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合理利用课内外材料 有效进行词汇教学Word格式.docx

1、这导致高中阶段每个教学单元(模块18)都有单词和词组50个左右,另外还有这些单词的各种形式变化等用法。如果仅仅让学生利用有意注意识记这些单词,很容易使学生感到枯燥而降低识记单词的兴趣,事倍功半。但是教师如果能做个有心人,平时多留意到生活中碰到的英语,并引导学生去注意,必定能使学生在不知不觉中学到不少单词和英语表达法。例如,天气热了,学校的开水机不够用,很多学生就会去买各种各样的饮料,这些饮料的瓶子上或包装上就会有如下单词:mineral water(矿泉水), purified water(纯净水), orange juice(橙汁), coca cola(可口可乐), energy drin

2、ks/beverage(功能饮料)等等。白咖啡(WHITE COFFEE)被认为是国人初试咖啡的首选之一,本人发现不少学生也喜欢喝白咖啡,“旧街场白咖啡”成为大家的选择。我自己也是因为学生介绍而喝上白咖啡。只要稍加留意,就可以在每次准备冲饮咖啡时清楚地看到包装上写着以下信息:OLD TOWN 3 in 1 WHITE COFFEE(旧街场三合一白咖啡);Classic Instant White Coffee Mix(经典即溶白咖啡);冲泡方式栏目中写道:Take your time. Pour the OLD TOWN contents of the stick into a cup. Ad

3、d 180ml hot water(80); Stir, a cup of OLD TOWN is ready to serve.(请享用! 将一整包“旧街场白咖啡”倒入杯中,灌入约180毫升80左右的开水; 搅均,即可享用。)本地属广东省粤东潮汕地区,人们普遍喝工夫茶。现在市面上工夫茶的包装也有打上英语说明的。如:Specially selected and processed from the finest and tender raw tea leaves, rich in aroma and smooth flavour.(此茶精选上好的原生态茶树嫩芽,精心加工,清香馥郁,沁人心脾。节

4、假日我们出行或上街购物时,随处可见各种品牌和广告语。Spiderking(蜘蛛王), Red Dragonfly(红蜻蜓);Keep Moving.(永不止步);Nothing is impossible.(一切皆有可能);更甚者,在汽车品牌中,Toyota的广告语 “Where there is a road, there is a Toyota.” 这是由谚语Where there is a will, there is a way. 改编过来的。那么学生也可以尝试进行再次改编,如:Where there is a match, there is Class Five.成为适应学生生活和学

5、习情景的标语。以上提到的物品的名称用词简单,通俗易懂;产品说明和广告语则语言精炼也是大众用语,学生只要多留意就能学到很多的英语词汇和表达法。单词活用instant, process, 合成词dragonfly, 非谓语动词形式purified, specially selected and processed等。这些都能让学生在乐中学,在用中学,启发他们的想象力,增强他们的好奇心,从而激发他们学习英语的兴趣。需要说明的一点是,有些物品的英语表达法可能存在问题,如iced black tea(冰红茶),从英语表达法的角度看,应该是“冰镇的红茶”;有些风景区的广告中写道Welcome to 。其实

6、这种表达法不地道,因为欢迎语welcome to表达的意思是“欢迎来到说话者这个地方来”,所以Welcome to这样的标语应该挂在景区入口或附近地方,而不能出现在大街或公路旁的广告牌上。2记忆单词的效率不高,且容易忘记虽然国内外的学者和一线教师都在不断地研究、实践着新的词汇教学方法,比如直观法、举例法、释义法等等,也提出了一些词汇教学与学习策略。这在很大程度上有效地促进学生提高词汇学习效率。但是,在与学生的交流中我们还是可以发现不少学生仍然使用传统的记忆单词的方法,即先诵读和抄写教材中的新单词,然后完成练习册中相应的词汇练习;另一方面,课堂上一些教师也仍然采用单一的教学模式,通常是“读音拼写



