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1、二、语言知识运用(共二节,计35分)第一节单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)26Yesterday I read a great book. Its about _ polices life.Well. I watched _ exciting basketball game on TV yesterday.Athe; anBa; anCthe; a Dan; a27I like _ a lot. My mother often cooks it in many ways.Apotatoes BnoodlesCfish Djuice28In the gift shop _ is b

2、eautiful. Did you buy _?No. I think all the things are expensive.Asomething; anything Beverything; anythingCeverything; something Danything; anything29Is todays homework_ for you?Yes. I finished it _.Aeasily; easy Beasily; easilyCeasy; easy Deasy; easily30Are you _ hard at home now?No. Im _ to make

3、a model plane from my father.Alearning; learningBstudying; studyingClearning; studying Dstudying; learning31What do you think of your English teacher?Shes friendly and her classes are fun. _, shes one of our favorite teachers.AIn the end BFirst of allCAfter that DAll in all32Can I wear my skirt tomo

4、rrow, Ms. Miller?No, you cant. You _ wear the school uniform. Thats the rule.Acan BmayChave to Dmustnt33Listen, Jane _ the piano in the room.She _ the piano for one hour every morning.Aplays; is practicing Bis playing; practicesCis playing; is practicingDplays; practices34In the new zoo we saw many

5、_ animals. Some of them were _ scary.Akind of; kinds ofBkinds of; kinds ofCkinds of; kind ofDkind of; kind of35Is your mother at home, Bill?No, shes at the park. She enjoys _ there after dinner.AwalkingBto walkCwalk Dwalks36Were the strawberries on the farm good?_. We took many home.AYes, they did B

6、Yes, they wereCNo, they werent DNo, they didnt37Please listen _ the music, Tom. I think its cool.Really? But Im not interested _ it.Ato; withBat; inCwith; at Dto; in38I don t like this red shirt. Can you show me _ one?Sure. How about the blue one?Athe other BanotherCothers Dother39There _ sixty-eigh

7、t students in our class. And the number of the girls _ thirty.Ais; are Bis; isCare; areDare; is40Would you like tea, Bob?_. I never drink tea.ANo problem BNo, thanksCId love toDYes, please隐藏答案答案及解析:26Apolice意思是“警察”,它是集合名词,常和the连用。exciting的首字母e的读音是元音/i/,所以用冠词an。27C由第二句中代词it可知空白处应填不可数或单数名词。由cook可以排除选项

8、D。28Bsomething用于肯定句,而anything用于否定句或疑问句中。上文两句的意思是“在礼品店里一切都很贵,你买了某东西吗”。29D形容词easy在句中作表语,副词easily在句中修饰动词finish。30Dstudy意思是“认真学习”。study和learn是同义词。learn后一定要接所学习的内容,不单独使用,常用的结构是:learn+sth./to do sth。而study可以单独使用。31D32C33B第一句由listen可知该动作正在进行,所以用现在进行时。第二句由every morning可知该动作是经常发生的,所以用一般现在时态。34Ckind of意思是“一点”

9、,修饰形容词,many kinds of 意思是“很多种”。35A36BWere they?的回答是:Yes,were./No, werent. 答语we took many home的意思是“我们带了很多回家”,所以用肯定回答。37D38Bthe other表示两者中的另一个。another表示三者或三者以上中的另一个。others意思是“其他的人或物”,是代词,后面不能接名词或代词。other后面接不可数名词或复数名词。39DThere be句型中be动词和后面最靠近它的那个名词保持单复数一致。the number of后接复数名词,谓语用单数形式。40B第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小

10、题1分,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a Sunday morning in May. When Mr. White opened the window, he was quite happy and said, “It will be a 41_ day today.” So he woke up (叫醒) his two children and said to 42_. “Get up, my dear. Were going to a very 43_ place today. Im sure youll like it

11、 very much! Get dressed, wash your face and have breakfast 44_. The place is not far 45_ here. Well go there by bus.”The son Eric was six years old. He was very happy 46_ he heard the news (消息). He asked his father, “Dad, we will skate on the river, right?I dreamt (做梦) about it last night. Today is

12、a good time to skate.” The daughter Cindy said, “No, youre wrong. Were going to the 47_. There we can 48_ lots of cute animals.” Mr. White smiled, “Youll know where we are going soon.”The bus ride takes about twenty 49_. At 9:40, they got to the city library. The two children were surprised (吃惊的) an

13、d said, “Were wrong, Dad. But we like this place, we think 50_ is a lot of fun, too.”41Afine BbadCrainy Dhot42Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs43AnoisyBterrible Cfree Dinteresting44Aslowly Bwell Cquickly Dearly45Ato Bat CinDfrom46Awhen Bif CbeforeDbecause47Acinema BzooCsupermarket Dbank48Awatch BseeClook Dread49Adays BhoursCminutes Dmonths50Ashopping BreadingCcooking Ddrawing隐藏答案答案:4150 A B D C DA B B C B三、阅读理解(

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