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人教版英语必修三课后练unit 1 festivals around section 1 课后 含答案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、机器开动了,工人们开始工作了。分析句子结构可知,machine与run之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故用动词ing形式。5To Kims surprise,his birthday cake was in the shape of a lovely train.考查介词。让Kim吃惊的是,他的生日蛋糕是一个可爱的火车的形状。in the shape of呈的形状。6I had_finished(finish) reading the novel by nine oclock last night.考查过去完成时。到昨天晚上九点钟我已经读完了这本小说。表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作

2、或状语,要用过去完成时。7Dont worry!The girl will lead you back to the hotel.别担心!这个女孩将带你回旅馆。leadback to意为“带回到”。8Parents should encourage independence(independent) in their children.父母应该鼓励他们的孩子独立。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作宾语,故要用名词形式。9The Olympic Games,first held(hold) in 776 BC,did not include women competitors until 1900.

3、考查过去分词作定语。奥运会,在公元前776年首次举行,直到1912年才允许女性运动员参加。分析句子结构可知,The Olympic Games与hold之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用过去分词形式。10The more the young students worked,the more energetic(energy) they became.考查形容词。年轻的学生们工作得越多,他们就越充满活力。根据句子的结构来判断,此处是“the形容词比较级,the形容词比较级”结构,意思是“越,越”,故空处应用形容词形式。.单句改错1While enjoying their time on the h

4、igh seas,the crew were glad to be back on the ground,looking forward to a nice shower and enjoying a good meal.当在公海上面享受完他们快乐的时光后,队员们很高兴回到陆地上,希望能美美地洗一次澡,享受一顿佳肴。2Some major events have been taken place in recent months. None of us,from politicians to people in the street,can afford to overlook.最近几个月发生

5、了许多大事,上至政治家,下至老百姓,都无法视而不见,充耳不闻。3My memory might be playing tricks me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn.我的记忆可能会捣鬼,但是我记得读到过匈牙利语是欧洲最难学的语言。4She told me that on cold days she bake some bread or drink coffee in the kitchen,reading something.她告诉我寒冷

6、的时候,她愿意在厨房里烤些面包,喝着咖啡,看看书。5Back then,he paid the bills by driving a taxi,moving refrigerators and dressing up a giant chicken to promote a fast food restaurant.在当时,他靠开出租车、搬冰箱和打扮成巨型鸡帮快餐店做宣传来赚钱支付账单。6When I was young,my father used to dress as Santa Claus when Christmas came.在我小的时候,我的父亲常常会在圣诞来临的时候装扮成圣诞老

7、人。7I even live in a city thats miles from my family so Ill have to be and do things for myself.我甚至一个人居住在离家数英里远的城市,因此,我必须要独立,必须要自己做事情。8The green revolution of three decades ago helped keep the country from ,but since then productivity growth in Indian agriculture has hardly moved.三十年前的绿色革命帮助这个国家摆脱了饥饿

8、,但自那时起印度农业生产率的增长几乎停滞不前。9Other than Winston Churchill,Margaret Thatcher must have been the most and recognized British prime minister abroad since the end of the Second World War.二战之后,除了丘吉尔,撒切尔夫人是在海外最受赞赏和认可的英国首相。10I enjoy the quick pace of life of this city,and I truly benefit from being part of it.我

9、热爱这座充满活力的城市里快节奏的生活,作为它的一份子,我受益匪浅。.阅读理解(2016河北石家庄高一联考)It was ugly. It was the worst Christmas present I had ever received. I quickly pretended joy. After all,Michael,my fouryearold son,had bought it at his schools Christmas market.“I bought it for you Mama,” he said,offering it up to me,face smiling,

10、eyes big,blue and bright.“Wellput ithereonon thekitchen table,”I said.The rest of the house was filled with beautiful,natural materials from the garden. In the summer,I operated a garden gift shop at the bottom of my yard. I also hosted an open house on the main floor of our home in late November,fe

11、aturing highend gifts for gardeners as well as natural items. And each year,I proved unique and attractive ways to bring the outdoors in with wonderful,creative decorating ideas. How uncomfortable my sons addition looked in the middle of all this natural beauty.Soon my older children burst through t

12、he door,excited to tell the adventures of their day and show their valuable things. Within seconds,the kitchen table was loaded with treats: cheerfully decorated cupcakes; a couple of packages of homemade sweets; candy canes; and a few of the small crafts some of the moms had prepared for the kids t

13、o buy with their allowance money.“Where are the rest of the things you bought?” I asked Michael,hoping he hadnt eaten them at school or on the way home.“I spent all my money on your present,” he said proudly.“You spent all your money on me?”I asked,unbelieving that a fouryearold boy would avoid cand

14、y and cupcakes and crafty creations designed with kidappeal in order to buy a present for his mom. Ugliness suddenly turned into beauty. Overjoyed,I hugged both my son and his gift.语篇导读本文是记叙文。4岁的儿子放弃了给自己买吃的和玩的东西,给作者购买了一件廉价的礼物,虽然这是作者迄今为止收到的最丑陋的礼物,但是在作者心里,这是最美丽的礼物。1When Michael gave the gift to his mo

15、m,he felt _.Aproud BnervousCshy DembarrassedA细节理解题。根据第二段的“face smiling,eyes big,blue and bright”可知,迈克尔给母亲礼物的时候笑着,眼睛睁得大大的,蓝蓝的又很明亮,表明因给母亲购买了礼物很自豪。2The third paragraph implied that Michaels gift _.Aadded beauty to the natural roomBwas out of place in the roomCwas a sign of highend giftsDdecorated the r

