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1、eg esterda e sa a big tree It as full tent etres high (it代替前面的tree)The bab ried beause it as hungr (it代替前面的bab)3、在某些习惯说法中,可以代替人。eg - Sene is ning at the dr, Peter- h is it?- Its e- h are singing?- It is the hildren- The light is still n in the lab It ust be the third-ear students ding the experient4

2、、it与ne的区别:这两个词都可以代表前面说过的名词,但it用于同名同物的场合;ne则用于同名异物的场合。eg - D u still have the bile?- N, I have sld it- Is this nife urs?- N It is Xia Zhangs ine is the ne n the des、it与that的区别:两词都可代替某一特定名词,但that指同一类,并非同一个。eg The liate f Suth hina is ild(温和的); I lie it ver uh(it指the liate f Suth hina)The liate f Suth

3、hina is uh better than that f apan(that指the liate)(二)作无人称代词it作无人称代词时,除了句中找不到它所代表的词语外,另一个特点是它后面的内容都是表示天气、时间、距离、度量衡及情况等。It is fine (rain, ind, et)It is nnIt is a half hurs al t the fatrIt is eighteen square etres in areahat des it atter?(三)作强调词,构成强调结构用以帮助改变句子结构,使句子的某一成分受到强调。“It is (as) + 所强调的成分 + that

4、 (h) + 其它成分。”在这个句型中,it本身没有词义。注意: 在强调结构中,如被强调部分为时间状语或地点状语,其后的连接词也绝不能为hen 或here,而应用that 。在复习中,一定要注意句式的不同。It as in Shanghai that I bught the guitar(that引起强调句)It as Shanghai here I bught the guitar(here引起定从)It as telve l hen e arrived there(hen引起时间状语从句)It as at telve l that e arrived there(that 引起强调句)(四

5、)引导词it作形式主语(宾语)为了使句子平衡,常采用形式主语(或宾语)it ,而把真正的主语(或宾语)置于句子后面。通常引导词it与它所代替的句子成分中间要夹有某些词。eg It taes half an hur t g there n ft(It与t g there n ft之间夹有taes half an hur四个词)e thught it strange that r Sith did nt e last night (it与that从句中间夹有 strange)但有时it与所替代部分之间并不夹有其它词。eg u a depend n it that the ill supprt u(

6、因为介词n之后一般不直接接that引导的宾语从句。注意:it不是多余的,不能当作错句)(五) it,ne,that 的区别:作为代词,这三个词的对比使用是高考的热点之一。-h dnt e tae a little brea?-Didnt e ust have _?Ait Bthatne Dthis The Parers bught a ne huse but _ill need a lt f r befre the an ve inAthe Bit ne Dhih ne 用以指代同类事物中的任一,that 特指性强,指代可数与不可数词,而it指代上提过的同一事物。一、代词it用 法例 句代替前

7、提到过的东西或事情,用作人称代词。This is a ne ditinar I bught it esterda这是一本新词典,我昨天买的。T ined the ar last uth D u n abut it?汤姆上月入伍了,你知道这事吗?代替指示代词,起着this或that的作用Is this ur ar? N, it isnt 这是你的汽车吗?不是。hats that?Its a vide 那是什么?它是一台录像机。hse r is this?It is theirs这是谁的房间,是他们的。指明某人或某物的身分,还可指不明性别的婴儿hs there? Its e (Its hn) 谁在

8、那儿?是我。(是约翰)G and see h it is that rings Its Bill去看看是谁的电话,是比尔。The Greens have a ne bab Its lvel格林家有一个新生婴儿。它很可爱。指时间,距离,自然现象(天气,气候,明暗)量度,价值等Its Sunda tda 今天是星期天。Its three nths sine he ae here自从他到这里,已经三个月了。H far is it t the Great all 到长城有多远?Its getting dar 天快黑了。H uh is the at? Its ninet dllars这衣服多少钱?九十美

9、元。二、引导词it形式主语代替不定式短语It is up t u t deide 这事要由你决定。It aes e happ t hear u have revered听说你恢复了健康,这使我很高兴。代替动名词短语Its n gd sing 吸烟没有好处。Its rthhile ring the hle night n the prble用整夜的时间研究那个问题是值得的。代替主语从句It desnt atter hat u d 你干什么都没有关系。It sees that everne has nn the nes好象大家都知道这个消息。形式宾语代替不定式短语I nsider it bette

10、r t be earl我认为能够早一些更好。e fund it ipssible t get there befre ul 我们觉得,要在七月以前到达那里是不可能的。代替动名词短语e thught it n use ding that我们认为做那事没有用。代替宾语从句The teaher aes it lear that everne shuld hand in his her n tie 老师清楚地指出,每个人都应该按时交作业。三、it在强调结构中强调句型:It is (as) +被强调部分+ that (h) + 其它强调部分例 句说 明语It is I h a t blae 是我该受责怪

11、。It as ur unle that (h) ae esterda 昨天的是你叔叔。原句的谓语动词如果是现在或将时态用It is that(h)如果原句谓语动词是过去时态,则用It asthat(h)。在宾语It as a ne pen that ther gave e 母亲给我的是一支新钢笔。强调时间,地点,原因或方式时不要用hen, here, h, 必须用that。地点It as in the lassr that I left ubrella我把雨伞就落在了教室里。状语时间It is at eleven that the train leaves火车是在十一点钟离开。方式It as

