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1、t every day a prince is born. 不是每一天都有王子出生的28youre to be congratulated. 我们应该好好道贺一下29yes, congratulations! 对,祝贺,祝贺30congratulations! 祝贺31thank you very much. 非常感谢32come on. 来吧33wake up. we have company(同伴). 醒醒,我们有客人来了34hello, hello! 你们好35hello, there. 你们好36hello, little prince. 你好,小王子37hello, hello th

2、ere. 你们好38hello, little prince! 你好,小王子39look, hes trying to get up. 看,他想要站起来40kind of wobbly(不稳定的), isnt he? 站得摇摇晃晃的,不是吗 41thumper! 桑普42well, he is. 看看,他就是的43arent ya? 你说是不是44ah-twah!45looks to me like hes 我看他是想睡觉了getting kind of sleepy.46I think its time we all left. 我想我们该走了47come on, sure,sure. 离开

3、吧48come on, shoo-o, shoo-o!49quick. 快点51thumper, come on! 桑普,快点52what-cha gonna call him? 你打算给他取什么名字?53well,54I think Ill call him bambi. 我想叫他“斑比”好了55bambi.56yep, I guess thatll do, all right.可以,我想这个名字很好57bambi.58my little bambi. 我的小斑比59walking already. 已经会走了60well, what do you know! 喂,你知道吗?61good m

4、orning! 早上好!62good morning, mrs. quail. 早上好,桂太太 63and wheres the young prince this . 小王子在哪64oh!65good morning, bambi. 早上好,斑比 66good morning, young prince 早上好,小王子 67good-bye! 再见68good morning, young prince!69good morning, young prince!70good morning. 71nice sunny day! 不错的晴天 72whats the matter? what h

5、appened 怎么了,发生什么事情了?73did the young prince fall down? 小王子摔倒了吗?74is he hurt? 他摔伤了吗?75no, hes all right. 没有,他很好76he doesnt walk very good, does he? 他走路不太稳,是吗?77thumper!78yes, mama? 怎么了,妈妈?79what did your father tell you this morning? 你爸爸早上跟你说什么了?80if you cant say something nice, 假好你不能说好听的话81dont say n

6、othing at all. 那一句也不要说82come on, bambi. get up. 来吧,斑比,起来 83try again. 再试一次84come on, get up! 来吧,起来 85get up, bambi! 起来,斑比 86get up. try again! 起来,再试一次 87Im thumping. 我很会敲打88thats why they call me thumper. 那就是他们叫我桑普在原因 89thumper!90thumper!91come on. 来吧 92you can do it 你能做到的 93hop over it. 跳过去 94like

7、this. 像这样 95hop over it. hop over it. 96hop over it. hop over it. 97like this. 98you didnt hop far enough. 你跳的还不够远 99thats it! 对了100now, the other one. 现在该另一只脚了101gee whiz, what happened that time? 天啊,刚才发生什么了?102those are birds. 那是一群小鸟 103burrr!104burrr!105look! hes trying to talk. 看,他正在学说话 106burr-

8、r-r!107hes trying to say bird. 他在尝试说鸟 108say bird! 说鸟 109burr-r-r. 110bird. burrr. 111bird-duh!112come on, say bird! say bird! 来吧,说“鸟” 113say bird, say bird. 114bird!115he talked! 他说话了116he talked!117he talked, momma! 他说话了,妈妈!118the young prince said, bird! 小王子说“鸟”了 119bird, bird, bird, bird!120bird

9、!121no. thats not a bird. 不对,那不是鸟 122thats a butterfly. 那是蝴蝶。123butterfly? 蝴蝶124butter .125butterfly! 蝴蝶 126no. thats a flower. 不对,那是花 127flower?128uh-huh. itspretty. 噢,他很漂亮129pretty.130flower!131me? 我?132no, no, no. 不,不对133thats not a flower! 那不是花 134hes a little . 他只是一只 135oh, thats all right. 噢,没

10、关系 136he can call me a flower . 如果他喜欢叫我花,他可以叫我花 137if he wants to. 138I dont mind. 我不介意 139pretty! pretty flower! 漂亮,漂亮的花 140gosh! 天啊141I think Id better go home now. 我想我现在应该回家了 142drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴,四月的小雨 143beating a tune as you fall all around 在你周围击出一首乐曲 144drip, drip, dro

11、p little april shower 145what can compare with your beautiful sound 什么能与你美妙的声音相比 146beautiful sound 美妙的声音 147beautiful sound 美妙的声音 148drip, drop drip, drop 滴、滴、滴 149drip, drip, drop when the sky is cloudy 当天空布满阴云时,滴滴滴 150your pretty music will brighten the day 你那美妙的音乐将照亮天空 151drip, drip, drop when t

12、he sky is cloudy 当天空布满阴云时,滴滴滴 152youll come along with a song right away 你会与一首歌伴随而来 153come with your beautiful music 与你美妙的音乐一起来 154drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴,四月的小雨155beating a tune as you fall all around 在你周围击出一首乐曲 156drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴,四月的小雨 157what can comp

13、are with your beautiful sound 什么能与你美妙的声音相比 158drip, drip, drop when the sky is cloudy 当天空布满阴云时,滴滴滴 159youll come along with 你会伴随你那美妙的歌曲而来 your pretty little song 160drip, drip drop when the sky is cloudy 当天空布满阴云时,滴滴滴 161you162gay little roundelay gay little roundelay 好听的小圆舞曲 163song of a rainy day s

