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1、d better. 我认为你最好4. I feel it my duty to suggest you. 我认为我有责任建议你5. I especially/particularly advise you to. 我尤其要建议你6. I must frankly tell you on this occasion that. 借这次机会,我得坦率地告诉你7. Dont let haste or impatience mar. 不要让匆忙或急躁破坏8. If I were you, I all means.如果我是你,我会想尽一切办法9. I seldom advise peo

2、ple what to do, but I feel I ought to let you know just what I think about this matter.我很少劝人去做什么,但这次我想我应该让你知道我对此事的看法。10. If you stop now., I am afraid you will regret it in later years.如果你现在停止,恐怕你以后会后悔的。11. I must say your idea is totally wrong. 我得说你的想法是完全错误的。末段1. It would be most helpful if. 如果,这将是

3、极大的帮助。2. It is my sincere hope that you will take my advice into consideration. 我真诚地希望您能考虑我的建议。3. I believe you will take my advice seriously.我想您会认真考虑我的建议。4. I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions useful. 我希望您会发现这些提议/建议有用。5. I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard. 看到这

4、方面有所改善我会非常开心。6. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making. 希望我的建议能对您的决定有所帮助。7. I believe I shall hear that you have decided to take my advice. 我相信会听到你已接受我建议的消息。二、推荐信素材集锦1. I am writing this letter to recommend. 我写这封信是为了推荐2. Im writing to we always share the same ta

5、ste.因为我们品位相同,所以我写信向你推荐3. I strongly suggest that you watch., which is my favorite.我强烈建议你去看一部名叫的影片,这部影片是我的最爱。4. I recommend watching., a Hollywood classic.我推荐看,那是一部好莱坞的经典之作。5. Of all my favorite movies, I you for its talented director and pleasant music.在我最喜爱的影片中,我向你推荐,因为该片的导演才华横溢,它的音乐优美

6、动听。 6. Theres no denying that there are numerous excellent English movies produced in Hollywood. However, I like.most. 毋庸置疑,好莱坞出产了众多优秀的英语影片,然而我最喜爱的还是7. It is my great pleasure to recommend. 我很高兴向您推荐8. Although I have watched quite a number of wonderful movies, I like.most.虽然我曾看过无数精彩的影片,但我最喜爱的还是1. It

7、 is well-known that if you want to make a good study of the western culture, youd better watch English movies. 众所周知,如果你想好好研究西方文化,你最好欣赏英语电影。2. I am certain that.would make great contributions to. 我非常确信将会为做出很大贡献。3. It is not only., but also. 它不仅,而且4. It is also.that will bring a lot 它同时也是,会给带来大

8、量的5. Not to mention. 更不用说6. The most important reason why I you is that. 我推荐给你最重要的原因是7. a peculiar way, an enduring topic in以一种独特的方式展现这一领域的永恒主题。1. Im sure that the.will leave you a deep impression and Im also looking forward to discussing it with you.我确信会给你留

9、下深刻印象,我也期待和你共同讨论一下。2. With its help, you will. 有了它的帮助,你将会3. I really hope you will like it. 我真心希望您能喜欢它。4. I would like to share some of my feelings with you. 我想跟您分享一些我的感受。5. If I were you, I would. 如果我是您,我会6. I am sure it will benefit you a lot. 我确信它会让你受益很多。三、邀请信素材集锦1. We would be very glad to invit

10、e you as our university/college to.很高兴邀请您作为到我们学校2. How would you like to join us in.来参加我们的怎么样?3. I wonder if you can come. 我想知道您是否能来4. I am writing to invite you to. 我写信是想邀请您1. We would be grateful if you could/would. 如果您能够我们将不胜感激。2. We would like you to. 我们希望您3. My family and I would feel muc

11、h honored if you could come. 如果您能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸。4. I really hope you can make it. 我真心希望您能来。5. We would be looking forward to your coming. 我们期待着您的到来。6. I think it would be great if you could participate in. 如果您能参加那就太好了。1. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon.我希望能在那儿见到

12、您,请早点告诉我您的决定。2. Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to. 您可以写信告诉我您能否来吗?四、道歉信素材集锦1. Please excuse me for. 请原谅我2. I must apologize for my delay in. 十分抱歉,我耽搁了3. I am sorry I was out when you called. 很抱歉,您来访时我不在。4. I am sorry I failed to attend the meeting. 很抱歉我没有出席会议。5. I am s

