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1、s a modern city.A.have gone B.have beenC.had gone( )6.(2012年南通)We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.Im sorry for it.My mother and I _ in the square.A.danced B.will danceC.were dancing D.are dancing( )7.(2012年绥化)Wheres our math teacher?He _to Shanghai.A.has gone B .has been C. i

2、s going( )8.(2012年乐山)Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time?Yes, since she _ the Chinese Society.A.joined B.joinsC.has joined( )9.(2012年黄冈)Hey, Molly.You _ on the phone just now.But you werent here and the man left a phone number.Oh? I was in the library.A.wanted B.are wantedC.were wanted D.have

3、wanted( )10.(2012年自贡)I think teenagers should _ drive.They are not serious allowed toB.not be allowed toC.not allow to( )11.(2011年武汉)John likes playing soccer very much and he _ about one hour playing it every day.A.spent B.will spendC.has spent D.spends( )12.(2011年德阳)It _ hard outside.Y

4、ou have to stay at home.A.rain rainingC.rained( )13.(2011年杭州)The last time I _ to the cinema was two years ago.A.go B.have goneC.have been D.went( )14.(2011年安徽)He promised to pick me up at the school gate.However, he _ yet.A.didnt arrive B.doesnt arriveC.isnt arriving D.hasnt arrived( )15.(2011

5、年铜仁)There _ a concert on Qixing Square next Monday going going to be D.will have( )16.(2011年武汉)Jim isnt in the classroom.Where is he?He _ to the teachers office.A.will go B.has goneC.had gone going( )17.(2011年宁波)Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered t

6、he phone.Oh, I _ a walk with my mother at that time.A.take taking D.was taking( )18.(2011年宁波)There was a big earthquake in Japan, but luckily many people B.savedC.are saved D.were saved( )19.(2011年安徽)Dont worry.Your package _ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.A.wil

7、l keep B.has keptC.will be kept D.has been kept( )20.(2011年兰州)In many places in China, the old over 90 _ not only by the family but also by the taking good careB.are taken good care taking good care ofD.are taken good care【课后提高】第一组( )1.Paul and I _ tennis yesterday.He did much

8、 better than B.will playC.played D.are playing( )2.My aunt is a writer.She _ more than ten books since 1980.A.writes B.wroteC.has written D.will write( )3.Driving after drinking wine _ in China.A.allows B.doesnt allowed D.isnt allowed( )4.Some students in Shanghai _ ebags for seve

9、ral months.A.have B.have hadC.had D.will have( )5.Look! The boys _ football on the playground.A.plays B.playC.are playing D.played( )6. Have you ever been to Nanning?Yes, _.A.I was B.I doC.I am D.I have( )7.The Spring Festival _ in January or February.A.celebrates celebratedC.celebrated D.was c

10、elebrated( )8.I didnt hear you because I _ the news on the radio.A.listen to listening toC.listened to D.was listening to( )9.I _ my homework.I guess I cant join you.A.dont finish B.didnt finishC.havent finished D.won( )10.Are you going to the bank, Laura?No, I _ to the bank already.A.have been

11、 B.have going D.went( )11.After a big party, the rubbish _ everywhere.Its so terrible.A.can find B.findsC.can be find D.can be found( )12.Mr.Black is going to marry a girl he _ in Japan last year.A.meets B.metC.has met D.would meet( )13.Its difficult for village children to cross the river

12、to school.I think a bridge _ over the river.A.should be built B.will built D.was built( )14.Do you know Lucys grandma?Of course.She is a kind woman, but she has _ for about a year since she _ in the accident.A.been dead; was killedB.d ied;C.been dead; killedD.died;( )15.So far this year, m

13、any new houses _ in Wenchuan with the help of the B.are builtC.will build D.have been built( )16.You have found your lost umbrella, havent you?Yes.I _ it behind the door this afternoon.A.have found B.will findC.found D.find( )17.Sandy, I called you at 9:00 last night, but nobody a

14、nswered the phone.m sor ry.We _ a birthday party for Jerry.A.had B.were havingC.are having D.will have( )18.Please turn off the radio.Grandma _ now.OK, Ill do it right sleeping B.will sleepC.slept D.sleeps( )19.Whats the best present you have ever _?A.received B.receivesC.receiving D.receiv

15、e( )20.The computer is broken._ it _ today?A.Will; repairB.Has; repairedC.Will; be repairedD.Has; been repaired第二组( )1.How often do I need to feed the bird?They _ food every day, or they will be hungry.A.must give B.mustnt giveC.must be given D.mustnt be given( )2.She _ this book for nearly three we

16、eks.A.has borrowed B.has lentC.has bought D.has kept( )3.Mary isnt here at the moment.She _ later.A.comes B.cameC.has come coming( )4.He said he would tell me the whole story, but I _ it so far.A.wont know B.havent knownC.doesnt known D.didnt know( )5.I _ the ticket tomorrow.A.get B.will getC.g

17、ets )6.As everyone knows, rubbish _ everywhere.A.need be thrownB.mustnt be thrownC.cant throwD.may throw( )7.I _ my homework at nine oclock last Sunday doing B.was D.did( )8.How well do you know the Opera House?I know the place very well.I _ Sydney many times.A.have bee

18、n in B.have been toC.have gone to D.have arrived in( )9.Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they _ the Forbidden City.A.will be shown upB.will be shown aroundC.will show aroundD.will show up( )10.What happened to Billy?He _ because of his caught B.was caughtC.has caught D.had cau

19、ght( )11.Prison Break is the best American TV play that I _ these B.will watchC.have watched D.was watching( )12.Good news! There _ fewer peoplecatching this kind of illness now.A.are B.isC.was D.were( )13.The meeting _ last month.A.holds B.was taken placeC.was held D.takes place( )14.

20、Jack, I havent seen your brother for a long time.He_Shanghai on business for two months.A.went to B.has gone toC.has been in D.has been to( )15.The dirty room _ as soon as possible.A.needs cleanedB.needs cleanC.needs to be cleaningD.needs cleaning( )16.Things should _ here before you enter the Great

21、 Museum.A.keeps kept D.are kept( )17.Today, Chinese is becoming more and more popular.It _ in many schools around the world.A.teach es taught D.teach( )18.Can you answer t he door, Jim?I _ the dishes.m coming, B.didC.have done doing( )19.A talk_on developme

22、nt in science and technology in the school hall next week.A.given B.will be givenC.has been given )20.Judy with her brother _ computer games when her mother came back.A.were playing B.are playingC.was playing playing参考答案1-5ACBBB6-10CAACB11-15DBDDC16-20BDDCB1-5CCDBC6-10DBDCA11-15DBAAD16-20CBAAC1-5CDDBB6-10BBBBB11-15CACCD16-20CCDBC

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