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译林版6B英语Unit4Road safety优秀教学设计5课时祥案Word格式.docx

1、S: On foot or by bike/bus/car (总结) Every day, we walk or drive on the road. Lets think and judge these actions are right or not. (呈现图片,学生觉得正确的就大声说“safe safe!”,看到不正确的行为就大声说“Look out!”;教授safe, look out)【设计意图:通过歌曲引出话题,跟学生讨论如何上学等关于交通的话题,接着用一个快速反应游戏,让学生来说一说,即为下面的话题做铺垫,又让学生对交通规则有一定了解。】3. T: To keep safe,

2、we must follow some rules.(教rule,领读并理解意思)Lead-in: (揭题) Today we are going to talk about “Road safety”.There are many busy roads in the cities. How can we cross the roads safely?First we need to know whats on the road.(PPT呈现道路,教生词:traffic lights, green man, red man, zebra crossing, pavement)4. T: Do

3、you know any rules?(让学生表达自己已有的生活经验,了解学生的语言基础) (学生自由说说交通规则,eg: We must look at the traffic lights.)(大多数学生都会说“红灯停绿灯行”)5. Lets chant:Traffic lights, red, yellow, and green. Red man, red man, stop, stop, stop.Yellow man, yellow man, wait, wait, wait.Green man, green man, go, go, go. T: So whats the rule

4、 about traffic lights? We must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.Step 2 While-reading (Story time)1. T: what are the other rules?Lets look at the pictures and match.(学生看图,将图片和相应句子配对)课本90页的learning tips里提示道:本课中和交通规则有关的图片都有固定含义。根据图片提供的信息理解课文是一种有效的学习方法。因此在这个环节直接出示文中的图片,帮助学生理解,并很自然地将

5、文章分成了三个段落,为接下来课文的处理做好了铺垫。2. 学习课文第一部分 How can we cross the roads safely? Lets learn from the story time.(1) Read freely(2) Try to answer with “first , then ”(学生自读完之后用自己的语言归纳)(3) Try to retell Passage 1(用警察的口吻,引导学生复述)(4) Read and act(先模仿警察的口吻朗读,接着去掉字幕,学生再次模仿警察的话)(5) Lets imitate(跟读第一段,模仿语音语调) Do you r

6、emember? 根据PPT提示复述第一段内容3. 学习课文第二部分 Good job! We now know to cross the road safely when there is a zebra crossing. But how to cross the road safely when there is no zebra crossing?(自读课文第二部分,并圈出关键词)Read freely. And try to get the main information.Judge: (1) You can wait on the motorway and look out fo

7、r cars and bikes. (教师在学生判断和修改的过程中教生词pavement;要求学生在句型中的理解look out并选出正确的图片) (2) You must first look right, then left, and then right again. (通过这句的判断,帮助学生理解并且记住正确的过斑马线的方式) (3) Its safer to cross the road with other people.4. 看图讨论,学习课文第三部分,并完成课文缺失部分(呈现课文第三部分的两张插图,加上一幅奔跑穿过马路的同学) What can you see in the p

8、ictures? Some boys are playing football by the road. A boy is skating/running on the road. Is it safe? Why? No. Because there are many cars and bikes on the road. So what rules do you know? We must not run or play on the road. We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road!(T用提问的方式引导学生根据图片补充第三段的

9、课文)5. 整理理解、巩固(1) Watch and repeat(2) Reading the text(3) Think and write (书上P38)课文部分的处理借鉴了语文课堂常见的“总分总”的方式。先引出整个课题,再将文章根据不同的段落大意分成三个部分,带着不同的任务来阅读理解消化三个部分的内容,帮助学生将课文的内容清晰化,为接下来学生的复述做了很好的铺垫。Step 3 Post-reading Today we have learnt some rules about road safety.Lets sum up. (板书并附上图片)Rule 1: Look for a ze

10、bra crossing, Rule 2: Wait on the pavement, Rule 3: Dont run or play on the road.(Learning tip: The pictures can help you cross the road safely.)Step 4 Consolidation1. Look and say. (书上P38 ) What must you do to cross the road safely? We must What must you not do on the road? We mustnt 2. T: Boys and

11、 girls, never forget the rules about safety.Safety is as simple as ABCAlways Be Careful.Homework 家庭作业1. Read the story correctly and freely. (必做题)2. Write down some traffic rules. (选做题)3. Make a play: On the road. (选做题)学生的能力各不相同,布置作业时需考虑到不同层次学生的需求,必做题可以保证吸收能力较慢的学生进行力所能及的巩固练习,而选做题则为学有余力的学生提供了更多的提升空间,

12、建议教师在选做作业上多多激励。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT板书设计: Unit 4 Road SafetyRule1:We must look for a and look at the .Rule 2:We can wait on the and look out for cars and bikes.We can also cross the road with Rule 3:We must not or on the road.说课本课设计的最大特点是向语文课堂取经,在较长语篇的处理上,采用先引导学生提炼课文主题,再按段落大意分成几个部分,在不破坏段

13、落意群的基础上理解和处理单词句型。这样做能够在帮助学生理解整个语篇的同时,让学生“词不离句,句不离群”地理解和掌握重难点。最后用总结的方式用几幅图引导学生理解记忆课文,实现了整篇文章的“总分总”的学习过程。特别分享 关注学生对课文的整体感知和细节信息的获取。 关注学生的过程性体验。 关注学生思维能力的培养。 多样化评价方式以及分层作业布置。Grammar time & Fun timeGrammar time& Fun time 1. 能对Story time进行自主复习,并认识更多交通标志,掌握安全知识,做遵守交通规则的社会公民。2. 能理解并运用情态动词must及其否定must not (

