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1、当收到重要文件的时候,在尝试阅读之后,还是让他的助手帮忙解释文件的内容。如果批准一份文件,Andrew Jackson就在上面写“all correct”。麻烦的是,他不知道怎么这2个单词怎么拼写,因此,实际上他在文件上写的是“ol korekt”。过了不久,他又把这2个单词缩写为“OK”。第二个解释来源于总统Martin Van Buren的家乡的名字纽约的Kinderhook。为了帮助Van Buren成为总统,他的朋友为此组织了一个社团。他们把这个社团叫做Old Kinderhook Club,社团中支持Van Buren的人都被称为“OK”31The author C A. belie

2、ves both of the stories Bdoesnt believe a word of the stories Cis not sure whether the stories are true D. is telling the stories just for fun32. According to the passage,President Jackson D _ Acouldnt draw up any documents at all B. didnt like to read important papers by himselfCoften had his assis

3、tants sign documents for him D .wasnt good at reading,writing or spelling33According to the first story, the term “OK” C A. was approved of by President Jackson Bwas the title of some Official documents Cwas first used by President Jackson Dwas an old way to spell“all correct34 .According to the sec

4、ond story,the termOK” D Awas the short way to sayold Kinderhook Club” Bmeant the place where President Van Buren was born Cwas the name of Van Burens club Dwas used to call Van Burens supporters in the election35According to the second storythe term“OK”was first used _B_ Aby Van Buren Bin a presiden

5、tial electionCto organize the Old Kinderhook Club Dby the members of theOld Kinderhook Club”Passage 2Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs,its people are by now almost entirely an urban society Less than a tenth of the pe

6、ople are engaged in agriculture and forestry(林业),and most of the rest live in or around towns,small and largeHere the traditional picture is changing:every small town may still be very like other small towns,and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country,but most Amer

7、icans do not live in small towns any moreHalf the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas(1arge cities with their suburbs、of more than a million people eacha larger proportion than in Germany or England,let alone FranceThe statistics(统计)of urban and rural population should be treated

8、with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a nearby town each dayAs the rush to live out of town continuesrural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses,so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a s

9、uburb But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment尽管美国幅员辽阔,而且土地所产出的粮食远远超过现有人口的需求,现今的美国却几乎完全是个都市化的国家。不足十分之一的人口在从事农业和林业,而剩余的大多数人都居住在大大小小的城镇中或者城镇的周围。传统的景象在这里不断发生着变化:小的城镇之间仍然彼此十分相似,典型的小城镇还是呈现出大家心目中的乡村的风貌;但是大部分的美国人却不再住在小城镇了。现在半数的人口都在大约30几个大都市地区(包括附近郊

10、区的大型城市)这种大都市地区的人口都在百万以上,总的都市人口数量远远超过德国和英国,更不用说法国了。城市和乡村的人口统计需要特别对待,因为我们所谓的住在乡村的人们,每天都会开车前往附近的城镇工作。当远离城镇居住的热潮持续的情况下,城镇周围的乡村地区逐渐盖满了房屋。那么说不定什么时候,一块乡村的地区就变成了城市的郊区。不过,典型的美国人还是越来越趋向于居住在大都市而不是小城镇的环境中。36If now America has 250 million peoplehow many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry? ( C )AAbou

11、t 25 million BMore than 25 million CLess than 25 million D. Less than 225 million37Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas? AUnited States BGermany CFranceDEngland38Whats the meaning of the word“metropolitan”in the middle of the passag

12、e? (A) A .Of a large city with its suburbs BOf small and large towns COf urban areas DOf rural areas39According to the passage,what can we learn about small towns in the United States?(B) A Most small towns become gradually crowded BSmall towns are still similar to each other CAs the traditional pic

13、ture is changing,towns are different D .Small towns are turning into large cities40Why is it hard to say when a piece of country becomes a suburb?( C ) ABecause they are the same BBecause the rush takes place too quickly CBecause the process is gradual DBecause more and more Americans live in metrop

14、olitan areasPassage 3 If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago,we should probably have to say that we could not remember But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day,we should be able to give an answer to the question. It is the same in history Man