14、ong of a rainy day 一支下雨的歌 164how I love to hear your patter 我多么喜欢你的声音165pretty little pitter-patter 漂亮的小雨声 166troubles always seem to scatter 麻烦似乎总是分散 167drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴,四月的小雨 168beating a tune as you fall all around 在你周围击出一首乐曲 169drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴

15、,四月的小雨 170what can compare with your beautiful sound 什么能与你美妙的声音相比 171drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴,四月的小雨172beating a tune as you fall all around 在你周围击出一首乐曲 173drip, drip, drop little april shower 滴、滴、滴,四月的小雨 174what can compare with your beautiful sound 什么能与你美妙的声音相比 175beautiful sound 美

16、丽的声音 176mother, what we gonna do today? 妈妈,我们今天要做什么?177Im going to take you to the meadow. 我要带你去草地上去呀 178meadow? 草地?179whats the meadow? 什么是草地?180its a very wonderful place. 那是一个很好玩的地方 181then, why havent we been there before? 那我们以前为什么没去过 182you werent big enough. 因为那里你年纪还小啊 183mother, you know what

17、? 妈妈,你知道为什么吗?184what? 什么?185were not the only deer in the forest. 我们不是森林里唯一的鹿 186where did you hear that? 你是从哪里听来的呢?187thumper told me. 桑普告诉我的 188well, hes right. 他说的对 189there are many deer in 在森林里除了我们还有许鹿 the forest, besides us. 190then, why dont I ever see them? 那我为什么没有看到他们呢?191you will sometime.

18、 总有一天你会见到的 192on the meadow? 在草地上 193perhaps. 说不定194hush, now. 嘘195were almost there. 我们很快要到了 196the meadow! 草地 197wait! 等等 198bambi, wait! 斑比,等等 199you must never rush out on the meadow. 你千万不可以在草地上乱跑 200there might be danger. 草地上有危险, 201out there, we are unprotected. 在草地上,我们得不到保护 202the meadow is w

19、ide and open. 草地非常宽广 203there are no trees or bushes to hide us. 没有树与丛林来隐藏 204so, we have to be very careful. 所以我们一定要非常的小心 205wait here. 你在这等我 206Ill go out first. 我在这里走出去 207if the meadow is safe, Ill call you. 假如草地很安全,我就通知你 208come on, bambi. 来吧,斑比 209its all right. 不要怕 210come on. 快出来呀 211good mo

20、rning, prince bambi! 早上好,小王子 212good morning, young prince. 213hello. 你好214what-cha eating? 你们在吃什么?215clover. 木树 216its awfully good. 这个非常的好吃 217its delicious! 美味可口 218why dont you try some? 你也吃吃看吧 219no, no. 不,不对 220not that green stuff. 不是那个东西 221just eat the blossoms. 只吃花果 222thats the good stuff

21、. 那是最美味的东西了 223thumper. 桑普 224yes, mama? 什么事?妈妈 225what did your father tell you? 你爸爸怎么跟你说的?226about what? 有关于什么?227about eating the blossoms 关于吃花果留下绿叶的故事啊 and leaving the greens. 228oh, that one. 原来是那个啊 229eating greens is a special treat. 吃绿叶是特别的糟塌 230it makes long ears and great big feet. 会长出长耳朵和

22、大脚 231but it sure is awful stuff to eat. 但是绿叶的味道真的很难吃呀 232I made that last part up, myself. 斑比,最后一句话是我自己编的 233watch-out! 小心 234watch-out!235thats a little faline. 她是小法玲 236hes kind of bashful, isnt he, mama? 妈妈,他会不好意思噢 237well, may be he wouldnt be 如果你跟他打声招呼的话就不会了 if youd say, hello.238hello, bambi.

23、 你好,斑比 239I said, 我说“你好” 240well, arent you going to answer her? 斑比,赶快回答她呀!241youre not afraid, are you? 你应该不会害怕,对不对?242well then, go ahead. 那么赶快上前去呀 243go on! say hello. 快说,快说“你好” 244hello. 你好 245yeeowww!246he stopped and looked at me. 他停下来看着我 247yes, I know. 是呀,我知道 248why was everyone still 为什么他在草

24、地上出现,大家都不动呢 when he came on the meadow?249everyone respects him. 因为大家都很尊敬他 250for of all the deer in the forest, 因为森林里所有的鹿, 251not one has lived half so long. 没有一个人比他活得更长久的 252hes very brave, 他非常勇敢 253and very wise. 非常聪明254thats why hes known . 所以他是大家公认的 255as the great prince of the forest. 森林大王子 2

25、56faline! 法玲 257bambi! 斑比258mother! 妈妈259bambi!260bambi!261mother!262mother!263mother!264come on out, bambi. 出来吧,斑比 265come on. 来吧 266its safe now. 现在安全了267we dont have to hide any longer. 我们不必再躲藏了 268what happened, mother? 妈妈,发生什么事情了 269why did we all run? 我们为什么要跑呢?270man was in the forest. 这是因为人类来

26、到了森林 271mother, look! whats all that white stuff? 妈妈,看,那些白色的东西是什么呀 272why, its snow. 噢,那是雪 273snow? 雪?274yes. winter has come. 对,冬天已经来了 275hiya, bambi! 嗨,斑比276watch what I can do! 看看我的能耐 277wheeee!278come on! its all right. 过来,没关系的 279look! 看 280the waters stiff. 这水已经变硬了281yippee!282some fun! 好好玩 283huh, bambi? 对不对,斑比 284come on. get up. 来吧,起来 285like this. 像这样286no, no, no. 不,不对 287kind of wobbly, aren 有点摇摇晃晃,对不对 288you gotta watch both ends at the same time. 你要同时照顾到后面 289I guess youd better unwind it. 我想你的脚不打结会比较好

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