12、ust as he rdered that I ated我正是照他吩咐的那样做的。原因It as beause he as in truble that I tried best t help hi正是因为他处境困难我才尽力帮助他。补 It as red that e painted the gate我们把门油漆成红的颜色。It as hairan that the eleted hi 他们选他担任的是主席的职务。【考点诠释】考点 it的用法在英语中,运用it的场合较多。从它在句中的作用和意义看,it的用法可分为三类:1指代作用(1)用作人称代词,代替前或后所提到的同一事物(单数可数名词或不可

13、数名词)。如:Althugh e annt see it,there is air all arund us虽然我们看不见空气,但它却在我们的周围。(2)代替前面的整个句子。It is said that he has died f a disease,but it isnt true据说他已经病死了,但这不是真的。(3)用在答语中代替指示代词this,that。一hat is this?这是什么?一Its a bie是自行车。(4)代替不能或没有必要区分性别的或某些习惯说法中的人。The bab ried beause it as hungr婴儿哭是因为饿了。(婴儿习惯上不区分性别)一h i

14、s ning at the dr?谁在敲门?一Its e是我()指环境、情形等。I ant stand it an lnger我再也不能容忍这种情况了。Tae it eas别紧张。It desnt atter没关系。(6)指度量衡单位、时间、距离、季节、天气及自然现象。Its getting lder and lder n现在越越冷了。It is inter n现在是冬天了。2形式作用(1)形式主语当动词不定式、ving形式或从句作主语时,通常把它们放在谓语之后,而用it作句子的形式主语。(I)Its n use ring ver spilt il谚覆水难收。It taes three gen

15、eratins t ae a gentlean谚十年树木,百年树人。(2)形式宾语当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式、v-ing形式或宾语从句时,往往把真正的宾语放在补足语后面,而用it作形式宾语,放在宾语补足语之前。u ust ae it lear t the that the situatin is serius你必须向他们表明形势是严峻的。)The thught it diffiult t tal t the guests abut the reent events他们觉得和客人们谈近发生的事情很困难。特别提示形式宾语用在“主语+谓语动词+宾语”结构中,谓语动词appreiate,dislie,

16、hate,lie,lve,ae(按时到达,成功)等后接由if或hen等引导的从句时,往往在从句前加形式宾语it。1 uld appreiate it if u paid in ash如果你能支付现金的话,我会不胜感激。The b lies it hen u d that那个男孩喜欢你那样做。3强调作用it可以用改变句子的结构,使句子的某一成分得到强调。强调句型的基本结构为:It is/as+所强调的成分+that/h/h+其他成分。【高考链接】1(2010高考英语辽宁卷,33)The fat that she as freign ade _diffiult fr her t get a b i

17、n that untr A s B uh that D it 【答案】D【解析】句意:她是外国人的事实使得她在哪个国家很难找到工作。考查it的用法。句中fr her t get a b in that untr是动词不定式的复合结构做ade的宾语,diffiult是宾语补足语,此处要用it做形式宾语,其他词没有这种用法。2(2010高考英语大纲全国II卷,14)The dtr thught _ uld be gd fr u t have a hlidaA this B that ne D it 1(09四川)6 I lie this huse ith a beautiful garden in

18、 frnt, but I dnt have enugh ne t bu_A ne B it this D that【答案】B。【解析】意思是:我喜欢这个前面有一个美丽花园的房子,但是我没有足够多的钱去把它买下。第一句话中的this huse表明在该语境中是特指的用法,所以答案为it,表示特指。该题容易误选ne,要注意的是ne表示泛指。【考点定位】it/that/ne用法区别2(09浙江)7Ive read anther b this eeell, abe _ is nt h uh u read but hat u read that untsAthisB that thereD it【答案】

19、D【解析】句中“ nt h uh u read but hat u read” 足以做动词unt 的主语,所有选D 使之构成强调句型。【考点定位】本题考查强调句型和名词性从句。3(09北京)2 Being a parent is nt alas eas, and being the parent f a hild ith speial needs ften arries ith _extra stressA it B the ne D hi【考点定位】考查代词it用法。4(2006年浙江卷,4) _ is ur belief that iprveents in health are ill l

20、ead t a strnger, re prsperus en A As B That This D It【解析】本题考查it作形式主语,代替that iprveents in health are ill lead t a strnger, re prsperus en,而其他选项均不可以充当形式主语。(2006年I,26) If I an help_, I dnt lie ring late int the nightA s B that it D the6(2006年安徽卷,34) atherine bught a pstard f the plae she as visiting, a

21、ddressed t and then psted it at the nearb pst ffieAit; her Bit; herself herself; her Dherself; herself【答案】B【解析】考查代词。第一空不定代词it指代前面的pstard;第二空t后的宾语应为反身代词herself 7(2007年全国卷I,7) _ felt funn athing self n TV A neB This ItD That【答案】【解析】考查it作形式主语,代指athing self n TV,其他选项均不可以充当形式宾语。8(2007年东卷,24)_ rries e the

22、 a he eeps hanging his ind AThis BThat hat DIt 【解析】考查it作形式主语,句中it充当形式主语,真正的主语是the a,其后又有定语从句he eeps hanging his ind修饰。9(2007年陕西卷,16) There is still a p f the b in the librar all u g and btt ?N, Id rather bu in the bstre Ait; ne Bne; ne ne; it Dit; it10(2007 年天津卷,1) He didnt ae _ lear hen and here the eeting uld be held A this B that it D these【解析】考查it作形式主语,it代替hen and here the eeting uld be held其他选项均不可以充当形式宾语。

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