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1、 t think I need it.BHow do you like the book?解析 “How do you like.?”是询问对某物的喜欢程度,A说的是它太贵,C说的是书的内容,D说的是不需要它,只有B“我非常喜欢”符合题意,故选B。第3题 About 20 hours.So long.Very fast.I usually go home by air.How long will it take you to go home by train?解析 “How long.?”是询问多长时间的疑问词,本题问的是“你坐火车回家要多长时间?”B、C、D三项都不符合题意,只有A“大约20

2、小时”是最合适的选项,故选A。第4题 Here you are.It is here.Yes, I would.I ve got some money.I have no money with me nowHow about lending me 100 yuan?解析 How about doing?”是提出建议、请求时的常用句型,这里“Here you aye”表示对方愿意借给我钱,是常用的肯定回答,故选A。第5题 That s all right. m going to Shanghai.m fine. Thank you.Everything is going well.How is

3、everything with you,Nancy?解析 本题问的是“南希,你一切都好吗?”选项C是对“How aye you?”的回答,其他三项为干扰项,故选A。二、Listening Comprehensionm(Section B) (共5小题,共5.0分)Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation , there are some r

4、ecorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line

5、through the center. Teacher and student.Nurse and patient.Lawyer and client.Boss and secretary.DM: Make 20 copies for meW: YessirI will do it right nowQ: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?考点 推断人物关系解析 从说话人的语气来看,男士以命令的口吻对女士说话,而女士表示马上去做,应该是上下级的关系,故选D。Playing basketball.Cleaning

6、.Shopping around.Planning his work. Did you play basketball yesterday? I planned toBut it rainedSo I cleaned the room instead What did the man do yesterday?考点 细节理解解析 女士问的是“你昨天打篮球了吗?”男士回答说“我本来打算去打的,但天下雨了,于是我就打扫房间了。”故选B。At a bus station.At an airport.At a cafeteria in the railway station.At a railway

7、station.C Hurry up, drink your coffleThe train is leavingWell be late Its too hot for me to drink Where does the conversation probably take place?考点 推断对话发生的地点解析 对话中提到男士催女士快点喝咖啡,否则他们就误点了,因为火车就要开了。所以推测应该在火车站的咖啡馆里,故选C。The man was quite all right.The woman was late for coming.The woman asked the man to

8、wait.The man was annoyed by her late coming. Im sorry to have kept you waiting Thats all rightIve been here only for five minutes Why did the woman apologize to the man?考点 原因理解解析 在Im sorry to do sth结构中,动词不定式表示原因,所以女士道歉的原因是来晚了,故选B。Shell type the report for him.ll teach the man how to type.She has no

9、idea where Diana is.She doesnt know how to use the machine. Do you know where Diana is? I want her to type this report for me WellI dont know. But I can show you how to use this machine Whats the womans reply to the man?考点 语义推断解析 对话中女士说“我可以告诉你怎么用这个机器。”从中可以推断出她想教男士怎么打印,故选B。三、Structure(Section A ) (本大

10、题14小题共22.0分。Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through t

11、he centre. )You had better _ that fellow. I don t trust him.A) look down uponB) keep an eye on.C) get the better ofD) do away with译文 你最好留心那个家伙,我不信任他。 考点 动词词组词义辨析解析 had better。后面跟动词原形,意思是“最好做”。look down upon意为“轻视,看不起”;keep all eye on意为“留心,在意”;get the better of意为“打败,战胜”;do away with意为“废除,弄死”。根据句义,故选B。

12、People will find this valley a beautiful place _ they may spend their weekends.A) whenB) whereC) thatD) which译文 人们将发现这是一个可以用来度周末的美丽的峡谷。考点 定语从句中的关系词解析 关系副词where在从句中充当地点状语,故选B。_ one you choose, I am sure you will enjoy it.A) WhateverB) WhichC) ThatD) Whichever译文 我相信无论你挑选哪一个,你都会喜欢的。考点 让步状语从句解析 由whichev

13、er引导,表示“无论哪个”,其作用相当于no matter which。因为后面接有one,因而不能用whatever,故选D。I _ you had returned the book yesterday.A) wantB) would ratherC) likedD) had better译文 我真希望你昨天就还了这本书。考点 虚拟语气解析 在动词would rather后面的宾语从句中,对过去情况的假设,谓语动词用had+动词过去分词,故应选B。类似用法还有had rather,would sooner,would just as soon等。Jack lost his job a ye

14、ar ago and he _ another job yet.A) has foundB) hasn t foundC) foundD) founded译文 杰克去年下岗了,但至今尚未找到工作。考点 时态解析 not.yet,for,since等是现在完成时的时态标志语,故选B。第6题 This will improve their working conditions and enable them to double the _.A) goodsB) quantityC) outputD) product译文 这有助于改善他们的工作条件,并能使产量翻一番。考点 名词词义辨析解析 good

