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1、他们中每一个人喜欢和当地的学生一起工作。Both表示两者都,all表示三者或三者以上都,each每一个,any表示三者或三者以上中的任何一个。根据the two college students可知此处指的是两个大学生,故排除BD两项。根据谓语enjoys是第三人称单数,故主语用第三人称单数,故为each。故选C。3.To peoples great surprise,the old building still after the strong earthquakeA. refused B. remained C. required D. reviewed让人们很惊讶的是,旧大楼在强地震后依

2、然存在。A拒绝;B保留,留存,残存;C要求,需求;D复习,回顾。根据still可知大楼在强震后依然留存,故选B。4.I know the city well that I dont need to use a map to get aroundA. quite B. very C. so D. such我了解这座城市如此的好,以至于我不需要使用地图到处走。quite相当地,very非常,so如此,such这样。so+形容词/副词+that+从句=such+a/an+形容词+单数名词+that+从句,表示“如此以至于”,此处修饰副词well,故用sothat,故选C。5.Thanks for l

3、ooking after me my illness,Millie Dont mention itThats what friends are forA. through B. against C. with D. across米莉,谢谢你照顾生病的我。别客气。这就是朋友的作用。through通过,against反对,with表示伴随,across表示穿过。根据此处作后置定语,表示生病的我,故用介词短语with my illness。6.Some teenage art lovers will the school Drama Club next weekA. come up with B.

4、try out for C. carry on with D. look around for一些青少年艺术爱好者将会参加下周戏剧俱乐部的选拔。A提出;B参加选拔;C实施;D四处寻找。根据宾语the school Drama Club可知表示参与戏剧俱乐部的选拔,故选B。7.By taking an online spoken English course,I find much simpler to speak EnglishA. this B. that C. it D. one通过上网络英语课程,我发现说英语更加简单。此题考查固定句型:find it+形容词+to do sth,表示“发

5、现做某事是的”,it在句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的to do不定式,根据句型要求,故选C项。8.Mrs Brown,how long can books from the school library ? At most two weeksA. borrow B. keep C. be borrowed D. be kept【答案】D-布朗夫人,图书馆的书可以借多长时间?-大约两星期。选项中borrow意为“借入”,是短暂性动词,不能用how long提问或与表示一段的时间的短语连用;keep可以表示“借”的状态,是延续性动词,可以和一段时间连用。题干中主语“书”和谓语“借”存在被动关系

6、,故应使用被动语态,由于句中有情态动词can,故本句为包含情态动词的被动语态,其结构为“情态动词+be+done”,故答案选D。9.It is almost half a year workers started building the underground Line 1 in NantongA. when B. since C. before D. after自从工人们开始在南通建设地铁一号线以来已经有半年的时间了。固定句式It is/has been +时间+since+一般过去时句,意为“自从以来已经多长时间了。” A“当时”;B“自从”;C“在之前”;D“在之后”。根据固定句式可知

7、,本题应选B项。10.Mr Jiang isnt as busy as before because there no home robot to help himA. used to be B. may be C. used to have D. may have【答案】A江先生不如以前忙,因为过去没有家用机器人来帮助他。used to be过去是, may be可能是, used to have过去有,may have可能有。There be句型,表示存在,意为“有”。根据Mr Jiang isnt as busy as before可知此处指的是过去,故用used to be。故选A。1

8、1.Which team do you expect to win the 2018 World Cup?Brazil, although it was only the worlds fourth team in the last World CupA. good B. better C. the best D. best你希望哪一支球队赢得2018年世界杯?巴西,尽管它只是去年世界杯中第四名的最好团队。good好的,better更好的,the best最好的,best最好的。根据in the last World Cup可知在去年世界杯上,此处是三者以上的球队在比赛,故用最高级,有名词所有

9、格worlds修饰,因此最高级前面不加定冠词the。故选D。12.The students interest in Chinese paper-cut a lot after a folk artist gave them a talkA. has risen B. rose C. rises D. was rising一位民间艺术家给他们进行了一次演讲后,学生们对中国剪纸的喜欢上升了。根据after a folk artist gave them a talk可知此处用一般过去时,故用rose,故选B。13. are you handing out the leaflets for?To a

