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1、C. essentially本来;D. desperately迫切地。根据后文but something told me I had to stay and face the music.可知,此处应为“迫切想要做某事”。故选D项。4Computer-controlled robots are taking over jobs in many industries, which used to be done _.Aartificially BmanuallyCcomprehensively Dgradually【答案】B考查副词词义辨析。句意为:计算机控制的机器人接管了许多行业中的工作,而这

2、些工作过去都是手工完成的。artificially人造地,人为地,不自然地;manually手工地;comprehensively 全面地; gradually渐渐地。根据句意,选B。5While sending flowers as gifts, we cant choose flowers , because different flowers may carry different meanings.Aarbitrarily BcautiouslyCoriginally Dthoroughly考查副词。A. arbitrarily反复无常地;B. cautiously谨慎地;C. ori

3、ginally最初;D. thoroughly彻底地。虽然送花作为礼物,我们不能任意选择鲜花,因为不同的花可能代表不同的含义。6-Our company had a hard time last year.-But we managed _. Now everything is progressing steadily.Amoreover BmeanwhileCsomehow Dtherefore【答案】C-我们公司去年经历了一段艰难的时期。 -但我们还是设法做到了。现在一切都在稳步发展。A. moreover 而且; B. meanwhile 同时; C. somehow 以某种方式; D.

4、 therefore 因此。根据句意和四个选项的内容可知,不管怎样,我们度过了难关,故选C。7All color fades, _ under the impact of direct sunlight.Aespecially BeventuallyCappropriately Dmerely所有的颜色都会褪色,尤其是在阳光的直射下。A. especially特别、尤其;B. eventually最终;D. merely仅仅。根据“under the impact of direct sunlight.”可知,此处表示“尤其是”,故A项正确。8 Do you often come here t

5、o have a walk? No, only _, because we are much too busy.Aoccasionally BeventuallyCmerely Dfrequently上句:你经常来这里散步吗?下句:不,只是偶尔,因为我们太忙。A.occasionally偶尔;B. eventually最后;C. merely仅仅;D. frequently频繁地。9He wasnt to lift the case.Atoo strong Benough strongCstrong enough Dso strong考查enough的用法。他没有力气提起箱子。此处enough

6、“足够”是副词,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。故选C。10As a doctor, I spend most of the time with my patients, and thats _ it is in my day.Ahow Bwhen Cwhy Dwhere作为医生,我花费了多数时间和病人在一起,这就是我现在的生活方式。表示我是如何生活的,故选A。11Mary became _ homesick and critical of the United States, so she fled from her home in West Bloomfield to her hometown

7、 in Austria.Acompletely BsincerelyCapproximately Dincreasingly【解析】考查副词辨析。Mary日渐思乡,同时也对美国感到不满,于是她从她西布卢姆菲尔德的家回到了奥地利的家乡。A. completely完全地,彻底地;B. sincerely真诚地;C. absolutely完全地,绝对地;D. increasingly日益增加地。D项符合语境。12Many people believe that poverty is only a problem in rural areas. _, it is also a problem in s

8、ome urban areas.AAs a result BFurthermoreCIn the end DAs a matter of fact【解析】考查副词(短语)辨析。A. As a result结果;B. Furthermore此外;C. In the end最后;D. As a matter of fact事实上。许多人认为贫穷只是农村地区的一个问题。事实上,它也是一些城市地区的问题。故选D。13Great inventors dont _ graduate from famous universities. Some didnt even go to university.Ali

9、kely BnecessarilyCreally Dnearly试题分析:伟大的发明家没必要非得从著名院校毕业。有些人甚至没有上过大学。A. likely形容词“可能的” B. necessarily 必要地;C. really 真的; D. merely仅仅。根据有些发明家连大学也没上过,得知发明家不需要必须是毕业于名牌大学.故选B。考点:考查副词的用法。14Its so hot! The temperature must be _ over 100 degrees!Avery BwellCmuch Dstill【解析】句意:天气太热了!气温一定超过100度了。well over 远远超过,

10、溢出,泛滥。故选B。15December saw a more than average rainfall; _, the possibility of a drought is still strong.Atherefore BnonethelessCwhereas Dalthough【解析】A. therefore因此;B. nonetheless虽然如此,但是;C. whereas然而,鉴于,反之;D. although尽管。12月份超过了平均降水量。然而,干旱的可能性仍然很大。根据前后句的逻辑关系,可知选B。16He has been living in this country _

11、since May 2012, with no visa.Aapparently BrelativelyClegally Dillegally自2012年5月以来,他一直非法居住在这个国家,没有签证。A. apparently显然地;B. relatively相对地;C. legally合法地;D. illegally不合法地。17- Do you think that the 11th Chinese National Games were a success ? - Yes, _! It couldnt be _ .Arelatively ; better Bapproximately ;

12、 worseCabsolutely ; better Dfortunately ;考察副词,形容词辨析。Relatively 相对地 approximately 大约 absolutely 绝对的 fortunately幸运地 it couldnt be worse意为再糟糕不过了 it couldnt be better 意为再好不过了句意为,-你认为第十一届中国全运会成功吗?-当然,绝对是成功的,再好不过了。18For those _dont smoke, it is _ easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.Awhich; m

13、uch Bwhich; moreCwho; much Dwho;考查定语从句和副词。对于那些不吸烟的人来说,不开始吸烟比戒烟容易得多。_dont smoke这是一个定语从句,those是先行词,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,用who,排除A和B,第二个空用much修饰比较级,故选C。19The machine has been used for man years. Its no wonder that it doesnt work well _.Aregularly BconstantlyCfrequently Doccasionally考查副词的使用及句意的理解。这台机器已经被用过好多年了,

