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1、5Grammar (MC)1st or 2nd generation6Verb (gap filling)Integrated to some extentCode and message7Sentence completion8Reading comprehensionIntegratedmessagecommunicationClose to 3rd generation2. MET 2002Listening comprehensionintegratedmessage 3st generationUse of English knowledge1st generation to 3rd

2、 generationClose testDiscrete and integratedcode and messageProof-readingCode and integratedCorrectness and communication2nd generationwritingIntegrated 3rd generation讨论分析: In the long history of language testing, its ideas and methods have been constantly changing along with the development of lang

3、uage teaching approach. Generally, testing system can be divided into three generations in correspondence to the three generations of language teaching.Generation 1. Traditional teaching approach and Pre-scientific testing. -Language teaching based on experience and tradition, without guidance of li

4、nguistic theory-Language is knowledge:phonetics, vocabulary and grammar-Learning is mastery of knowledge, which involves a lot of memory work. Initiation or creativeness is not emphasized.-No context, situation or irrelevant context or non-authentic situationGeneration 2. Structuralist approach (psy

5、chological behaviorism) and Psychometric-structuralist testing.-Language is a set of formal system(rules)-Learning is to master skills needed to operate the system, to form language habits, to cultivate right response to stimuli.-Discrete-point tests, meaning is not important, use is not important-N

6、o context, no situation-Objective assessmentGeneration 3. Communicative language learning and Communicative language testing / psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic testing.-Language learning is to cultivate communicative competence(linguistic, discourse, pragmatic)-Message-focused, task-based-Integrated

7、 skills-Continuous judgment (correctness, fluency, appropriateness)The development and changes of testing ideas and methods come along with the development and changes in language teaching. Here we just take a look at the changing steps in English testing by comparing the test paper of different tim

8、es in China. 结论:两份试卷的试题题型对比1983 MET2002 NMETDiscrete language pointsCode-basedMostly no contextDichotomous judgmentMore integrated language skillsMessage-basedWith contextContinuous judgment附录:1. 1983年高考英语试卷National Matriculation English Test (MET1983)一、单词辨音将下列各词,按元音读音,分别写在相应的元音音标后面。(本题共8分,每词0.5分。抄词

9、如拼错,不给分。) 例:au house now die field heard peace fly keep high work third know term key stone league boat turn 1.a! 2.!:3.+: 4.+( 二、拼写单词 下列各句中,每句都有一个词拼错。把拼错的词的正确拼法写在右边的括号内。(本题共10分,每小题0.5分。1.She is my arnt. ( ) 2.Beijing is the capitol of China. ( ) 3.He wants to join the air forse. ( ) 4.Hold the miro

10、r to your mouth. ( ) 5.The picture was drown by him. ( ) 6.Is there any big liberary in your town? ( ) 7.He felt from the top of the wall yesterday. ( ) 8.His mother bought him a bycicle. ( ) 9.They dicided to go to the museum. ( ) 10.Its a plesure to meet you. ( ) 11.Which basket is the heavyest?12

11、.They should do it themselfs. ( ) 13.The soldiers were greatly imspired. ( ) 14.It is not necesarry for you to go. ( ) 15.He went to study at Wuhan Univercity. ( ) 16.The teacher tried to stop the quarral. ( ) 17.He reilized that he was wrong. ( ) 18.The two countries are saparated by a river. ( ) 1

12、9.She had once worked in a goverment office. ( ) 20.September is the nineth month of the year. ( ) 三、单词释义 下面栏中的16个单词在栏中都可以找到相当的或接近的解释。将各单词前的编号填入同它相配的解释前边的括号内。每个解释只能用一次。(本题共8分,每小题0.5分。 i.excellent (ii)answer ii.reply (i)very good 1.breakfast ( )be afraid of 2.soon ( )between warm and cold 3.dirty ( )

13、reach a place 4.fetch ( )very big 5.fear ( )mend 6.winter ( )the first meal of the day 7.repeat ( )make the meaning clear 8.huge ( )place where patients are treated 9.improve ( )in a short time 10.prepare ( )say or do again 11.arrive ( )allow ( )the season between autumn and spring

14、pair ( )become or make better ( )not clean 15.explain ( )go and bring back 16.permit ( )make ready or get ready 四、句型转换(本题共12分,每小题1.5分。改成一般疑问句:1.She often wrote to her classmates in those days. 就划线部分提问:2.This theatre was built in 1964. 3.She stopped washing her clothes because she had somethi