10、sk people to care more about the left-behind childrenA. How B. Why C. What D. Who你发传单在干什么?为了让人们更加关心留守儿童。How如何,Why为什么,What什么,Who谁。此处作为介词for的宾语,故用代词what。14.Could you tell me ?Its about how a group of super-heroes try to save humansA. when was the film Avengers Assemble 3 shownB. when the film Avengers

11、 Assemble 3 was shownC. what story the film Avengers Assemble 3 tells usD. what story the film Avengers Assemble 3 told us你能告诉我,电影复仇者联盟3告诉我们什么故事吗?它是关于一群超级英雄如何拯救人类。根据Its about how a group of super-heroes try to save humans可知询问这部电影讲述的什么故事,故排除AB两项。描述这部电影讲述的内容,故用一般现在时,故选C。15.May I use the mobile for a w

12、hile,Mum? You even havent started doing your homework!A. No way B. I quite agree C. Im afraid so D. No problem妈妈,我可以用你一会儿手机吗?不行。你甚至没有开始做作业!No way没门,不行;I quite agree我非常同意。Im afraid so恐怕是这样的。No problem没问题。根据You even havent started doing your homework!可知你没有开始做作业,因此不同意使用手机,故选A。二、完型填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A

13、BCD四个选项,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Stitch after stitch,Amy is embroidering(刺绣)her hand-made napkin“Well,Amy,how are you getting on?” cried Lizzy,whose _16_ seemed to fly over her work“Not very fast,”replied quiet little AmyMeanwhile, she didnt _17_ her eyes,“I have almost finished one side”“One side!”said L

14、izzy,with an unpleasant laugh,“Why,we both began sewing(缝制)at the same time,and Im now at the fourth side of mine!”“I know that I am _18_,but Ill try to be steady(稳的),and to do my best”said the little girl,as she went on with her work“As I sew so fast,”cried Lizzy,“Im sure to have finished my napkin

15、 _19_ before the bell rings for dinnerIll just run for a minute to the garden,to see if the roses are out:”so, leaving her work on a chair,Lizzy _20_ out of the roomAmy longed for the fresh air and the flowers,but her work must first be doneSteadily she laid down her broad hem and had finished the_2

16、1_side of her napkin before her sister came back“Ah,you slow little thing!”cried Lizzy“You will _22_ get up to meIll have time to go to my room and put up my new picture on the wall”Off went joyful little Lizzy,Amy went on with her workBefore her sister _23_ the room again,the third side of her napk

17、in was done“Had you not better finish your sewing?”said Amy“It must be near the time for _24_”“Oh! I can finish it in two minutes,only I want to read that storybook,which Tom told us was so funny”“What if you _25_?“No fear of that!”cried Lizzy,“No one is so likely to be as a slow little thing like y

18、ou!Poor Amy made no _26_, quietly she worked onLizzy was soon deep in her story and she forgot all about her _27_,till suddenly the sound of the bell woke her up“Can it be dinner-time”she cried“Oh dear,and my napkin is not hemmed!And yours”“It is _28_ finished,”said Amy,as she quietly put it away“Th

19、is is much like The Hare and the Tortoise,the faster,but not the winner,”thought Lizzy,who,though proud,had enough _29_ to take a lesson:The quick,proud may have the _30_,but the quiet,steady may do more in the end16. A. fingers B. eyes C. feet D. body17. A. touch B. open C. raise D. cover18. A. car

20、eful B. nervous C. unusual D. slow19. A. long B. soon C. only D. suddenly20. A. stepped B. jogged C. flew D. looked21. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth22. A. never B. surely C. always D. finally23. A. tidied B. left C. cleaned D. entered24. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. bed25. A. can B. ca

21、nt C. should D. shouldnt26. A. choice B. decision C. mistake D. reply27. A. story B. rose C. work D. sister28. A. even B. just C. almost D. hardly29. A. sense B. feeling C. attention D. pride30. A. change B. progress C. start D. luck【答案】16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B 26.

