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1、1.中国的第一架人造宇宙飞船于2003年10月15日星期三的上午9点钟发射。 Chinas first manned spaceship at 9 a.m.on Wednesday,October 15th,2003. 【答案】 lifted off 2.这部车对于我来说太贵了,因此我不会买。This car is expensive for me,so I cant buy it. 【答案】 far too 3.通常,我们的英语老师在课堂上对我们要求很严格。Usually our English teacher us in class. 【答案】 is strict with 4.她们在网球

2、职业结束之后,对设计工作表现出很浓的兴趣。They have expressed a keen interest in working in design after their tennis careers . 【答案】 come to an end 5.这就是我如何从事我的慈善工作来改善所有残疾人生活质量的。This is how I my charity work to improve the quality of life for all disabled people. 【答案】 got involved in 6.那女孩总是穿着时尚的衣服来引起别人对她的注意。The girl al

3、ways wears fashionable clothes to her. 【答案】 draw attention to 7.谁会料想到事情会变成这个样子呢?Whod have thought things would this?【答案】 come to 8.他爱足球爱得要命。He is frightfully football. 【答案】 keen on 9.在我看来,翟志刚是一位真正的英雄。 ,Zhai Zhigang is a real hero. 【答案】 In my opinion/view 10.你能把这些生苹果和熟苹果分开吗?Could you the green apples

4、 the ripe ones?【答案】 separate;from .单项填空 1. about 100 years ago,the building cant be used now. A.Founding B.Founded C.Finding D.Found 【解析】 句子主语the building和found之间为被动关系,故应用过去分词作状语。【答案】 B 2.I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mouth,but he remained . A.quiet B.secre

5、t C.silent D.calm 【解析】 quiet安静的;secret秘密(的);calm镇静(的),平静(的);silent沉默的,不发音的;remain silent保持沉默。依句意选silent。【答案】 C 3. from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. A.Being separated B.Having separated C.Having been separate

6、d D.To be separated 【解析】 ”,”后面的部分是主句,前面这一部分只能是状语,separate动作发生在主句谓语has 之前,且与Australia是被动关系,所以应选分词的完成被动式。4.I dont think he is equal our demands. meet meeting meeting meet 【解析】 be equal 与to搭配,to为介词,须加doing作宾语,故选B项。句意:我认为他不能满足我们的要求。5.The black government for their rights for several

7、centuries. A.have struggled against B.struggled in C.has struggled against D.struggled on 【解析】 句中此处表示”几个世纪以来黑人为了自己的权利和政府作斗争”之意,应用with或against,又因the black为一个群体,故不能用单数,排除C项。【答案】 A 6.Many famous hospitals are competing an excellent doctor who came from USA. A.with B.against D.for 【解析】 句意:很多有名的医院正在

8、争取一个从美国回来的优秀医生。compete for 争取得到,compete with/ against sb.和某人竞争。【答案】 D 7.My father praised me for I in the school last year. A.the progress;took B.the progress;made C.a progress;D.the progress;produced 【解析】 make progress 为固定搭配,排除A、D项,progress为不可数名词,排除C项。8. himself to supporting his brothers son,he ha

9、s to let one of his children leave school. A.Having committed B.Committed C.Being committed D.To commit 【解析】 考查分词短语作状语。因为已经承诺要抚养弟弟的儿子,他不得不让自己的一个孩子辍学。此处commit和he是主谓关系,故排除表动宾关系的B、C两项;又因”承诺”这个动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,所以表示将来的D项排除。9.There is a new problem the popularity of private cars that road conditions need . A

10、.involved in;to be improved B.involving in;C.involving in;improving D.involved in;improved 有一个涉及私家车盛行的新问题,那就是道路状况需要改善。句子结构为:” the”为分词短语作定语,修饰problem;”that. ”为同位语从句,和problem 是同位语。因为involve和所修饰的名词problem为动宾关系,即involve problem in sth.,故用involved。need 有两个用法:need to be done 或need doing ,故

11、选A项。10.According to their researches,a strong social support system can protect people diseases such as heart trouble,depression. A.against B.with D.of 【解析】 本题主要考查protect的词组。protect. against .使某人免于。protect 一般不与 with/in/of 连用。根据他们的研究,一种强大的社会支持体系能够使人们免于患像心脏病和忧郁症这样的疾病。根据题意,只有A项符合语境。 提升能力达标.单项填空 1.(2011

12、安徽巢湖一模)Though to a higher position, she still didnt content herself. A.promoting B.being promoted C.having promoted D.promoted 尽管被提拔到一个更高的职位,但她仍然对自己不满意。此句考查非谓语动词。 promote 和句子主语之间是被动关系,并且动作已经发生过了,因而使用过去分词形式。2.As we know,many Europeans the continent of America in the 16th century. A.explored B.develop

