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1、3.strong adj.强壮的,强大的 反义词weak 弱的,软弱的(1)My uncle is tall and strong.我的叔叔又高又强壮。 (2)Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.我们的国家正在变得越来越强大。( )The elephant is big and . A.short B.weak C.strong4.walk by (动词短语).走过路过【例句】What are the children doing?孩子们正在干什么? Theyre walking by the forest.他们正在走过森林。【例题】完成

2、句子。Yang Ling walked by the teachers office just now.杨玲刚才路过老师的办公室。 5.wake up (动词短语)吵醒,叫醒 woke【解析】wake.up中“up”为副词,如果后面接的宾语是代词,则要放在wake.up的中间;如果后面接的宾语是名词,则放在中间或后面均可。(1)Be quiet!Dont wake up your father.安静!不要吵醒你爸爸。(2)Its late.Wake him up quickly.不早了。快把他叫醒。【例题】改错。( B )You can wake up me at seven oclock.

3、Wake me up A B C6.some day (副词短语)某一天【解析】指将来不确定的某一天。【例句】I want to go to Beijing some day.我想将来某一天去北京。 want,meet,cousin,your,I,day,to,some(.)7.quietly adv.小声地,安静地 quiet安静的【例句】The students are sitting quietly in the classroom.学生们正安静地坐在教室里。( )You should walk in the hospital. A.quietly B.quickly C.loudly

4、D.quiet8.weak adj.弱的,软弱的 反义词strong 强大的,软弱的【同音词】week 星期;周【例句】She was weak last month.她上个月身体很虚弱。( )A tiger is- ,but an ant is- . A.strong;weak B.weak;strong C.strong;heavy9.loudly adv.大声地 adj.loud 大声的【短语】speak loudly 大声地说【例句】The children are shouting loudly in the playground.孩子们正在操场上大声地喊叫。【例题】选出所给单词同类

5、的选项。 ( )loudly A.quietly B.cloudy C.July10.let.go (动词短语)释放,放开【解析】let后面接动词原形。(1)The policemman had to let the man go.警察不得不让那个人走了。 (2)The king let him go at last.最后,国王释放了他。 ( )Finally,the lion let the mouse to go. go 11.the next day (副词短语)第二天【解析】tomorrow是指从今天向后的第一天,意为“明天”;the next day是指某个特定时间的后一天,即可指过

6、去,也可指将来。【例句】The next day,we visit the Great Wall.第二天,我们参观了长城。【例题】根据中文意思,完成句子。 我们打算八月九号去南京,第二天去上海。 We are going to Nanjing on the ninth August,and were going to Shanghai. n.网 复数nets【例句】The man caught a rabbit with a net.那个男人用网捉住了一只兔子。【例题】选出单词划线部分读音与其余不同的选项。 ( ) B.clever C.telephone13.bite v.咬 三单

7、bites 现在分词biting 过去式bit【例句】Liu Tao,dont play with the dog.It may bite you.刘涛,别和那只狗玩。它可能会咬你。【例题】根据中文提示,完成句子。 The mouse bit (咬) a hole in the net and ran away. adj.锋利的,尖的【例句】The knife is long and sharp.那把刀又长又锋利。 狮子有锋利的牙齿。The lion has .15.sadly adv.难过地,伤心地 adj.sad 反义词 happily开心地(1)He said s

8、adly,”I lost my watch.”他难过地说:“我弄丢了我的手表。” (2)They cried sadly.他们伤心地哭了。 cry cried【例题】用所给单词的适当形式填空。 The girl looks sad .Now she is crying sadly .(sad)16.just then (副词短语)就在那时【解析】just then 是表示过去的时间状语,通常用于一般过去时态,其句子的谓语动词也要用过去时。【例句】Just then,I saw a thief going into the room.就在那时,我看到了一个小偷进入了房间。( ) ,there w