22、 D 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. C【分析】这篇短文讲述Lizzy和Amy之间的故事。Amy自认为她绣得很快,于是她一直在玩,Lizzy绣得很慢,但是她一直努力,最后她完成了。这就像兔子和乌龟,跑得越快,但不是赢家,跑得快、骄傲的人也许只有起点,但安静、稳重的人最终会做得更多。【16题详解】B考查名词及语境的理解。A. fingers手指,B. eyes眼睛,C. feet 脚,D. body身体。句意:利奇大喊道:“艾米,你进展得怎么样?”她的眼睛似乎飞到她的工作上。根据上文Stitch after stitch,Amy is embroidering(刺绣)her hand

23、-made napkin可知:Amy正在刺绣她的手工餐巾结合下文Meanwhile, she didnt raise her eyes可知:她没有抬起她的眼睛由此可以推断出这里指:Lizzy的眼睛好像在工作中快速移动故选B。【17题详解】C考查动词及语境的理解。A. touch触碰,B. open 打开,C. raise提高, D. cover覆盖。同时她没有抬起她的眼:“我几乎完成一面了”。结合下文said the little girl,as she went on with her work由此可以推断出这里指:她没有抬起她的眼睛,而是继续工作。【18题详解】D考查形容词及语境的理解。A

24、. careful 认真的,B. nervous紧张的,C. unusual 不寻常的,D. slow缓慢的。我知道我比较慢,但是我努力稳当,尽我所能。根据上文Not very fast,replied quiet little Amy可知:Amy绣得不快故选D。【19题详解】A考查副词及语境的理解。A. long长期地,B. soon 不久,C. only 仅仅,D. suddenly突然地。我肯定在晚饭铃声响起很久以前,已经缝好我的餐巾了。long before很久以前,故选A。【20题详解】A. stepped 行走,B. jogged 轻摇,C. flew 飞,D. looked看。所

25、以,利奇把她的工作放在椅子上,走出房间。根据前文的Ill just run for a minute to the garden,to see if the roses are out可知她要去花园里看玫瑰花,因此要走出房间,step out走出,故选A。【21题详解】考查数词及语境的理解。A. first 第一,B. second第二,C. third 第三,D. fourth第四。她稳稳地放下宽大的褶边,在她妹妹回来之前她已经完成了第二面。根据上文“One side!”said Lizzy,可知完成了第一面,根据后文的Before her sister _8_ the room again

26、,the third side of her napkin was done可知她将要完成第三面,故此处表示完成了第二面,故选B。【22题详解】A. never从未,B. surely 当然,C. always 总是,D. finally最后。你永远不会赶上我。Ah,you slow little thing!cried Lizzy可知艾米很慢,因此永远不会赶上利奇,故选A。【23题详解】A. tidied 整理,B. left 离开,C. cleaned打扫,D. entered进入。艾米再次进入房间之前,利奇绣好了手工餐巾的第三面。根据上文leaving her work on a cha

27、ir,Lizzy stepped out of the room可知此处表示走出房间,然后再进入房间,故选D。24题详解】A. breakfast早饭,B. lunch午饭,C. dinner晚餐,D. bed床。一定快到吃晚饭的时候了。根据上文提到Im sure to have finished my napkin _4_ before the bell rings for dinner可知此处指的是晚饭,故选C。【25题详解】考查情态动词及语境的理解。A. can 能,B. cant不可能, C. should 应该,D. shouldnt不应该。倘若你无法完成,怎么办?Oh! I can

28、 finish it in two minutes,only I want to read that storybook,which Tom told us was so funny可知:此处利奇假设艾米完成不了,该怎么办?故选B。【26题详解】A. choice 选择,B. decision 决定,C. mistake 错误,D. reply回复,句意:可怜的艾米没有回答,静静地继续工作。根据上文的“What if you _10_?”可知对于她的问题,艾米没有回复,故选D。【27题详解】A. story故事, B. rose 玫瑰,C. work工作,D. sister姐姐。利奇很快就沉浸在故事之中,她完全忘记了自己的工作。根据后文的“Oh dear,and my napkin is not hemmed! And yours”可知她忘了她的工作,故选C。【28题详解】

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