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1、16. That is _ paper came into use in China.A. how B. that C. what D. which17. It looks _ we shall have to do the work ourselves.A. that B. like C. seeming D. as though18. _ is not known yet.A. When she has gone B. Where she has goneC. How did she leave D. Why did she go19. His suggestion _ to see th

2、e exhibition interested everyone of us.A. that we go B. which we should goC. that we would go D. when we should go20. Ive got to make _ he told a lie.A. that clear B. it clear that C. quite clear D. this clear that21. I remember_ this used to be a quiet village.A. how B. when C. where D. what22_eith

3、er he or I to leave for America? A. Is B.Am C.Are D.Will23. No one has finished his homework,_? A.have they B.havent they C.has he D.hasnt he24. Each soldier and sailor_given a rifle when the ship landed. A.were B.was C.are D.is25.More than one person_involved in th case. B.are C.has D.have26.

4、He is a teacher but his wife is a doctor,_? A.isnt she B.isnt it C.arent they D.isnt he27.I told Sally how to get here,but perhaps I_for her. A.had to write it out B.must have written it out C.should have written it out D.ought to write it out 28.Can I help you,sir? Yes,I bought this radio here yest

5、erday,but it_. A.didnt work B.couldnt work C.cant work D.doesnt work29.Shall I tell John about it? No,you_.Ive told him already. A.neednt B.wouldnt C.mustnt D.shoudnt30.Where is my pen? I_it. A.should have lost B.must have lost C.would have lost D.might lose31.Why didnt you answer when I called you?

6、 I_but you didnt hear me. A.had to B.couldnt C.didnt answer D.did32. He_there now,but I am not sure. A.maybe B.may be C.may have been D.might have been33.The flower is dead.I_it more water. A.will give B.must give C.should have given D.would have given34.Does Tom want to go to the film? Yes,but he s

7、ays_tonight. A.hed not rather go B.hell rather not go C.he wont rather go D.hed rather not go35.Must I take a taxi? No,you_.You can walk from here. A.dont B.must not C.dont have to D.had better not to36.The rest of the lecture_interesting. B.are D.maybe D.sound37.One and a half bananas_eaten by

8、 the little boy. A.were B.was C.have been D.was to38.The cattle_still grazing in the fields. A.was B.keeps C.were D.wont39.What caused the accident and who was responsible for it_a mystery to us. A.remains B.remain D.look like40. The reason for _ he failed in the exam was that he was too carele

9、ss. A. which B. why C. that D. it41. There are three girls in the room, _ is Toms sister. A. the tallest of which B. the tallest of whom C. tallest of that D. tallest of which 42. Ill never forget the day _ I bought my own guitar with my own money. A. where B. on which C. on when D. that 43. She is

10、just the girl, with _ my brother came to visit me last month. A. whom B. her C. that D. who 44. Last night we saw two movies, _ was interesting. A. both of which B. neither of which C. both of them D. neither of them 45. This is the house in _ I was born thirty years ago. A. it B. there C. which D.

11、that46. Parents are taught to understand _ important education is to their childrens future. A. that B. how C. such D. so47. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space. A. where B. what C. that D. how48. You are saying that everyone should be equ

12、al, and this is _ I disagree. A .why B. where C .what D .how49. The road is covered with snow. I cant understand_ they insist on going by motor-bike. A .why B. whether C .when D .how50. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed. A. as B. which C. wh

13、at D. that答案1-5 DBDAB6-10 BACDA11-15 BDCDD16-20 ADBAB21-25 BAABA26-30 DCDAB31-35 DBCDC36-40 AACBA41-45 BBABC46-50 BBBAC(二)1The assistant charged me 100 dollars for the blouse,but my mum_only 50 dollars.Abought Btold Coffered Dasked2It is said that her dream of becoming a famous singer_at last.Aturne

14、d true Brealized Clived Dcame true3The_from the top of the building is amazing.Ascene Bscenery Csight Dview4Xiao Li is chosen to_our city to take part in the country sports meeting.He is likely to get a good score.Arepresent Bpresent Cleave Dattend5Its now quite common_for married women not to take

15、their husbands second name.Away Bpractice Ccustom Dmethod6Usually banks require credit card applicants to have an ID card and a(n)_income.Acommon Bordinary Cusual Dregular7It is reported that heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily cause and_.Aeffect Baffect Caffection Dinfect8My s

16、tomach_a lot.I guess thats because I didnt eat my breakfast.It wont_you if you miss breakfast for once.Ahurts;hurt Bharms;hurtCinjures;harm Dwounds;injure9I think fireworks_the beauty of the festival night.Aadded up Badding up Cadded up to Dadded to10Since there are all kinds of cameras here,which d

