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1、”没人提出这个问题。但是尼采说:“上帝死了”(人站起来了)。拉康说:“人死了,主体性死了”(社会太强大了,车臣的反对派);(你真的在场吗?你出席了吗?上政治课你看英语书,你不在场,真听课,那你则在场)巴特尔说:“作者死了”。要颠覆自己,用一种critical eye 来看待一切:世界上有四大伟人,他们从不同的角度来观察生活。比如什么叫锻炼:在一段时间内虐待自己称之为锻炼。 民工潮 ,我们生长在语言的牢笼詹明逊著之中,父亲说的就是对的,而80后则没有这种概念。校长院长辅导员班长的出现都会引起不同的反应。我们一般认为前人说的话是正确的,是经过实践和时间考验的,周恩来-好 林彪-坏迷惘的一代, 跨掉

2、的一代, 坏老师的我。除了爸吗、幼儿园、学校、教材这些加在我们生上的东西之外,我们还有什么? 我们什么都没有?我们不存在。我们是沙滩的无脸的存在,我们是空心人。上面是人文主义,下面世科学性。隐形结构, 主体心理结构, 是通过反思才能与之交流。匹配说:我们接受知识依靠的是我们背负的知识,如果我们不具备基本的知识,老师讲的话将会穿堂而过。(比如你给一个小孩讲高等数学)不是我在讲话,而是话在讲我,因为你讲的话是传统,是前辈人传给你的。例如柯云陆的作品新星中的县委书记李向南,是改革的先锋人物,纠正了20年的冤案。县委书记直接插手才纠正了冤案。(柯云陆这个作家-隐性知识结构,主体结构所以创造出这样的作品

3、)我们应当了解自己:出身,家庭,专业,学习,价值观,伦理取向,这些决定一个人的价值体系。思考要从自己开始,否则你的存在就从来没有开始过,(如果你只是看书,而不思考;人从生下来到死亡,则永远是个空心人)学而不思则惘,思而不学则滞。卡索尔事件。我-自己背负了什么 (直面事实) 自己有什么(不要说你是零度角)构成了读者的视欲。 文本的复杂语境(历史语境) 我与他的关系/ 我与我的关系,跟大师同一水平/ 不是看多少书,而是看懂一本书。拉康:伪主体-人的存在永远是一个伪世界,所以摧毁主体是第一堂课的内容。为什么是伪主体。如,你的名字就是你的家庭的期待:耀祖,福库、全德、德全。人从一开始就是异化的,真是的

4、我是不存在的;从虚假的构件构成了一个虚假的你/我。 本我就是一个假世界,我是外部世界给我的,所以我是个空心人。 中国人的心是不健康的/我自持着面具而潜行,而不会为面具而字毁。有一个人,十几岁就获得了许多荣誉,受人尊重,后来自己发现自己过去20年是在为别人活着,成了一个平常的女人,是家长和老师让她这样做的,发现她越成功,越没有自己,突然感到非常痛苦。化为平常人。方法论的讨论题目:我与对象。同样是对一朵花,西方会把这朵花对象化,把花切碎,放在显微镜下观察;而东方人会说话拥有早晨的阳光。西方强调的专业化,专业化也就是现代化。那么什么是现代化?政治的经济的工具的(通讯,火车等交通工具),工业化,城市化

5、,都市化,民主化,人均产值,平均受教育程度,人均消费程度。姚明,刘祥,吃得多等都可以成功。内居性:表示认识对象要像对象一样存在的认识关系。比如要认识了解农民,就要像农民那样生活,比如艺术作家的体验生活。对象(客体)并不是一直达的过程/关系。1,物质世界,2,心里世界,3,思想的对象物,人的生存的对象化。人与书,我们能直达吗?对于外部世界怎样处理,适者生存。 碰到遭遇;背景语境;原著文本。 西方人追求的是片面的深刻性、异质性、非同一性。今天的话题是我与对象。 我变得无比复杂, 我已被粉碎了。那么对象是什么?对象指直接达到的对象,听课时,你真的听到了吗,听懂了吗?看书的时候,看懂大师的书了吗?个人

