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李阳疯狂英语 脱口而出Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 用它进行交流.学会使用这个句型不但可以掌握虚拟语气,而且还可以掌握提供有用 建议的艺术. 1) If I were you, I would quit smoking. 如果我是你的话,我会把烟戒了. Kim Smoking is bad for your health. If you really want to live a healthier lifestyle, you should follow this advice. 吸烟有害健康.如果你真 地想生活得更健康,你应该听从这条建议. 2) If I were you, I would accept the job. 如果我是你的话

2、,我会接受这份工作. 3) If I were you, I would be a little more polite. 如果我是你的话,我会更礼貌些. 4) If I were you, I would be honest with Harold. 如果我是你的话,我会对哈罗德说实话. 5) If I were you, I would tell him exactly what I think. 如果我是你的话,我会告诉他我真实的想法. 6) If I were you, I would try to bargain a little. 如果我是你的话,我会再把价砍低一点. This i

3、s a useful sentence for advising your foreign friends who want to do some shopping in China! 给那些想在中国购物的外国朋友提 些建议,这可是非常有用的一个句子. 7) If I were you, I would just forget about the whole thing. 如果我是你的话,我会把整件事忘得一干二净. This sentence is great for smoothing over an argument! 这是 一个平息争吵的好句子. 8) If I were you, I

4、would try to find a better-paying job. 如果我是你的话,我会去找一份高薪的工作. 9) If I were you, I would not believe him. 如果我是你的话,我不会相信他说的话. 10) If I were you, I wouldnt worry about it. 如果我是你的话,我不会为这件事担心. 【李阳疯狂英语三最口腔肌肉训练记录:15秒】 【李阳疯狂英语一口气训练记录: 1口气】 【Jims Favorite Sentence】 】 If I were you, I would take a vacation. 如果我

5、是你的话,我就会 去度假. 【学习指南】 句型是句子的骨架,学习句型千万不可囫囵吞枣,一定要一个个地细嚼慢 咽.希望大家按照我们的示范,为每个句型配上10个例句,并用三最法和 一口气法将这些例句脱口而出,这样你才能真正掌握一个句型.掌握一个 句型就掌握了十个,甚至上百个句子,这样的成就你怎么能错过! 1. all the same. 还是要. 还是要. Andrew I dont hear Chinese speakers using this phrase often, but it is very common and will make you sound smooth and soph

6、isticated. 我很少听 到中国人说英语时使用这个句型,但这个句型非常实用,用上这个句型会让你的英语 听起来流利而熟练. Thank you all the same. 还是要谢谢你. 2) I know she will forgive you, but you should apologize all the same. 我知道她会原谅你,但你还是要道歉. 【疯狂替换】 all the same. = anyway. 1. All we can do is 我们所能做的就是. 我们所能做的就是. 1) All we can do is sit back and hope for th

7、e best. 我们所能做的就是坐等最好的结果. 2) All we can do is forget the experience of failure and work hard together. 我们所能做的就是忘记失败的经历,一起努力. 1. All you have to do is 你只要就行了. 你只要就行了. 就行了 All you have to do is ask. 你问就是了. This is a terrifically useful sentence for offering help or encouraging someone to ask for help!

8、这是提供帮助或鼓励别人请求帮助的 非常实用的句子! 【疯狂实战一】 A: Do you think you could pick me up from the airport? 不知道你可不可以去机场接我呢? B: All you have to do is ask! Id be glad to! 你问就是了!我很乐意. 【疯狂实战二】 A: I need someone to practice my English with. 我需要有人陪我练英语. B: 你去问别人嘛! 2) All you have to do is fill out this form. 你只要填写一下这张表就 可以了

9、. 1. As I see it, 依我看,.【表达个人看法的高级句型】 依我看,. 1) As I see it, the government has done a good job fighting SARS. 依我看,政府在对抗非典型性肺炎中做得很不错. 2) As I see it, teachers should get more pay. 依我看,老师的薪水应该再高一些. 【额外成就感】 额外成就感】 Kim There are so many ways to express your opinion other than the basic I think. Here are

