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届高三英语人教版总复习课时作业41 Word版含答案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、2What were the people asked to do in the study?ATo make a face at each other. BTo get their faces impressive. CTo classify some face pictures. DTo observe the researchers faces. 3What can be the best title for the passage?AThe Eye as the Window to the Soul.BCultural Differences in Reading Emotions.C

2、Effective Methods to Develop Social Skills.DHow to Increase Crosscultural Understanding.4In comparison with Westerners, Easterners are likely to _.Ado translation more successfullyBstudy the mouth more frequentlyCexamine the eyes more attentivelyDread facial expressions more correctly答案与解析由于东西方文化的差异

3、,人们在观察面部表情时也是有差别的。1A细节理解题。根据第二段“Rachael Jack, University of Glasgow researcher, said that rather than scanning evenly(均匀的) across a face as Westerners do, Easterners fix their attention on the eyes.”可知,西方人是均匀地观察一张脸,而东方人主要是注意眼睛,故选A。2C细节理解题。根据第五段中的“.while they observed pictures of expressive faces and

4、 put them into categories.”可知,他们观察面部表情的图片并分类,故选C。3B主旨大意题。本文讲述了东西方人在观察面部表情时的区别,这是东西方文化不同的结果,故选B。4C细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段开头第一句可知答案应为C。.完形填空贵州省凯里市第一中学月考)Gary and Charlie lived in the same town. They _1_ in the same class. Gray was tall and strong and ran faster. He was one of the _2_ in their school. But his f

5、riend Charlie was thin and spent _3_ time on sports. Gray was _4_ in his lessons because he wasnt so _5_ as Charlie. And Charlie often helped him with his lessons.The war _6_ as soon as the two young men finished middle school. They both _7_ the army and soon they were sent to the front (前线). Now Gr

6、ay often _8_ Charlie. And the young man thanked his friend very much.The officer wanted to get the Germans _9_. He sent soldiers to go to the enemys rear area (敌后). But they were captured (俘虏). He had to _10_ the second group, then the third. But they were all missing._11_ of the soldiers would do i

7、t. At last the officer _12_ any soldier _13_ could capture a German would be rewarded(奖赏) 200 dollars. Gray always _14_ to get rich and asked to do it with Charlie. They walked_15_ the forest, crossed the rivers and reached the village where the Germans stayed. They found there were the enemy soldie

8、rs everywhere. They had to stay in a broken house until _16_ fell. But they were so tired that _17_ they were both _18_.At midnight Gray heard some noise.He _19_ at once and found there scores of Germans around the house.He woke Charlie up at once and said _20_,“Well soon get rich!”1A.worked Bstudie

9、d Clived Dplayed2A.fighters Bpolicemen Cathletes Dactors3A.little Ba little Cfew Da few4A.well BgoodCweak BpoliteCfriendly Dclever6A.broke out Bhurried off Cfound out Dput out7A.went to Bescaped from Cjoined Dtook part in8A.saved BhelpedCbeat Bnewspapers Cbooks Dinformat

10、ion10A.take BbringCsend Dask11A.All BNoneCBoth DNeither12A.promised Bguessed Cthought Dordered13A.what BwhoC/ Dwhich14A.prepared Bplanned Cadvised Dhoped15A.through Bacross Ccrossing Dpast16A.the sun Bthe moon Cnight Ddawn17A.before a time Blong ago Clong before Dbefore long18A.asleep BaliveCalone D

11、afraid19A.lay down Bsat down Cstood up Dturned off20A.angrily Bexcitedly Ccarefully Dcarelessly本文是一篇记叙文。记叙了从小一起读书后来一起参军战斗的Gray和Charlie,他们两人各有特色,Gray高大威猛而且贪财,Charlie瘦小但聪明。1B考查动词。句意:他们在同一个班级学习,故选B。2C考查名词。根据前文“Gray was tall and strong and ran faster.”Gray高大威猛而且跑的快,可知此处他是校田径运动员之一,故选C。3A考查形容词。但是他的朋友Charl

12、ie瘦小且花费很少的时间在体育上,故选A。4C考查形容词。根据后文“Charlie often helped him with his lessons.”Charlie 经常帮助他学习,说明Gray在学习方面是差的,故选C。5D考查形容词。Gray学习差因为他没有Charlie聪明,故选D。6A考查动词短语。根据后文“They both joined the army and soon they were sent to the front (前线). ”他们参军被派往前线,说明战争爆发,故选A。7C考查动词。前文说战争爆发,所以此处是他们两个都参军了,故选C。8B考查动词。现在Gray经常帮