6、的知识是背负,是基础,很重要。我与对象的关系分为三个层次:我与他,悟性世界;我与你;我与我。我们接触更多的是我与他:我 文化-东方文明-他 文化-西方文明。我与他 中世纪之前,工业化之前 称为人与自然的关系,自然是母亲/ 中世纪之后,工业文明,14、15世纪之后,人与社会的关系/20世纪,个人与人类, 20世纪的后半段 人与虚拟世界的关系。人与自然的关系: 我与世界的关系是不一样的,自然是母亲,人是自然的奴隶。中国是农业经济,人们跪倒在自然面前,人类的活动空间狭窄,速度慢。自然是伟大的,人与自然的脐带从未切断过。中世纪之后,人的主体性开始从动物性中抽拔出来。/人身狮面像Lesson OneTh

7、e first part includes the Paragraph 1 and 2. The main idea of this part: It contrasts the attitudes of the French and English-speaking people toward keeping their mother tongue “pure.” Para 1: French attitudePara 2: English attitudeThe second part: para 3-15. Many examples are given. Varied version

8、of the use of English.The third part the last para is the conclusion: Communications more important than purificationPara 1 l1, watchdog: guard protecting the “purity” of the French languagel3, influx: flux=flow =flow inl4, technical applications= technical termsl6, refer to sth as = think of sth as

9、 belonging to (a class, category)l8, might well expand = have the reason to do sth. The author does not appreciate the French attitude ,because he says that “the mind boggles at what the world might face.” And the last sentence of the text.Para 2 The British speak English with a speech deficiency: A

10、merican might think that the British have speech problem in expression.The attitude of the author toward the abuse of English language in foreign countries is that “communication is more important than purification”Unit OneAnswer KeyComprehensionA1. D2. It contrasts the attitudes of the French and t

11、he English-speaking people toward keeping their mother tongue pure.3. The author does not appreciate the French attitude. He believes that they have gone to the extreme, because he says that the mind boggles at what the world might face. That means the French are so sensitive that it is difficult to

12、 imagine what they will do to keep French pure in the future.4. B5. It refers to the differences between British and American English with regard to pronunciation and spelling of English. The author seems to agree with the Americans viewpoint.6. C7. The Kings English refers to English in its most pr

13、oper and formal use. However, as it is used in foreign places, it is often used improperly. Here lingo mocks the formality of English that no longer exists in these foreign Usages8. Foreign varieties of English are very different from the original standard British English, sometimes they are barely

14、recognizable.9. B10. The author thinks that communication is more important than the purification of the English language.B1. fast delivery (of the product)/rapid killing (of the customer)2. Please hang your own coat and hat here/die by hanging yourself3. revolutionary ideas are being sold/disgustin

15、g new ideas are being sold4. best bakers/idle, lazy persons5. the latest method/a Christian denomination6. a doctor for womens diseases/regard women as a disease or womanizer (vulgar meaning)7. press the button of the lift to move it/inefficiency of the lift8. how to get service/open the door and ca

16、ll out the words “Room service”. (rude)9. in an European atmosphere/a car that rushes a person to the hospital10. serve the best wine/our wine is very bad; hopeless11. from 12-14 oclock chamber maids are not busy/treat chambermaids unfairly (with possible sexual meaning)12. the pictures were painted

17、 in the last ten years/the painters were put to death13. leave your laundry/be naked or take off your clothes14. dancing is going on/very vulgar language (a reference to male sex organs)15. moral requirement for who can share the same room/implies that men and women must marry in order to live toget

