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1、I have collected the top five benefits of play here.Play can stimulate you to think differently. It can go against all the rules and change the same oldboring way of doing things. Walt Disney was devoted to play, and his willingness to oppose thecommon wisdom changed the world of entertainment. The

2、next time youre stuck in a fixed andboring way of life, pull out a box of colored pencils, modeling clay, glue and scissors, and inviteyour inner child out, and break free. Youll be amazed that the way youre thinking shifts to newworlds of discovery.Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What

3、 do you think the world would be like if everyhuman spends time each day in play? I bet just asking you this question has brought a smile toyour face.Play creates laughter, joy, entertainment and a feeling of inner peace. Starting today, try to get 30minutes each day to engage in some form of play,

4、and watch your joy factor rise.Play is known to reduce stress. Studies show that as humans, play is part of our nature. We havethe need to play because it is instinctive and basic to human existence. With regular play, ourproblem solving and adaptive abilities will be in much better shape to handle

5、this complex world.And were much more likely to choose healthy answer to challenging situations as they arise. It2creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress, and add a feeling of relaxation toour daily living.Play can stimulate the imagination, curiosity and creativity. Research s

6、hows that play is both ahands-on and minds-on learning process. It produces a deeper, more meaningful understandingof the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning to life through story-making andplaying out various possible situations.Part B: Listening Comprehension In this part of the t

7、est there will be some short talks and conversations. After eachone, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spokenONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heardand write the letter of the answer you have chosen in

8、 the corresponding space in your ANSWERBOOKLET.Now Let us begin Part B with listening comprehensionQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.Woman: New studies are proving that more and more Americans are living way beyond theirexpectations. into their eighties or nineties and even in

9、to a second century.Man: Sounds very interesting. So then, we decided to get a first-hand look into this incredible group of seniorcitizens. the oldest old. centenarians. individuals who are over 100. We decided tovisit a unique village whose 150 elderly residents (90% of whom are over 85) liveindep

10、endently in small apartments. Last June we spent a lovely sunny afternoon at CherryBlossoms Village in Baltimore, Maryland. There we met with the director of the villageand had the opportunity to speak with a few of the remarkable centenarians living there. According to recent statistics, the number

11、 of centenarians is growing rapidly. There areestimated to be more than 3600 centenarians in the United States, which is double thenumber 10 years ago. If you were born 100 years ago you had a 1 in 400 chance ofbecoming a centenarian, but if you were born in 1980 you had a 1 in 87 chance. And bythe

12、year 2080, youll have a 1 in 40 chance. Yes, I just read some fascinating new research done by some scientists in Georgia whostudied 96 non-institutionalized, independent centenarians. They wanted to discoverwhat the real secrets were to becoming an active and healthy 100-year-old. They werequite su

13、rprised by what they found. Most people believe diet, exercise, and genetics arethe common threads among most centenarians. However, they were not among the traitsthat all of these individuals had in common.3 O.K, then. What were the common themes? What did the scientists find out? Well, they uncove

14、red four themes that all 96 of their centenarians had in common.These were optimism, engagement or commitment to something they were interestedin, activity or mobility, and the strength to adapt to loss. All four of these themes werepervasive among the “oldest old” they studied. I was told that ther

15、e have centenarians living in that Baltimore village who haveunconventional hobbies such as competitive swimming, auto racing, and horseback riding.Is this the norm?, not exactly.not all of them take it quite this far, but all of our residents dosome sort of regular physical activity. And wh

16、at about diet? They found that the centenarians they studied had the highest calorie intake andeat the largest amount of fat. Well, when speaking with the centenarians in the village, what do they tell you about dietand nutrition? I mean, do they offer advice about good eating habits and nutrition t

17、hatmay help someone live longer? Oh, all of them basically do something different. Some of them eat a low-fat andlow-calorie, unprocessed food diet. But others suggest that everyone eat spicy food, drinkwhisky, and have a large portion of sweet pork every day. The nutritionist must be totallybaffled

18、 as to why some of the centenarians can defy good nutritional rules and get awaywith it. Earlier you mentioned that the Georgian researchers found that the ability to cope withloss is another characteristic that healthy centenarians share. Yes, exactly! If you live to be 100 you are bound to lose a

19、lot. Its natural. Most of ourcentenarians have lost a spouse, children, and siblings. Many have lost their peer group aswell. But in spite of this, they are able to incorporate that loss in a positive way so theycan go on with their lives. One final question about the centenarians So, if I want to l

20、ive to be 100 whatwould they suggest I do? I guess most of them would suggest that you work hard, stay busy, and always findsomething to laugh about.Question No. 1:Which of the following statements is true according to the dialogue?Question No. 2:What did the scientists in Georgia want to find out?Q

21、uestion No. 3:According to the researchers, what were the four main themes or characteristicsthat all of the 96 centenarians have in common?Question No. 4:Scientists in Georgia studied the centenarians diets. What did they find?4Question No. 5:The centenarians offer suggestions about living to be 10

22、0. Which of thefollowing is not one of their suggestions?Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news.AfricaDisease spread by global warming could kill an extra 185 million people in Africa by themiddle of the century and turn millions more into refugees, unless rich nations take actionsnow, a

23、report says yesterday. Christian Aids says rich developed countries had to end theirdependence on fossil fuels and set aside large sums of aid to help poor nations write out theworst impact of global warming, and switch to energy sources like wind, solar, and waves. Mostscientists agree that global

24、warming is a result of burning fossil fuels for transport and power,and new calculation suggests that having risen by 1.7 degrees in the 20th century, globaltemperatures could surge 3 degrees by 2050.SeoulSouth Korea will indict the chairman of the Hyundai Motor Group today over a cash-for-favorscan

25、dal, a spokesman for the Supreme Prosecutors Office said yesterday. Analysts areconcerned that the probe could create a leadership vacuum at the countrys top car-maker, andderail its ambitions to become the fifth biggest company in the worlds auto industry by 2010,since Chung Mong-koo, the chairman,

26、 is said to take a strong role in the day-to-day managementof the group. The chairman was arrested on April 28th over allegations of misusing companyfunds linked to a bribery scandal, involving suspected slush funds used to offer cash forpolitical favors via a lobbyist.JakartaIndonesia raises alert

27、status to the highest level, thousands living nearby moved to shelters insafe areas. Grey ash covered crop fields and hundreds of roof tops in the area of Ketap, tenkilometers from the base of the mountain, and many houses appear deserted after residentsevacuated. Not everyone was gone. Some people

28、cleaned ash off their houses, and others openedshops. Commercial mini-buses continue to run. The mountain has exploded already, the head ofthe volcano research center in the region cautioned, however, that Merapis eruption processcould be gradual, rather than a sudden burst, and that the massive eru

29、ption had yet to come.He was reluctant to forecast whether the situation would get worse. The hot clouds stretched for4 kilometers, while as a comparison during the eruption in 1994, they reached 6 kilometersbefore a deadly rain of materials started falling.LondonBritain is considering introducing compulsory lessons on core British values for children inresponse to last Julys suicide bomb attacks on London, the government says yesterday.Education Minister Bill Rammell said a six-month-review would examine whether all 11 to 16year olds s

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