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七篇 中考初三英语 完形填空15个空题型 有答案文档格式.docx

1、9. A. me B. you C. my mother D. my son10. A. true B. hard C. cool D. fair11. A. greets B. doubts C. meets D. knows12. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated13. A. emptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier14. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe15. A. changed B. affected C. discovered D. encouraged参考答案与

2、解析:1.A。由第2空后面的the beautiful flowers可以推出该空应填flowers。2.C。本文以老人花园里的野花为题材,因此该空应填garden。3.D。该空表示“如果”,因此应填if。4.A。由下文You cant see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“瞎的”,因此应填blind。5.C。由You cant see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“为什么”,因此应填Why。6.B。下文介绍老人每天照料花的原因,因此该空应填reasons。7.A。该空表示“尽管”,因此应直although引导让步状语从句。8.C。由上文的First, Seco


4、给周围的人带来快乐。文章第1空的flowers、第4空的blind、第7空的although、第9空的you、第12空的pleased、第13空的happier、第14空的hear、第15空的encouraged均是直接体现主题的答案,可见读懂情感性记叙文,弄清其教育意义对推断文章未知信息很有好处。二Agatha Christic would never forget the night when she met a robber (抢劫者) many years ago.That evening, she went to a birthday party which 1 until two

5、oclock in the morning. Agatha walked in the 2 street alone. Suddenly from the back of a dark 3 a tall man with a sharp knife in his right hand ran out at her. “Good 4 , lady,” the man said in a low voice. “I dont think you wish to 5 here!” “What do you want?” “Your earrings. Take them off!Agatha sud

6、denly had a 6 idea. She tried to cover her necklace with the collar (衣领) of her overcoat while she used 7 hand to take off both of her earrings and then quickly 8 them on the ground.“Take them and let me go,” she said. The robber thought that the girl didnt like the earrings at all, only trying to 9

7、 the necklace. It would cost 10 , so he said, “Give me your necklace.”“Oh, sir. It doesnt 11 much. Please let me wear it.”“Im not that 12 , Quick!With shaking 13 . Agatha took off her necklace. As soon as the robber left, she picked up her earrings and ran as 14 as she could to one of her friends.Th

8、e earrings cost 480 pounds and the necklace the robber had taken away cost 15 six pounds.1. A. ended B. stayed C. stopped D. lasted2. A. busy B. quiet C. noisy D. wide3. A. part B. block C. building D. street4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night5. A. die B. escape C. fight D. stay6. A. funn

9、y B. safe C. brave D. bright7. A. other B. others C. the other D. another8. A. handed B. threw C. passed D. put9. A. own B. keep C. have D. protect10. A. cheap B. expensive C. more D. less11. A. weigh B. take C. spend D. cost12. A. afraid B. angry C. silly D. bad13. A. hands B. feet C. head D. body1

10、4. A. much B. early C. carefully D. fast15. A. really B. already C. only D. hardly1.D。until two oclock in the morning暗示该空表示“持续”,因此应填lasted。2.B。由常识可知,凌晨两点街上行人稀少,店铺也未开门,非常安静,因此该空应填quiet。3.C。突然从一幢黑房子的后面一个右手拿着一把锋利刀子的高个子男子朝她冲了过去。由第1空后面的two oclock in the morning可以推出该空应填morning。5.A。由语境逻辑可知,抢劫犯手里拿着一把锋利的刀子是想

11、以被抢者不听话就将其杀死为威胁进行抢劫,因此该空应填die。6.D。由下文Agatha的机智行为可以推出她想出的是一个聪明的主意,因此该空应填bright。7.C。此处指两只手中的另一只手,因此该空应填the other。8.B。quickly与on the ground暗示该空表示“扔”,因此应填threw。由第6空后面的tried to cover her necklace with the collar of her overcoat可以推出该空表示“保留”,因此应填keep。10.C。抢劫犯认为Agatha想留下项链说明其值钱更多,因此该空应填more。由It与much之间的逻辑关系可

12、以推出该空表示“值”,因此应填cost。我可没那么傻。13.A。Agatha假装用颤抖的双手摘下了项链。14.D。抢劫犯一离开,她拾起耳环,尽可能快地跑向一个朋友。15.C。此处强调项链值钱少,因此应填only。本文是一篇惊险的记叙文,介绍了一个勇敢聪明的女子智斗抢劫犯的故事,表明面对抢劫犯只要善于用脑是可以减少损失的,第6空的bright、第8空的threw、第13空的hands、第14空的fast、第15空的only充分表明了这一点。文章情节曲折,紧张惊险,第2空的quiet、第5空的die就充分体现了这一点。5:三A Chinese student went to England to

