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高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Period Three Task讲义 牛津译林版必修3文档格式.docx

1、bit过去式bitten过去分词.短语自测1in the distance在远处2set sail for起航驶往3make progress取得进步4work out制订;计算5apply.to把应用于1distance语境感悟(1)(教材P12)In the distance I could hear thunder and see lightning coming.我能听到远方传来的雷声,能看见闪闪的雷电。(2)The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.她话语中透出的冷淡和疏远使我感到意外。(3)From a d

2、istance,Lucy switched on the prerecorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera.(2014安徽)从远处,露西打开了预先录制的愤怒的蜜蜂的声音,而在同时用摄像机录制大象。 (4)It is difficult to get to know her because she always keeps everyone at a distance.要了解她很难,她老是对每个人都保持一定距离。归纳拓展distance n.远处;距

3、离;冷淡;疏远in the distance在远方from a distance从远处at a distance隔一段距离,从不太远的地方keep sb. at a distance与某人不亲近,与某人隔开一定距离in/within walking distance在步行可到达的范围内;很近即时跟踪(1)用适当的介词填空They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.My parents live in/within walking distance of me.Oil paintings look better at a

4、 distance.(2)Ann likes to keep people at distance.So many people often think twice before they talk with her.(2014苏州高一质检)Aa;a Bthe;/Ca;/ Da;the答案C解析考查冠词。句意为:安喜欢和人保持一定的距离。所以,在和她交谈之前,很多人都要认真思考一下。keep a distance与某人保持一定的距离;think twice三思。2wave(1)(教材P12)The sea became very rough and the ship began t

5、o struggle in the heavy waves.海面变得很不平静,轮船开始在巨浪中挣扎。(2)He waves his fist at his son angrily.他愤怒地向他儿子挥着拳头。(3)Tommy waved to us as he came across the field.汤米穿过田地时向我们挥手。wave n.波浪; vt.挥手;摆动;使略呈波形;烫发wave sth. to/at sb. 向 挥舞,挥动wave to/at sb.向某人招手wave sb.goodbyewave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手告别(1)At last he had to

6、 leave and waved goodbye to his parents(向父母挥手告别)(2)He waved to me(向我挥手) from the train.(3)I had my hair in the beauty shop.Awave Bto waveCwaved Dwaving解析wave在本句中意为“使(头发)呈波浪形,烫(发)”,waved为过去分词作宾补。3suit(1)(教材P15)It was a man in a metal suit.那是一个穿着金属衣服的人。(2)The seven oclock train will suit us very well.

7、七点钟那一班火车对我们很合适。 (3)This piece of clothes is suitable for you.这衣服很适合你。(1)suit n套装;vt.适合;满足需要;衣服、颜色等与某人相称或适合(2)suitable adj.适合的,适宜的be suitable for/to.适合于易混辨析suit/fit/match(1)suit通常表示衣物或其他物品的式样、颜色等适合某人,也指时间、场所、情况适合某人。(2)fit通常指衣物、物品大小、形状适合、吻合。(3)match表示衣物或物品等放在一起搭配、协调。(1)The climate here suits me very w

8、ell(非常适合我)(2)This programme is not suitable for/to(不适合) children.(3)How about eight oclock outside the cinema?That me fine.Afits BmeetsCsatisfies Dsuits答案D解析考查动词词义辨析。suit sb.fine(表示时间、场所、情况等)非常适合某人,符合句意。fit指大小、形状合适;meet遇见,会面;satisfy使满意。4attach(1)(教材P16)During the operation,Mr Liu had a new hand atta

9、ched.在手术过程中,刘先生被安上了一只新的手。(2)I think you should attach a label to each piece of luggage.我认为你应该在每件行李上都贴上一个标签。(3)This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.这家医院附属于附近的那所医学院。 (4)He is deeply attached to the old typewriter.他非常爱惜那台旧打字机。attach vt.使连在一起;把附在上;使依附,使依恋;认为重要attach A to B 把A连接到B上,把A贴

