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研究报告1 6000字word版本 10页Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、2. HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT2.1Resource-Related Factors2.2Distance2.2.1. Homehost country distance.2.2.2. Homeinitiating country distance.2.3Government Constraints2.3.1. Host government constraints.2.3.2. Home government constraints.2.4 Subsidiary Control2.5 Market-Related Factors2.5.1. Initiating coun

2、try importance2.5.2. Within-country response.2.5.3. Multimarket contact.3. METHODOLOGY3.1. Data Description3.2. Identification of Competitive Actions3.3. Dependent Variable: Response Speed3.4. Independent Variables3.4.1. Distance.3.4.2. Government constraints.3.4.3. Subsidiary control.3.4.4. Initiat

3、ing country importance and within-country response3.4.5. Multimarket contact.3.5. Control Variables3.6. Analytical Methodology4. RESULTS5. DISCUSSION5.1. Implications5.2. Limitations6. REFERENCESAPPENDIX A Frequency Counts of ActionsAPPENDIX B Data Structure Example1.5理论基础1.5.1波特的市场竞争理论 (Porter, 198

4、0)How a firm acts and reacts with regard to rivals is a vital determinant of its performance1.5.2竞争行为,也即下面所说的actions. (Delios & Henisz, 201X; Graham, 1990; Knickerbocker, 1973)macro competitive actions such as market entry and foreign direct investment1.5.3组织变革,组织学习,决策理论Drawing on diverse streams of

5、 research on organizational change, learning, and decision making (Allison, 1971; Dutton & Jackson, 1987; Kiesler & Sproull, 1982; Lant, Milliken, & Batra, 1992; Schelling, 1960), 1.5.4资源论(Barney,1991)resources available to a firm and factors related to the effective deployment of resources1.5.5AMC动

6、态竞争战略(Chen, 1996; Smith, Ferrier, & Ndofor, 201X)awareness, motivation, and capability1.5.6此外,在确定每个变量前都有相关理论引入(如:引入政府限制因素时的理论Governments can affect the strategic actions and survival prospects of foreign-based MNEs by creating barriers to their access to critical resources and increasing their cost

7、of doing business (Delios & Beamish, 1999; Loree & Guisinger, 1995; North, 1990; Rugman & Verbeke, 1990).)。 1.6主要解决的问题研究跨国公司(MNEs)应对竞争行为(rivals attack or actions)的反应速度(response time)是如何受到市场相关因素(initiating country importance, location of the response in the initiating country, and multimarket contact

8、)和资源相关因素(distance, government constraints, and subsidiary control)影响的。1.7创新点本文不同于以前单一国家背景下的研究,而是将跨国公司组成the rivalry of MNE dyads,也即rival dyads,一对竞争主体来进行。(Our study describes several factors that are important to rivalry between MNEs, but not considered in previous research,primarily because past rese

9、arch has been limited to single-country settings.) 二、 研究设计2.1 变量的选择the initiator is the MNE that took an initial action,and the responder is the MNE that is expected to respond.Home country refers to an MNEs nation of originwhether it is initiator or responder.Host country refers to any country wher

10、e an MNE competes except its home country.Initiating country refers to a country where a rivals attack takes place.Inititor代表有竞争初始行为的跨国公司Responder代表有反应的跨国公司Home country代表跨国公司的的母国Host country代表东道国,也即跨国公司处发生在母国的一切竞争行为的发生地Initiating country代表竞争行为发生的国家首先是与资源相关的因素2.1.1变量:距离对distance的定义 : the geographic d

11、istance between an MNEs home and a given host country, 由此提出了hypothesis1。在垄断竞争发生的地点与跨国公司所在地的地理距离也需要研究,跨国公司在东道国时,其对竞争做出反应的快慢受到自己母国和东道国地理距离远近的影响。因此提出 hypothesis2。We argue that when an attack occurs in a geographically distant country, the MNEs awareness of the action as well as its motivation to respon

