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TED演讲Charles Leadbeater贫民区的教育创新中英对照.docx

1、TED演讲Charles Leadbeater贫民区的教育创新中英对照Its a great pleasure to be here. Its a great pleasure to speak after Brian Cox from CERN. I think CERN is the home of the Large Hadron Collider. What ever happened to the Small Hadron Collider? Where is the Small Hadron Collider? Because the Small Hadron Collider o

2、nce was the big thing. Now, the Small Hadron Collider is in a cupboard, overlooked and neglected. You know when the Large Hadron Collider started, and it didnt work, and people tried to work out why, it was the Small Hadron Collider team who sabotaged it because they were so jealous. The whole Hadro

3、n Collider family needs unlocking. 很高兴来到这里 很高兴我的发言被安排在 欧洲核子研究中心的布莱恩考克斯之后 我知道欧洲核子研究中心有一个 大型强子对撞器 小型强子对撞器出什么事了? 小型强子对撞器去哪了? 因为小型强子对撞器曾经是大的 现在,小型强子对撞器 被扔在柜子里,没人搭理了 在大型强子对撞器刚启用的时候 它没能正常运转,大家试图找出原因 原来是小型强子对撞器的团队 在捣鬼 因为他们太嫉妒了 整个强子对撞器团队 需要被解放 The lesson of Brians presentation, in a way - all those fantasti

4、c pictures - is this really: that vantage point determines everything that you see. What Brian was saying was science has opened up successively different vantage points from which we can see ourselves. And thats why its so valuable. So the vantage point you take determines virtually everything that

5、 you will see. The question that you will ask will determine much of the answer that you will get. 布莱恩的演讲 和所有他那些奇妙的图片 其真正含义是 观察位置决定了观察结果 布莱恩的意思是 科学不断开拓出了各种各样的观察位置 立于其上,我们可以审视自己。 所以它非常具有价值。 你所处的观察位置 事实上决定了观察结果 你所提出的问题 基本决定了你所能得到的答案。 And so if you ask this question: Where would you look to see the fut

6、ure of education? The answer that weve traditionally given to that is very straightforward, at least in the last 20 years. You go to Finland. Finland is the best place in the world to see school systems. The Finns may be a bit boring and depressive and theres a very high suicide rate, but by golly t

7、hey are qualified. And they have absolutely amazing education systems. And so we all troop off to Finland, and we wonder at their social democratic miracle of Finland and its cultural homogeneity and all the rest of it, and then we struggle to imagine how we might bring lessons back. 如果你的问题是 去哪里能够找到

8、教育的未来 我们传统上给出的答案 至少在过去的二十年里,非常简单 去芬兰 芬兰是世界上观察教育系统的最佳地点 芬兰人可能有些无趣,抑郁,且自杀率颇高 但是他们做的真的很到位 他们的教育系统绝对令人叹为观止 所以我们都跑去了芬兰 我们惊叹于芬兰社会的民主奇迹 文化的统一性,以及所有其他方面 但最后我们却苦于很难把 所见所学的带回去用。Well, so, for this last year, with the help of Cisco who sponsor me, for some balmy reason, to do this, Ive been looking somewhere el

9、se. Because actually radical innovation does sometimes come from the very best, but it often comes from places where you have huge need, unmet, latent demand and not enough resources for traditional solutions to work - traditional high-cost solutions which depend on professionals, which is what scho

10、ols and hospitals are. 所以在过去的一年里 在思科的资助下 基于高尚的理由, 我到了其他一些地方做调查。 因为事实上革新性的创造有的时候 来自于发达地区 但它经常来自于 有庞大的需求 不足,和潜在需要 而且以现有资源和方式无法解决问题的地方- 传统的高成本方法 依赖专业人员, 比如学校和医院So I ended up in places like this. This is a place called Monkey Hill. Its one of the hundreds of favelas in Rio. Most of the populations growt

11、h of the next 50 years will be in cities. Well grow by six cities of 12 million people a year for the next 30 years. Almost all of that growth will be in the developed world. Almost all of that growth will be in places like Monkey Hill. This is where youll find the fastest growing young populations

