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1、8A Unit1 Grammar一、形容词比较级和最高级的构成原则: 1、大多数词后加er或est 2、以字母e结尾的词后加r或st 如:fine nice large cute late 3、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母再加er或est 如:big slim wet red fat hot thin sad 4、以辅音字母加y结尾的词,去掉y,再加er或est 如: easy pretty happy busy healthy lazy heavy funny early tidy thirsty 5、以-ous/-ful/-less/-ing/-ed/-ly等结尾

2、的多音节词和双音节词加more 或most 如: famous generous humorous dangerousbeautiful careful helpful usefulcareless helpless hopeless useless interesting exciting amazing boring tiringinterested excited amazed bored tiredquickly carefully healthily luckily 注意:部分前面加more或most的双音节词有:patient honest special often 部分既可以加

3、er/est 也可以加 more/most的双音节词有:clever polite simple stupid 6、一些不规则变化的单词: good/well-better-best bad/badly/ill-worse-worst many/much-more-most little-less-least old-older/elder-oldest/eldest far-farther/further-farthest/furthest 二、形容词比较级的用法: 1、A +动词+比较级+than B e.g. The picture is more beautiful than that

4、 one. 2、疑问词+动词+比较级,A or B? e.g. Which(city)is bigger,Wuxi or Suzhou? 3、the+比较级+of the two e.g. The prettier of the two girls is Lily. The more beautiful of the twins is the elder sister. 4、even, much, far, no, any, a little, a lot, still+比较级 e.g. even worse, much more important (much older), no more

5、 (notany more) This story is far more interested than that one. Im too tired. I cant walk any farther. 5、时间,倍数或年龄+比较级 e.g. My elder brother is two years older than I. =I am two years younger than my elder brother. The sun is 13,000,000 times larger than the earth. I got to school five minutes earlie

6、r/later than Tom (did). 6、“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越” e.g. He is getting fatter and fatter. Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.7、“the+比较级(主语+谓语),the +比较级(主语+谓语)”表示“越(就)越” e.g. The sooner, the better. The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.注意点:1、比较的两个对象要一致(人比人,物比物)。e.g. My b

7、ag is bigger than her. ()My bag is bigger than hers. ()2、前后比较的对象性质或形式要相同,或者为避免重复,单数或不可数名词用that 代替,复数名词用those代替。e.g. In winter, the weather in Hainan is warmer than that/the weather in Beijing.The apples on this tree are redder than those/the apples on that one.Picking apples is more interesting than

8、 planting trees.It is better to give than to receive.3、more只能用来构成比较级而不能修饰比较级。e.g. This bike is more newer than that one. () This bike is much newer than that one. ( )4、两者比较中,特指“较 的一个”, 比较级前面要加the。e.g. Which is the bigger city, Wuxi or Suzhou? (区别于:Which is bigger, Wuxi or Suzhou?)5、两者比较中,泛指“较的一个”, 比

9、较级前a。 e.g. The computer is too expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?三、形容词最高级的用法:1、 主+系动+the +最高级(+名词)+in / of / among e.g. Tom is the cleverest of / among all the boys. (Tom 与boy同一范畴) Tom is the cleverest in his class. (Tom 与class不同范畴)2、疑问词+is +the +最高级 (+名词),A, B or C? e.g. Which is the tallest boy

10、, Tom, Jim or Andy?3、主+be +one of the +最高级+名词复数 “.中最.之一” e.g. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in our country.4、主+be + the +序数词+最高级+名词单数+范围 e.g. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 注意:1、形容词最高级前若有物主代词,指示代词或名词所有格修饰时不再加the,两个 或多个最高级连用,第一个形容词前加“the” e.g. That heaviest box is hers

11、. Lucy is my best friend. Its Marys happiest day. Please give the heaviest and biggest box to me.2、形容词原级、比较级和最高级之间的转换:(1)原级与比较级之间的转换:not so/asas = lessthan不如.怎么样 e.g. This coat is not as expensive as that one. =This coat is cheaper than that one. =This coat is less expensive than that one. =That coa

12、t is more expensive than this one.(2)比较级与比较级之间的转换: e.g. Han Lei is much taller than Wang Dong. =Wang Dong is much shorter than Han Lei.(3)比较级与最高级之间的转换: the other+复数名词= the others A + be+比较级+ than + any other +单数名词 +范围(A在范围内) any of the other + 复数名词 e.g. Shanghai is the largest city in China. = Shang

13、hai is larger than the other cities in China. = Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. = Shanghai is larger than any of the other cities in China. (Shanghai在China范围之内) A + be+比较级+ than + any+单数名词+范围(A在范围外)e.g. Shanghai is larger than any city in Jiangsu. (Shanghai 不在Jiangsu范围之内)特别提醒: enough very quite too so asas. not so / asas只能修饰原级3

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