12、d swiftly are hampered,其中跨国公司在东道国时,对竞争的察觉意识和动机强弱都会受到竞争者所在国家地理距离远近的影响。由此提出了hypothesis2。2.1.2.变量:政府约束在东道主的国家里,就必须遵循他国的政府规定进行竞争,hostgovernment : propose that host government constraints hinder the motivation and capability of an MNE to respond to rivals attacks.(主要方式有法律law、法规regulation,政坛危机political ha

13、zards等),这些都会减慢跨国公司的反应速度,提出hypothesis3。相应的,在跨国公司的母国,也即home country,一般都会有贸易保护制度,以保护本国企业的利益,所谓的a safe backyard ,它的政策是positively作用于跨国公司的,因此提出hypothesis4。对于政府政策是一个很广的范围,本文中只研究防御性政策defensive policies(如:constraints on foreign MNEs daily operations)。2.1.3.变量:对子公司的控制力研究母公司与分公司信息流传递的有效性和可靠性,决定母公司对国外分公 司在运营和战略

14、决策上的指挥程度。因此提出hypothesis5接下来是与市场有关的因素,主要受Porter理论的影响。2.1.4.变量:Initiating country importance市场的重要性2.1.5.变量: Within-country response. 单个市场内的反应2.1.6.变量: Multimarket contact. 各个市场之间的联系The degree of threat an action poses to a potential responder is a strong predictorof response speed.一般说,公司的市场越重要,受竞争者影响的

15、力度越大,公司的反应就越快(即increases an MNEs awareness of an attack and enhances itsmotivation to respond quickly.),提出hypothesis6。研究完最初发生竞争的市场后,相继提出单个市场内的反应和各个市场之间的联系,并提出最后两个hypothesis。2.2研究样本的选择在样本的选择上,本文选择global automobile manufacturers from 1995 to 201X,有以下几点原因,首先汽车行业是寡头垄断(oligopolistic),文中可以找出一组an identifia

16、ble and manageable set of firms。第二,汽车行业的市场已经可以清楚的被定位,且不同国家市场还是有明显区别的。再次,这些跨国公司的数据是可获得的。最后,汽车制造业是商业的主线之一,成熟完善,不易混淆。首先,文中从1995201X volumes of Wards Automotive Yearbook书中找出13 largest firms。这些汽车制造公司分别是DaimlerChrysler, Fiat, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Nissan, PSA Peugeot Citroen, R

17、enault, Suzuki, Toyota, and Volkswagen. 在这7年中,这13家公司的汽车占全球机动车销量的76%-88%,共涉及27个国家,这些国家占据全球99%的机动车销售额 对于竞争行为方面的数据,来源于Automotive News。We used structured content analysis to identify competitive actions。首先一人搜索出关键词与竞争、竞赛、战争有关的文章,然后搜索1995-201X年内所有与上述13个汽车公司有关的文章(至少在关键词中出现一个),最后阅读这些文献,确定2,207 对竞争行为(dyad-le

18、vel competitive actions),每个action被归类于6个action type中,分别为capacity action, major product action, pricing action, marketing action, distribution and service improvement, and minor product action。如果有的action 不属于任何一个类别,被视为a single action,统一归类到multiple action type中。举例,大家可以看表A。当Automotive News刊登一篇文章时,文中会提到ac

19、tion发生的国家或者区域。如果是区域(eg: Europe),文中就会找出这个区域里所有重要的国家,把这些国家视为action的发生地(geographic classification法),最终得出,有77%的action仅发生在一个国家,99%的action发生在少于6个国家的区域内,这说明geographic classification方法的误差对数据分析的影响不大。为了检验Automotive News中文章的可靠性,文中随机抽取了30篇文章,在其他商业核心期刊上查阅,证实了Automotive News中文章是可靠的。2.3因变量和自变量的数据处理2.3.1.因变量:respon

20、se speed反应速度,实质为一位竞争者对一个跨国公司出击,跨国公司相应反击,两个行为之间的时间差。2.3.2.自变量:首先是距离,自己measure, 还用了four dimensions of the Hofstede index (Hofstede, 1980)来测cultural distance然后是政府约束,用了World Economic Forum的Executive Opinion Survey(This survey collects information on the perceptions of 4,000 top executives about the comp

