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1、年轻;反抗Rebel Assault:绝地大反攻Rebel Attack:叛军来袭BLUE REBEL:叛逆蓝PASTEL REBEL:粉意浪漫例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.N-COUNT Rebels are people who are fighting against their own countrys army in order to change the political system there. 反叛者例:.f

2、ighting between rebels and government forces.叛军与政府军之间的战斗。2.N-COUNT Politicians who oppose some of their own partys policies can be referred to as rebels . (政党内部的) 反对者The rebels want another 1% cut in interest rates.反对派希望能再降低1%的利率。3.V-I If politicians rebel against one of their own partys policies, t

3、hey show that they oppose it. (因不同政见) 反对Voters rebelled against high property taxes.投票者们反对高额财产税。4.N-COUNT You can say that someone is a rebel if you think that they behave differently from other people and have rejected the values of society or of their parents. 叛逆者She had been a rebel at school.她在学

4、校时就是个叛逆者。5.V-I When someone rebels , they start to behave differently from other people and reject the values of society or of their parents. 叛逆The child who rebels is unlikely to be overlooked.叛逆的孩子不太可能被忽视。morality英 mrlti 美 mrlti 复数 moralities n. 道德;品行,美德morality play:道德剧;道德戏剧;也叫寓言剧;宗教剧traffic mora

5、lity:交通道德;交通品德Information Morality:信息道德;信息品德public morality:公共道德;社会公德;社会道德absolute morality:绝对道德On Morality:论道德subjective morality:主观的道德morality undone:道德沦丧fun morality:娱乐道德观;享乐道德1.N-UNCOUNT Morality is the belief that some behaviour is right and acceptable and that other behaviour is wrong. 道德观念.st

6、andards of morality and justice in society.社会中道德和正义的标准。2.N-COUNT A morality is a system of principles and values concerning peoples behaviour, which is generally accepted by a society or by a particular group of people. 道德规范.a morality that is sexist.性别歧视的道德规范。3.N-UNCOUNT The morality of something i

7、s how right or acceptable it is. 道德性.the arguments about the morality of blood sports.关于流血运动的道德性的争论。recollect英 ,reklekt 美 rklktv. 回忆,想起recollect oneself:想起一时忘记的事;翻译YESTERDAY RECOLLECT:昨日的追忆Recollect It:请你记起它Augustinian Recollect:奥斯定会The recollect:写着了recollect t:回忆;想起;追忆to recollect:vigorous recollec

8、t:主动回忆Past Can Only Recollect:往事只能回味1.V-T If you recollect something, you remember it. 回忆起Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the community hospital.当回忆起曾在社区医院工作的那位医生时,拉蒙纳话语中流露出温情。thunder英 nd 美 ndn. 雷;轰隆声;恐吓vi. 打雷;怒喝vt. 轰隆地发出;大声喊出Thunder Bluff:雷霆崖;地区雷霆崖;地域雷霆崖;天

9、雷崖Thunder Zone:霹雳神兵;闪电区域;轰隆神兵Lethal Thunder:雷鸣战机;致命因子;雷鸣战斗时机;雷叫战机Thunder Force:致命武力2重生;致命武力;闪电出击;致命武力200块补丁Thunder Cops:猛鬼大厦;流氓差婆;雌雄双辣Hydro Thunder:雷霆快艇;飓风迅雷赛艇;雷霆赛艇;迅雷赛艇thunder bolt:雷击;美国一作品;雷击术thunder heroes:霹雳英雄;霹雳英雄世界版;霹雳英雄街机游戏Thunder vertical:雷霆纵横1.N-UNCOUNT Thunder is the loud noise that you he

10、ar from the sky after a flash of lightning, especially during a storm. 雷There was thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.雷电交加,暴雨倾盆而下。2.V-I When it thunders , a loud noise comes from the sky after a flash of lightning. 打雷The day was heavy and still. It would probably thunder later.天阴沉沉的,一丝风也没有。等会