9、as a heavy rain. A.Now B.Just then C.Tomorrow17.soon adv.不久,很快 【例句】Wait a minute,my father will be back soon.等一会儿,我爸爸很快就会回来。 See you soon.再见。【例题】选出与其余单词不同类的选项。 ( )A.strong B.large C.soon18.happily adv.开心地,高兴地 adj.happy高兴的【解析】以y结尾的形容词变为副词时,将y变为i,再加ly,类似的还有angry-angrily。【例句】The children are singing an

10、d dancing happily in the room. 孩子们正在房间里开心地唱歌跳舞。 They were to see the girl.Then they played together .(happy)19.from then on (副词短语)从那时起【对应短语】from now on 从今往后【解析】from then on 是表示过去的时间状语,通常用于一般过去时,其句子的谓语动词要用过去式。【例句】From then on,they became good friends.从那以后,他们成了好朋友。( ),he didnt play the piano any more.

11、 A.From now on B.From then on C.Now20.cheer v.欢呼 三单cheers 现在分词cheering 过去式cheered【短语】cheer for.为.而欢呼【例句】They are cheering for their win.他们正在为他们的胜利而欢呼。 We were so excited and (欢呼) loudly in the living room.21.hit v.打,击 三单hits 现在分词hitting 过去式hit【解析】hit的过去式是不规则变化,与原形相同,类似的还有let,hurt,cut,put,read等。【例句】T

12、he stone hit the dog on the head.那块石头击中了狗的头部。( )The boy the bird with a stone and it flew away. B.put C.hit22.deep adj.深的【例句】We cant swim in the river.Its too deep.我们不能再这条河里游泳。它太深了。( )The river is about ten metres . A.high B.tall C.deep23.reach v.够得着 三单reaches 现在分词reaching 过去式reached【解析】reach

13、除了表示“够得着”,还可表示“到达”,相当于get to。(1)The pear is too high.I cant reach it.那个梨太高了。我够不着它。 (2)We reached Wuhan on 23 March.我们在3月23日到达武汉的。 The monkey wants to (够得着)the bananas24.quickly adv.迅速地,快地 adj.quick 迅速的 反义词slowly 慢地【解析】quick是形容词,通常放在be动词之后或名词之前;quickly是副词,通常放在动词之后。(1)Su Hai runs very quickly.Yang Lin

14、g runs quickly too.苏海跑得很快,杨玲也很快。 (2)You must finish the work quickly.你们必须快速完成这项工作。 Su Yang is clever and .She always learns .(quick)25.pour.into (动词短语)把.倒入【例句】You shouldnt pour dirty water into the river.你不应该把脏水倒入河里。 她正在把牛奶倒入杯子里。She is the milk the glass.2.Youre so small and weak!你是如此弱小!【解析】small与we

15、ak都是形容词,跟在be动词之后作表语,其前科插入so(如此),very(非常),too(太)等表示程度。【例句】The bag is too heavy.这只包太重了。 那个故事我昨天看了三遍。它是如此有趣。 I read the story three times yesterday. It .3.The next day,two men caught the lion with a large net. 第二天,有两个人用一张大网捉住了狮子。【解析】catch.with.意为“用.捉住.”,catch的过去式为不规则变化,即caught,with介词,在此意为“用”。(1)Childre

16、n often catch insects with nets in summer.孩子们在夏天经常用网捕捉昆虫。 (2)We see with our eyes and hear with our ears.我们用眼睛看,用耳朵听。 with,its,an,nose,water,elephant,drinks(.)4.How can I get out?我们怎样才能出去呢?【解析】此句是由how引导的特殊疑问句句式,how是对方式、程度、状况等进行提问的疑问副词。【例句】How do you feel?你感觉怎么样? I feel tired.我感觉累了。【例题】对划线部分提问。 We ar

17、e going to Shanghai by train. you to Shanghai?5.Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily.萨姆和波比正在开心地打乒乓球。 【解析】此句为现在进行时的用法,现在进行时表示说话时动作正在发生,其构成形式为“am/is/are+doing”。【例句】What is Su Yang doing?苏阳正在干什么? Shes drawing pictures.她正在画画。( )My mother the dishes in the kitchen now. A.washes B.washed wa