15、s意为“商品”;quantity意为“数量”:output意为“产量”:product意为“产品”。根据题意,故选C。第7题 There _ no time left, we had to change our plan.A) beingB) hadC) would beD) has译文 因为没有时间了,我们不得不改变计划。考点 独立主格结构解析 该句中用的是there be句型,所以B、D两项排除,C项构成句子的谓语部分,因为此句不缺少谓语,所以只有being符合要求,故选A。第8题 I _ my teacher to write a reference letter to me if I

16、see her.A) have askedB) askC) will askD) asked译文 如果我见到我的老师,我会请她给我写一封推荐信。解析 if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,但在主句中用一般将来时,故应选C。第9题 As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for China than _ in America.A) stayB) stayingC) stayedD) to stay译文 事实上,他们宁愿动身去中国,也不愿意留在美国。考点 固定用法解析 would rather+动词原形+than+动词原形,表示“宁愿而不愿.

17、”,故选A。第10题 It _ snow tomorrow, but they will climb the mountain.A) mustB) mayC) canD) could译文 明天可能会下雪,但他们还是要去爬山。考点 情态动词的用法解析 must表示肯定推测,“一定”的意思;can和could表猜测时,一般用于否定或疑问句中表猜测;may意为“可能,也许”。根据句意,故选B。第11题 The number of the young people in the United States who cant read is incredible about one in fourA)

18、美国约有四分之一是年轻人,他们既不读书,也不相信别人。B) 美国没有阅读能力的年轻人的数量令人难以置信地占了年轻人总数的四分之一。C) 大约有四分之一的美国年轻人没有阅读能力,这简直令人难以置信。D) 大约有四分之一的美国年轻人没有读过什么书,这简直令人难以置信。3.0分解析 本句若直接翻译不符合汉语的语言习惯,因此采取意译较恰当。Cant read意思是“没有阅读能力”。the number of the young peopleisone in four意思是“四分之一的年轻人”,而不是“约有四分之一是年轻人”。incredible修饰后面的one in four,但按照汉语的语言习惯应把

19、这个单词单独翻译成“这真让人难以置信”,而不要直译。第12题 We are confident to overcome diflfjcuries since the government has agreed to give us some helpA) 既然政府答应给予帮助,我们就有信心克服困难。B) 自从政府答应给予帮助以来,我们就有信心克服困难。C) 我们都在等政府给予帮助以渡过危机。D) 因为政府答应给我们一些帮助,我们就有信心克服困难。解析 本句是一个原因状语从句,since在本句中表原因,而非时间;此外因为since表示原因时语气较弱,宜译为“既然”。按照汉语的语言习惯,some

20、help翻译为“帮助”即可,不必逐词译为“一些帮助”。第13题 Computers are thought of a great technological improvement that saves people much time and elleryA) 我们考虑到计算机是一个伟大的技术改进,它既节省了人们的时间又让人们充满活力。B) 计算机节省了人们大量的时间和精力,所以被认为是一项伟大的技术进步。C) 人们认为计算机是一项伟大的技术进步,它既节省了时间又让人们充满活力。D) 计算机既使人们节省了时间同时又减轻了负担,因此被认为是一项伟大的技术进步。解析 本句是一个定语从句,因此定语

21、较长,且主从句之间有因果关系,因此在翻译成汉语时,选择因果关系的句式较好。much time and energy均为save的宾语,意为“节省了大量时间和精力”。第14题 Usually a manufacturer doesnt deal directly with the people who use his productsA) 一个制造商通常不直接对付那些使用他的产品的人。B) 工人和消费者是完全不相干的。C) 制造商通常不直接跟他们的产品用户打交道。D) 生产者通常和那些使用他们产品的人没有交往。解析 manufacturer的意思是“生产者、制造商”,而a manufacture

22、r在本句中是泛指,而不是具体的指“一个生产商”。根据句子的语言环境,deal with此处不宜翻译成“对付”,而应译为“打交道”。四、Structure(Section B ) (本大题10小题每题1.0分,共10.0分。 There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Ans

23、wer Sheet. )第1题 These books are (useful) _ than those for beginners of English.答案:more useful本题分数: 1.0 分 译文 对于英语初学者来说,这些书比那些更有用。考点 形容词比较级解析 useful是多音节形容词,应在其前面加more构成比较级。第2题 These engines used to _ (start) by hand. Now they are started by started译文 过去这些引擎需用手启动,而现在用电就可以了。考点 被动语态解析 engine与start之间是被动关系。第3题 As soon as I got home, it began to rain _ (heavy).heavily译文 我一到家,天就开始下大雨。考点 词性转换解析 根据题意,空格中应该是由副词来修饰动词rain,所以应该用形容词heavy的副词形式,即heavily。第4题 The father was (delight) _ to see his son.delighted译文 父亲看到他的儿子非常高兴。解析 根据题意,所填词在was之后,应该是形容词充当句子的表语,所以应该用名词delight的形容词形式,即delighted。第

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