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1、7 tour- tourist 旅游观光客8 like doing sth like to do sth 喜欢做某事9 visit those places 参观那些地方10 more than 比。多11 15 million 一千五百万12 enjoy doing sth 享受做某事13 eat dumplings 吃饺子14 a department store 一家百货商店15 famous more famous most famous 有名的更有名的最有名的16 go shopping 去购物17 love doing sth 喜欢做某事18 sushi 寿司19 temple 庙

2、20 beach-beaches 海滩(单)海滩(复)21 a lot of 许多22 plenty of 充足的23 swim in the sea 在海里游泳24 at the beautiful beaches 在美丽的海滩25 also也26 spicy food 辣的食物27 great cities 大城市28 tall buildings 高层建筑 29 build building 建造(动)建筑物(名)P5 1 quiz 小测验2 ask some questions 问一些问题3 find found found 找4 What do you enjoy doing in

3、Bangkok? 你在曼谷喜欢做什么?5 How far is it from Shanghai to Bangkok? 上海到曼谷多远?6 How long does it take to get there by plane? 乘飞机到那里要多久?P 8 1 at the airport 在机场2 a trip to 一次去。的旅行3 a plane ticket 一张飞机票4 pack suitcase 打包行李箱5 silk scarf 丝绸围巾6 scarf scarves 围巾(单)(复)7 this Sunday 这个星期天8 for six years 已经六年9 have b

4、een to 去过10 stay there 留在那里11 for two weeks 已经两个星期12 plan to do sth 计划做。13 plan planning 计划(原形)(现在分词)14 already 已经15 do did done 做16 buy bought bought 买17 plenty of 足够的18 T-shirt T恤衫19 several 几个20 some 一些21 however 然而22 pack packed 打包23 yet 还24 enough space 足够空间25 good enough 够好26 too many 太多(可数)27

5、 too much 太多(不可数)28 clothes 衣服29 answer 回答, 答案30 before 在。以前P 9 1 fly flight 飞(动)航班(名)2 let sb do sth 让。做。3 drive sb to some places 开车带某人去某地4 tomorrow 明天5 Flight No.航班号6 departure time 起飞时间7 arrive arrival 到达(动)到达(名)8 arrival time 到达时间9 class (航班)等级10 economy 经济舱11 leave for 出发去。12 in the afternoon

6、在下午13 one and a half hours = one hour and a half 一个半小时14 arrive at到达(小地方)15 arrive in到达(大地方)16 get to 到达17 reach 到达18 passenger 乘客19 have to do sth 必须做。20 dont have to do sth 没必要做。21 Dont worry 别担心22 worry worried 担心23 leave home 离开家24 should do sth 应该做。25 destination 目的地P 10 1 sign 标示2 mean 意思3 tro

7、lley 手推车4 over there 在那边5 exit = a place to go out 出口6 entrance = a place to come in 入口7 lift 箱式电梯8 toilet洗手间9 restaurant 饭店10 escalator 自动扶梯11 telephone 电话P 11 1 passport 护照2 boarding card 登机卡3 name tag 姓名牌4 bring brought brought 带来5 camera 照相机6 get got got 得到7 US dollar 美元8 write wrote written 写9

8、write down 写下10 address 地址11 call sb 打电话给。12 put put put 放置13 put a name tag on the suitcase 在行李箱上放一张姓名牌P14 1 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(龙舟节)2 race 竞赛3 a rice dumpling 粽子4 would like to do sth 想要做某事5 know something about 知道关于。一些事6 celebrate 庆祝7 a story of the festival 节日的故事(传说)8 two thousand years 两千年

9、9 ago 以前10 in China 在中国11 country 国家12 very much 非常13 give advice to sb 给某人建议14 a piece of advice 一个建议15 take ones advice 采纳某人的建议16 however 然而17 die 死, 逝世(动)18 dead 死的(形)19 death 死亡(名)20 listen to sb 听从某人(的建议)21 later 后来22 lose-lost lost 失去23 lose a battle 战败24 win a battle 赢得一场战争25 be in danger 处于危