10、到B上attach importance/significance (to.)重视;认为重要/有意义be attached to.被连接到上;喜欢,爱慕;附属于(1)I think sometimes we attach too much importance to(过于重视) our phones so that we ignore our friends.(2014重庆)(2)Most local citizens hold the belief that more importance should be to protecting students from the polluted

11、environment.(2016江苏邗江中学高一期中)Aaccessed BanalyzedCattached Dadvertised解析句意为:大部分的当地居民认为应该更加重视保护学生免于环境污染的危害。be attached to附属于,跟.有联系,符合句意。access接近,进入;analyze分析,分解;advertise做广告,均不符合题意。5whisper(1)(教材P17)My goodness,Sandy whispered,as she stepped back.“天啊,”桑迪边后退边低语。(2)Dad whispered a warning to us to keep q

12、uiet.爸爸低声警告我们要保持安静。(3)What are you whispering about?你们在小声说什么?(4)It is whispered that he is heavily in debt.传言说他负债累累。whisper vi.&whisper sth. to sb.对某人小声说 某事 whisper about sb./sth.密谈某人/某事whisper to sb. that. 对某人 小声说It is whispered that.有人私下说in a whisper/in whispers低声说(1) They talked with each other i

13、n a whisper/in whispers in the corner.他们在那个角落里低声交谈。(2)Mum to us,“Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping.”(2015大丰南阳中学高一期中)Awhispered BshoutedCexplained Dreplied答案A解析根据妈妈说的话可知,妈妈说话也不会大声。whisper (sth.) to sb.对某人小声说(某事)。shout to sb.对某人大声喊;explain sb.向某人解释某事;reply to sb.回答某人,均不合题意。work out(1)(教材P1

14、6)Mr Lius doctor has worked out a safe treatment plan for him.刘先生的医生已为他制订出一个安全的治疗方案。(2)Can you work out the problem?你能解决这个问题吗?(3)We must find out when Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.(2015我们一定要搞清楚Karl什么时候来,以便我们给他订房间。(4)Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and tim

15、e.(2015全国)现在你已经准备好想出一个改善距离和时间的目标。work out锻炼身体;制订;计算,算出;弄清楚;找到的答案,解决;结果是“动词out”短语小聚:break out爆发make out理解,弄清楚let out泄露;放出come out出版;出来find out查出,查明figure out算出,弄清楚try out试用,试验turn out结果是;生产leave out省略,删掉give out散发;分发;用完hand out分配;散发(1)写出下列句子中work out的汉语意思I work out regularly to keep fit.锻炼身体Things wo

16、rked out quite well.结果是I have worked out the maths problem.计算出The general worked out a new plan of attack.制定出(2)Every morning the students on the playground.Its good for their health.(2015安徽安庆八中高一期中)Abreak out Brun outCfigure out Dwork out每天早上学生们都在操场上锻炼身体。这对他们的健康有好处。work out锻炼(身体),做运动,符合句意。1主语be形容词不

17、定式(1)(教材P12)He was outgoing and very interesting to listen to.他非常外向而且听他讲故事非常有意思。(2)The boy is difficult to teach.这男孩很难教。(3)The chair is comfortable to sit on.这椅子坐着挺舒服。(4)I am not a person who is hard to get along with.我不是一个难以相处的人。(1)这些句子是“主语be形容词不定式”结构,在这个结构中,不定式常与句中的主语构成动宾关系,该不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。在该结构中,动

18、词必须是及物动词;若是不及物动词,要在该动词后加上适当的介词,使之构成及物动词短语。(2)常用于此句型的形容词有difficult,easy,hard,light,heavy,comfortable,interesting,dangerous,pleasant等。(1)The problem is difficult to deal with(很难处理)(2)In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small, is pleasant .Ato deal with Bdealing withCto be dealt with

