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1、Module2模块练习题 Unit1 一、翻译短语和句子:1.参加比赛_ 2.一等奖_ 3.祝你好运_ 4.停止尝试_5.太遗憾了_ 6. 编写,写作_7.编写,创作_ 8.邀请去_ 9.考虑_ 10.我梦想的假日_二、写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词。visit _ _ invite _ _ win _ _ take _ _ see_ _ send _ _ be _ _ stop _ _三、选用have, has, havent , hasnt 填空1.I _ always travelled around the world. 2. Betty_ never visited England.

2、3.My sister _ traveled all over the world. So she knows a lot.4.- _ you ever dreamed of becoming a bird? -No, I _.5.-_ your mother been to England? -Yes, she _. But my father _ been there.四、 填空。A:1. Im nervous because of the c_ (is a game to find out who is the best at the activity).2. It is a great

3、 p_ (sth you get after you win )one weeks holiday.3.My d_(is to think about something special you hope to do)is to be a dooctor.4. I want to w (be the winner) the competition.5.Its too expensive, I cant a (have enough money to pay for sth)it.B: 6.Thank you for your (invite). 7.You dont need (write)t

4、he truth.8. All of us cant afford (travel)around the word.9.Please write down your name and (experience).10.The competition will help you (improve)English .五、改写句子。1. I have entered a competition. ( 一般疑问句,否定回答)_ you _ a competition? No,I_ .2.He has worked in this company for five years.(画线部分提问)_ _has

5、 he worked in this company?3.They have traveled around the world.(一般疑问句) _ they_ around the world?4.I have read Harry Potter already.(否定句)I _ _the other Harry Potter books.5.I need to play concerts.( 否定句)I _ _ _ play concerts.6.Can I com into the room?= Can I _ the room?7. I finish my homework just

6、now. (现在完成时态)I_ already _ my homework六、完成句子。1. Mary_ _ (曾经参加)lots of competitions.2. _ _ (为了赢得)it, you must _ a story _ (编写)animals. 3.I _ _ (买不起)it, so I _ _ (停止付款)now.4. He _ _ _ (已经考虑)this dream for a long time.5.Tony _ _ (已经)Tom _ _ (旅行)with him.6.You cant _ _ (编造)your experiences.Unit 2一、翻译短语和句

7、子:1.一个18岁的男孩_ 2.之一_ 3.搬到_ 4.怀特一家_ 5.例如_ 6. 和不同_7.盼望做_ 8.倒数_ 9.全世界_ 10.在很多方面_ 11.到目前为止_二、写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词。come _ _ make _ _ learn _ _ say_ _ go _ _ think _ _ have _ _ find_ _三、选择填空.(注意人称) 1) Wheres Jim?- he _ (have been to/have gone to) Guiling.2) She _ (have been to/have gone to) the park, she will b

8、e back in two hours.3) I _ (have been to/have gone to) the West lake, and I have taken many photos .4) How many times _ you_ (have been to/have gone to) Shanghai?5) I have ever been to China, _(such as/for example) I have seen the Great Wall.6. _(How soon/How long) have you learnt English ?四、 填空。A:1

9、) . We _ (plant) some flowers last week.2). Have you ever _ (climb) the Great Wall? 3). How long have they _ (write) their stories? 4). David _ (finish) his homework just now.5). The monkeys are full, because we _ (feed) them.B: 6. They are from (德国), theyre (德国人) .7.You can see (古老的) pyramids for t

10、he (国王).8. (法国)is famous for its Eiffel (塔).五、改写句子。1. I have ever visited Beijing. (否定)I have Beijing.2.He has just done the work.(画线部分提问)_ _he just_ ?3.They have traveled around the world.= They have traveled _ _ the world.4.I moved to Bishan 9 years ago.= I have_ _ Bishan _ 9 years .5.Im not the s

11、ame as others.= I _ _ _ others.6.Tom has been here for a week ?= (画线提问)_ _ _ Tom been here?六、完成句子。1. Mary is a _ (13岁的女孩).2.New York is_ _ (之一) _ _ _ (最繁华的城市)in the world. 3.I _ it_ (发现容易) _ _ (数数).4. He _ _ _ (去过)Chengdu twice_ _ (到目前为止)5.Tony _ _ _ (盼望)to visiting_ _ (另外的城市).七、用过去时或现在完成时填空: 1.“_you_(have)lunch?”“Yes.” “ When_you_(have)it?”“I_(have)itat12:00.”2.“_you_(write)alettertoyourauntyet?”“

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