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1、符合相同的技术条件,并由同一制造商生产的已经接受的批次或炉次焊接材料,在不关注不同的材料组合会对所产生的焊接金属形成不利的质量影响的情况下,可以互换。C12.6.1.1 Exemptions. Filler metal manufacturersthat produce filler metal products under a continuingquality assurance program, audited and approved by oneor more of the agencies described in, haveproven that their q

2、uality is consistent, and may providestandard products that are not required to be heat or lottested. Certified copies of compliance by the auditingagency is adequate to verify conformance with this section.C12.6.1.1 免除试验: 如果填充金属制造商按照12.6.1.1提及的一个或几个机构所审核和批准的持续质量保证程序生产填充金属产品,并已经证明其产品质量是恒定的,那么此填充金属制造

3、商可以供应无需炉次或批次试验的标准产品。由审核机构审核的证明复印件能足够核查与本章节要求的一致性。C12.6.2 Diffusible Hydrogen of Weld Metal. The resistance to brittle fracture of a welded connection is dependentupon eliminating conditions that might reasonablybe anticipated to lead to the initiation of cracks. TheFracture Control Plan limits the a

4、ddition of unacceptablelevels of diffusible hydrogen during the fabrication offracture critical members or member components.C12.6.2 焊缝金属扩散氢: 焊缝连接抗脆性断裂的能力依赖于消除那些可以合理地预期到的能导致初始裂纹产生的条件。在有脆性断裂倾向的部件或组件的制作中,本FCP就是限制不可接受的扩散氢含量的增加。C12.6.2.1 Testing. In addition to the usual mechanicaltests and chemical ana

5、lysis required by the fillermetal specification, a determination by the filler metalmanufacturer of the hydrogen content of deposited weldmetal shall be required when using other than the SMAWprocess. This, along with proper electrode storage as recommendedby the filler metal manufacturer, and bakin

6、gof the submerged arc flux, is to minimize hydrogencracking from the welding consumables. The glycerinmethod of determining the diffusible hydrogen contenthas been replaced by the gas chromatograph method orthe under-mercury method, as described in AWS A4.3.Research has shown that glycerin absorbs s

7、ome of thehydrogen given off by the weld metal. As a result, thenewer test methods often generate higher values for diffusiblehydrogen when compared to the glycerin test.C12.6.2.1 测试:除了填充金属技术条件要求的常规机械性能试验和化学分析之外,当采用不同于SMAW工艺,填充金属制造商必须确定熔敷焊缝金属氢含量。不管是按照填充金属制造商推荐的合适的焊条储存,还是埋弧焊剂的烘焙,都是为了将由焊接材料导致的氢致裂纹减到最小

8、。按照AWS A4.3描述,确定扩散氢含量的甘油法已被气相色谱法和水银法替代。研究表明甘油吸收了一些焊缝金属释放的氢。结果是当和甘油试验法相比较时,新的试验方法常常产生较高值的扩散氢含量。C12.6.2.2 Electrode Optional Supplemental Moisture-Resistant Designator Requirements for Tack Welding.Tack welds made without preheat may have an increasedtendency to crack due to the faster cooling rate, h

9、igherHAZ and weld metal hardness, and the increased amountof diffusible hydrogen. The use of hydrogen controlledelectrodes described in this subsection will further reducethe probability of cracking in the HAZ and in theweld metal (see C12.13).C12.6.2.2 定位焊用焊条可选择的补充的抗湿标号的要求:没有预热的定位焊,由于较快的冷却速率,较高的热影响

10、区和焊缝金属的硬度以及扩散氢含量的增多,可能增加裂纹产生的倾向。使用在本章节所描述的受控制的氢含量焊条,将进一步减少热影响区和焊缝金属产生裂纹的可能性。C12.6.2.3 Electrode Optional Supplemental Moisture-Resistant Designator Requirements for Welding. The“H” designator indicates the maximum average diffusiblehydrogen content in milliliters per 100 grams (mL/100 g)rof deposite

11、d weld metal. H4 means a maximum of 4 mL/100g and H16 means a level of 16 mL/100 g. Higherstrength steels have a higher risk of hydrogen-inducedcracking, therefore higher strength weld metal requireslower diffusible hydrogen levels for this Fracture ControlPlan.C12.6.2.3 用于焊接的焊条可选择的补充的抗湿标号要求:补充标号H表示

12、每100克熔敷焊缝金属中最大平均含有扩散氢的毫升数量(ml/100g)。H4表示100克熔敷焊缝金属中最大平均含有4毫升的扩散氢,同样H16表示100克熔敷焊缝金属中最大平均含有16毫升的扩散氢。钢的强度越高,氢致裂纹的危险性就越高,因此对于本FCP(断裂控制计划),较高强度的焊缝金属要求较低的扩散氢含量。 C12.6.2.4 Special Requirements. Special provisionsthat a filler metal manufacturer may require to ensurethat weld metal will meet the diffusible

13、hydrogen requirementsof this code and the Fracture Control Planmay not be covered in this code. All additional requirementsor special precautions required by the filler metalmanufacturer in excess of those required in this code shallbe described in complete detail in a written procedure。C12.6.2.4 特殊

14、要求:填充金属制造商也许需要的以确保焊缝金属将满足本规范和本FCP中(断裂控制计划)的扩散氢含量的要求的特殊条款,可能没有覆盖在本规范中。超出本规范要求的由填充金属制造商所必需的,所有的额外需求或特殊措施必须以十分详细的书面程序表述出来。C12.6.4.1 Matching Strength Groove Welds. Whenmatching strength filler metals are required, the code requiresthat the minimum notch toughness of the fillermetal be as described in T