13、ed C.opened out D.uncovered 【解析】 explore”探险”,句意:据我们所知,16世纪许多欧洲人到美洲大陆探险。3.Students complaints their food were soon taken consideration by the school. A.about;into B.for;on C.of;for D.with;against 【解析】 complaint about sth.抱怨某事;take sth.into consideration考虑某事。4.The speaker his voice so that he could ma

14、ke himself heard in the noisy street. A.raised B.rose C.lifted D.brought 【解析】 表示提高声音应用raise。5.The boss wishes that his sick outstanding manager could and come back to work as soon as possible. A.pull through B.put through C.go through D.look through 【解析】 pull through”康复”;put through”完成”;go through”通

15、过”;look through”浏览”“审核”。6.Beijing National Stadium,the showpiece of the Beijing Olympics ,has fallen into disuse since the end of the games, it difficult to make a profit. A.make make C.making D.made 【解析】 making it difficult to make a profit作结果状语,表自然而然的结果。7.After a week their food ,and they had

16、 to return to their camp. A.gave up B.gave off C.gave out D.gave away 【解析】 此处give out表示”消耗完”。8.Sandy asked his brother about the news in a voice. A.amazing;surprising B.amazed;surprised C.amazing;D.amazed;【解析】 动词 ing形式作形容词用时表示事物的特点,而动词 ed形式作形容词用时表示人的感受或倾向性。9.There is still a long way to go to work o

17、ut all the problems the conservation of natural resources. A.concerning B.concerned concern D.concern 【解析】 concerning为介词或理解为现在分词作后置定语,意为”关于”。10.The teacher stressed again that the students should not any important details while retelling the story. A.bring out B.let out C.leave out D.make out 老

18、师又强调了学生在复述故事时不应该遗漏任何重要细节。bring out”出现,出版”,let out”放出,泄漏”;leave out”遗漏,漏掉”;make out”起草”。11.You speak very good French!Thanks.I French in Sichuan University for four years. A.studied C.was studying D.had studied 【解析】 考查时态。我在四川大学学过4年法语是过去发生的事情,所以谓语动词用一般过去时,该题由于有for four years,造成一部分学生作出错误的选择,而误选

19、择了 D项 。12.Could you tell me whether Bill could pass the exam next year?Of course he can.He has become a diligent student at present,so we him to succeed. A.prefer B.hope C.would like D.expect 【解析】 expect”预料”,词义符合句意。13.The little boy finished the work and didnt ask anyone for help. the way B.on

20、his own C.of his own D.all the time 【解析】 on his own相当于by himself,”独立地,单独地”,后面说明没有请人帮助,故他是独立完成作业的。14.Thank God!Its a fine day.The rain !But I dont know how long it will stay fine. stopping B.has stopped C.stopped D.will stop 【解析】 从Its a fine day.可知,现在天气很好,因此用现在完成时,表示对现在的影响。15.There are rules tha

21、t restrict the kinds of jobs that foreign students can have studying in the United States. A.because B.until C.since D.while 【解析】 while引导时间状语从句。while studying in the United States相当于while the foreign students are studying in the United States。.阅读理解 When Mary Moore began her high school in 1951,her m

22、other told her,”Be sure and take a typing course so when this show business thing doesnt work out,youll have something to rely on.” Mary responded in typical teenage fashion.From that moment on,”the very last thing I ever thought about doing was taking a typing course,” she recalls. The show busines

23、s thing worked out,of course.In her career,Mary won many awards.Only recently,when she began to write Growing Up Again,did she regret ignoring her mom,” I dont know how to use a computer,” she admits . Unlike her 1995 autobiography,After All, her second book is less about life as an award winning ac

24、tress and more about living with diabetes (糖尿病).All the money from the book is intended for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF),an organization she serves as international chairman.”I felt there was a need for a book like this,” she says.” I didnt want to lecture,but I wanted other diab

25、etics to know that things get better when were self controlled and do our part in managing the disease.” But she hasnt always practiced what she teaches.In her book,she describes that awful day,almost 40 years ago,when she received two pieces of life changing news.First,she had lost the baby she was

26、 carrying,and second,tests showed that she had diabetes.In a childlike act,she left the hospital and treated herself to a box of doughnuts (甜甜圈).Years would pass before she realized she had to grow up againand take control of her diabetes,not let it control her.Only then did she kick her three pack

27、a day cigarette habit,overcome her addiction to alcohol,and begin to follow a balanced diet. Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor,she refuses to fall into self pity.”Everybody on earth can ask,why me? about something or other,” she insists.”It doesnt do any good.No one is immune (免疫的) to heartache,pain,and disappointments .Sometimes we can make things better by helping others.Ive come to realiz

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