dworse 【例 22】(10 年上海中考)Listening is

11、 just as_ as speaking in language learning Aimportant Bmore important Cthe most important 规则变化:1)一般在词尾+er, 发音/;或+ est ,发音/st/. eg. great - greater - greatest2) 以字母e 结尾 + r 或 st。 Eg. brave - braver - bravest3) 以辅音字母+ y 结尾,将y变i+ er或est。 Eg. happy - happier - happiest4) 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母,再+ e

12、r或est。 Eg. fat - fatter - fattest5) 多音节和部分双音节前 + more 或 most。Eg. more interesting/most interesting 不规则变化:1)good/well - better - best; 2)bad/ill - worse - worst; 3)many/much - more - most; 4) little - less - least; 5) far - farther/further - farthest/furthest3. share.with.与.分享;和.共用4. Thousands and th

13、ousands of.成千上万的. 表示不确定数目时,million,thousand,hundred 后面+ s + of 表示确定数目时,数字+million/thousand/hundred【例 13】 年福州中考)On National Day, _ _ (成千上万)people go to Tiananmen Square and watch the national flag go up5. another“又一,再一,另一(人或事物)” 1)another + 可数名词单数 2)another + 数字 + 复数名词 = 数字 + more + 复数名词Eg. Please pass me another apple. We need another three students to clean the room. = We need three more students to clean the room.我们需要另外三名学生打扫房间。6. Remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 Remember doing sth. 记得做了某事 Forget to d

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