12、of the world. So if you want recipes to work - for virtually anything - health, education, government politics and education - you have to go to these places. And if you go to these places, you meet people like this. 所以我最后选择了这类地方 这个地方叫猴山 是里约上百个贫民区中的一个 未来50年,大部分的人口增长都会在城市地区。 我们会每年增加六个一千二百万人口的城市 持续增长三

13、十年。 大部分的人口增长会在发达地区。 大部分的增长会在 像猴山的这类地方。 这里有增长最快的 青年人口,全世界最快的 所以如果你想把一些想法派上用场 几乎可以是任何想法 - 健康,教育 政府工作 以及教育 - 那么你必须去这类地方 在这里,你会遇见这类人.This is a guy called Juanderson. At the age of 14, in common with many 14-year-olds in the Brazilian education system, he dropped out of school. It was boring. And Juander

14、son, instead, went into what provided kind of opportunity and hope in the place that he lived, which was the drugs trade. And by the age of 16, with rapid promotion, he was running the drugs trade in 10 favelas. He was turning over 200,000 dollars a week. He employed 200 people. He was going to be d

15、ead by the age of 25. And luckily, he met this guy, who is Rodrigo Baggio, the owner of the first laptop to ever appear in Brazil. 1994, Rodrigo started something called CDI, which took computers donated by corporations, put them in community centers in favelas and created places like this. What tur

16、ned Juanderson around was technology for learning that made learning fun and accessible. 这个人叫胡安得森 在他十四岁的时候 像很多在巴西教育系统里的十四岁孩子一样 他退学了 上学太无聊了 胡安得森转而去了 能给他机会和希望的地方 在他住的地方,那就是毒品交易 他进步神速,到十六岁的时候 已经在十个贫民区展开了毒品业务 他一个星期经手二十万美元 手底下有两百人 估计活不到二十五岁就得死 但很幸运,他认识了这个人 罗德里格.巴乔 巴西第一个拥有笔记本电脑的人 1994年,罗德里格开始从事一种 被称作CDI的业

17、务 就是把电脑 从捐赠它们的企业那里 拿到贫民区的社区中心 然后建立一些这样的地方 真正改变胡安得森的 是可以辅助他学习的科技 使学习变得有趣且易行Or you can go to places like this. This is Kibera, which is the largest slum in East Africa. Millions of people living here, stretched over many kilometers. And there I met these two, Azra on the left, Maureen on the right. Th

18、ey just finished their Kenyan certificate of secondary education. That name should tell you that the Kenyan education system borrows almost everything from Britain, circa 1950, but has managed to make it even worse. So there are schools in slums like this. Theyre places like this. Thats where Mauree

19、n went to school. Theyre private schools. There are no state schools in slums. And the education they got was pitiful. It was in places like this. This a school set up by some nuns in another slum called Nakuru. Half the children in this classroom have no parents because theyve died through AIDS. Th

20、e other half have one parent because the other parent has died through AIDS. So the challenges of education in this kind of place are not to learn the kings and queens of Kenya or Britain. They are to stay alive, to earn a living, to not become HIV positive. The one technology that spans rich and po

21、or in places like this is not anything to do with industrial technology. Its not to do with electricity or water. Its the mobile phone. If you want to design from scratch virtually any service in Africa, you would start now with the mobile phone. Or you could go to places like this. 你也可以去像这样的地方 这是基贝

22、拉,东非最大的贫民区 上百万人住在这里 方圆有好几公里 我在这遇见了这两个人 左边的是阿紫,右边的是毛琳 她们刚刚拿到了肯尼亚的 中等教育文凭 从这个名称可以看出肯尼亚的教育系统 几乎是完全效仿 1950年左右的英国 只是办的更糟糕 可见这类贫民区是有学校设施的 学校都是像这样的 毛琳就是在这里上学 这些都是私立学校。在贫民区没有公立学校 而且对于她们所受的教育我实在不敢恭维 就是在这样一个地方,一个修女们建立起来的学校 坐落于另一个叫那库鲁的贫民区。 这个班上一半的孩子是孤儿 他们的父母死于艾滋病。 另一半孩子是单亲 父母中的一个死于艾滋病。 所以上学的内容 在这类地区 不是要了解肯尼亚或者