15、able 12.1.C12.6.4.1 等强度匹配的坡口焊缝:当要求等强度填充金属时,本规范要求填充金属具有表12.1 所列的最低缺口韧性值。C12.6.4.2 Undermatching Strength Welds. Whenmatching strength filler metal is not required, the Engineer is encouraged to use, where appropriate, lower strength,high ductility weld metal that will reduce residual stress,distortio

16、n, and the risk of cracking or lamellar tearing inadjacent base metal HAZs. The code requires a minimumnotch toughness of the undermatching strength filler metalof 34 J 30 C 25 ft-lb 20 F. Undermatching ismost often associated with fillet welds on steels with aminimum specified yield strength greate

17、r than 345 MPa50 ksi.C12.6.4.2 低强度匹配焊缝:当不需要等强度匹配的填充金属时,工程师希望采用那些能够减少在临近的母材热影响区(HAZ)的残余应力、变形以及减少产生裂纹或层状撕裂危险的适宜的低强度,高韧性焊缝金属。本规范要求低强度匹配的填充金属具有34J-30 C25ft-lb 20 F最低缺口韧性值。低强度匹配大多经常和规定的最小屈服强度超过345MPa50ksi的钢材上的角焊缝相关联。C12.6.5.1 SMAW Electrodes. SMAW electrodesshall be purchased in hermetically sealed conta

18、iners forfracture critical work. If low hydrogen SMAW electrodesare furnished in hermetically sealed containers and thecontainers are undamaged, the electrodes should provideacceptable low hydrogen performance when the containersare opened and the electrodes are used without prolongedexposure to the

19、 atmosphere. Instructions for theproper care and storage of electrodes are provided in thisFracture Control Plan.C12.6.5.1 SMAW焊条:为具有脆性断裂的构件所购买的SMAW焊条都必须储存在可靠密封的容器中。如果低氢SMAW焊条以可靠密封的容器供货,且容器没有受损,当容器被打开且焊条没有拖延在大气中的曝露时间而立即使用时,这些焊条应该能够具有可以接受的低氢性能。在本FCP(断裂控制计划)中应规定焊条储存和正确保管的指导书。C12.6.5.2 Sealed Container

20、s. A hermetically sealedcontainer shall be defined as a container that has beenclosed in a manner that provides a nonpermeable barrierto the passage of air or gas in either direction. If the hermeticseal is damaged, the electrodes will not be protectedfrom exposure to the atmosphere and may absorbat

21、mospheric moisture, and therefore cannot be used tomake fracture critical welds. Redrying of electrodes fromcontainers with damaged hermetic seals is prohibited forFCM welding. The risk that drying electrodes that haveabsorbed excess moisture may not completely restore theelectrode coating to the or

22、iginal manufactured conditionis too great. They may be used for non-fracture criticalmembers. Electrodes with damaged flux coatings willlnot provide proper shielding during welding and shouldnot be used for any welding, whether on fracturee criticalor non-fracture critical members.C12.6.5.2 密封包装:一个可

23、靠的密封包装必须定义为具有防止空气或气体在任何方向渗透的隔离层。如果密封包装被损坏,焊条将不能得到保护而会曝露在大气中并吸收大气中的水分,所以这些焊条就不能在具有断裂倾向的焊缝上使用。从损坏的密封包装中取出的焊条,即使再烘干,也禁止用于FCM焊缝。吸收了大量的水分的焊条,即使烘干,也不能完全使焊条药皮恢复到最初的制造状态,所以焊条再烘干的风险太大了。但这些焊条可以在非FCM焊缝上使用。药皮被损坏的焊条在焊接中不能提供适当的保护,所以,不管是FCM还是非FCM焊缝,都禁止使用。C12.6.5.3 Storage. Once removed from hermeticallysealed cont

24、ainers, SMAW electrodes not used within thetime limits of through shall be requiredto be placed in an oven and held continuously at a temperatureof at least 120 C 250 F until removed for use.At that temperature, the electrode coating will not pickup moisture from the atmosphere.C12

25、.6.5.3 贮存:一旦从密封包装中取出,SMAW焊条如果不能在12.6.5.6 至12.6.5.9限制的时间内使用,则必须将焊条放在温度至少为120 F的烘箱中持续保存,直到取出使用。在此温度时,焊条药皮不会从大气中吸附水分。C12.6.5.4 Drying Temperatures. SMAW electrodecoatings shall be kept clean and dry, requiring the use ofelectrode drying and storage ovens. Ovens used for storageshall be above 120 F and

26、below 290C550 F. Ovens used for drying shall be above 230450 C 550 F. Should the oven temperaturesdrop below the specified values, it is allowableto restore the electrodes coating by drying at temperaturesbetween 230 C and 290 C 450 F 550 F for thespecified period. Electrodes that have dropped below

27、these temperatures for excessive periods of time mayhave picked up excessive moisture, and attempting to restorethese electrodes to their original condition may notbe a suitable risk.C12.6.5.4 烘焙温度: SMAW焊条药皮必须要求使用焊条烘干和贮存烘箱而使焊条清洁干燥地保存。贮存用的烘箱温度必须维持在120 C 290 F550 F之间。烘焙用的烘箱温度必须保持在230如果烘箱温度跌至规定的温度以下并且在

28、规定的期间内,允许通过在230 C 290 F之间烘干而使焊条药皮恢复。如果焊条在跌至规定的温度以下时间太长,可能已经吸附了大量的水分,尝试使这些焊条恢复的风险也不小。Electrodes may be redried only once. Repetitive dryingoxidizes metallic elements in the coating, and maycause cracking or failure of the coating. Low hydrogenelectrodes that are not acceptable for use under the provisionsof this Fracture Control Plan, because of their exposureto the atmosphere, can be used for non-fracturecritical a

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