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1、11_ you know,this is a popular brand,which can see easily in our market 12We hope that you wil look_ the cause of the defective goods 13There is no question _getting the necessary import licence from our authorities14Please take the necessary steps _delay 15Your immediate reply should reach us not l

2、ater _ the end of this month 16If the first shipment is satisfactory,we can_ with you some repeat orders17We hope this unfortunate incident wil not afect the friendly relations _ us 18Please cable us as soon as _,giving us all necessary information19We wih to acknowledge receipt of your letter of Ma

3、rch 15,_ reached us yesterday 20In view of the long-stanging business relations_us,we wish to settles this dispute amicably21Risks other_ All Risks and War Risk can be covered if the extra pr enium should be borne by the buyer 22Please do everything necessary _ as to enable us to send you the releva

4、nt documents at an early date 23We trust the mentioned shipment will reach you _ sound condition24As to chemical products we are well connected _ the major producers in America 25We are glad that in the past few years,_ joint efforts,have greatly promoted both business and friendship答案:1in 2into 3wi

5、th 4on/upon 5provided/if 6position 7to 8as 9on 10.with 11as 12into 13about 14without 15than 16place/book 17between 18possible 19which 20between 21than 22so 23in 24with 25byChoose the best answer:(每小题1分,共20) 1We look forward to _ a trial orderAreceiving Breceive from you Creceipt Dreceipt your 2We _

6、some brochurs _to illustratethe procucts we manufactured Aenclose,to you Benclose you, Cenclose, Denclose,you 3If you will send us a catalog by air,we shall _very much Aappreciate Bappreciating Cappreciation Dappreciae it 4 We would like to take this tty establish business relations with you。 Astep

7、Bopportunity Cadvantage Dopening 5The shipment time is June or July at our and the goods will be shipped in one Aoption, lot Boption, consignnment Cchoice shipment Ddecision,cargo 6The first shipment of pens has turned out to the of thcuscrs。Asatisfy Bsatisfied Csatidaction Dsatisfactory 7I want to

8、acquaint myselfthe supply position of steel products。 Aof Bwith Cfor Dabout 8As it only一一a smal1 quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter。Ainvolves Binvolved Chas involved Dmay have involved 9 In case the said goods are not available stock。 please keep us informed at all

9、 early date。Ain Bby Cfrom Dout of10,It is the usual practice here that 10.shirts are packed carton and l0 cartons strong seaworthy wooden case。Ain, in B in, to Cto,in Dto, to 11 You can find一一一一 for black tea here。A a ready mardet Bmost popular Cgreat popularity Dselling fast 12We are glad that We h

10、ave an agreement on this matter Acome Bgot Creached Darrived 13 We cannot see any possibility of business your price is too high Asince B while Cthought Dthat 14we have made that we would accept DP terms for your future orders。Aclear Bit cleear Cthat clear Dit is clear 15 we would make you the follo

11、wing offer,subject to your reply一us not later than November25。 Areach B reaching Creachels D being reached 16Please一一to let us have your offer as soon as possible。A do the best Bdo your best Cmake the best Dmake your best 17 we assure you of our ful1一,一in executing the contract。Acooperation Battenti

12、on CIntention Dappreciation 18our SC No.301,we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10。A With reference to B Refer to CReferring DWith refer to 19 After inspection of the shipment,we founed 5 cased Amissing B.1osing Cmissed Dlost 20your letter of March 5,we are pleased to inform you tha

13、t the LC has been received。AReplying to BReplying for CReplied to DReplied for 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.A Translate the following sentences into Chinese:(每小题2分,共20)1we regret that your counter-ffer is not acceptable to us as the price w

14、e quoted is quite realistic。1很抱歉,我方不能接受你方的还盘,因为我方报给你方的价格是很实际的。2 samples and quotations at favourable prices will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry。一俟收到你方具体询价单,我们马上寄送样品并报最优惠的价格。3.we desire some sample of your products in order to acquaint ourselves with the material and

15、 workmanship before we place a large order with you。在大量词订购之前,我们想要你方产品的样本以便熟悉你们货物的质地和工艺4 with regard to our order for 600 sets “Butterfly” Brand sewing Machines, We have already received your Sales Contract No.5678。关于我们向你方订购的600台“蝴蝶牌”缝纫机,我们已收到你方第5678号销售合同5 As the goods under Contract No. 1986 are now