18、shing6.Youre really good at table tennis,Sam.你真的很擅长打乒乓球,萨姆。【解析】be good at.意为“擅长.”,后接名词或动词的-ing形式。其同义短语为“do well in.”。(1)Helen is good at English.海伦擅长英语。 (2)They are good at swimming.他们擅长游泳。 (1)我的姐姐擅长语文。 My sister Chinese. (2)我们擅长踢足球。 We football.7.Sam has an idea.萨姆有一个主意。【解析】have an idea 意为“有一个主意”,也

19、可以在idea前面加good,bad等形容词,此时前面的不定冠词要改为a。【例句】How should we do it? 我们应该怎样做呢? I have a good idea.我有一个好主意。 就在那时,波比有了一个坏主意。Just then,Bobby idea.语法专题1.副词在句中修饰谓语动词作状语,副词修饰动词时一般放在所修饰的动词之后。(1)The students played games happily in the playground. 学生们在操场上开心地玩游戏。 (2)The children sang songs excitedly at the party.孩子

20、们在聚会上兴奋地唱着歌。【例题1】根据中文意思,完成句子。 (1)学生们正在课堂上认真听讲。 The students in class. (2)不要在图书馆大声地笑。 Dont in the library.2.形容词变为副词的方式:一般情况下,形容词变为副词时只要在其词尾加“ly”即可,以y结尾的则先变y为i,再加ly。(1)Please be quiet.Sit quietly,class.请安静。安静地坐着,同学们。 (2)She is a happy girl.She plays happily every day. 她是个快乐的女孩。她每天都玩 得很开心。【例题2】用所给单词的适当

21、形式填空。 (1)The woman was very .She was crying .(sad) (2)The lion become .He should .(angry)3.不规则变化的动词过去式需要我们单独记忆,不规则变化的动词过去式比较有特点。如(1)与原形相同: let-let hit-hit cut-cut put-put hurt-hurt read-read(2)改变元音: meet-met get-got sit-sat come-came drink-drank sing-sang swim-swam know-knew draw-drew(3)其他: bring-br

22、ought buy-bought catch-caught teach-taught say-said tell-told(1)The dog bit the rope and ran away.狗咬断了绳子逃跑了。 (2)I met Mr Green in the street yesterday.我昨天在街上遇见了格林先生。【例题3】( )1.They kites in the park yesterday. A. fly B.flew C.flyed ( )2.He many photos during his holiday in London. A.took B.taked C.ta

23、kes练习与检测一、英汉互译。1.就在那时2.擅长英语3.狮子来了!4.太兴奋5.pour waste water into the bin6.sing songs carefully7.catch the little mouse with a net8.大国家9.又高又大的男人10.某一天11.叫醒我们12.够得着树上的那些花13.走过大厅 teeth in the loins mouth15.cheering for their success(成功)16.let it go二、从栏中选出与栏相对应的答句,将序号填在括号内。( )1.How can I help me?

24、A.Dont be sad.I can help you.( )2.Im small and weak. B.I can bite the net with my teeth.( )3.How can I get out? C.Yes,youre right.三、填空。 Last Sunday,I _ (go)to a shopping centre with my mum and dad.We _(see)a small boy on the floor.He_(look)sad.We_(go) to him and_(help)him up.I _(ask)him,”Are you OK?

25、”He_ (say),”I cant find my mum.”Dad _(take)him to an office in the shopping centre.I _(give)him a sweet.The small boy_(become)happy.I _(be)happy too.四、阅读理解。The lion and th duckIt is a hot day in summer.A lion is walking along a lake.He is looking for something to eat.He is very hungry.A goose is swi

26、mming in the water .The liso is very happy to see him.“The is my lunch,”The lion says to himself(自言自语).“Hello Mr.Goose!” “Go away,you bab lion ”says the goose.“I have good news for you.” “What is it?”asky the goose.“I dont want other animals to hear it.Please come here.”Says the lion.The poor goose gest out of the water and runs to the lion.The lion eats him up.()1.The lion wants to_.A.walk along the lake B.find something to drink C.find something to eat()2._says to_,”There is my lunch.”A.The lion;himself B.The duck;himself C.The lion;the duck(

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