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中考英语阅读理解热点专题集训 1文档格式.docx

1、s death. She also praised his contribution to the promotion of education, culture, medicine and social welfare in Hong Kong and the mainland.1. A. gave away B. passed away C. ran away2. A. values B. career C. education3. A. save B. leave C. support4. A. distance B. people C. business5. A. with B. fo

2、r C. to6. A. refused B. allowed C. decided7. A. although B. because C. until8. A. differently B. exactly C. successfully9. A. education B. industry C. history10. A. small B. large C. deep热点2“工地学霸”崔庆涛Cui Qingtao is a high school student of 17 years old in Yunnan province. He was mixing mortar (灰浆) at

3、 a building site with his 1 when he received his acceptance letter from Peking University, which is widely 2 as the top university in China.In this college entrance examination, the 3 adult from a low-income family scored 669 points and applied(申请) to Peking University, where he was accepted as a 4

4、in the School of Journalism and Communication.Cuis home is in a small village. He is the oldest son, with a younger brother in high school and a sister in the fourth grade. To help his family 5 more money, he spent his vacations with his brother doing parttime jobs. And he 6 at 3 oclock in the morni

5、ng to work in the greenhouses.On Sunday, Cuis family was doing building work at the site of a new home when they were told to take the 7 . Cui and his family were excited as they 8 received the long-expected acceptance letter. When his mother 9 the acceptance letter to his father, who cannot read, a

6、 big smile appeared on his fathers face.In an interview, Cui Qingtao said he worked about 11 to 12 hours a day at the building site in order to help his parents. When asked about his plan for the future,he said,“Now Im leaving my home village for college, but Ill 10 and someday change the poor condi

7、tion of the village.” His words got much praise on the Internet.1. A. parents B. friends C. classmates2. A. reported B. regarded C. received3. A. tall B. short C. young4. A. student B. worker C. waiter5. A. do B. meet C. earn6. A. set up B. got up C. put up7. A. letter B. name C. grade8. A. finally

8、B. hardly C. usually9. A. bought B. sent C. read 10. A. return B. study C. work热点3千里江山图The 18-year-old artist Wang Ximeng from the Song Dynasty painted A Panorama of Rivers and Mountains(千里江山图), one of the most important pieces in Chinas fine art 1 . Centuries later, an 18-year-old singer Yiyang Qia

9、nxi, one of the 2 of the Chinese boy band TF Boys, pays tribute (致敬) to him in a song.The lyrics (歌词) of the song, Magnificent Landscape in Painting (丹青千里) , are 3 by Taiwan songwriter Vincent Fang and the music is composed (为谱曲) by Beijing-based songwriter Zhang Yadong. The music video of the song

10、was released (发布) online on July 25, and 4 was viewed more than 10 million times within three hours.Meanwhile, the release of the 5 also marks the start of a songwriting competition, which is held by the Palace Museum, Tencent NEXT IDEA and QQ Music. The contest, Ancient Painting Can Sing, is open t

11、o songwriters aged between 17 and 35. They have to 6 songs based on ten 7 paintings at the Palace Museum. And the winners will have the chance to perform the songs along with pop singers, including Huo Zun, Hu Yanbin and Yuan Yawei, at a 8 that will be held at the Palace Museum this October.“This co

12、mpetition aims at encouraging originality (原创性) and creativity among young Chinese musicians. Most 9 , we want to draw the young audience to traditional Chinese art forms. The ten paintings 10 Chinas fine art history, and the blurring (模糊) line between music and the other arts has become a part of p

13、opular culture.”According to Dennis Hau, group vicepresident (副总裁) of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, Shan Jixiang, the director of the Palace Museum, said, “The crossover (融合) between traditional Chinese art and music, is what appeals to the young audience.”1. A. stage B. page C. history2. A. nu

14、mbers B. classmates C. members3. A. written B. painted C. recorded4. A. him B. her C. it5. A. food B. song C. menu6. A. write B. listen C. sing7. A. popular B. ancient C. cheap8. A. meeting B. festival C. concert9. A. probably B. excitedly C. importantly10. A. take up B. stand for C. work out热点4“飞花令

15、”小才女贺莉然If you were asked to recite lines of poetry that have the Chinese character “hua”which means “flower”. How many lines could you recite?He Liran, 13, had to take on this challenge on a TV show aired (广播) by Shandong TV. He Liran, a student from the Harbin No. 163 Middle School in Heilongjiang,

16、 competed with over 100 other students. The competitors took turns reciting lines of poetry that used the word “hua”, with He Liran replying to each one.At the end, He Liran won, reciting more than 60 out of the 127 lines that were recited in the competition.Her lifelong love of reading helped her w

17、in. Her father started reading to her when she was just 4 years old. She has been a bookworm ever since.She is especially interested in ancient poetry. “The beautiful lines refresh my thinking and inspire (启发) me a lot. For example, I love Su Shis works. His optimism (乐观) influences me a lot,” she s

18、aid. Though busy with schoolwork, she spares time to study at least one poem each day. She thinks ancient poetry is still important, even in modern times. The poems can be part of our daily lives.(素材源自21世纪英文报)1. How many students took part in the competition?A. 13. B. 60. C. More than 100.2. She cou

19、ld win the competition because of _A. her school B. her lifelong love of reading C. her schoolwork3. The underlined word “spares” means _in Chinese.A. 准备 B. 浪费 C. 抽出4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. He Liran is a 12yearold girl.B. He Liran studies at the Harbin No. 163 Mi

20、ddle School. C. He Liran is interested in modern poetry.5. What can be the best title for the passage?A. Shandong TV hold a competitionB. He Liran, a girl who keeps poems aliveC. Reading poems is very interesting热点5清华大学为新生精心设计的3D录取通知书After college entrance examination, what the students most expect

21、is the acceptance letters (录取通知书). Recently, Tsinghua University has received much attention since the “3D acceptance letter” was shown on the official platform. The latest acceptance letters are made by teachers and students of Tsinghua University and will be sent to students soon.In this year, the

22、 most special feature of Tsinghuas acceptance letter is a 3D “two school gates ”. The two school gates are made of more than 30 pieces of paper parts and hundreds of splicing structures (拼插结构). In fact, it is a wonderful work of art. When the acceptance letter is opened, 3Ds “two school gates” will

23、appear on paper. With the letter comes a message of hopes which says: “When you go through the two school gates in August, a new world will spread slowly in front of you, and a new life will wait for you to explore and create.” The “two school gates” of Tsinghua University is a landmark building of

24、Tsinghua University. They were built in 1909 and saw the past more than 100 years of Tsinghua University. Tsinghua said that the 3D “two school gates” on the acceptance letter not only holds weight of history, but also means a new time of youth and future.1. Who made the 3D acceptance letters?A. Stu

25、dents and teacher of Tsinghua University.B. The headmaster of Tsinghua University.C. Workers of Tsinghua University.2. What does the underlined word “feature” mean in Chinese?A. 能力 B. 特色 C. 装饰3. What comes together with the letter when you open it?A. A gift from the university.B. Some words from tea

26、chers.C. A message of hopes.4. When were the “two school gates” of Tsinghua University built? A. In 1809. B. In 1919. C. In 1909.5. The passage is mainly about _A. the 3D acceptance letters of Tsinghua UniversityB. the history of Tsinghua UniversityC. the “two school gates” of Tsinghua University热点6开学第一课第四节课 未来Almost every student knows the TV program The First Lesson. The program is done by the Central Radio and T

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