10、just a few. 除了最基本的句型以外,还有很 多表达意见的方式,下面只是其中的一部分. In my opinion, we should spend more time training our staff. 我认为我们应该多花点时间培训我们的员工. From my point of view, the meeting went very well. 我认为会议进行得很顺 利. From my perspective, learning English is absolutely necessary. 依我看,学习英语绝对有必要. The way I see it is, we don

11、t have any choice. 依我看,我们根本没有选择. I believe the job market will improve very soon. 我认为就业市场很快就会好 转. In my mind, the project is a waste of money. 我认为这个项目是浪费钱. I feel hes the right man for the job. 我觉得他是这份工作的适合人选. 1. But for, 若不是因为;如果没有. 【五星级句型】 若不是因为;如果没有. 【疯狂短评】 But for 表示否定的条件,而且这种否定的条件是与事实相反 疯狂短评】 的

12、,因此要注意,主句的谓语动词要使用虚拟语气.与这个句型意思相近的另一个句 型是 , if it were not for . 这两个句型可以相互替换. But for your help, I couldnt have done it. 要不是你帮我,我肯 定做不成. 2) But for the storm, we would have already arrived in Rome. 如果不是因为暴风雨,我们已经到罗马了. 1. by any chance? 有没有可能? 有没有可能 ? Could you by any chance give me a lift home? 你有没有可能

13、让我搭个便车回家? This sentence pattern makes a request more difficult to refuse. Note the following dialogues: 用这个句型提出请求让人更难以拒绝.请看下面的对 话: 【对话一】 A: I guess so. But we have to leave right away. Im meeting my girlfriend after work. 可以.但我们得马上走.我下班后要去见我女朋友. 【对话二】 A: Could you give me a lift home? 能让我搭个便车回家吗? So

14、rry, Im afraid I cant. I have to meet my girlfriend after work. 对不起,恐怕不行.我下班后要去见我女朋友. I wonder if you could by any chance lend me some money? 不知道你可不可以借我点钱? 1. Come to think of it, 细想起来,. 细想起来,. This little phrase is perfect for those occasions when you want to express a thought that has just popped

15、into your head.当你要表达突然 想到的事情时,用这个句型就再好不过了. Come to think of it, youre probably right. 细想起来,你也许 是对的. 2) Come to think of it, your plan is probably workable. 细想起来,你的计划还是行得通的. 1. Could I possibly ask you to ? 我可不可以请你?【礼貌地提出请 我可不可以请你 ? 求的句型】 Kim When you use this sentence pattern to make a request, it i

16、s difficult for the person you ask to refuse. It is similar to could you by any chance When you ask someone, Could I possibly ask you to do something? he will probably feel like a rotten person if he answers negatively. 当你用这个句型提出请求时,对方很难拒绝.这个句型与Could you by any chance相似.当你问某个人,如果他拒绝的话,他可能会觉得自己很差劲. C

17、ould I possibly ask you to drive me to the airport? 我可不可以请你开车送我去机场? 2) Could I possibly ask you to help me carry the suitcase upstairs? 我可不可以请你帮我把箱子拿到楼上去? 1. eitheror 要么,要么.【考试重点句型】 要么,要么. 1) Either you leave now or I call the police! 要么你马上离开,要么我就叫警察! 2) You can either write or phone to request a co

18、py. 你可以写信或打电话去索取一份资料. JimIn America, people say either /6a!H+/or/6iH+/.美国人把either读 成/6a!H+/或/6iH+/. 1. Excuse me for interrupting, but 对不起,打扰一下,. 对不起, 打扰一下, . Sometimes you just cant help but interrupt a conversation. That is why this sentence Pattern is so useful and important. If you must interrup

19、t, you need to do it as politely as possible! 有时候你不得不打扰别人谈话,所以这 个句型非常有用,非常重要.如果你必须打扰别人,你可得尽量礼貌点. Excuse me for interrupting, but you are just making too much noise. Im afraid Im going to have to ask you to be a little more quiet. 对不起,打扰一下,你们实在太吵了.恐怕我不得不请你们小声点. 2) Excuse me for interrupting, but you

