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1、Upon ensuring that her classroom was a safe space for expression and respect, she asked what emotional baggage (情感包袱) meant to her students. She then asked them to write about some emotional baggage of their own-and since they were not required to put their names on the paper, they could describe th

2、eir issues as freely as they wanted without being identified. The youngsters were then asked to take turns reading what their classmates wrote, and all of them were given the opportunity to identify themselves as the person responsible for the writing.“Im here to tell you, I have never been so moved

3、 to tears as what these kids opened up and shared negative things with the class.” Loewe said. “The kids who read the papers would cry because what they were reading was tough. The person who shared (if they chose to tell us it was them) would cry sometimes too. It was an emotionally tiring day, but

4、 I firmly believe my kids will judge a little less, love a little more and forgive a little faster.” Her students have apparently been “so much more respectful” of each other.“They dont interrupt or talk down to each other,” she said. “Theyre not rude. Its completely changed how they treat each othe

5、r. I wish I could have done these years ago. Its been so good.” Furthermore, Loewe made sure to keep all the paper confessions(吐露) in a plastic bag so that her students wont soon forget their exercise in empathy. “This bag hangs by my door to remind them that we all have baggage,” Loewe added. “We w

6、ill leave it at the door. As they left, I told them they are not alone, they are loved, and we have each others back.”21. Karen hangs this special bag at the door_.A. to remind the students to hand in their papers.B. to remind her students to behave properly in campusC. to let students know everyone

7、 has negative emotionsD. to keep all the baggage out of the clean classroom22. Why is Karens new exercise influential?A. It teaches students to be respectful and responsible.B. Her students learn to how to write emotional articles.C. She allows students to discuss issues freely in class.D. Students

8、have a platform to express negative feelings.23. which of the following can best describe Karen Loewe?A. Inspirational and respected . B. Outstanding and outspoken. C. Modest and considerate. D. Professional and humorous.21-23 CDABNonverbal communication is a broad term used to describe any method o

9、f conveying information without words. Whether intentional, based on societal cues (提示), or completely unconscious, common forms of nonverbal communication include body language and facial cues, fashion and personal clothing, hand gesture, as well as graphical signs and design.It is important to not

10、e that nonverbal communication is really about a lack of words, rather than a lack of speech sounds. That means writing would be considered verbal communication while sounds like grunts(嘟哝) would not.Nonverbal communication can be broadly divided into relatively universal forms and culturally depend

11、ent for of fear, joy, or anger. On the other hand, nonverbal cues like bowing, shaking hands, or flashing a peace sign are culturally characteristic, and therefore have little meaning outside of cultures that understand them.Fashion is form of nonverbal communication, and in many modem cultures is a

12、 hugely important way in which people telegraph things about themselves.Gestures also act as a form of nonverbal communication. A wide range of hand gestures can be found in most cultures, and in the west there are some almost universal gestures, such as a wave goodbye, a thumbs-up to show everythin

13、g is okay, or hands outspread to signify offerings.Body language is one of the most studied forms of nonverbal communication, and deals with how the body rests, how it is situated in relation to other bodies, and the special distance between bodies. For example, turning towards a person when seated

14、and speaking to them is a nonverbal cue showing interest, while turning away shows a lack of interest. Tipping your head slightly is a form of nonverbal communication to show curiosity or express that you are listening closely or what they are saying. while constantly looking away would show a lack

15、of attention.24.Whatisthepurposeoftheauthorinwritingthetext?A.Toexplainwhatnonverbalcommunicationis.B.Tointroducesomeuniversalbodylanguages.C.Tocomparenonverbalcuesandverbalones.D.Todiscusstheculturalshockofcommunication.25.Accordingtotheauthor, themeaningof_differsacrosscultures.AsmilingBgruntingCb