9、4%的生词和80%的短语在模块15的课文中出现的频率均不超过两次(张彦琳,何安平,2006)。因此,教师应采用多种途径帮助学生巩固新学的词汇,如设计课后练习、拓展阅读材料、创设情境等。在实践中笔者认为后者比前者更能有效帮助学生学习词汇。三、课堂教学案例分析作为一线教师,笔者时常开设公开课。下面以公开课课堂实录为例说明如何创设情境,与广大同行交流。1. 教材分析:本次公开课系列笔者选用高中英语(人教版)的第一模块第4单元“阅读(Reading)”作为教学内容。本单元的话题是“地震(Earthquakes)”和“遇到灾难时如何自救以及帮助别人(how to protect oneself and

10、help others in disasters)”。具体涉及地震的成因、预兆,地震造成的损失,地震时的应急救生以及震后的救援等内容。语言知识和语言技能等各项语言活动都是围绕这些话题展开的。“阅读(Reading)”部分是一篇新闻报道,介绍了1976年唐山大地震发生前后的情况。文章详细地描述了地震来临前的一些不正常的自然现象及动物的反常表现、地震的来势汹汹并在顷刻之间将整座城市夷为平地和地震后人们勇敢地面对现实并及时地实施抢救和重建工作。学生可以从中学到一些有关地震的常识,如地震的前兆、地震时的应急逃生、地震后如何科学救人等,并且使用所学词汇进行表达,实现英语的交际功能。2. 教学过程:本文所

11、提供的课堂实录片断为实现有效词汇教学而设计,培养学生阅读技巧方面暂且不提。课堂实录1Activity 1. Warming-upTalk freely and lead to the topicdisaster.(The teacher shows on the screen a picture of MH370 of Malaysian Air.)T: Do you know the accident of a plane in Malaysia?S: Yes. The plane was lost on the way to Beijing. Yes. It disappeared fro

12、m the sky a short time after it took off. And the result was terrible. All together there were 239 passengers missing, including 154 Chinese. (Sighs. Show a picture of the passengers family crying.) So, we can call it a disaster, it is a very terrible accident. Yes. Of course. What did you feel when

13、 you heard the news? Ss: It was terrible. /I couldnt believe my eyes when I watched that on TV. Yes. People are surprised to hear the news. Or people are shocked to know the disaster.S1: I have a cousin on the plane. She was planning to go on a trip and visit her customer in Malaysia. But she will n

14、ever come back. My mother was crying when we were watching the news on TV. (The students eyes go wet as he is speaking. And this is beyond my expectation in my teaching plan. I go to his side, touching his shoulder.) OK. God bless her and the families! Thank you for your report. (Point to the pictur

15、e of people crying) Many people burst out crying when they heard of the disaster. (Show picutres of ships and planes looking for the MH370) Fortunately, governments from many countries tried to find it right away. We should hope they would find out the cause of the disaster although the finding seem

16、s useless by now.教师进行总结性说明并把这小段话板书在黑板上:The Malaysian MH370 disappeared from the sky. We were shocked to hear the news and sad to lose contact with friends and relatives. People burst out crying at the news. Many countries sent soldiers to look for it right away but it seams useless until now. It is

17、a great disaster. 然后领读一次划线的单词和短语以提起学生注意。该文段中划线部分为本单元新单词和短语。设计意图及反思马航失事是近期的热点话题,学生也比较熟悉。利用学生熟悉的话题创设语境引入新知识,能较好吸引学生注意并提供真实情景帮助学生理解新词汇。在这个环节中,教师尽量用新的词汇或表达法解释学生的话,或者自己用不同的表达方式重复自己的话,能增加学生的语言输入量,有助于学生养成用英语思考和表达的习惯。另外,笔者有意控制本环节中使用的新词的数量而且不深入解释其用法,因为过多、过细的词汇用法讲解会使学生丧失交际的兴趣。因此教师要注意该环节中新词呈现以68个为宜,而且处理要迅速,不要涉


19、报网()。. Yaan is located at the western edge of the Sichuan Basin and on the upper reaches of the Yangtze, covering the transition between the Chengdu Plain and the Tibetan Plateau. Yaan has a population of 1.53 million and is known as the hometown of the giant panda. It is about 140 kilometers away f

