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1、( ) 3.The movie Wolf Warrior II was the best seller in China in 2017.It by the actor Wu Jing.A.was wrote B.acted C.was directed4.-Have you ever been to another country?-No,never.But my brother England.Hell come bac net month.A.has been to B.has gone to C.was in( )5.-There less sugar in the bottle no

2、w. Shall I go and buy some?-No,we dont need sugar these B.are C.was( )6.The moon is far from us.Its 384,000m away.Mars is and its 55,757,930m away from the earth.A.nearer B.farthest C.farther( )7.The old man that the volunteer too care of was badly ll and he tie hisshoelaces.A.cant B.was a

3、ble to C.couldnt( )8.There are lifts in the new building that my grandparents live in.Now they to go up and down on foot.A.neednt B.dont need C.didnt have( )9.Too many people are dying from road accidents in cities.I hope people stop with a mobile phone while waling.Thats one way to reduce road acci

4、dents.A.playing play )10.-Doctor,what shall I do? - less and eercise more when you dont feel quite well.A.Eat B.TO eat C.Eating( )11.-Miss hang,Im so sorry that I cant help the classroombecause my mother is waiting for me downstairs.-Never mind.Go home with your B.cleaned

5、 clean( )12.Dont worry about me,mum.Ill write to you as soon as I school.A.will get to B.arrive at C.will reach( )13.-Could you tel me ?-The World Heath Organiation says that a person will spend three years on the toilet in his or her life.Now there are not enough public toilets.A.bow many toil

6、ets would be builtB.why should we build public toiletsC.why we will build so many toilets( )14. A teacher is a person cares about us as much as our parents.So we should love our teachers.A.who B.which C.what( )15.During the Mid-Autumn Festival,people in China usually eat as theirtraditional Chinese

7、food and young people usually buy some for their parents.A.sandwiches B.dumplings C.mooncaes ( )16.What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? To escape successfully, you are supposed to .jump through the window no matter on which floor you arebe sure to eep the door closed to eep off th

8、e smoerun as fast as possible into the lift with other peopleeep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh airnow the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the familyA. B. C.( )17.Here is a survey about how the 500 students from No.16 Middle School pay fortheir fruits and snacs.40

9、% of the students who use WeChat (微信)to pay are boys.Then according to the form below, girls pay in the same way.Cash(现金)Alipay(支付宝)WeChatBan Card40%20%10%A.90 B.60 C.200( )18.Which underlined letter has a different sound from “refuse”?A.amusement B.injury C.unique( )19.Which pair of the words with

10、the underlined letters has the same sound?A.eam ecellent B.danced waited C.treat steal( )20.Which stress of the following words different?A.Detailed. B.Pumpin C.Career.二、完型填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)We all have days when we are down,tired and unhappy. Thats O You need days lie this, 21 how would you now you ar

11、e happy ?Youll enjoy your good days 22 when you have a few bad days. Even if sadness is a part of 23 , lets try to mae it small.Here are 24 simple ways to help you feel better when you are feeling sad. Stand up straight.This helps your energy flow (流动)。When your energy is flowingfreely,you can flow,

12、too.Smile.Its easy to do and have good results.This way can 25 leave you in a good mood 25 bring a goog mood.Listen to music.It 26 your favorite music.Some inds of music wor better than others,so try and find out what ind of music wors the best for you. Tae some“me”time.You can find 27 in rending a

13、boo,watching a sunrise or having a hot bath, or something lie that. Eercise. Even something as simple as taing a wal will get your blood flowing. It is a great way to clear your mind of anything 28 maes you sad.These ways will cheer you up when you are down, but dont just use them when you are sad.

14、Try and practice them 29 to mae them a habit. You will be 30 to learn that these simple ways will eep your sadness away. But if you are in a deep depression, go to see a doctor.B.but( )21.A.and B.but C.or( )22.A.any more B.even more C.too much( ) B.wor C.wisdom( )24.A.a little B.a few C.few

15、( )25 A.neither.nor B.not only.but also C.not.but( )26.A.maybe B.must C.can be( )27.A.pleased B.please C.pleasure( )28.A.that B.which C./( ) public B.every day C.up-to-date( )30.A.surprised B.sad C.generous3、阅读理解(本题共20分,每小题1分)(A)An old lady won a million dollars in a lottery (彩票)but she didnt

16、 now the news.Her son and her husband heard the news on the radio. “How are we going to tell your mother?” the man ased,It might shoot her down.“Thats right. the son said,Perhaps wed better tell her doctor about it.Hell now how to tell the news to her.Then they told it to the ladys doctor.m glad you

17、 told me. he said,“A shoc (打击),even a happy one could bring on a heart problem.Leave it to me.Ill find a way to tell her.He thought about the problem for several days,then decided what he would say, He went to visit the old lady and sat by her side.He too her hands in his.“Lets play a game,my dear.”