23、英国的国王和王后 而是如何生存,谋生 不得艾滋病。 有一种不分贵贱,人人可享用的科技 在这类地方就有 它跟工业科技毫无关系 也不用电或者水 它就是移动电话。 如果你想从头设计一种 在非洲的服务,不论何种方式, 你最好现在就从移动电话入手。 或者你可以去这类地方This is a place called the Madangiri Settlement Colony, which is a very developed slum about 25 minutes outside New Delhi, where I met these characters who showed me arou

24、nd for the day. The remarkable thing about these girls, and the sign of the kind of social revolution sweeping through the developing world is that these girls are not married. 10 years ago, they certainly would have been married. Now theyre not married, and they want to go on to study further, to h

25、ave a career. Theyve been brought up by mothers who are illiterate, who have never ever done homework. All across the developing world there are millions of parents, tens, hundreds of millions, who for the first time are with children doing homework and exams. And the reason they carry on studying i

26、s not because they went to a school like this. This is a private school. This is a fee-pay school. This is a good school. This is the best you can get in Hyderabad in Indian education. The reason they went on studying was this. 这个地方叫玛丹基利殖民定居地 是一个比较完善的贫民区 离新德里大约二十五分钟车程, 我在那里遇到了这几个人 她们那天带我到周边转了转 这几个女孩

27、,有个值得注意的地方 这其实是社会变革的一种标志 这个现象席卷了发展中国家 那就是这些女孩都还没有结婚。 十年前,这个年龄肯定已经结婚了 现在却没有,她们还想着 继续深造,拥有一份职业。 抚养她们的母亲们都是文盲, 从未做过家庭作业。 全世界的发展中地区,有数以百万的家长 成百上千万的家长 这辈子第一次 和孩子们一起做家庭作业,考试。 这些家长学习的原因 不是因为她们在这样的学校里学习。 这是一个私立学校 一个收费的,不错的学校。 这是你能找到的最好的 在印度海得拉巴的学校了。 她们继续学习的原因是这个。This is a computer installed in the entrance

28、to their slum by a revolutionary social entrepreneur called Sugata Mitra whos adopted the most radical experiments, showing that children, in the right conditions, can learn on their own with the help of computers. Those girls have never touched Google. They know nothing about Wikipedia. Imagine wha

29、t their lives would be like if you could get that to them. 这台电脑就装在贫民区的门口 装这个的是个给社会带来变革的企业家 名字叫苏迦特.米卡 他通过最基本的试验 给孩子们证明,在合适的条件下 他们可以在电脑的帮助下自主学习 那些女孩从没碰过谷歌 她们对维基百科一无所知 想象一下她们的生活会发生什么变化 如果你能将这些带给她们。So if you look, as I did, through this tour, and by looking at about a hundred case studies of different s

30、ocial entrepreneurs working in these very extreme conditions, look at the recipes they come up with for learning, they look nothing like school. What do they look like? Well, education is a global religion. And education, plus technology, is a great source of hope. You can go to places like this. 所以

31、如果你像我一样, 通过此项活动来探寻 通过观察上百个案例来分析 不同的社会企业家 在这些非常极端的条件下进行的工作, 观察他们想到的为了学习的方法 它们跟学校的方式完全不同。 那它们是怎么样的呢? 改善教育是个全世界都在追求的目标。 教育,加上科技 给人带来了巨大希望。 你可以去这样的地方。This is a school three hours outside of Sao Paulo. Most of the children there have parents who are illiterate. Many of them dont have electricity at home.

32、 But they find it completely obvious to use computers, websites, make videos, so on and so forth. When you go to places like this what you see is that education in these settings works by pull, not push. Most of our education system is push. I was literally pushed to school. When you get to school,

33、things are pushed at you, knowledge, exams, systems, timetables. If you want to attract people like Juanderson who could, for instance, buy guns, wear jewelry, ride motorbikes and get girls through the drugs trade, and you want to attract him into education, having a compulsory curriculum doesnt really make sense. That isnt

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