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1、t is a contraction (缩写)originally for am not and are not, but now typically meaning is not, has not, or have not. Recently it has also been used as a contraction of did not, as in I aint know that. 8.Cant you take a hint? take a hint意为to understand or do something that is communicated indirectly. 例句

2、:I can take a hint - if you dont want to talk about it, thats OK with me. Werent you going to check your messages? she asked. I took the hint and left. 9.Homer布置好彩灯后对Marge说Turn on the juice.这里juice当然不是果汁,而是电,juice也可指汽油,石油等,如My car is running out of juice.我的车快没油了。10.Just hold your horses,son!孩子,等一下!h

3、old your horses意为hold on or wait,something that you say in order to tell someone to stop doing or saying something because they are going too fast. 例句:Just hold your horses, Bill. Lets think about this for a moment.2.Bart在接受激光祛纹身手术是看到形状怪异的手术机械时说Ay,caramba! 这里的caramba是西班牙语,表示惊讶、恼怒等唉呀!天哪!真倒霉!讨厌! 他妈的!

4、13.术后Bart手臂上的伤口上了绷带,妹妹Lisa和Maggie却不断去触碰它,于是Bart只能惨叫一声Ow!然后说quit it意为快停手,别再弄了。14.Homer完成Christmas shopping后走出mall时与邻居Flanders相撞,东西散落一地,Flanders开口说:Oh,my!What a little mess weve got here!天哪!瞧这一团糟的场面!这里mess指一团糟。15.You bet!可以指of course,surely,也可指I agree!16.Welcome aboard!团队中有新人加入可以说此话。意为欢迎入伙。17.get a lo

5、ad of something.意为look at something that is very surprising or attractive. 例句:Get a load of that dress! Its beautiful! 18.That quote unquote Santa. quote unquote意为所谓的,通常说此话时,你对某样事物的真实性表示怀疑。例句:Even the quote unquote realistic movies dont show very realistic violence. 19.I cant belive those kids are f

6、alling for it. fall for something意为to believe something that is not true. 例句:I stupidly fell for his story until someone told me he was already married. fall for someone意为to find someone attractive and begin to love them. 例句:They met at a friends house and fell for each other immediately. 20.I dare

7、you to yank(猛拉) his beard off。这个用法是I dare you to do something,意为我谅你不敢做某事。21.touche这个发音有点怪,意为一针见血;说得对。Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in argument. 22.But to keep the family from missing out on Chritmas,Id do anything. 这里miss out on意为To lose a chanc

8、e for,如missed out on the promotion. 23.Ill say means I agree. 24.Lets not get mushy.这里mushy意为感伤的。excessively tender or emotional。25.I maybe a total washout as a father. washout这里指失败者。26.We are in the money!这里in the money表示wealthy,例句:Many people believe if they become lawyers, theyll really be in the

9、 money。27.That scrawny(手骨如柴的)little bag of bones. a bag of bones means a person or animal that is extremely thin. 例句:All the plumpness shed acquired in middle age had gone. She was a bag of bones. 28.Attention,racing fans,we have a late scratch in the fourth race. 这里scratch是指(竞赛等的)弃权者。29.Its an omen

10、.这是个兆头!30.I got a bad feeling about this.我有一种不祥的预感。31.Come on,boy.sometime your faith is all that keeps me going. 有时候的你的信任是使我前进的一切(动力)。32.go for it 意为 To expend all ones strength and resources toward achievement of an end or purpose.加油,尽全力!33.doofus俚语意为笨货,蠢人,缺少社会能力的人。34.aside from something除此之外例句:I

11、watch some public television shows, but aside from that, I pretty much turn the TV off. 35.bear/keep in mind,意为记住例句:Bear in mind that youll have to practice economy. 记住要厉行节约。36.not that 并非例句:Not that it matters, but how did you spend so much money in such a short period of time? 我不是说有什么关系,但是,这么短的时间里

12、你是怎么花掉这么多钱的? 37.jeez!表示惊讶或恼怒,Used to express surprise or annoyance. 38.Santas little helper came in last.这里come in表示(比赛)得名次。39.Hell sober up.他会清醒的。40.Look,everybody,I have a confession to make.我要向大家坦白。 to make a confession表示承认;坦白,供认;供状。Bart the Genius Bart cheats on his intelligence test and is mist

13、aken for a child genius. In order to offer him more stimulation, Marge and Homer enroll him in a school for gifted students where he is immediately made to feel like the mediocre student he is. Bart eventually bluffs his way back into Springfield Elementary by claiming hell study his classmates but

14、winds up confessing to everyone that he cheated. 1.Bart做的是I.Q. test,也叫intelligence test,aptitude test, A standardized test designed to measure the ability of a person to develop skills or acquire knowledge. 2.Get outta here!有人开你玩笑,或想要糊弄你是你可以对他说get out of here,意思是说你少来!3.short temper或quick temper都是指急性

15、子,暴躁脾气。4.Bart字谜游戏耍赖,Homer生气要打他,Bart说Homer是on the loose。意为free to move about and dangerous. 例句:Police warned that a serial killer is on the loose in the northwest. 5. Bart在墙上乱图,校长Skinner过来后,慌忙逃窜时说yikes! Used to express mild fear or surprise。6.Bart最终因为手上的颜料而败露vandalizing the school property的事实, he was

16、 caught red handed.这里catch someone red handed意为 to discover someone doing something illegal or wrong. 例句:I caught him red-handed trying to break into my car. 7.bear a grudge意为抱有怨恨之情 to continue to feel angry or not friendly towards someone who has done something to upset you in the past. 例句:She got