13、orry I failed to arrive scheduled. 很抱歉我没有如期抵达6. I am sorry I was unable to keep my promise to see you off at the station. 很抱歉我没有如约去车站为您送行。7. Much to my regret, I was unable to keep my appointment. 很抱歉,我没能守约。8. Much to my regret, I have to cancel. 很抱歉,我不得不取消1. I hope you will understand when I

14、tell you the reason. This is because.我希望告诉您原因后,您能理解。这是因为2. I believe you will forgive me after you have learnt the reason. Because., I.相信您知道了原因后一定能原谅我。因为,我3. I hope that my apology will make it better. 希望我的道歉会使情况有所好转。4. I hope you will accept my sincere apologies. 希望您能接受我诚恳的道歉。m awfully sorry for th

15、e trouble I have caused you. 实在对不起,给您添了麻烦。2. I would like to apologize for the inconvenience I have caused you. 对我给您造成的诸多不便,在此向您道歉。3. I would like to apologize for our error in. 对我们在方面的错误,在此向您道歉。五、询问信素材集锦1. I am writing to ask for information about. 我写信询问一下关于的信息。d like to know if. 我想知道是否3. Id like t

16、o know some information about. 我想知道有关的一些信息。4. I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know detailed information about.如能告知方面的细节信息,我将十分感激。5. I would be (most) grateful if you could. 您如果能,我将不胜感激。6. Could you possibly let me know whether. 您可以告知是否吗?1. Would you please explain/clarify. 贵方可以解释

17、/阐明吗?2. Could you send me some information about. 贵方可以给我寄有关的信息吗?d also like some help/information/clarification on. 我还希望您能为我提供有关的一些帮助/信息/说明。1. I would be grateful to receive a prompt reply.如果您能尽快答复,我将不胜感激。2. Your immediate response is enthusiastically expected. 热切期盼您的尽快答复。3. I am looking forward to

18、your due attention and quick response. 期待您的充分关注和尽快答复。六、辞职信素材集锦1. I am writing to inform you about my decision to resign from.我写信是要告诉您我决定从辞职了。2. I have accepted an offer from another firm and decided to tender my resignation.我已经接受另外一个公司提供的职位,并且决定辞职。3. I am leaving our office to.为了我申请辞职。1. The reason

19、for leaving my present position is that I want to get broader experience in.我辞职的理由是我希望在方面能获得更广泛的经验。2. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get我辞职的原因是我希望进入行业发展。3. My reason for leaving my present employment is simply that I. 我辞职的理由很简单我。4. I am leaving the office because

20、I am desirous of gaining more experience in.我希望在方面获得更多的经验,因此离职。5. I am leaving the employment because I am desirous of getting a higher position and taking more responsibility. 我希望获得更高的职位,担负更多的责任,因此离职。6. The only reason why I am leaving the present position is that I want a higher position.我辞职的唯一理由是

21、为谋求一个更高的职位。1. My best wishes for the companys continued growth. 祝公司生意兴隆,蒸蒸日上。2. Please feel free to contact me at any time if I can be of further assistance in realizing a smooth transition.如果我能为实现平稳的工作交接提供帮助,请随时联系我。七、通知素材集锦1. We write this notice to tell you. 我们写这则通知是为了告诉大家2. .is going to w

22、elcome our friends from. 为欢迎来自的朋友,将举行3. The sports meeting which is to take place this Saturday has to be put off because of.本应在本周六举行的运动会因不得不推迟。1. All students are required to.所有学生都必须2. All the students are welcomed to join in the.and the winners will be awarded.欢迎所有的学生参加,获胜者有奖励。3. Those who want to

23、 take part in the.are required to come and sign your names at.有意向参加的同学应到报名。4. .will make a speech of congratulations, and.will give us a speech on.将致贺词,将就这一主题进行一次演讲。5. What you should pay most attention to is that. 大家最需要注意的是6. You should keep in mind that. 大家一定要记住7. You are not allowed to.unless.除非否则大家不可以8. You can get access to.only if. 只有大家才能使用1. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you meet any problem.如有问题,随时提问。2. You may contact us by. 大家可以通过联系我们。3. We hope you will enjoy the service here. 我们希望大家能够喜欢这里的服务。

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