18、 he said.“Oh,yes.”the old lady said,I love playing games.“Good,I ll as you a question first.” the doctor said,Tell me,what would you do if you won a million dollars in the lottery ?”“Oh,thats an easy one.”the old lady said, All of a sudden,the doctor fell on the floor.He died of a shoc.极据短文内容,选择最佳答案

19、。( )31.The underlined wordsshoot her down most probably mean .A.mae her better B.ill her C.mae her too sad( )32.The old ladys son and his wife heard the news .A.after the lady new itB.on the radioC.bu they didnt want to tell the lady( )33.The old ladys son and his wife didnt now how to tell her the

20、news because .A.They wanted to have the money.B.The old lady didnt believe them.C.There was something wrong with the ladys heart.( )34.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The old ladys son and his wife were ind to her.B.The doctor was a cheater and he wanted to have the money.C

21、.The old lady didnt lie her son and his wile.( )35.“ ”can be the missing sentence in the passage.A.Id give most of it to my son because hes my only child.B.Ive never seen 50 much money! I I true?C.Id give you most of it because you have been so ind to me all these years!(B)Four Lines of Harbin Metro

22、Line 1Line 2Line 3Line 4Lengt27.3m(1atPart:17.47m)45m27m)37.5m5m)34.5 mTime to start building2008.92014.92014/OpenTime2013.9(1atPart)2018.92017.1NO.of stations25(1atPart18)28(1atPart20)34(1atPart5)29DistrictspassesNangang,Daowai,PingfangHulan,Songbei,Daoli,Nangang,iangfangDaoli,Daowai,Nangang,iangfa

23、ngSongbei,Daowai,Nangang.注 metro地铁,地铁,district 区根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。( ) 36.Among the four Tines,Harbim Metro Line 1 is the .A.longest B.shortest C.biggest( )37.Harbin Metro Line 2 started to be built in the same year as . A.Line 1 B.Line 3 C.Line 4( )38.The first part of Line 3 came into use over than

24、the first part of Line1.A.three years later year later year earlier( )39.All the four lines pass through District of Harbin.A.Daowai B.Daoli C.Nangang( )40.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above?A.The first part of Line l is the shortest among all the lines.B.Three of

25、 the four lines pass through Daoli District.C.The first part of Line has the fewest stations among all the lines.(C)Helen Monson has always been interested in helping others.Her first volunteer eperience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school. When she was a school teacher, she a

26、lso found time to volunteer. After she retired, she started volunteering to help the old. When her father was older, he was not able to see as well as he used to, which made her sad because he had always enjoyed reading. She decided it would be fun to read to old people in her community. She also he

27、lped one woman write her stories. Ann was almost 100 years old, and Helen wrote down information about her life when she visited her. She put the information in a boo and got it published. Ann was very ecited to share her life story with her children and grandchildren. After a hurricane (飓风) destroy

28、ed some southern cities, Helen volunteered again for the American Red Cross. She prepared food and answered phones in a care centre. She says,I have always lied the Red Cross because the organiation helps people in need no matter what. One day Helen read an article in the newspaper about refugees (难

29、民) who needed to learn English. Sarah is living and woring in a town about 30 minuteswal from where Helen lives.Now, she meets once a wee with Sarah, a 38-year-old woman from Somalia. Sarah needs reading and writing sills. Helen gave Sarah a camera and ased her to tae pictures of her daily life. She

30、 developed the pictures, and then ased Sarah questions about them. In the end, they wrote a boo together and used the photos in the boo. This help Sarah learn many new words about her everyday life. Helen says,The most rewarding part of volunteer wor is becoming friends with the people I help, They enrich my life as well as

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