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1、七年级英语下册复习一同义词替换1. join =be a member of,意思是“参加、加入”某一组织或团体。2. am good at + 动词 -ing = do well in + 动词ing;is good at + 动词-ing = does well in + 动词ing;are good at + 动词 -ing = do well in + 动词ing;3. after school = after class:放学后;4. free = have time = not busy:空闲的、有空的;free = neednt pay for it = do not need

2、money 免费的;5. busy = dont have time = not free:繁忙的;6. interesting = fun = not boring:有趣的;7. on the weekend = on weekends = on Saturdays and Sundays:在周末;8. easy = not difficult = not hard:容易的;9. difficult = hard = not easy:困难的;10. eat breakfast = have breakfast 吃早餐 eat lunch = have lunch 吃午餐 eat dinne

3、r = have dinner 吃晚餐11. have cake = eat cake 吃蛋糕 ;12. excellent = nice = great 好极了13. interesting = fun = not boring有趣的;boring = not interesting = not fun无聊的;14. expensive = dear = not cheap 昂贵的; cheap = not expensive = not dear便宜的;15. 当a lot of = lots of = many时,它们之后接的是可数名词的复数形式; 当a lot of = lots of

4、 = much时,它们之后接的是不可数名词;16. about = around 大约17. last weekend = last Saturday and Sunday 上个周末;18. on weekdays = from Monday to Friday 在工作日;19. over = more than 多于、超过;20. kind of = a little 有点儿;21. shout at = shout to 对大声叫喊;22. scary = scared可怕的、吓人的;23. useful = helpful有用的、有帮助的;24. tell a story = tell

5、stories 讲故事25. take a photo = take photos拍照;26.around = all over遍及; around the world=all over the world 世界各地;27. at night = in the evening :在晚上28. What time = When :几点29. 在8:30表达为at eight thirty = at half past eight30. 6:15表达为a quarter past six.或six fifteen .31. 6:45表达为a quarter to seven.或six forty-

6、five.32. 7:30表达为half past seven.或seven thirty .33. 8:20表达为twenty past eight.或eight twenty.34. 9:50表达为ten to ten.或nine fifty.35. 6:30表达为half past six = six thirty36. 3:15表达为a quarter past three = three fifteen37. 6:45表达为a quarter to seven = six forty-five 38. 9:45表达为a quarter to ten = nine forty-five

7、39. 在5:30表达为at half past five = at five thirty 40. 在10:30表达为at ten thirty = at half past ten41. half an hour = thirty minutes:半个小时 an hour = sixty minutes:一小时42. sometimes = at times 有时、偶尔43. before 10:00 = by 10:00:在十点之前44. take the train = go by train:乘火车45. take the bus = go by bus:乘公交车46. take t

8、he subway = go by subway:乘地铁47. ride a bike = go by bike:骑自行车48. walk = go on foot:走路、步行49. What about you ? = How about you ?你呢? 50. must = have to必须51. keep quiet = be quiet 保持安静52. am from = come from 来自; is from = comes from 来自 are from = come from 来自53. have = keep 饲养54. a lot = very much 非常 li

9、kea lot = like very much 非常喜欢55. get lost = be lost 迷失、迷路56. wash the dishes = do the dishes 洗餐具57. be at home = be in 在家be not at home = be not in 不在家58. See you = Goodbye 再见59. want = would like 想要60. Hows the weather ? = Whats the weather like?今天的天气怎么样?61. have a good time = have fun = have a goo

10、d day = enjoy oneself 玩得开心(可用来表示祝福)62. great = fine = sunny 晴朗的63. have a good time + 动词-ing = have fun + 动词-ing .64. have to +动词原形 = must + 动词原形;65. around here = near here 在这附近66. Thanks so much. = Thank you very much. 非常感谢67. No problem. = Youre welcome. 不用谢、不客气;68. tall = not short 高的; 69. short

11、 = not tall 矮的;70. long = not short 长的; 71. short = not long 短的;72. curly = not straight 卷的; 73. straight = not curly 直的;74. thin = not heavy = not fat 瘦的; 75. heavy = fat = not thin 胖的、重的;76. young = not old 年轻的;77. medium height = not tall or short 中等身高;78. medium build = not heavy or thin 中等身材;79. be different from = not the same as 与不同;80. the same age as = as old as 和岁数一样大;81. cross = go across 从的表面穿过; 82. talk to = talk with与某人交谈83. be good with = get on well with与某人相处得好,与某人合得来;

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