17、o you_I take?Ahope Bbelieve Cthink Dsuggest11Several strong winds may_into a hurricane when the suitable temperature is met.Acombine Bunite Cmix Dconnect12Were you angry with your husband?Well,yes,_.But it didnt matter really.Asort of Bof a sortCsome sorts of Dall sorts of13Your performance in the d

18、riving test didnt reach the required standard_,you failed.Ain the end Bafter allCin other words Dat the same time14The teenager seemed to be a good driver;_,I didnt dare to travel in his car.Atherefore Bso Ceven though Deven so15What are you going to do this afternoon?Im going to the cinema with som

19、e friends.The film_quite early,so we_to the bookstore after that.Afinished;are going Bfinished;goCfinishes;are going Dfinishes;1C卖方要价多少用charge,买方出价多少用offer。2DA项搭配不当;B项和C项应为realize ones dream或live ones dream,但此处应为被动。come true是一个不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。3D从某个特定的角度看到的风景应用view;scene指一眼看到的风景,指某一处风景,场景;scenery指某一地区

20、的综合风景;sight指“名胜”。4Arepresent代表;present给予,赠送,介绍;leave离开;attend参加。句意为:小李将代表我们市参加国家运动会。他有可能会获得好成绩。5B way方式,方法;custom风俗,习惯;method方法;practice惯例,常规。6D句意为:通常银行要求信用卡申请人具有身份证和固定收入。regular有规律的,固定的,regular income固定收入。7Aeffect结果,影响,cause and effect因果;affect为动词;affection为名词“影响”;infect传染。8A表示人身体部分的疼痛多用hurt。harm表示

21、“伤害”;injure表示在事故中受伤;wound表示被锐器所伤。9Dadd to在此表示“增添”之意。我认为焰火增添了节日夜晚的美丽。10D根据句意可以看出,说话者是希望对方给自己提供建议。hope希望;believe相信,think认为;suggest建议。11Aunite表示“合并,团结,连接起来”;mix表示“混合”;connect表示“连接”,后面一般也不用into;combine into表示“连接成为一体”,符合语境“几股强风构成飓风”。12A考查副词短语。答语表示“是的,有点生气”,应用sort of有点,有几分,作状语,位于形容词angry(已省略)前。13C从题干所设语境看

22、,选项之后是对前面所说内容的解释,in other words表示“换句话说;也就是说”,故为最佳答案。in the end表示“终于;最终”。after all用来引导或提示刚才说话的原因或理由,表示“毕竟;终究”,或者强调“必须记住”。at the same time引出相关的评论或附加的加强性信息,表示“但是;然而”。14D考查省略和替代。表示“即使如此”,即用so代替前面出现的内容,相当于even if/though he seemed to be a good driver;even though多接从句。15C由问句“今天下午你要做什么?”的be going to do结构可知动作

23、还没发生,而“电影结束得早”是由电影本身的时间长短决定,与人的主观意志无关,所以应用一般现在时;“电影结束后,我们要去书店”,是“我们”的主观打算,所以应用be going to。(三)1.The film had already been on for quite some time when we _ at the New Theatre.A.have arrived B.arrived C.had arrived D.would arrive2.I dont think it is difficult for a senior student to _ the difference be

24、tween “hurt”and “injure”.A.tell B.separate C.divide D.choose3.When he _ down the street, Adam saw the tailor shop where he had bought a walking B.walks C.was walking D.had walked4.Ive won a holiday for two to Hong Kong. I _ my taking taken C.have taken D.take5.It is a pity th

25、at the great writer died with his works finish B.unfinishing C.finished D.unfinished6.He is a naughty boy who _ trouble, so most of his teachers dislike always causing B.always is causing C.slways causes D.always caused7.- Lets climb the mountain this weekend, shall we? - _ .A.Thats

26、a good idea B.It doesnt matter C.Youre dead right D.I agree with you8.I wonder why Jenny _ to us recently. We should have heard from her by now.A.doesnt write B.hasnt written C.wont write D.hadnt written9. My mother was seriously ill last month. Luckily, she managed to _.A.get back away C.pull

27、 through D.look through10.Her family _ to Canada three years ago where they are living a happy life.A.moved B.has moved C.had moved D.was moving11.- Will Dr. Green attend the meeting? - Yes, he_ that he would arrive at 9 oclock.A.expected B.promised C.allowed D.advised12.The price of houses in my hometown _

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