15、ng else to do. 4.He has worked in the shop for five years. 改成被动语态:5.Tom turned on the radio. 6.Grandma will take care of my sister. 改成间接引语:, 7.Ive bought a new lamp,he said to me. 8.Dont mention it again,she said to her husband. 五、选择答案在(A),(B),(C),(D)四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动。(本题共20分

16、,每小题1分。(B)He arrived in London plane. (A)with (B)by (C)on (D)in ( )1.Isnt your uncle an engineer? (A) No, he isnt. (B)No, he is. (C)Yes, he isnt. (D)Yes, he does. ( )2.About of the workers in that steel works are young people. (A)third-fifths (B)three-fifths (C)three-fives (D)three-fifth ( )3.No one

17、 knew Mr. Bensons address his daughter. (A)except (B)excepts (C)only (D)beside ( )4. many times,but he still couldnt understand it. (A)Having been told (B)Though had been told (C)He was told (D)Having told ( )5.Egypt is famous its pyramids. (A) of (B) in (C)about (D)for ( )6.Whats the language in Ge

18、rmany?(A)speaking (B)spoken (C)be spoken (D)to speak ( )7.Frank is the kind of person whom people like to . (A)make friend with (B)make friends of (C)make friends (D)make friends with ( )8.These boys our football team. (A)are belong to (B)are belonged to (C)belong to (D)belong of ( )9.This straw hat

19、 me. (A)doesnt fit for (B)isnt fit (C)doesnt fit (D)fits to ( )10.My brother the Youth League for two years. (A)has been in (B)has entered (C)has taken part in (D)has joined into ( )11.I havent been to Guilin yet.t been there, .(A)too (B)also (C)either (D)neither ( )12.These apples look . (A)nicely

20、(B)nice (C)well (D)sweetly ( )13.John did badly in the sports meet. I did even (A)worst (B)more bad (C)also badly (D)worse ( )14.Can we do our work better with money and people?(A)lesser, few (B)less, fewer (C)little, less (D)few, less ( )15.Miss Smith is a friend of . (A)Marys mothers (B)Marys moth

21、er (C)Mothers of Mary (D)Mary mothers ( )16.There wont be any concert this Saturday evening, ?(A)will there not (B)will there (C)is there (D)will it be ( )17.The doctor is leaving for Africa next month. (A)the nurse is talking to him (B)whom the nurse is talking (C)the nurse is talking to (D)who the

22、 nurse is talking ( )18.Youll miss the train you hurry up. (A)unless (B)as (C)if (D)until ( )19. we have today!(A)A fine weather (B)What a fine weather (C)How a fine weather (D)What fine weather ( )20.People couldnt help the foolish emperor in the procession. (A)laugh at (B)to laugh at (C)laughing a

23、t (D)laughing on 六、动词填空 根据短文的意思和句子结构,从所给的动词中选择适当的词,用合适的形式,填入空格,有的地方要加上助动词或情态动词。每个动词只准用一次。(本题共12分,每个空格1分。come take speak climb tell get arrive make walk do say leave knock find It dark when I got home. It was cold and I was wearing a coat. I up to the door and put my hand into my pocket out my key bu

24、t I (not)it. I suddenly remembered that I it on my desk in the office. It really (not)any difference. I knew my wife was at home and the children back from school by now, so I knocked at the door. There was no answer, so I knocked again. I continued at the door for some time. I was getting angry. Th

25、en I remembered something the office boy me at noon.He said that my wife had phoned that she would go shopping in the afternoon with the children. There was only one thing for me :I in through a window. 七、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列各句。(本题共16分,第1,2,3,4,5小题各2分,第6,7小题各3分。1.Your mother asked me to tell you that

26、 (你不必为她的健康担心). 2. (他花了三个多种头)to translate the article from English into Chinese. 3.It is well known that (地球表面百分之七十以上为水覆盖). 4.Ways must be found to (防止这个工厂把废水排到河里). 5.If the wounded driver had been treated without delay, (他就可能得救了). 6.What I see in the city today (和我三十年前住在这里时所见到的完全不同了). 7.My opinion i

27、s that (你刚才问的那个问题和我们的计划无关). 八、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。(本题共14分,每小题1分。Come with Me,Sir Henry Smith taught science at the City School. Once he went to a bookstore and bought some books, most of which were expensive(昂贵的)ones. He left them in his car in a quiet street. Then he went and bought some other

28、 things at other shops. At six oclock he came back to the car. One window was open and the books were gone! Henry drove back to his home in Lake Street. That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police. On Friday people read an advertisement (广告)in the newspaper:BOOKS WANTED Have you any books that you no longer want? I buy old

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