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1、沪教版七年级英语第一学期单词词组7A Module 1 Relationships 第一单元在北京的亲戚Unit 1 Relatives in Beijing 词汇:1. invite /InvaIt/ v. 邀请2. expensive /IkspensIv/ adj. 昂贵的3. brochure /br=U5jU=/ n. 资料手册4. agent /eId3=nt/ n. 代理人;经纪人5. soon /su:n/ adv. 不久;很快;马上6. swan /swn/ n. 天鹅7. raise /reIz/ v. 提升;举起8. national /n75=n=l/ adj. 国家的

2、9. brick /brIk/ n. 砖10. stone /st=Un/ n. 石头;石料;岩石11. mountain /maUntIn/ n. 高山;山岳12. ancient /eIn5=nt/ adj. 古老的13. history /hIst=rI/ n. 历史14. interest /IntrIst/ n. 吸引力;趣味15. holiday /hl=dI/ n. 假期16. wonderful /w2nd=fUl/ adj. 精彩的;令人高兴的17. another /=n28=/ pron. 另一(事物或人)词组:1. plan a trip to sp. 计划一次去某地的

3、旅行2. get a letter from sb. 从某人处得到一封信3. invite sb. To do sth. 邀请某人做某事4. send sb. Sth = send sth. To sb. 寄给某人某物5. travel to sp. 去某地旅行6. talk to sb. 和某人交谈7. stay with sb. 和某人呆在一起8. get some brochures from the travel agent 从旅游代理人处得到资料手册9. at the travel agents 在旅游代理处10. it takes sb. some time to do sth.

4、某人花多少时间做某事11. at the end of (August) 在(八月)底12. thank sb. For sth/doing sth. 因某事做某事而感谢某人13. welcome to sp. 欢迎来某地14. take sb. To sp. 带某人去某地15. the Summer Palace 颐和园16. Tiananmen Square 天安门广场17. the Great Wall 长城18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆19. in the north-west of. 在的西北20. in the centre of. 在的中心21. nort

5、h of. 在的北面22. see a lot of old buildings and temples 看到许多古老的大楼和庙宇23. see swans swimming on the lake 看到天鹅在湖上游泳24. a huge open area 一个大型的开放区25. hold more than one million people 容纳一百多万人26. see soldiers raising the Chinese national flag in the square 看到士兵在广场上升中国国旗27. a long wall with towers on it 一个有塔的

6、长的城墙28. build it with bricks and stones 用砖和石头建造它29. see beautiful mountains from the wall 从城墙上看到美丽的高山30. a place with many ancient buildings 一个有着许多古老建筑的地方31. know the history of China 了解中国的历史32. visit different places of interest 参观不同的名胜33. Lucys holiday plan 露西的假期计划34. write (a letter) to sb. 写一封信给

7、某人35. have a wonderful time 度过快乐的时光36. have (got)some photos for you 有一些照片给你37. stand on the Great Wall 站在长城上38. a photo of you and me 一张你和我的照片39. enjoy ones holiday 享受某人的假期第二单元我们的动物朋友Unit 2 Our animal friends 词汇:1. officer /fIs=/ n. 官员;高级职员2. society /s=saI=tI/ n. 社团;协会3. prevention /prIven5=n/ n.

8、预防;防止;防范4. cruelty /kru:=ltI/ n. 残酷5. someone /s2mw2n/ pron. 某人6. puppy /p2pI/ n. 小狗;幼犬7. thirsty /0+:stI/ adj. 口渴的8. lovely /l2vlI/ adj. 可爱的;有吸引力的9. as /7s/ prep. 作为;当作10. prefer /prIf+:/ v. 更喜欢11. care /ke=/ n. 照料;照顾12. booklet /bUklIt/ n. 小册子13. special /spe5=l/ adj. 特殊的;特别的14. chew /t5u:/ v. 咀嚼1

9、5. basket /b1:skIt/ n. 篮;筐;篓16. blanket /bl79kIt/ n. 毯子17. unkind /2nkaInd/ adj. 不友善的18. clinic /klInIk/ n. 诊所19. vet /vet/ n. 兽医20. cave /keIv/ n. 山洞;洞穴21. guard /G1:d/ n. 守卫;保卫22. blind /blaInd/ adj. 瞎的;失明的23. safely /seIflI/ adv. 安全地24. police /p=li:s/ n. 警方25. thief /0i:f/ n. 窃贼26. missing /mIsI

10、9/ adj. 失踪的27. hunt /h2nt/ v. 猎取;猎杀词组:1. the SPCA = the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 爱护动物协会2. an SPCA officer 一个爱护动物协会的工作人员3. leave puppies in the street 把小狗遗弃在大街上4. have no food or water 没有食物和水5. be hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴6. take them to the SPCA 带他们去爱护动物协会7. lovely puppies 可爱的小

11、狗8. keep one as a pet 养一只作为宠物9. like sth. best 最喜欢某物10. prefer sth. = like sth. better 更喜欢某物11. take care of.= look after. 照看;照料12. feed him 3-4 times every day 每天喂他三到四次13. give her special dog food 给她特殊的狗食14. give him a bowl of water to drink 给他一碗喝的水15. give her hard dog food to chew 给她坚硬的狗食来咀嚼16.

12、give him a basket to sleep in 给他可以睡进去的篮子17. give her a blanket to keep her warm 给她一条毯子来保持暖和18. hold him carefully with both hands 用双手小心地抱着他19. take sb. to sp. for a walk 带某人去某地散步20. be unkind to .= be cruel to. 对残酷的不友善的21. save animals from danger 挽救动物免受危险22. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事23. promise

13、 to do sth. 承诺做某事24. clinics for sick animals 为生病的动物(看病的)诊所25. our best friends 我们最好的朋友26. live with dogs in caves 和狗生活在洞穴中27. guard the caves 守卫洞穴28. keep sb. safe from danger 保护某人免受危险29. hunt animals for food 猎取动物作为食物30. help people in many different ways 在许多方面帮助人们31. catch thieves 捉小偷32. find mis

14、sing people 找到失踪的人们33. help blind people cross the road safely 帮助盲人安全地过马路34. help farmers on their farms 在农场帮助农民35. bring other animals, like sheep, to the farmer 帮像羊之类的其他动物带到农场主那里36. take care of them carefully 小心地照顾他们第三单元来自其他国家的朋友们Unit 3 Friends from other countries词汇:1. foreigner /frIn=/ n. 外国人2. crowded /kraUdId/ adj. 拥挤的3. example /IGz1:mpl/ n. 例子4. Canada /k7n=d=/ n. 加拿大5. Canadian /k=neIdj=n/ n. & adj. 加拿大人;加拿大(人)的6. Australia /streIlj=/ n. 澳大利亚7. Australian /streIlI=n/ n. & adj. 澳大利亚人;澳大利亚(人)的8. India

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