10、险中26 dangerous 危险的27 sad sadness 伤心的(形)伤感(名)28 jump into 跳进29 remember to do sth 记得去做某事(未做)30 remember doing sth 记得做过某事(已做)31 on that day 在那一天32 have dragon boat races 进行龙舟比赛33 every day 每天P 15 1 salt-salty 盐(名)咸的(形)2 sweet rice dumplings without beans 没赤豆的甜粽子3 salty rice dumplings with meat 咸肉粽4 sa

11、lty ones with meat 咸的有肉的(粽子)P 161 survey 调查2 favourite 最喜欢的P17 1 hamburger 汉堡包2 biscuit 饼干3 moon cake 月饼4 pudding 布丁5 Would you like some.? 你想要一些。吗?6 Yes, please 好的。7 No, thanks 不用了,谢谢。8 Id rather do sth = I would rather do sth 我宁愿做什么9 a piece of bread 一片面包P 18 1 an e-mail 一封电子邮件2 foreign 外国的3 How a

12、re you? 你好!4 tell you something about. 告诉你有关。的某事5 the great man 那个伟人6 two kinds of 两种7 love doing sth 爱做某事8 take photo拍照片9 the fifth lunar month 阴历五月10 send sth to sb 把。送去给。11 then 那时P 21 1 stay healthy 保持健康2 indoor 室内3 outdoor 室外4 activity-activities 活动(单)(复)5 sing a song 唱首歌6 like dancing 喜欢跳舞7 mu

13、sic 音乐8 real-really 真的(形)真(副)9 fun funny 有趣的(形)滑稽的(形)10 enjoy doing sth 享受做某事11 run-running 跑(原形)(现在分词)12 swim-swimming 游泳(原形)(现在分词)13 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事(已做)14 forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(未做)15 forget forgot forgot 忘记16 both (两个)都P22 1 do puzzles 玩拼图2 at home 在家3 too 也(句尾)4 also 也 (be后,do 前)5 in th

14、e playground 在操场6 like fishing 喜欢钓鱼7 play the piano 弹钢琴8 watch television 看电视9 read a book 读书10 cycle cycling 骑自行车(原形)(现在分词)11 play computer games 玩电脑游戏12 see a film 看电影13 make a model 做模型14 go on a picnic 去野餐15 collect stamps 集邮16 have a barbecue 烧烤17 fly kites 放风筝P24 1 health healthy 健康健康的2 proble

15、m 问题3 have a headache 头痛4 have a stomach ache 肚子痛5 have toothache 牙痛6 have a cold 感冒7 have a fever 发烧8 have a sore throat 喉咙痛9 too much 太多(不可数)10 too many太多(可数)11 Im afraid 我恐怕。12 enough clothes 足够的衣服13 more clothes 更多衣服14 should do sth 应该做某事15 shouldnt do sth 不应该做某事P25 1 always 一直2 the correct answ

16、ers 正确答案3 the right answers 正确答案4 spicy food 辣的食物5 have enough exercise 进行足够的锻炼6 sweet food 甜食7 little less-least 少更少最少(不可数)8 few fewer fewest少更少最少(可数)9 many /much more most 多更多最多(可数 / 不可数)P 26 1 How often 多久2 four times a day 一天四次3 three times a week 一周三次4 two-twice 二两次5 twice a year 一年两次6 never 从不

17、7 help do the housework 帮忙做家务8 go to bed late 上床睡觉迟了9 practise doing sth 练习做某事10 habit 习惯11 one once ,一(数词),一次P 27 1 go on a holiday 去度假P 33 1 What will I be like? 我想做什么?2 possible possibly 可能(形)可能(副)3 stand stood stood 站4 in front of 在。前5 a magic camera 一个有魔法的照相机6 want to do sth 想要做。7 take a photog

18、raph 拍张照片8 wait for sb 等某人9 smile 微笑10 put put put 放置11 note 钞票12 press 按下13 button 按钮、按键14 finally 终于,最后15 come out 出来16 on the back 背面的17 look for 寻找18 in 15 years time 在15年后19 heavy heavier 重-更重20 centimetre 厘米21 kilogram 公斤22 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful 美丽更美丽最美丽23 an astronaut 宇航员P34

