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1、我头痛,一定出了些毛病。11. I went to the hospital for a check-up this morning.今天早上我到医院去做了一次检查。12. How about your appetite today?今天你的胃口怎么样?13. The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.医生给我做了X光胸透并且量了我的血压。14. The doctor wanted me to take these pills every six hours.医生要我每6个小时服一次药片。15. Do you thi

2、nk the patient can be cured?您认为这个病人能治好吗?16. My father had a heart attack last night.我父亲昨天晚上心脏病发作了。17. Well give you an injection to bring down the temperature.我们将给您注射以便您的体温降下来。18. Take the pills twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.每日服两次药片,早、晚各一次。19. It is better to treat your co

3、ndition with Massage treatment.用按摩疗法治您的病效果较好。20. Massage treatment is effective for many symptoms of illnesses.按摩治疗对许多病症都有效。21. Do you have any palpitations?您有心悸现象?22. Let me examine you.让我给您检查一下。23. Where is your injury?您伤在哪了?24. Its swollen and rather painful.肿了并且很疼。25. Its not broken, but just a

4、sprain.没有骨折,只是扭伤。26. The pain and swelling will be alleviated.疼痛和肿胀会缓解。27. Does the pain spread to any other area?疼痛放射到其他地方吗?28. Do you have fever?您发烧吗?29. Do you feel nauseous?您恶心吗?30. When did the pain start?什么时候开始疼的?31. It could be a slight sprain.可能是轻微的扭伤。32. Let me take your temperature/blood p

5、ressure.让我给您量一下体温/血压。33. Let me look at your tongue.让我看一下您的舌头。34. Could you give me an examination?能给我做个检查吗?35. I had a heavy cough last night.我昨晚咳得很厉害。36. I feel feverish.我有点儿发烧。37. I have been sneezing all day.我打了一天喷嚏。38. I have a stuffed-up nose.我鼻子不通气。39. I feel pain on the back/in the tummy.我感觉

6、背疼/肚子疼。40. I cant lift my left arm.我的左臂举不起来了。41. We provide guests with a free bathing gown and slippers.我们为顾客提供免费的浴衣和浴鞋。42. During the course of the massage, you may experience some pain, numbness and distension. This is normal.在按摩中,你会有痛、麻和胀的感觉,这都是正常的。43. Does it painful?疼不疼?44. The force is too he

7、avy. I cant bear it.力度太大了,我承受不了。45. A message should not be performed within two hours after a meal.饭后两小时内不能做按摩。46. Never begin to massage with cold hands until they are warm after rubbing each other.不要用凉手做按摩,应先把双手摩擦变热。47. After an hours foot massage, you will feel your feet become much warmer than

8、ever, and you will be healthier all over.经过1小时的足底按摩,您会感觉脚比以前温暖许多,并且会增强您的体质。48. Generally, foot massage starts from the toes to the sole, from the left foot to the right one.通常来说,足底按摩是从脚趾到脚板,从左脚到右脚。49. How long will the massage take?按摩要用多长时间?50. Please relax, close your eyes and breathe calmly.请放松,闭上

9、眼睛并慢慢呼吸。51.Id like to have a facial massage. How much do you charge? 我做想一下面部按摩,你们怎么收费?52.Let me hang up your coat .Please lie down on this bed. 我帮你把外衣挂上。请趟在这张床上。53.Please close your eyes and relax . 请闭上眼睛,尽量放松。54.I always feel my eyes are distending. 我总是感觉眼睛发胀。55.Course of treatment ,once a day ,6 t

10、imes a course ;with an interval of 35 days between two courses. 疗程:每日一次,6次一疗程。两个疗程之间隔三到五天。56.Flatly push the neck and back till they become penetratedly hot. 平推颈、背部、以热深透为度。57.Do you have a message here in the hotel? 宾馆里有按摩服务吗?58.Please give me a body message. 请给我做一个全身按摩。59.The healthy care center is

11、 open from 6:00a.m to 11:00 p.m every day. 保健中心每天早晨6:00到晚上11:00 开放。60.Chinese message treatment is extremely good for tired joints. 中医按摩对疲劳的关节很有好处。61.Acupuncture is a heritage and development of Traditional Chinese medicine.It has a history of more than two thousands of years. 针灸是中医的一个继承和发展,它有两千多年的历