19、 Ddealt with在很多人看来,虽然那家公司比较小,但和它打交道令人愉快。在句式“主语be形容词不定式”中,若不定式和句子的主语存在动宾关系,则不定式通常用主动形式表示被动含义。(3)This machine is very easy .Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.Aoperating Bto be operatingCoperated Dto operate这台机器很容易操作,任何人都能在几分钟内学会使用它。题干第一句是“主语be形容词不定式”结构,this machine虽是operate逻辑上的宾语,但不定式用主动形式表

20、示被动意义。2nor助动词主语(1)(教材P14)Now hes no longer hungry,nor am I!现在他不再饿了,我也不再饿了!(2)Times have changed,so have I.时代变了,我也变了。(3)Julia likes playing the piano,but she cant play it well.So it is with Marala.朱莉娅喜欢弹钢琴,但是弹不好。玛瑞拉也是这样。(1)教材原句中的“nor am I”为倒装结构,表示前面所说的情况“no longer hungry”也适用于“我”。so,nor和neither常用于“so/

21、neither/nordo/be/have主语”这种句式,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物。前面是肯定的句式,用so;前面是否定的句式,用nor或neither。(2)当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语或是既有肯定又有否定形式时,要表示相同情况,必须使用句型So it is with.或It is the same with.,不能使用so或neither/nor引起的倒装句。此句型可用于肯定句也可用于否定句,陈述两种或两种以上的情况。(1)Id like to go outing with you,but I have an important meeting to attend.If

22、you dont go,nor will I.我想和你一起去郊游,但我有一个重要的会议要参加。如果你不去,那我也不去了。(2)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course,nor it a thought.(2012重庆,33)Adoes he even giveBhe even givesCwill he even giveDhe will even give校长将不允许改变课程,他甚至将不考虑这事。分析题干可知nor置于句首,后需用部分倒装结构,故可排除B、D两项;而A项用了一般现在时态,这与前句中的will不符合。故C为正

23、确选项。(3)Tom was born in China, but he cant speak Chinese. .(2016泰兴四中高一期中)ASo was his sister.BNeither can his sister.CSo it is with his sister.DSo can his sister.汤姆出生在中国,但是他不会说汉语。他的妹妹也是这样。前面一句既有肯定又有否定形式,要表示相同的情况就要用以下句型:So it is with his sister.或 Its the same with his sister.单词拼写1Dont you know its rude

24、 to whisper(窃窃私语)?2The gentleman tapped(轻敲) his stick on the pavement.3This special school accepts all disabled(残疾的) students,regardless of their family and education backgrounds.4We were bitten(咬) to death by mosquitoes(蚊子) while camping.5We can see the mountain in the distance(远处).选词填空1He waved to

25、 us and jumped on the bus.2“Every one has returned,safe and sound,” said the captain in relief.3Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time.4I couldnt work out where the music was coming from.5The new technology was applied to farming.完成句子1Every one of us should study hard and make progress e

26、very day.我们每个人都应该好好学习,天天向上。2Tom doesnt like maths,nor do I.汤姆不喜欢数学,我也是。3Parents in China attach much importance to their childrens education.中国的父母都非常重视孩子的教育。4Tom is pleasant to work with.和汤姆一起工作令人高兴。5She whispered to me that she felt very afraid.她小声对我说她觉得很害怕。.单项填空1The committee is discussing the pro

27、blem right now. It will have been solved by the end of next week.Aeagerly BhopefullyCimmediately Dgradually答案B解析考查副词。eagerly急切地,渴望地;hopefully有希望地;immediately立刻,马上;gradually渐渐地。委员会将马上讨论此问题。该问题到下周末将有望得到解决。2We were supposed to move into our new classroom building at the beginning of this month,but things didnt as planned.Awork out Bcarry outCmove out Dget out我们本应该月初搬进新教室,但是情况不像计划的那样。work out结果是。所以选择A。3Bob, why do you stay silent? Can you tell me the answer?Im sorry, Mr Green.Your question is very difficult .Ato be answered Bto answerCanswering Dto have answered解析此处不定式作状语,这种情形习惯上用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。鲍

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