21、etitive characteristics of 59 countries),并从中挑选了三个变量(1Administrative procedures are not an important obstacle to starting a new business, 2Government regulations do not impose a heavy burden on businesscompetitiveness, and 3Irregular payments connected with import and export permits, business license

22、s, exchange controls, tax assessments, police protection or loanapplications are not common)选这些变量主要是想知道跨国公司的管理者对于区域保护条例的认知度如何,用因子分析法分析上述三个变量,得出composite measure.同理,这种方法也用来测量host government constraints 和 home government constraints 对子公司的控制力。运用他人已得的数据。used the percentage of a subsidiarys equity held b

23、y its MNE headquarters (Curhan, Davidson, & Suri, 1977; Delios & Henisz, 201X). Who Owns Whom: The Directory of Corporate Affiliation was our source for equity ownership data. Initiating country importance and within-country response。设定虚拟变量 we included a dummy variable, within-country response, indi

24、cating whether or not the focal host country was also the initiating country.多个市场间的联系Multimarket contact. 市场的联系用下面的公式说明:dyadic measure developed by Baum and Korn(1999)。We used the measure below to capture the level of multimarket contact between two firms, i and j, at time t (for all MitDimt Djmt 1,

25、otherwise =0):Mit_Cimt (Dimt Djmt)+ Mjt_Cjmt Djmt)/ Mit + Mjt, where m denotes a given market in the set of markets,Mit or Mjt served by either or both firms i and jat time t. Cimt and Cjmt are the centralities集中性 (strategic importance) of market m to firms i and j at time t.Dimt and Djmt are indica

26、tor variables set equal to 1 if firms i and j are active in market m at time t and 0 otherwise2.3.3.控制变量:为控制host country characteristics,文中引入host GDP growth(WorldDevelopment Indicator database);为控制host market concentration,文中引入虚拟变量(dummy variable)initiators home(coded 1 if the initiating country was

27、 also the initiators home country and 0 otherwise);为控制characteristics of a responder,文中引入responder size(the log of the firms world production)和responder international experience(United Nations World Investment Report);为控制the characteristics of an initiating action,文中把6种action types 分为2组:major moves和

28、minor moves ,同时文中做出一个虚拟变量major initiating move(1是0否),文中用所有涉及initiators attack和变量initiating countries来控制initiating move的数量。而initiating move的复杂性是所有包含在initiators action的action的种类数目;为控制the characteristics of an initiating firm,引入变量dyad partner distance。三、 数据处理遵循竞争的公司-国家的研究模式,对于初始竞争行为的发生有两种表现(1) the resp

29、onding firm responded in any country or countries where both competed(2) the same initiator took another action against the responding firm in one or more countries where both competed对正两种初始竞争行为,制定一组observations,每个observations的反应时间是一样的,但结果不一样。对于第一种情形中的observations,设reponse为结果可以观察到,设censored为结果不可以观察。

30、对于第二种情形中的observations,均设为censored。另外,还一种情形为在特定的一个公司做出反应之前,观察就已经结束了。在201X年11月31号前的所有observations都被检查了,初始行为发生日和被观察日之间的天数都被编号。在所有的observations被记录下后,文中删掉了所有的母国(home country observations)的观察记录,这些记录不在文章的研究视野中,因为:文中的理论假设主要是对东道国而言,对母国并不适用;许多自变量只对东道国有意义,如homehost country distance, subsidiary control, host government constraints ;跨国公司们更易在东道国展现不同的竞争行为(有引入文献)。尽管文中没做出关于母国的模型,但样本设计中都包含了母国的行为(actions),每一个在母国的行 为都会影响跨国公司在东道国的反应。另外,在东道国没有测出反应的observation,都可以在母国追根溯源,以免漏掉数据。文章对每个变量的标准平方差、均值、关联系数、方差膨胀因子(VIF)进行分析。并把反应天数作为因变量,对数据进行了OLS回归。所有的VIF值

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