13、助Charlie,故选B。9D考查名词。根据后文“He sent soldiers to go to the enemys rear area (敌后)”长官派士兵到敌后方,故此处为想得到德国人的一些情报,故选D。10C考查动词。他不得不派遣第二组,前文中的 sent为原词复现,故选C。11B考查代词。根据前文“But they were all missing.”他们所有的人都消失了,所以此处为他们没有一个人完成任务,故选B。12A考查动词。最后长官承诺任何征服一名德国士兵的人将会得到200美元的奖赏,故选A。13B考查连词。此处为who引导的定语从句,故选B。14D考查动词。Gray 希望

14、变得富有并要求和Charlie一起做,故选D。15A考查介词。根据后文“crossed the rivers and reached the village where the Germans stayed. ”可知此处为他们步行通过森林,故选A。16C考查名词。前文“They found there were the enemy soldiers everywhere.”他们发现到处是敌人,所以此处他们只能等到夜晚行动,故选 C。17D考查连词。他们是如此的累以至于他们不久后就入睡了,故选D。18A考查形容词。前文说他们很累,所以此处应该为入睡,故选A。19C考查动词短语。午夜时刻,Gray

15、听到一些噪音,他立刻站起来,故选C。20B考查副词。他立刻叫醒Charlie,兴奋地说:“我们就要变富了”,故选 B。.语法填空湖南省岳阳县第一中学质检)APEC, _1_ (establish) in 1989, is short _2_ AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation. In January 1989, Australian Prime Minister raised the proposal during his visit to Seoul, Republic of Korea. After consultations (咨询会) with relev

16、ant countries, the first ministerial (部长级的) meeting _3_ (hold) in Canberra, Australia from 6 to 7 November 1989.APEC, _4_ goal is to advance AsiaPacific economic development, is working hard to meet the demands of growing interdependence among AsiaPacific countries. More _5_ (importance), the purpos

17、e of APEC meeting is to promote free trade and cooperation and to _6_ (strength) an open multilateral (多边的) trading system. The activities of APEC cover the promotion of _7_ (region) trade, investment, finance, human resources development and technology transfer. APEC has 21 member countries so far.

18、Cooperation among APECs members is governed by the principle of equal respect for the views of all participants, and it is because of this principle _8_ “mutual (相互的) respect and mutual benefit” becomes its consensus.This year marks _9_ 25th anniversary of APEC, and _10_ the host of APEC this year,

19、China is confident about the upcoming APEC leadership summit.本文介绍了亚太经合组织。1established考查非谓语动词。此处用插入语表示建立年份,用过去分词表示被动,故填established。2for考查介词。be short for 是的简称;是的缩写;是AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation的缩写,故填for。3was held 考查被动语态。会议在堪培拉举行,会议是被举行的,故填was held。4whose考查定语从句。 此处的先行词是APEC,用whose引导,指的是亚太经合组织的目标,故填

20、whose。 5importantly/important考查固定用法。句意上都是表达“更加重要地是”。不同点在于,importantly 是副词,more importantly是“重要性”副词的比较级;而important是形容词,more important是“重要性”形容词的比较级,副词及副词的比较级可以放句首表强调,故填importantly/important皆可。6strengthen考查句意理解。根据前边to promote可知,此处与前文的to promote并列,应该用一样的动词形式,故填strengthen。7regional考查形容词。此处修饰后面的名词,应该用形容词形

21、式,故填regional。8that考查强调句式。强调句式结构为It is/was.that.,故填that。9the考查冠词。此处表示的是第25周年,表示特指,故填the。10as考查连词。用as表示作为,作为今年会议的东道主。.短文改错湖南省衡阳市第八中学月考)Have you ever had a headache during a test? Have you ever been too worried about something that you have a headache or even cant sleep at night? If so, then you know t

22、hat stress is.Not all stress is bad for you. Some kinds of stress can help you get things do better, like when you are running towards the finishing line or when you are being asked to give a speech to your class. Stress sometimes can help push you to make full preparation for a test. However, too m

23、uch stress can result in anger, depression and other related problems, which we need to take serious.There are many things in our life what might cause stresshaving too much homework, taking a difficult test, and having economic problems.Its impossible to live a life completely free of stress, so you should learn to deal with stress. The best way reduce stress is to have a balance life. If you get enough sleep, eat properly,

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