14、难怪它偶尔会不好好运转。A. 有规律地; B. 不断地;C. 频繁地; D. 偶尔地,故D正确。考查副词的使用及句意的理解20The director added a few characters and changed some names in this movie but _ this is a true story.Acompletely Bnecessarily Cessentially Dgradually本题考查副词。completely完全地;necessarily必定地;essentially本质上,本来;gradually逐渐地。根据句意选择C。21These days s

15、trange things _ happened in the small village, which caused a panic among the villagers.Ararely BtypicallyCgradually DfrequentlyA很少,罕见;B典型地;C逐渐地;D频繁地;句义:这些日子里,在这个小山村里奇怪的事情频繁发生,这在村民中导致了恐慌。根据句义说明副词frequently表示频繁,与上下文搭配是正确的。故D正确。考察副词词义辨析22Jim went to answer the phone. , Harry started to prepare lunch.A

16、Meanwhile BNevertheless CBesides DHoweverJim去接电话。同时,Harry开始准备午饭。A. Meanwhile同时;B. Nevertheless (尽管如此)还是,然而;C. Besides而且;D. However然而。结合语境可知,选A。考点: 考查副词的用法。23These natural parks are important for preserving animals, which would _ risk dying out.Amerely Brather Cotherwise Dmoreover本题副词辨析。对于许多动物的保护来讲,这

17、些自然公园是很重要的,否则,这些动物将面临灭绝的危险。C项表示“否则”;B项表示“相当”;A项表示“仅仅”;D项表示“然而”。根据句意,应选C项。24_ when your ticket has been checked will you be allowed to take the plane.AJust BOnly CStill DYet考查倒装句。根据后面的主语用的是倒装形式will you be 可知,此句采用的是部分倒装句式。四个选项中only+状语放在句首时使用部分倒装,其余三项没有这种用法,所以选B。25Mike was _ known before this award,but

18、 in fact he was a campus star in ball games and running even when he was in high school.Amost BlittleCbest Dwell迈克在获奖以前鲜为人知,但实际上高中的时候他就是学校各项球类运动和跑步的明星了。根据转折连词but的前后语境可知,需用否定副词little修饰形容词known(知名的)。故B选项正确。26With more importance attached to traditional culture these years, hanfu has become _ popular.A

19、merely Bentirely Cfrequently Dincreasingly考察副词词义辨析。随着对传统文化越发重视,汉服在变得越来越受欢迎。A. merely仅仅;B. entirely完全地;C. frequently频繁地;D. increasingly不断增长地。根据上文的With more importance attached to traditional culture these years推知,汉服正变得越来越受欢迎。27Studies show that people are more _ to suffer from back problems if they a

20、lways sit before computer screens for a long time.Alikely Bpossible Csure Dprobable考查形容词。研究表明,如果人们总是坐在电脑屏幕面前很长时间会有背部的问题。ABC都是“可能”,D项是“确定”,根据句意,C项错误;这里使用的是句型:Sb./Sth. is likely to do,其他两个单词不能用于这个句型,故选A。28The authorities say nearly 3,000 people died as a result of Hurricane Maria, 46 times more than _

21、 thought.Ahistorically BoriginallyCnormally Dfrequently当局说有近3000人死于飓风玛丽亚,比原先预计的要多46倍。A. historically历史上地;从历史观点上说;B. originally最初,起初;本来;C. normally正常地;通常地,一般地;D. frequently频繁地,经常地。根据前面“当局说有近3000人死于飓风玛丽亚” ,以及后面的“more than”可知,是“最初”预计的要多46倍。29Two middle-aged passengers fell into the lake. , neither of t

22、hem could swim.Aparticularly BRarely CUnfortunately DUnconsciously两名中年乘客掉进湖里。不幸的是,他们俩都不会游泳。A. particularly特别地;B. Rarely罕见地;C.Unfortunately不幸地;D. Unconsciously没意识地。根据句意,他们掉进湖里,但不会游泳,可知这是不幸的。故选C项。30Although she did not know Boston well, she made her way _ to the Home Circle Building.Aeasy enough Benou

23、gh easyCeasily enough Denough easily试题解析:考查enough用法。enough修饰形容词,副词需要后置,副词easily修饰动词made. 此题需要注意的是,此处的to为介词,结构为make ones way to someplace表示去某地,而不是make+宾语+形容词+不定式的结构。尽管她不是很了解波士顿,可她却能轻易找到去家居建筑圈的路。31 Im driving to Beijing after breakfast.Take care, with all this fog.Aespecially Bmainly Cextremely Dreall

24、y尤其是在这样有雾的天气。A 尤其 B 主要地 C极其地D真正地32A mother recognizes the feel of her childs skin when blindfolded. _, she can instantly identify her babys cry.ASimilarly BMeanwhileCNevertheless DAccordinglyA. Similarly相似地;B. Meanwhile与此同时;C. Nevertheless然而;D. Accordingly因此。母亲在蒙上眼睛时能感觉到孩子的皮肤。同样地,她可以立即识别婴儿的哭声。33Dont

25、 defend him any more. Its obvious that he _ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.Aaccidentally BcarelesslyCdeliberately Dclumsily别再为他辩护了。显然他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,而且还不道歉。A. accidentally偶然地;B. carelessly粗心地;C. deliberately故意地,刻意地;D. clumsily笨拙地。根据前一句Dont defend him any more.可推知,他是故意把花园的围墙弄坏的,故选C项。34I call him _ ; even when there is not much to say.Anow and then Bby and byCstep by step Dmore or less考查副词短语辨析。即使没有太多的话要说,我也会时不时的给他打电话。 A. now and then 时而; B. by and by 不就之后; C. step by step 逐步地; D. more or less 或多或少。根据句意,结合四个选项可知是我

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