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Body Language in AnimationsWord格式.docx

1、, and identified all the major gestures and cues.然后我审查了两部“Wallace and Gromit”(超级无敌掌门狗)影片:“The Grand Day Out”(月球野餐记)和“The Wrong Trousers”(引鹅入室),并鉴别了所有主要的动作和暗示。This web page contains images taken from the above web page, the Gromit and Wallace movies and a few other images I scanned in. There are also

2、 a few animations where static images do not correctly convey the information. Most of the descriptions of the gestures are taken from the non-verbal dictionary.这个网页包含图片有来自上面的网页,有超级无敌掌门狗系列影片还有其他一些是我扫描的。也有一些动画,静帧并不能正确的传达信息。大多数姿势的描述是来那自非语言类的字典。Also note that this does not in any way cover all the poss

3、ible body poses. It only features poses I could identify in the movies I looked at.还要说明的是,这怎么都不能覆盖所有可能的肢体pose。只是我看的影片中我能挑出来的特征pose。Body Angle 身体角度The angle of the body, particularly the shoulder, relative to others reveals how we relate to them. In this image from the wrong trousers, Gromit is dista

4、ncing himself from Wallace. This positioning of the model gives it more character than if Gromits upper body was actually aimed in the same direction as his head.身体的角度,尤其是肩膀,彼此之间的关系揭示了我们和他们的关联度。在这幅引鹅入室里的剧照,Gromit正要远离它的主人出走,比起把Gromit的上半身和它的头朝向一个方向,这样摆放模型赋予角色更多的性格特征。Clenched Fist 紧握的拳头The clenched fis

5、t reveals a state of anger, excitement or fear. Nick Park uses a shaking clenched fist frequently to show an excited Wallace.紧握的拳头揭示了一种气愤,激动或者害怕的状态。Nick Park频繁使用了摇晃的拳头来展示激动的Wallace。Palm-up 摊开掌心The uplifted palm suggests a non-aggressive pose where the character is making an appeal. The jaguar who ke

6、eps complaining about lack of space in creature comforts continuously uses this gesture. The meaning of the dialogue would have changed drastically if the model was animated using a palm-down which is an aggressive pose.在角色有所诉求的时候,朝上举起的手掌暗示着无侵犯的pose。在“Creature Comforts”(动物物语)中美洲狮一直抱怨空间太小,就在连续的使用这个姿势

7、。但如果掌心朝下举起,就是一个侵略性的pose,对话的含义也会发生戏剧性的改变。Adams Apple Jump 喉结跳动Usually the Adams apple jump is a sign of anxiety. Its also used to show swallowing or gulping. In the animations that I looked at I found it being used frequently to show Wallace swallowing something.通常喉结跳动是焦急的信号。它也用来展示吞咽或者抑制。在我看的动画里我发现它被

8、频繁使用,来展示Wallace咽东西。Heres a QuickTime movie showing this action.这里有个MOV文件展示了这个动作。Self-touch 自我触摸Self-touch is used when emotions are running high, to comfort, relieve or release stress. These gestures include touching the lips, massaging a hand, etc. Nick park uses these useful gestures to emphasize

9、pauses between dialogues or to tell us that the character is getting ready to do something.自我触摸在情绪高涨的时候使用,以获得安慰,减轻或者释放压力。这些姿势包括接触嘴唇,摩擦双手,等等。Nick Park使用这些有用的姿势来强调对话之间的停顿,或者来告诉我们角色准备好了要做某件事。这是一个Wallace摩擦上唇的视频。s a QuickTime movie showing Wallace rubbing his upper lip.这是一个Wallace按摩手部的视频。s a QuickTime mo

10、vie showing Wallace massaging his hands.Body-shift 身体转移Body-shifts are cues which show an unspoken feeling or mood. In this scene from the grand day out Wallace keeps shifting his legs around, telling us that he is getting impatient.身体转移暗示了一种未说出口的感受或者情绪。在“月球旅行记”的一场中,Wallace一直来回的交替他的双腿,告诉我们他开始变得不耐烦了。