12、史。62.To strengthen the body resistance and eliminate pathogenic factors. 扶正祛邪。63.Chinese massage is accepted and has become of more and more popular in the world, just for itsa safe ,effective ,comfortable,harmless,and non-side-effect therapy. 在世界范围内,中医推拿被接受并越来越受欢迎,正是因为它的安全、有效 、舒适、无害和无副作用的治疗特点。64.I

13、am tired all the time .My whole body is weak. 我只是疲乏无力,浑身无力。65.Do you have a cough? 您咳嗽吗?66Are you short of breath? 您有呼吸气短的现象吗?67.How about your appetite? 您的胃口怎么样?68.I fell down from the ladder and twisted my ankle.Its swollen and rather painful. 我从梯子上摔下来扭伤了脚踝,它肿起来了,很痛。69.Theres nothing serious .Its

14、not a broken ,but just a sprain. 问题不大,没有骨折,只wode是扭伤。70.I have a serious stomachache .I can not eat anything. 我的肚子很痛。疼得吃不下东西。71.Could you tell me exactly where the pain is ,the upper part or the lower part ?Right or left? 告诉我具体的疼痛位置,是上腹部还是下腹部?右侧还是左侧?72.What kind of pain it is?Is it fixed or moving? 是

15、哪种痛?是在一个部位place.,还是会移动?73.It (the pain) doesnt move ,but stays in the same . 疼痛不移动,而是固定在一个位置。74.Is the pain constant? 疼痛持续不断吗?75.No,it comes and goes. 不是,时有时无。76.Have you had it before? 以前发作过吗?77.Have you had any head injures? 以前头部受过伤吗?78.Could you describe the problem exactly? 能否描述得具体一些?79.I think

16、you have got a fever .Have you taken your temperature? 我想您是发烧了,您量过体温吗80.Youd better get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. 您最好多休息,多喝水。81.Could you tell us something about self-massage ? 您能告诉我们一些自我按摩的方法吗?82.Sure.Speaking of self-massage,I can introduce you a simple form of self-massage? 当然。提到自我按

17、摩,我可以给您介绍一种简单的自我按摩方法腹部按摩。83.Please look at me and follow what I do.You may do the exercises in either sitting or lying position.In the sitting posture,hold your trunk upright. 请看着我并跟我学。练习时可以采取站姿或坐姿。坐着的时候躯干要挺直。84.Rub around your navel clockwise 18 times. 顺时针按摩肚脐周围18次。85.How are you feeling now? 您现在感觉

18、得怎样?86.You need an injection. 您需要打针。87.Dont overdo things.Have a good rest.不要过度劳累,好好休息。88.Dont worry.Its quite a common condition and should clear up in a few days. 不要担心。这是常见病,没几天就会好的。89.Im glad your feet have responded to the treatment . 我很高兴治疗对您的脚有效。90.Please keep still for a moment . 请保持这个姿势一会。91

19、.This will not hurt you. 不会弄疼你的。92.please lie on the tummy. 请趴在床上。93.please turn over and lie on the back. 请翻身,仰卧。94.Roll over onto the left/right side. 请左侧/右侧卧。95.Dont hurry, take your time. 不要着急,慢慢来。96.OK. You can close your eyes and take a nap. 好的。您可以闭上眼睛,好好睡一觉。97.Your pulse is uneven. I think al

20、l the problems are caused by the cold. 您的脉搏不稳,我想这些问题都是由感冒引起的。98.Manipulation used in the message can be classified into two categories: those promoting the circulation of qi and blood, and those smoothing the meridians and collateral. 按摩的手法可以归为两类:一类是促进气和血液循环,一类是缓和气和血液循环。99.Ill keep up with this pressure. If you feel any pain, just ask me to stop. I can help you judge if you have any problems. 我会保持这个力量,如果您感到什么地方特别疼,请要我停下来。我可以帮您判断有什么病。100.Could you feel my pulse and see if Im all right? 您能帮我把把脉,看看我是否正常吗?

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