20、rom the provincial capital Chengdu City. The city is encircled by mountains, and four rivers flow through it. No one would deny that the work of volunteers, especially those working in rescue and relief missions at disaster sites, is important and deserves our greatest respect. From the Wenchuan and

21、 Yaan earthquakes in Sichuan province in 2008 and 2013 to the Ludian quake in Yunnan province a few days ago, hundreds of thousands of volunteers have helped in rescue, relief and reconstruction work, making a world of difference to the lives of survivors and victims relatives. They have helped dig

22、people out of ruins, reach relief materials to survivors, offer treatment to the injured, and provide concern to people who lost their loved ones or were left disabled. They also have contributed in various ways to post-quake reconstruction. Their courage and selflessness show the world the willingn

23、ess and ability of the Chinese people to build a modern civil society.作为教材主题课文的延伸,这些相同主题的阅读材料在用词和句型上具有相同和类似的特点,能提高词语的复现率,有助学生在短时间内重复学习和体会词语的用法。笔者所选用的材料基本上来自中国日报网()和英语杂志,如海外英语(Oversea English)等,这些资料学生在课外也很容易找到。因此,使用一段时间之后,学生会下意识地主动阅读。课堂实录3这是上完教材中阅读课文“A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP”之后,笔者增加的课外阅读材料。笔者选用自

24、然灾害的新闻报道作为拓展阅读,以帮助学生在真实语境中学习新单词和相关的表达法。首先进行头脑风暴活动以灾难“disaster”作为中心词,联想各种熟知的灾害的英语单词;然后自然而然的进入各种自然灾害的话题。 Today, we have talked about the Malaysian flight accident and Tangshan earthquake, they are both disasters. So can you name other kinds of disasters? War, fire, AIDS, typhoon, flood, drought, mudfl

25、ow Quite good. Do you know something about the disasters in our life?教师打开PPT链接,呈现图片和文字说明,以真实的事情为学生创设语境,让学生在真实的语境中学习相关英语表达法。. With heavy rainful expected, southeastern coastal cities are likely to be hit by two or three typhoons in August, according to Su, a spokesman of the State Flood Control and D

26、rought Relief Headquaters. He added that the typhoons are likely to sweep far inland and cause severe damage to the coastal and inland regions. Northern China, however, has been hit by severe drought since June with Henan suffering its worst drought in 63 years. . HEFEIHealth authorities in east Chi

27、nas Anhui Province on Thursday reported three more human cases of H7N9 bird flu.A 40-year-old man surnamed Yang, a native of Taihu County, was confirmed to have been infected with the H7N9 virus on Monday and is in a critical condition, the provincial health and family planning commission announced

28、on Tuesday.Two other cases were reported on Thursday. One patient, 69, surnamed Cao, is from Tunxi District of Huangshan City. Cao was confirmed to have contracted the virus on Wednesday. The third patient, a 58-year-old native of Maanshan City surnamed Han, was confirmed to be infected on Thursday.

29、Cao and Han are both in a critical condition. They are being treated in local hospitals. 以上例子不仅有助于学生学习和了解与“灾难”相关的新闻,更有助于使学生在不知不觉中学习和体会英语表达法。如同位语结构(Su, a spokesman of the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquaters; A 40-year-old man surnamed Yang, a native of Taihu County, was confirmed)、非谓语结

30、构(分词作定语)(A 40-year-old man surnamed Yang)、with短语(With heavy rainful expected; with Henan suffering)和构词法(inland, 虽然学生还没有学过这个词,但是学生容易从indoor的构词法和语境中猜到它的意思)等等。课堂实录4单元阅读课的最后一节课,笔者会给学生布置两个任务。一是在课本阅读课文和拓展阅读的文章中划出学过的词组和句型。体会它们的用法;二是利用这些词组和句型写作文。在实践中学会运用学过的词组和句型。在前面两节课的学习中,学生接触到的有关灾难和救助的表达法很多。right away, too to, think little of, It seemed as if, at an end, lie in ruins, All hope was not lost. lose contact with, be likely to, with+名词短语

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