11、Precision-Grip and Power-Grip 精确的握和有力的握The Power-Grip is used to grasp an object tightly with a closed fist. Its used as a gesture of anger, fear or determination, as in the scene where the penguin is behind bars or when an angry Gromit is confronting the penguin.有力的握是表示用收拢的拳头紧紧地抓住一个物体。它用做一个气愤,害怕或者果

12、断的姿势,就像在企鹅被关在牢笼里时或者当气愤的Gromit正要和企鹅单挑那样。The Precision-Grip is used as a symbol of sophistication and thoughtfulness. Since it requires the use of opposable thumbs, it is a gesture used by higher primates. The fingers which are not used for grasping can be flexed to give more character.精确的握是表示精巧和慎重的象征

13、。既然需要用到对面的大拇指,这是一个高级灵长类使用的手势。不用来握东西的手指则可以灵活弯曲,从而赋予更多的个性。Gaze-down 向下凝视The Gaze-down conveys a defeated attitude. It can also denote guilt or shame. Gromit frequently uses this expression to convey a feeling of hopelessness.向下凝视传达一种挫败的态度。它也表示负罪感或者羞愧。Gromit频繁的使用这个表情来传递毫无希望的感受。Contemplation 沉思Using the

14、 hands to cover the mouth and lower part of the face is used as a gesture denoting contemplation. Wallace uses the gesture when hes thinking hard about something. As he strikes this pose hell in most cases drum his fingers on the cheeks. At the same time he gazes off in an extreme angle. 用手遮住嘴和脸的下部,

15、是用来表示沉思的姿势。当Wallace苦苦思索事情的时候用这个。当他做这个pose的时候,大多数情况下他会用手指敲打脸颊,同时他朝一个很极限的角度凝视。Satisfaction 满意After consuming his favourite cheese, Wallace usually rests his hands on his stomach as a gesture of satisfaction. Another cue of satisfaction often used is to partially close the eyes. In many cases when Wall

16、ace is eating or drinking, his upper and lower eyelids come close together revealing only a tiny part of his eyes.享用了他最钟爱的起司后,Wallace通常把他的手放在他的肚子上,做一个满意的姿势。满意的另一个指示是经常半闭上眼睛。在许多情况下,当Wallace在吃或喝的时候,他的上下眼皮合在一起,只留下一条窄缝,能看见一点点他的眼睛。I dont have images from the animations for the next three gestures, but I

17、was able to identify them in a few scenes.我没有后面三个姿势的动画截图,但是我能在一些场景中识别出它们。Shoulder-shrug 耸肩Shoulder-shrugs are signs of resignation. Gromit usually uses this gesture to dismiss a comment from Wallace.耸肩是顺从放弃的表示。Gromit通常用这个姿势表示对Wallace的言论放弃评论。Hand-behind-head 手放在脑后This is usually a sign of frustration

18、 or disagreement. However a variation of this is to put the hand on top of the head. Now it becomes a sign of uncertainty or puzzlement. The creature on the moon in uses this gesture when it gets active for the first time.这通常是受挫或者不赞同的信号。但是这个的一个变种是把手当中头顶上。现在它就变成了不确定或者迷惑的意思。在月球旅行记中月球上帝生物当它首次被激活时用的这个姿势

19、。Hands-on-Hips手放在臀部上This is a gesture showing that the character is ready to take steps. When Wallace first sees the creature on the moon, he walks over and stands in front of it with his hands on his hips, conveying the idea that he feels superior to the creature and that hes about to do something with it.这个姿势表明角色准备好要采取措施了。当Wallace第一次看见月球上的生物时,他走过去站在它面前,手放在臀部上,传递出他感觉自己比那个东西高级,并且他要对它做点什么。

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