16、 ready for shipment、please rush your LC with the least possible delay第1986号合同项货物现已备妥待装,请赶快开立信用证。6 We might add here that, owing to heavy demand, our offer remains firm untiL December 20 and that there is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed。我们不妨在这里补充说

17、明一下,由于需求量大,该盘有效期到12月20日截止,过期后我们无法再把货物保留着不出售(或:过期不候)7 Wc are lodging a claim on the shipment ex S/S“East Wind” for short delivery。兹就“东风”轮装来货物短重一事提出索赔。8 We wish to call your attention to the validity of the LC since there is no possibility of LC extension。此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该信用证的有效期。9 We confirm having

18、 cabled you an offer of 30 metric tons walnutmeat at RMB 21 ,860 yuan per metric ton CIF European Main Ports for November shipment。兹证实我方已给你方拍了电报,报给你方核桃仁30公吨,每公吨欧洲主要口岩价计人民币21860元,11月船期。10 It will be appreciated if you will immediately let us have your firm offer for machine tools, preferably by cable

19、。希望早日报给我们工作母机的实盘,最好电开。(或:如能早日报给我们工作母机)的实盘,最好电报报盘,我们将不胜感激。) Translate the following sentcnces into English: (每题3分,共15)1按照你方要求,兹另邮寄中国棉布的样本二份。1n compliance with your request, we are sending you under separate cover two copies of Chincse Cotton Piece Goods。2制造厂接订货太多,我们只能答应3月份装船。As the manufactures are h

20、eavily committed, we can only promise to effect shipment in March。3兹随函退回销售合同一份,该合同我们已经会签。we return here with a copy of Sales Contract duly countersigned hy us 4你方必须降价2,否则没有成交的可能。There is no possibility of getting business done unless you reduce your price by 2 5如果没有你的明确,指示,我们将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险。In the a

21、bsence of your definite instructions we will cover insurance WPA and War Risk according to usual practicevMultiple choice1. Our latest design has won worldwide _B_.A. popular B. popularity C. popularly D. popularize2. Art. No.8905 enjoys the fame of wide _C_.A. selling B. salable C. sales D. sell3.

22、We are unable to satisfy your requirements, for the goods are _A_ great demand.A. in B. on C. of D. having4. Payment by D/P should be _D_ to you.A. agree B. agreed C. agreement D. agreeable5. As we are _C_ urgent need of Art. No.5609, please ship our order without delay.A. on B. of C. in D. to6. We

23、_A_ you of our prompt shipment after receipt of your order.A. assure B. assurance C. insure D. insurance7. We have to claim for your delay in _A_ of our order.A. shipping B. shipment C. ship D. deliver8. Our company has wide experience _B_ the textiles line.A. on B. in C. about D. of9. You have dela

24、yed in dispatching us the shipping _A_ after shipment.A. advice B. instruction C. information D. data10. Please effect payment when the draft _A_ .A. expires B. due C. falls due D. falls expiration1. Your request for payment _B_ Letter of Credit is unacceptable.A. with B. by C. using D. of2. As inst

25、ructed, we will draw _C_you a sight draft for collection through the Bank of China.A. for B. against C. on D. from3. The bank who opens the L/C is called _A_ .A. issuing bank B. notifying bank C. establishing bank D. paying bank4. Please send us the amendment _B_ L/C immediately or we shall not be a

26、ble to ship your order on time.A. of B. to C. as to D. with5. As the goods are _A_ great demand we regret being unable to cover your requirements.A. in B. on C. of D. having6. Our company has 30 years experience _B_ the machinery line.A. on B. in C. about D. of7. We regret to report that a consignme

27、nt of silk piece goods _D_ Order No. 567 has not been delivered.A. with B. for C. on D. under8. _B_ your Enquiry No. 123, we are sending you a catalog and a sample book for your reference.A. According B. As per C. As D. About9. We are sending you the samples _C_ requested.A. be B. are C. as D. for10. We would like to take this _B_ to establish business relations with you. A. opening B. opportunity C. step D. advantage1. Documentary Collection is to be made wi

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