13、study by plane. His name was Sun. It is spelt S-U-N just 1 the word “sun”, the sun in the sky, is spelt.England is a country with 2 weather. It is often cloudy and rainy, so the people there dont get 3 sunlight (阳光) in the year. When 4 Chinese student arrived at 5 Airport, a tall English policeman o

14、pened his 6 to check the visa (签证). The policeman was 7 to find the Chinese name “sun” in the passport. He thought it was pronounced just 8 the English word “sun”. So he said to the student, “I see your name is Sun. You are 9 here.”The Chinese student felt 10 . So he asked the policeman, “Is there a

15、nything wrong with my passport of visa? Do I have to 11 to my country?” “What?” shouted the policeman. “No, well never let you go away.”The Chinese student was worried by now. He thought he was going to be arrested (逮捕). He was sure 12 he had been in trouble. 13 he wondered whether he had broken the

16、 British (英国的) law. So he asked the policeman again. “What happened? What have I done?It was then that the policeman began to 14 . He said, “You dont know what you have done, Mr Sun? You 15 sunlight to England! So we dont want you to go away.”1. A. why B. how C. when2. A. bad B. nice C. dry3. A. a l

17、ot B. many C. much4. A. an B. the C. a5. A. London B. Paris C. Tokyo6. A. book B. passport C. pocket7. A. scared B. bored C. interested8. A. like B. by C. with9. A. trained B. wanted C. refused10. A. surprised B. satisfied C. pleased11. A. go over B. go on C. go back12. A. to B. that C. of13. A. But

18、 B. Till C. Or14. A. complain B. smile C. discuss15. A. brought B. would bring C. have brought1.B。它的拼写正如单词“sun”天空中的太阳,拼写方式一样。2.A。由下文often cloudy and rainy可以推出英国的气候不好,因此该空应填bad。该空表示“多”且修饰不可数名词,因此应填much。4.B。此处指的中国学生是第二次出现,表示特指,因此该空应填the。由上文两次出现的England可以推出该空应填London。由常识可知,要检查签证必须打开护照,因此该空应填passport。看到

19、一个中国人跟天空中的太阳有一样的名字,这个英国警察感到很有趣,因此该空应填interested。8.A。他以为这个中国学生名字的发音就象英语单词“sun”的发音,所以该空应填like。我看见你的名字跟太阳一样,所以我们要你留在这儿。听到这个英国警察要他留在那儿,这个中国学生感到很惊讶。11.C。由to my country可以推出该空表示“回到”,因此应填go back。12.B。he had been in trouble意义已经完整,因此该空应填无义连词that。该空表示转折性逻辑关系,因此应填But。由下文警察讲话的愉快幽默口吻可以推出其讲话时带着微笑,因此该空应填smile。该空表示“

20、已经把(阳光)带来”,因此应填have brought。本文是一篇有趣的英文故事,介绍有一个叫Sun的中国学生到英国留学时,机场的警察发现他和太阳有一样的名字,于是叫他留在那儿。这个学生以为警察要逮捕他,便询问原因。警察微笑着说英国缺少阳光,而他给英国带来了阳光,所以得呆在那儿。文章惊险刺激但生动有趣。趣味故事往往有独特的有趣之处,对这种特独趣味之处的正确理解是解题关键。理解本文就必须懂得主人公叫Sun,与太阳同名。因为英国多雨,缺少阳光,因此当Sun来到英国时一个警察开玩笑说要将他留下。四Chinese are very generous (慷慨的) when it comes to edu

21、cating their children. Not caring about the 1 , parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroadto England, the USA or Australia. The Chinese 2 that the more expensive the education is, the better it is. 3 parents will spend a lot of money on their childrens education. Even 4 par

22、ents will buy a computer for their son or daughter. Though theyre not rich, they would rather pay for the education.Parents can 5 that their childrens skills are different, skilled (有技能的) in some areas while poor in others. But most 6 fail to realize that the children today need more self-confidence

23、.The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to 7 tests and how to study well, but they are not teaching them the most important skills that they need. And these skills are important to help them to be 8 , happy and clever.Parents can achieve this 9 teaching their children t

24、he skills like cooking or doing other housework.Teaching a child to cook will 10 many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It is an interesting but difficult experience. A good cook 11 tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and graduall

25、y finish 12 job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will make him 13 good and give him a lot of self-confidence.Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play 14 , will make him interested and want to know more. He will spend hours studying them and

26、trying to fix them. Your child might become an engineer when he 15 . These activities are teaching a child not only to study at school, but also to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.1. A. money B. education C. children2. A. compare B. believe C. disagree3. A. Or B. So C. But4. A. old B. rich C. poor5. A. see B. hope C. allow6. A. sons B. daughters C. parents7. A. discuss B. pass C. give8. A. educational B. different C. confident9. A. before B. by C. of10. A. improve B. choose C. miss11. A. sometimes B. always C.

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