19、 1 be good at 擅长于。2 be poor at 不擅长。3 good looking 好看的4 slim 苗条的5 reporter 记者6 bake baker bakery 烘焙(动)面包师面包房7 sing-singer 唱歌(动)歌手8 wear glasses 戴眼镜9 put out fires 扑灭火10 I agree 我同意11 I dont agree 我不同意12 weigh-weight 重达(动)重量(名)13 listen to music 听音乐P 35 1 grow bigger 长大2 work in a bakery 在面包房里工作3 read

20、 a lot 读许多东西4 write a lot 写许多东西P 36 1 a report on my future 对我的未来的报告2 in the future 在将来3 policewoman 女警4 practise English more 更多地练习英语5 maths 数学6 learn how to do sth 学习如何做。7 make sick people better 使生病的人好一些P37 1 go with you 和你一起去2 spacecraft 宇宙飞船3 come back 回来4 at night 在夜晚P40 1 season seasonal 季节季节

21、性的2 change changeable 变化可变化的3 uniform 制服4 be different from 与。不一样5 sleeve 袖子6 shorts 短裤7 a red scarf 一条红领巾8 write a notice 写一张通知9 in summer 在夏天10 wear wore worn 穿11 in September 在九月12 early October 十月上旬13 late April 四月下旬14 white shirts with the short sleeves 短袖白衬衫15 black belt 黑皮带16 white socks 白短袜P

22、41 1 jacket 外套, 夹克衫2 a pair of trousers 一条裤子3 a blouse 女式衬衫4 a skirt 一条短裙5 in winter 在冬天6 in autumn 在秋天7 in spring 在春天8 in summer 在夏天9 grey 灰色P42 1 school life 学校生活2 in the garden 在花园3 butterfly-butterflies 蝴蝶(单)(复)4 not many 不多6 in the library 在图书馆7 air-conditioner 空调8 air-conditioned 有空调的9 have ic

23、e-cream 吃冰激凌10 soft drinks 软饮料11 after lunch 午餐后12 fly around 到处飞P43 1 leaf leaves 叶子(单)(复)2 on the trees 在树上(属于树上的)3 in the trees 在树上(不属于树上的)4 keep warm 保持温暖5 help do sth 帮助做。6 make snowmen / make a snowman 做雪人7 have hot drinks 喝热饮料P 46 1 travel-travelling 旅行(原形)(现在分词)2 double-decker 双层车3 fare box

24、(公交车上的)投币箱4 public 公共5 transportation 交通6 in the past 在过去7 passenger 乘客8 have to do sth 必须做9 dont have to do sth 不必做10 buy ticket 买票11 a bus conductor 售票员12 nowadays 现今13 on many buses 在许多公交车上14 instead 代替15 single decker 单层车16 most of 大多数17 all of 所有18 none of 。中没有一个19 some of 。中一些20 still 仍然21 man

25、 men 男人(单)(复)22 woman women 女人(单)(复)P47 1 in 10 years time 在10年后2 What will .be like? 。将来会怎么样?3 perhaps 也许4 maybe 可能5 traffic jam 交通堵塞6 by ferry 乘渡轮7 underground station 地铁站8 by motorcycle 乘摩托车9 by light rail 乘轻轨10 by bicycle 骑自行车11 by train 乘火车12 by taxi 乘出租车13 by underground 乘地铁14 escalator (扶手)电梯

26、15 traffic light 交通灯,红绿灯16 flyover 立交桥17 railway 铁路18 pavement 人行道19 tunnel 隧道20 car park 停车场21 bridge 桥22 crossing 人行横道;十字路口23 footbridge 人行桥P 48 1 poster 海报,招贴画P 55 1 wind windy 风有风的2 weather 天气3 different kinds of 不同种类的4 be going to do sth 将要做某事5 help sb do sth 帮某人做某事6 make a display board 做一个展示板7 gentle gently 温和的(形)温和地(副)8 in the park 在公园9 see sb doing sth 看见某人做某事10 fly kites 放风筝11 hold raincoat tightly 紧紧抓住雨衣12 blow slightly 轻轻吹动13 in the sky 在天空中14 flag 旗15 fly flew flown 飞16 flower pot 花盆

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