17、the job I applied for, but Im not one to bear a grudge. He still bears a grudge against her because she refused to go out with him years ago. 8.fend off something阻止或避开谋事的发生。A politician has to learn how to fend off unfriendly questions, especially from the press. 9.stowaway意为逃票乘客;偷渡者。10.Marge说Bart是t

18、he best sheep stray from the flock,似有迷途羔羊之义。11.Marge说Bart正越来越乖,他需要的只是extra hard hug(格外的关心)。Homer却说:Thats exectly the kind of crapola thats lousing him up. 这里crapola其实就是crap(废话,鬼话),加上ola变得更加滑稽,而louse up这个片语意思是ruin,destroy。整句话就是说,就是你这种鬼话把Bart给毁的。12.foot the bill,付帐。we think its terribly unfair that ot

19、her taxpayers whould foot the bill. for,需要例句:This is a problem that calls for immediate solution. 这是个迫切需要解决的问题。 any rate 无论如何;至少例句:At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week. 无论如何,医疗用品将于一星期内运到你那里。at any rate也可指more exactly. 如:I dont think they liked my idea at any ra

20、te, they werent enthusiastic. 15.psychiatrist说Bart是一个gifted child,Homer说他是一个lunkhead,意思是呆瓜。16.Homer难以相信Bart会是一个genius,但psychiatrist说这个事实beyond the range of any doubt,毫无疑问的,你也可以简单的说beyond any doubt。17.It is like you are reading my mind.好像你能读懂我的心思。read someones mind 是指to know what someone is thinking

21、without being told. 例句: about a drink, then? You read my mind, man. 18.lash out (at someone/something)意为to angrily criticize someone or something.不过通常是指批评某种状态或意见。The mayor often lashes out at people who dont agree with him. 19.better yet,在这里yet与比较级连用,表示更,益发。That job is yet more demanding. 20.sign (s

22、omeone) up意为to join or invite someone to join a group or organization. 一般过程中需要正式签名,所以有sign。Kathy signed up for the soccer team this year. The team signed him up for two years. Local officials worked to sign up students to the summer jobs program.21.Bart听说新学校没有作业没有约束,希望马上就能sign up,psychiatrist说Were a

23、ll set.意为一切都准备好了。22.Doc言词肯定Bart就是个天才,Homer对面这个事实说This is all too much.意思好象是说,这一下子真让人难以接受。他的印象中Bart只是个不懂事的十岁孩子。23.第一天去天才学校上学,Homer希望Bart戴上领带,Bart却说这会stifle his creativity。扼杀他的创造力。24.Lisa说不管那个I.Q.test怎么说,她仍坚信Bart是一个dimwit,俚语意为傻瓜。25.Bart说不管你们怎么想,总之从此以后他将be on easy street.意为他的日子会过得很舒坦。实际上easy street也指无财

24、务危机,生活富裕。26.上学途中Bart对Homer说:no rush,dad,take a scenic route.这里take a scenic route好似兜兜风,不是急着赶往目的地。27.gotcha 这下把你抓住了!(=Ive got you!) (我)明白了!ve got it!) 28.课堂上老师让Bart举例说明什么是矛盾,Bart回答说:youre damned if do and youre damned if you dont。意思是说你做也不对不做也不对,好似那位总统曾经说过这样的话。 your breath.意为to not say anything

25、. 例句:She figured that they might as well save their breath her mind was made up. 30.晚上回家后,Homer看见Bart在看comic book,他说他知道Bart是不想overheat his old noggin。 noggin在口语中指头,整个短语意为用脑过度,很有意思吧?31.为了nurture Barts brilliant brain.Marge带全家去看opera。到了剧场以后,Bart要做的第一件事就是拜托妹妹 Lisa keeping an eye out for the guy with th

26、e peanut.注意买花生的人。这里keep an eye out (for someone/something)意为to watch carefully for someone or something. 例句:Three aircraft kept an eye out for the submarine while waiting for help to arrive. I always kept my eye out for strangers. 你也可以用keep (a) close watch on someone/something, 或keep an ear out for

27、someone/something 32.节目开演后,Bart又现顽皮本性,恶搞斗牛士之歌,Marge警告他说stop fooling around,意为别胡闹!33.扮演bullfighter的演员体型庞大,Homer说他是lard butt,意为胖子。Bart 说 No way a bull is gonna miss a target that big. 这里no way是指not possibly。整句话的意为公牛决不可能错过那么大个目标(指那个巨型斗牛士)。34.P.U. (pew! or peeyoo!) 的所写,闻到了腐烂的味道觉得恶心想吐是你会说P.U.,卡通片中常会使用。片子

28、中是Homer无法忍受歌剧才说的。35.Beat it! 粗鲁的叫人走开,滚!OK you kids, beat it! 36.在genius school备受挫折,Bart回去想和原来学校的哥们儿一起玩,可他们却因为还在为Bart离开他们而生气,对他说get lost,还讽刺的说他是brainiac 聪明而勤奋的人。37.Swedish meatball,瑞典肉丸。宜家有卖,味道不错。当然片子中Homer是指瑞典人。38.Bart对Doc.说相会原来的学校看看what makes those dumb regular kids tick.想知道他们为什么会这样。what makes some

29、one tick意为if you know what makes someone tick, you understand the reasons for their behaviour and personality. 例句:A good salesperson knows what makes a customer tick. 39.Bart想对老爸坦白,但希望他wont be too mad.这里mad是指非常生气。Homers Odyssey Homer reevaluates his life after getting fired from the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant for causing a meltdown(核电厂反应炉核心熔毁).He becomes a public safety advocate a

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