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1、Unit 6 Sunshine for allPart One Comic strip重点全解1、 Im training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games.(P 78) train此处为及物动词(也可作不及物动词),意为“接受训练;培训等”例如: He is training to be a doctor. We should train students to form good habits. trainer n. 教练;trainee n. 接受训练的人,学员training 不可数名词,意为“训练”。例如:You need more tr

2、aining.2、 Will you support me, Eddie?(P 78)support此处为及物动词,意为“支持”。例如:I dont support his 作不可数名词时,意为“支持,拥护”。例如:He needs our support.supporter 可数名词,意为“支持者,拥护者”。例如:I have many supporters.3、 Its meaningful to do something for the Olympics.(P 78)meaningful adj. 有有意义的;meaningless adj. 无意义的例如

3、:What he did is meaningful.He gave me a meaningful look.4、 How can I help then?(P 78)辨析:can与be able to易混词 含义 具体解析can能,会只是一般性的能力,指“有能力做某事”,只用于一般现在时(can)和一般过去时(could)可以用来表示请求、允许;be able to则不能可能用来推测,表示可能性,常用于否定句中be able to能,会强调具体事件中有能力,指“经过努力而成功地做某事”,可用于各种时态;不能与can连用;不能表示可能性的推测例如:The boy can skate=The

4、boy is able to skate. Can I come in? The man cant be Mr. Green. He has gone to America.5、 I need some more food to eat at work.(P 78)some more意为“再来一点,再多一些”拓展:“数词+more+名词”=“another + 数词+名词”。例如:I want to buy ten more apples. = we want to buy another ten apples.Part Two Welcome to the unitA重点全解1、 blind

5、 adj. 瞎的(P 79)由blind构成的短语:go blind 失明;turn a blind eye to对佯装不见 be blind to 对视而不见2、 deaf adj. 聋的(P 79)例如:He is a deaf man.He is deaf of an ear.拓展:be deaf to advice意为“不听劝告” Tom is always deaf to advice. turn a deaf ear to意为“对充耳不闻” Dont turn a deaf ear to what I said.B重点全解1、 What are homeless people, D

6、aniel?(P 79)homeless adj. 无家可归的类似以后缀“-less”构成的单词:careless 马虎的;useless 无用的;harmless无害的;meaningless没有意义的;endless无尽的;helpless无助的2、 They can provide special places for homeless people to stay.(P 79)provide sth. for sb. 意为“为某人提供某物”,相当于provide sb. with sth.例如:They often provide hungry children with food.T

7、hey often provide food for hungry children.简单辨析:give, provide与offerprovide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth.offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth.Part Three Reading重点全解1、 Liu Ming did not know what to expect when he volunteered for the Special Olympics World Summer Gam

8、es in Shanghai, back in October 2007. (P 80)expect vt. 意为“期待,指望,预料”例如:What do you expect me to do? I expect that he will pass the exam.辨析:expect, hope与look forward to易混词 具体解释 用法expect指期待、盼望某事的发生,感情色彩强烈其后可接名词、动词不定式或从句作宾语,也可以接动词不定式作宾语补足语,例:I expect to meet my good friend in Pairs. hope“希望”,表示对意愿的实现抱有一

9、定的信心,这种希望往往可以实现其后可接名词、动词不定式或从句作宾语,但不能接动词不定式作宾语补足语,例:Tommy hopes that her father can come to the meeting.look forward to有主观上以愉悦的心情“盼望,期待”之意其中to为介词,其后可接名词、代词或动名词,例:I am looking forward to Childrens Day.volunteer此处用作不及物动词,意为“志愿做,义务做”。例如:Last summer I volunteered at the local hospital.拓展:voluntary adj.

10、义务的,志愿的 The college students often do some voluntary work in their spare time.2、 The special Olympics World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. (P 80)give sb. a chance to do sth. 意为“给某人做某事的机会”例如:I will give you a chance to explain

11、 yourself.句中的with intellectual disabilities为后置定语,修饰children and adults。介词短语作定语一般要后置。例如:The students on duty are cleaning the classroom.chance可数名词,意为“机会”,强调偶然性。例如:Do you have a chance to win? You have no chance now.3、 They include many events similar to those in the Olympics. (P 80)event此处用作可数名词,意为“比

12、赛项目;大事”。例如:How many events are there at your school sports meeting? Its an event in history. 那是历史上的一件大事。similar adj. 意为“同样的,类似的”,be similar to意为“与相似”,其中to为介词,其后多接名词或代词例如:My watch is similar to yours.拓展:be similar in 意为“在方面相似”; be the same as 意为“与相同” They are similar in color. My coat is the same as

13、my friends.4、 Then they provided support for the athletes and helped make the event a great success. (P 80)make the event a great success意为“使本届特奥会取得很大的成功”,make +sb./sth. + 名词结构,其中the event是make的宾语,a great success为其宾语补足语例如:Hard life makes the boy a man. 艰苦的生活使这个男孩成为一个男子汉 We made Tom our monitor.拓展:ma

14、ke后还以接省略to的动词不定式、形容词、过去分词作宾语补足语。 Dont make the boy cry anymore. The boy often makes his mother angry. I cant make myself understood in Chinese.5、 I was the swimming coach for a young boy from. (P 81)coach此处为可数名词,意为“教练”,复数形式为coachescoach还可用作及物动词,意为“训练,指导”。coach还可用作可数名词,意为“客车,长途汽车”。例如:He is a football

15、 coach. Could you help coach a football team for little kids? I will take a coach to Nanjing.6、 He was born with intellectual disabilities.(P 81)be born with.意为“生来具有”例如:He was born with a weak body. 他生来体弱。7、 To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part. (P 81)notbut意为“不是,而是”。例如:Jims father is not a teache

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