11、儿可能会打雷。3.N-UNCOUNT The thunder of something that is moving or making a sound is the loud deep noise it makes. 轰隆声The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts.海浪拍击礁石的轰隆声似乎要把其他的思绪都淹没。4.V-I If something or someone thunders somewhere, they move there quickly and with a lot of n

12、oise. 轰隆隆地快速移动The horses thundered across the valley floor.马群轰隆隆地从谷底奔跑而过。afterthought英 ftt 美 fttn. 事后的想法;后来添加的东西T Afterthought:艺术摇滚Afterthought Sines:事后锡尼什pathetic afterthought:可悲的马后炮it was an afterthought:事后诸葛亮practice and afterthought:实践与反思As An Afterthought:作为一种事后the sign of afterthought:追悔标记intr

13、oducing an afterthought:表示事后想到而添加的关系1.N-COUNT If you do or say something as an afterthought , you do or say it after something else as an addition, perhaps without careful thought. 事后的想法; 马后炮 usu sing, usu a NAlmost as an afterthought he added that he missed her.几乎是后来想起来,他补了句他想她了。enlightened英 nlat()

14、nd 美 nlatndadj. 开明的;文明的;有知识的;觉悟的v. 启迪;解释;照亮(enlighten 的过去式和过去分词)The Enlightened:启明;启示者;智慧启蒙enlightened gentry:开明士绅;开明绅士Enlightened Marketing:启迪营销enlightened moderation:开明温和的新文明观Enlightened Love:开明的爱enlightened healing:圣疗;详细翻译enlightened landlord:开明的地主late enlightened:后启蒙enlightened U:文明的;开明的1.ADJ If

15、 you describe someone or their attitudes as enlightened , you mean that they have sensible, modern attitudes and ways of dealing with things. 开明的 表赞许.an enlightened policy.一条开明的政策。irritation英 rten 美 ,rtenn. 刺激;激怒,恼怒,生气;兴奋;令人恼火的事vascular irritation:血管刺激性corneal irritation:角膜刺激症状irritation occur:出现红肿;

16、出现过敏反应;发生过敏反应respiratory irritation:呼吸系统不适Cumulative Irritation:累积性刺激反应Mild irritation:气话Irritation response:激惹反应irritation effect:刺激效应;激惹效应1.N-UNCOUNT Irritation is a feeling of annoyance, especially when something is happening that you cannot easily stop or control. 恼怒He tried not to let his irrit

17、ation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights.在对着耀眼的电视光线眨眼时,他竭力不把自己的恼怒表现出来。2.N-COUNT An irritation is something that keeps annoying you. 恼人的事Dont allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions.不要让工作场所中一件烦人的小事把你远大的抱负破坏了。3.N-VAR Irritation in a part of your body is a

18、feeling of slight pain and discomfort there. 刺激These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins.这几种油可能会对敏感皮肤有刺激。rattle英 rt()l 美 rtl 过去式 rattled 过去分词 rattled 现在分词 rattling vt. 使发出咯咯声;喋喋不休;使慌乱,使惊慌vi. 喋喋不休地讲话;发出卡嗒卡嗒声n. 喋喋不休的人;吓吱声,格格声n. (Rattle)人名;(英)拉特尔rattle ake:响尾蛇rattle jack:炭质页岩;碳质页岩You rattle:你咯

19、rattle out:轻快地说出Coin Rattle:硬币声音制造器Rattle Royale:大逃杀a rattle:拨浪鼓rattle l:碰撞作声1.V-T/V-I When something rattles or when you rattle it, it makes short, sharp, knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard. 使发出嘎嘎声; 发出嘎嘎声She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.她砰地一下使劲关上厨房门,我听到盘子都震得嘎嘎响。2.N-COUNT Rattle is also a noun. 嘎嘎声There was a rattle of rifle fire.有步枪射

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