15、y things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country,but often it was destroyed by fire or in a warSometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and plac

16、e did not know how to WriteFor example,we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after themBut we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa because they had

17、 not learned to write Sometimesof course,even if the people cannot write,they may know something of the pastThey have heard about it from older people,and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings,and these have been sung and acted and told for many genera

18、tions For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the pastThis we may call remembered historySome of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is,because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when co

19、pied in writingBut where there are no written records,such spoken stories are often very helpful当我们被问起准确的说书一年之前的这个时候我们正在做什么,我们可能不得不承认记不得了。但是,如果我们有个册子,上面记录了每天我们做过什么的话,这个问题就不难给出答案了。对于历史的记录也是如此。许多事情由于没有任何书面的记录而被人遗忘。有时也有人会对于他们国家发生的重要事件进行记录,但是这些记录往往毁于火灾或者战乱。有时也因为那个地方或那个时代的人不会写字,而根本不会有书面记录的存在。譬如说,因为中国4千年前

20、的古人会写字而且给后人留下了很多文献,所以我们对那个时代的中国人十分了解;但是对于甚至2百年前的中非人,由于他们不会写字,而使我们对其几乎一无所知。当然了,有的时候就算人们不会写字,对于过去的历史也会多少有些了解。也许是从老一辈的那里听说的,或者从一些由重大事件编出的歌曲和舞蹈中了解的这些传说和歌舞是从很多辈人流传下来的。很多人都喜欢夸耀他们的父辈在过去的丰功伟绩,我们把这个叫做“remembered history”(记忆中的历史)。现在一些记忆中的历史已经变成了文字而保留了下来。由于反复经过口头传送的历史远比书面记录的历史变化大,这种历史不如书面历史那么精确和有价值。但是,在没有书面历史存

21、在的时候,这种口头流传的故事就很有帮助了。41. Which of the following ideas is not suggested in the passage?(D ) A“Remembered history”,compared with written history,is less reliable BWritten records of the past play the most important role in our learning of the human history CA written account of our daily activities he

22、lps US to be able to answer many questions DWhere there are no written recordsthere is no history42We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because _D_ Athere was nothing worth being written down at that time B .the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record Cthe writt

23、en records were perhaps destroyed by a fire Dthe people there did not know how to write43“Remembered history”refers to _D_ Ahistory based on a persons imagination B .stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth C .songs and dances about the most important events D .both B and C44“

24、Remembered history”is regarded as valuable only when _B_. A. it is written down B .no written account is available Cit proves to be time Dpeople are interested in it45 .The passage suggests that we could have learned much more about our past than wedo now if the ancient people had _A_Akept a written

25、 record of every past event B. not burnt their written records in warsCtold exact stories of the most important happenings Dmade more songs and dances When MrsJoseph Groeger died recently in Vienna,Austria,people asked the obvious,“Why did she live to be 107?”Answers were provided by a survey conduc

26、ted among 148 Viennese men and women who had reached the age of 100Somewhat surprising was the fact that the majority had lived most of their lives in citiesIn spite of the citys image as an unhealthy place,city living often provides benefits that country living can lackOne factor seems to be import

27、ant to the longevity(长寿)of those interviewed This factor is exercisein the cities it is often faster to walk short distances than to wait for a busEven taking public transportation often requires some walkingSmaller apartment houses have no elevators(电梯),and so people must climb stairsCity people ca

28、n usually walk to local supermarkets Since parking spaces are hard to find,there is often no alternative to walkingOn the other hand,those who live in the country and suburbs do not have to walk every dayIn fact,the opposite is often trueTo go to school,work,or almost anywhere else,they must ride in cars在奥地利的维也纳,最近当一位名为Joseph Groeger的老妇人过世的时候,人们忍不住要问:“为什么她可以活到107岁呢?”当对148个100岁以上的维也纳人进行调查之后,我们得出了答案。有点让人惊讶的是,这些人中的多数人都大部分的人生都是在都市生活的。尽管城市给我们的印象一

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