16、owingDscreaming26.WhatisParagraph6mainlyabout?ABodylanguageisthemostfrequentlystudiedbyscientists.BBodylanguagereliesonbodymovementstoconveymessages.CBodylanguagecanbeusedtoexpressyourdifferentmeanings.DBodylanguagevariesveryslightlyfromonecountrytoanother.24-26 ACBCThe hardest part pf a new sport o

17、r a musical instrument is getting started. Once you figure out the technique, the skills return fairly easily, even if not used for long. Most experts attribute this to “muscle memory,” which means the brain remembers the action and can recall it when needed. Now some researchers believe the errors

18、made while learning the task may be as important in recalling previously learned motor skills.The study led by Reza involved asking volunteers to play a simple video game. But the players did not know the researchers reprogrammed it as soon as they mastered the game, thereby forcing them to restart

19、the learning process. What the scientists observed was that though the volunteers did make mistakes every time the game was changed, they got successively faster at mastering it.Reza believes that this has to do with the fact that in addition to committing the task to muscle memory, the brain is als

20、o critiquing each wrong move and learning how to correct it. He compares it to having a coach that points out the mistakes and makes suggestions on how to improve.While these new findings may help improve recovery method for people with injuries,most people think making mistakes is a good thing. So

21、the next time you neednt get discouraged by the errors.27. What really makes your long unused skills return easily?A.Excellent techniques B. Strict trainingC.Previous efforts D.Muscle memory 28. What does the underlined word “critiquing”in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Evaluating B.Preventing C.Signaling D. Ca

22、lculating. 29. What surprised the scientist in the study?A.The errors in video games can save players a new learning process.B. A coach need to advise his trainees to memorize each wrong move.C.Lessons drawn from the errors kept in mind make learning easier.D. Making mistakes does good to improving

23、injured peoples recovery 30.What is the best title for the text?A.Getting Started Is a Challenging Task B.You Have to First Fail Before SuccessC.Making Mistakes Cant Be Avoided D.We Neednt Correct Errors We Make27-30 DACB 第二节:(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中进出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Get rid of your

24、 laziness and plan your dayDo you know people that wake up in the morning not knowing what to do? They go on with their day without having a plan. When the day is over,they find out that they finished nothing . I am sure you know many people like that. 31 If you do not plan your day, then you would

25、take longer time to achieve your goals. Always remember that an unplanned day is a lost day, so learn to plan your day effectively. Follow the guidelines below to learn how to plan your day effectively.32 If you think about it, many people spend their day responding to peoples needs instead of their

26、s, so at the end they end up responding to peoples needs instead of their needs. Make sure you plan our day the night before, so you know what you are going to do that day to help you get closer to your goals and desires.Make to-do list. Plan what you are going to do every single hour and make sure

27、you prioritize your list the most important goals first and the least important goals last. 33dont waste your time with unimportant tasks such as checking your email every hour or chatting with somebody for an hour.Don forget to leave some time for yourself to think, ponder (深思), and for emergencies

28、. If you are going to work for 10 hours, for example, make sure you leave 2 hours for pondering and emergencies.34 Did you finish everything you wanted to do? Was your day beneficial?We all have the same twenty four hours every single day, use every hour to do something beneficial for you and for yo

29、ur life. 35A .Plan your day the night before B. Reflect on your goals every night C. Work out a practical plan and stick to it D. Concentrate on the important routine tasks E. At the end of the day, reassess how your day wentF. Planning your day is the most Important skill that you learn to achieve

30、your goalsG. Dont let your day go by with doing nothing to help you improve the quality of your life.31-35 FADEG第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选顶中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。Costco made headlines forbumping up its minimum wageto at least $15 an hour. The warehouse store has a reputation for treating

31、 its workers generously, a policy I observed while working there in 2015. In many ways, its as enjoyable a place to work as it is to shop. 31 Employees enjoy plenty of benefits. Costco now sets its minimum wage for hourly employees at $15 an hour. Thats in addition to offering benefits like healthcare for all employees, regardless of part-time

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