18、herVocabulary and Structure 1-b 2-d 3-f 4j 5i 6-h1. sensitive 2. list 3. prevalent4. deficiency 5. withheld 6. certainty7. functional 8. confronted 9. courtesy10. spared 11. stroke 12. ambitious13. purified 14. highlights 15. noveltyC1. A. sensitive B. sense C. sensitivity2. A. compulsory B. compuls

19、ion C. compulsory3. A. Lease B. lease C. leasing4. A. deviate B. deviantly C. deviation5. A. prevalence B. prevalent C. prevalent6. A. deficient B. deficiency C. deficient7. A. extracts B. extracting C. extracted8. A, confronted B. confrontation C. confronted9. A, spare B. spare C. spare10. A. strok

20、e B. stroking C. strokeD1. C. make alternative 2. B. of taking advantage3. C. of a head injury 4. D. remains5. A. accepted 6. A. as much energy as7. C. would end up 8. C. has been9. B. or 10. D. with whichE1. language 2. associates 3. in-laws 4. total5. responds 6. swell 7. Hardly 8. lives9. dreams

21、10. aloud 11. ourselves 12. so13. distinguishes 14. humanity 15. makes 16. expressed17. source 18. newborn 19. act 20. traditionSpeaking(Open)Translation and Writing在过去,当探险者或商人们走出家园到外面的世界去寻找新的领地、市场或原材料资源时,他们通常与跟他们打交道的当地人说的不是同一种语言。遇到这种情况时,他们一般采取以下三种方法之一来对付,即:(1)外来人学习说当地主人的语言(或反之),(2)他们使用当地作为贸易用的第三种语言

22、,或(3)产生一种新的语言这种语言是由使用者的不同母语的一些成分合成的。在说不同语言的人群中用来作为他们共同的交际工具的语言叫混合语(交际语)。这个名称是由在地中海地区使用的中世纪时的贸易语言派生而来的。这种贸易语言主要基于日耳曼语(意大利语、法语和西班牙语),但也包括了一些希腊语、阿拉伯语和土耳其语的成分。在当今世界,将英语称为最主要的交际语是合适的,因为英语是大部分说不同语言的人的交际工具。1. One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important fac

23、tors in language learning.2. In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease English films in the original to them.3. On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shops, big or small, will come up with it by putting up more discount notices.4. When u

24、ngrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in society they will gradually become accepted by the public.5. The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency.6. Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract

25、 customers.7. It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years.8. I feel gratitude to him because every time I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me.9. It will take great pains to improve/change the fi

26、nancial situation of the factory.10.Those who advocate the purity of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture.Reading Practice1.F 2.T 3. F 4.T5.T 6.F 7. F 8.TUnit Two中国人的思想以求道为标,求道是为了求善;西方人的思想以求知为标,求知是为了求真。Part 1. is from Para. 1 to para. 4, which gives a description of differen

27、t peoples ideas about lies and lying. According to the writer, European and North American people generally agree on two points: Lying is usually regarded as evil, but in reality many people lie.Part 2, from para. 5 tp para. 12, makes a classification of different kinds of lies.Part 3, para. 13, is

28、the conclusion of this article. The conclusion is different culture may have different standards regarding when lies are acceptable. It may be hard to change these culturally based belifs.Para 1, intentionally: on purpose.Practical: almostBut there the agreement ends. But there is no agreement on an

29、y other points except these two. 除了这两点,别的方面就没有共同点了。Para 2, Each lie makes the next one easier to tell. Once you tell a lie, you probably will not hesitate to tell the next lie. Whom she believes will lie as easily as she: the liar believes that like herself, others will also lie easily (and therefor

30、e she loses self-respect and also mistrusts others.)1. i People have different opinions about lies but they dont differ much in defining what truth is. ii Lying is usually regarded as evil but in reality many people lie. This is worthy of our attention.2. i Lies are intentionally told untruths/an unintentionally told untruth is not a lie. ii Almost everyone lies.3. i All lies are evil and harmful so they should be avoided. ii Many lies are not evil but are necessary and beneficial to society.4. Open.(Bu

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