20、have an important call. 对不起,打扰一下,你有个很重要的电话. 1. Forgive me for 请原谅我.【最诚挚的道歉句型】 请原谅我. 1) Forgive me for my carelessness. 请原谅我的草率. 请原谅我打断一下,我不明白. 1. Have you considered? 你有没有考虑过?【委婉地提出建议的句 你有没有考虑过? 型】 2) Forgive me for interrupting, but I dont understand. Have you considered studying abroad? 你有没有考虑过出国留

21、 学? 2) Have you considered changing your job? 你有没有考虑过换工 作? 1. How are you getting along with? 你跟相处得怎么样? 相处得怎么样 1) How are you getting along with your roommate? 你跟你的室友相处得怎么样? 2) How are you getting along with your new girlfriend? 你跟你的新女朋友相处得怎么样? 1. How much shall I pay for? 我该为付多少钱?【询问价钱的高级句 我该为付多少钱?

22、 付多少钱 How much shall I pay for this? 这个多少钱? 2) How much shall I pay for the hotel room? 宾馆住宿要多少钱? 1. How would you react to? 对于你有什么看法?【询问观点看法的 对于你有什么看法? 你有什么看法 高级句型】 Kim Be careful when you hear this sentence pattern! It is often used as a way to break bad news! In both the following examples the ne

23、xt sentences would probably be bad news. 听到这个句型可要当心了!它通常用来 发布坏消息.下面这两个例子中,这个句型后面接的句子多半是坏消息. How would you react to working overtime this Sunday? 对于这周日加班你有什么看法? 2) How would you react to canceling this project? 对于取消这个项目你有什么看法? 1. I (dont ) doubt that 我(不)怀疑. 怀疑. 1) I doubt that he will leave. 我怀疑他会离开

24、. 2) I dont doubt that its her choice. 我确信这是她的选择. 1. I cannot help + V-ing 我忍不住. 我忍不住. 【疯狂提示】这个句型后面接动词时一定要接动名词. 1) I cannot help worrying about my job interview. 我忍不住担心我的工作面试. 2) I cannot help yelling when I get cross. 我生气的时候会忍不住大 喊大叫. 1. I cant stand 我忍受不了. 我忍受不了. This is a very powerful sentence p

25、attern, so of course it is a favorite of Americans. Americans like words that help them to convey strong emotions. When you are totally and completely fed up with something or someone, this is the sentence pattern you need to use! 这个句型语气非常强烈, 所以它当之无愧成为美国人最喜欢使用的句型.美国人喜欢使用一些能帮助他们表达 强烈情感的言辞.当你对某人某事感到极度

26、厌倦时,你就得使用这个句型了. I cant stand her arrogance. 我受不了她的傲慢. 我再也受不了了. 2) I cant stand it anymore. 1. I cant wait to 我迫不急待. 【表达渴望的高级句型】 我迫不急待. 1) I cant wait to read his new novel. 我迫不急待想看他的新小说. 好香啊!我真想咬一口. 1. I hate to say it, but 我实在不想这样说,但. 我实在不想这样说, . I call this the hypocrite sentence pattern. I believ

27、e that if you really and truly hated to say something, you wouldnt say it. In fact, many people say these words when the truth is that they enjoy what they are saying. 我把句型称为伪君子句型.我认为,如果你真的不想说,那你就不会 2) It smells so delicious that I cant wait to take a bite. 说.事实上,很多人说这话的时候,其实他们是很想说的. I hate to say i

28、t, but It keep my promise. 我实在不想这样说,但我恐怕不能遵守我的诺言. 2) I hate to say it, but I really need my money back. 我实在不想这样说,但我真的需要把我的钱要回来. 1. I have no choice but to 除了,我别无选择.【考试常考句型】 除了,我别无选择. 1) I have no choice but to believe what youre saying. 除了相信你的话,我别无选择. 2) I have no choice but to accept his invitation. 除了接受他的邀请,我别无选择. 1. I just said 我刚才说,. 我刚才说,. 1) I just said I needed some money. How many times do you want me to say it?

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