14、mustnt)的用法,复习已学过的情态动词can/should及否定用法。3. 能使用更多关于规则和规定的表达法,如Please /Dont 认识更多交通标志,掌握安全知识,做遵守交通规则的社会公民。能理解并运用情态动词must及其否定must not (mustnt)的用法,复习已学过的情态动词can/should及否定用法。Step 1 Revision1. Free talk Talk about some signs on the road.Traffic lights: Green means go. Red means stop.(左转弯标志/停车) It means you ca

15、n turn left/park here.(禁止左转弯/停车标志) Can you turn left/park here? You mustnt turn left/park here.2. Review Story time What have we learned in last lesson? In last lesson, we have learned some rules. What are the rules?(用图片复习巩固Story time,强化Learning tip) Rule 1First, we must look for the zebra crossing,

16、 and then we must look at the traffic lights. Sometimes we cannot find a zebra crossing. How can we cross the road then? Rule 2We can wait on the pavement and look out for the cars and bikes.We must look left, then right and then left again.We can also cross the road with other people. We mustnt pla

17、y or run on the road. Its not safe. Step 2 Grammar time 1. PPT 展示Q: How can we cross the road safely?What must you not do on the road?(学生根据Story time中的内容进行自由回答,PPT 展示答句) First, we must look for the zebra crossing, then we must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. We can wait on the

18、 pavement and we can cross the road with other people. We mustnt play or run on the road.2. 自主发现语法规律 Look at these rules. How can we talk about the rules? (What words do we usually use in the sentences?) We usually use “can/must do ” or “cant/mustnt do ”.We also can use “should” or “shouldnt do ”. A

19、fter these words, we use “do” or “doing”? We use “do”.3. 运用语法规律 Can you name some rules? We can/should/must We cant/shouldnt/mustnt (park/turn left/play/run )4. 总结语法规律 描述规则和规定有以下三种句式:can/should/must加动词原形 名词、名词短语 祈使句Dont 新教材的语法处理,通常建议放在第二课时。学生通过第一课时Story time的学习之后,对语言有了一定的了解,这个时候教师可以将句型整理归类,引导学生总结出语法

20、规律。这样效果比直接教授语法知识要好。学生通过自己的疏通理解后总结出规律,对知识点的掌握会更加得心应手。Step 3 Fun time1. The policeman knows a lot about the rules on the road.Lets play a game about the rules on the road.2. 游戏规则 (Explain the game)将学生分成五人一小组,仿照Fun time范例,开展“红绿灯”游戏问答,一人演交警,提出问题,指定某人回答,其他人给予反馈。3. 示范游戏 (Make a model)S1: Red man, stop. Gr

21、een man, go! What must you do on the road?S2: I must look out for cars. (可有其他回答)S3: Right.S4: I must run quickly on the road. (可有其他回答)S5: No, you mustnt run quickly on the road!4. 小组游戏 (Play the game in groups.)关于课本Fun time这个游戏关节的设计,有的老师会先通过“Red man, stop.”和“Green man, go.”这两个指令让学生做出快速反应,快速反应中输了的学生来

22、进行提问,或者被要求回答“警察”的问题,形式可以多样化,教师可以根据自己的理解和班级特点来组织课堂教学。1. Practice(1) Sam, Bobby and Tina want to visit Beijing.There are many interesting places in Beijing: BRT and many parksTheir schedule (日程表) is in the form.In the morningThe shopping center (Tina)The Tian An Men Square (Sam and Bobby)At lunchtimeR

23、estaurant (Sam, Bobby and Tina)In the afternoonThe cinema (Sam, Bobby and Tina)(2) Ask and answerCan you tell Bobby and Tina what rules they must follow in different places?Model: What must Tina do in the library? She must keep quiet. What must she not do in the library? She must not eat or drink.(W

24、ork in pairs)(3) Group workRule:将学生分成五人一组,仿照Fun time范例,三人分别演Sam、Bobby及Tina提出问题,由另外两人演小导游替他们解决问题。S1& Welcome to Beijing S3, 4, 5: Thank you! What must I do at the shopping center? You must put the rubbish in the bin. What must I do at in the Tiananmen Square? You must be careful. What must we do in t

25、he cinema? You must keep quiet.(Work in groups) Boys and girls, there are lots of different rules around us.PPT 呈现3. Summary(1) Different places, different rules We must follow different rules in different places. You know so many rules in the public places and you should follow these rules too.通过前面

26、Story time的复习和语法知识的输入,给学生一个话题进行语言的输出,给他们提供北京的一些地方,让学生来小组讨论在这些不同的场合,有哪些规则需要遵守。在讨论的同时给学生语言对话的模板,但也鼓励学生用更多的语言表述。学生在讨论时能够进行信息沟的互相补充,在相应对话模式的引导下可以进行有序的对话沟通,从而实现交际用语的有效输出。1. Look for more rules in public places. (一星题)2. Write down the rules, the more the better. (两星题)学生的能力各不相同,用打星的方式激励学生来挑战略有难度的题目。对于这类的练习,老师在设计时要注意来源于课本,而要求稍微高于课本,是学生够一够就能摘到“苹果”,让学生在学习中体会付出有所得的快乐。can/should/must + doDanger/Be carefulDont Different plac

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