16、oom in a unique wayB推理判断题。结合第三段的内容可知,作者的家里摆放了很多漂亮的、天然材料的装饰品,因此迈克尔买了这件外表丑陋的礼物与房间里的摆设非常不协调,故选B项。3The fourth paragraph was mainly about _.Awhat gifts older children bought for their momBwhat crafts mom prepared for kids to buyCwhat older children bought for themselvesDwhat dinner the writer cooked for

17、ChristmasC主旨大意题。从第四段的内容可知,这一段主要讲了作者的大一些的孩子们回来之后,把他们自己给自己买的东西都摆放在桌子上,很高兴地谈论着,因此选C项。4What might be the most suitable title for the passage?AThe Most Beautiful Ugliest GiftBThe Christmas Gift from My SonCThe Cheapest Gift for MomDThe Gift of a Sincere MidA标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了虽然儿子给作者购买的圣诞礼物是作者收到的最丑陋的礼物,但是这件礼物却

18、是作者的儿子迈克尔花了全部零花钱,放弃给自己买吃的和玩的东西,给她购买的,因此这个礼物又是最美丽的。河南郑州高一联考)Many people believe sharks(鲨鱼) are dangerous and will always try to hurt or even kill humans.5._A shark exhibition at the National Aquarium(水族馆) in Baltimore,U.S.,proves this. Visitors can touch young sharks,see their eggs develop and watch

19、a dozen different species swim smoothly around a huge tank.Most people fail to realize that shark attacks dont happen very often. Humans are more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark. 6._ There,kids can learn,from an early age,not to fear sharks.“People fear what they dont know,”said Nan

20、cy Hotchkiss,an organizer of the exhibition.“Sharks have been around for 400 million years and play an important role in the oceans food chain. We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and protection.”7_ A study,published in January in the US. magazine,Science

21、,found that almost all recorded shark species have fallen by half in the past 8 to 15 years.Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods,such as shark fin(鱼翅) soup. And many others get caught in nets while fishermen are hunting other fish. 8._“Some fishing methods are actually cleaning o

22、ut the ocean for sharks,”said Dave Schofield,the manager of the aquariums ocean health program. 9._AThey can watch them develop inside their eggs and feel the skin of the older swimmers.BA shocking 100 million sharks are killed every year around the world by humans.CIn fact,94 percent of the worlds

23、400 species are harmless to humans.DIt is a worrying situation and some areas have put measures in place to protect these special fish.EAnd to make this point clear,the museum has set up a special touching pool for children.FMore than half of the sharks caught are smaller than 1 meter long.GSharks c

24、an smell and taste blood,and trace it back to its source.本文是议论文。很多人都认为鲨鱼是一种大型的、危险的动物,但实际上它并没有那么可怕。由于人类的捕杀,鲨鱼的数量正在急剧减少,但是一些地区已经采取措施来保护这些珍稀的、特殊的“鱼”。5解析:C文章第一段第一句讲到很多人认为鲨鱼危险,它们会对人造成伤害,甚至导致人死亡。再结合下文所讲的内容可知,鲨鱼实际上没那么可怕。选项C意为“实际上世界上400种鲨鱼中有94%是对人类没有危险的。”故C项符合语境。6解析:E根据下文“There”和“kids”可知E项符合语境。E项意为“为了证明鲨鱼伤害

25、人的几率很低,博物馆为孩子们设立了一个可以触摸鲨鱼的特殊的水塘。”7解析:B根据下文的一项调查可知,鲨鱼的种类在过去8到15年的时间里减少了一半,由此可知,B项符合语境。B项意为“每年全世界被人捕杀的鲨鱼的数量可达到令人震惊的1亿。8解析:F上一句说很多鲨鱼被渔民用来捕捉其他鱼类的渔网抓到。F项意为“被捕的鲨鱼有一半不足1米长。”衔接自然,故F项为正确答案。9解析:D根据戴夫斯科菲尔德所说的话可知,空格处所填应该是对其进行回应。D项意为“这种情况令人担忧,有些地区已经采取适当措施来保护这些特殊的鱼类。”符合语境。.语法填空东北育才学校)Last summer,my friend and I h

26、ired a car and headed for Toronto. We didnt book a hotel room 1._ it was at the beginning of September and we thought it would be easy for us 2._(find) a hotel.We 3._(drive) for six hours when the weather changed and it looked as if a thunderstorm was coming. We got lost and both were 4._(exhaust) w

27、hen I saw an old lady parking her car. I stopped and asked 5._ she knew a hotel nearby. She said there was a hotel down the road,6._ it might have been closed. The lovely old lady looked at me and said,“Why dont you girls just stay the night at 7._ house? Ill cook for you.”We ended up going to a lit

28、tle island in Lake Muskoka,8._ her family lived. We slept in the 9._(comfort) beds they built for their kids,and they cooked for us. We stayed at their house for three nights in all and also met their friends. Those days were the 10._(good) part of our threeweek trip! We were glad that we got lost a

29、nd met the old lady.作者和朋友租车去旅行,在暴风雨来临时,一位善良的老太太帮助了她们。1because/as/since考查连词。我们没有预订旅馆房间,因为是在九月初,我们以为找到一个旅馆将会很容易。此处表示原因,故用because/as/since。2to_find考查非谓语动词。it isadj. for do sth.为固定用法,此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to find a hotel。3had_driven/had_been_driving考查动词的时态。我们(一直)开车开了六个小时,这时天气变了。根据语境可知,此处要用过去完成时或者过去完成进行时,表示在过去某个时间之前已经完成或一直进行的动作。4exhausted考查词形转换。我们迷路了,两个人都筋疲力尽。此处是形容词作表语,故用exhausted“筋疲力尽的”。5whether/if考查名词性从句的引导词。“我”停下来问她是否知道

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