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1、创新英语第1册综合练习11创新英语第一册综合练习Unit One1) Well send you a copy as soon as the book becomes _ (available ) . 4) The final results of the experiment are _ on December 9. (due)5) Fog will _ throughout the night. (persist)8) A new born baby needs _ care and attention.(constant)10) We dont have enough books so

2、youll have to _. (share)13) Because of its geographical_, the area developed its own unique culture. (isolation)Unit Two1) The public address system_ the arrival of the next train. (announced )3) Erics _ towards his family surprised me. (behavior)5) She knew shed been _, but it was too late. (tricke

3、d)9) At first, the bank was _ to lend me the money. (reluctant )10)Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line. We _for any inconvenience caused. (apologize )12) Her blonde hair was hidden _ a baseball cap. (underneath)14) These technological developments were hardly_ 30 years ago. (imaginab

4、le )Unit Three 3) Your local library will be a useful _of information. (source )4) Police have now _ the search for the lost child.( intensified ) 6) The literature course has been hard work, but very _ . (rewarding ).9) They were _ of a normal childhood by the war.( deprived )11) Research _ that ea

5、ting habits are changing fast.( indicates )Unit Four2) Our newspaper aims to _ the views of the local community. ( reflect )6) She judges everyone _ her own standards.( in terms of )8) _ drinking can lead to stomach disorders.( Excessive)9) We traveled across a broad _ of desert.( expanse)13) The ch

6、ange in leadership will have a huge _ on government policy. ( impact)Unit Five 1) Mountains_ the village on three sides. (surround )3) Could you give me some _ as to when I am likely to receive a reply? (indication )4) _ we dont want to spend too much money. (Obviously ) 5) There was a blank_ on her

7、 face. (expression )7) The town has changed beyond all_ in the last 10 years. (recognition)11) He _me that I had an appointment in the afternoon. (reminded)15) I am the first child in my family to _ college. (attend)Unit Six 2) We _ had time to catch the train. (barely)5) The space available is not

8、_for our needs. (adequate)7) Whats Michaels _ of the situation? (assessment)10) He couldnt_ the money to go on the trip. (afford)11) A slight trembling of his hands _ his growing excitement.( revealed)Unit Seven 1) Several advertising agencies are _ to get the contract. (competing)2) The advertiseme

9、nts are intended to improve the companys _. (image )7) Its either a (n) _ diamond or a very realistic fake (假货). (genuine)8) Nothing could _ her enthusiasm for the project. (diminish)9) Her abilities are not fully _ by her employer. (recognized12) Id like to _ a table for two. (reserve)13) In the la

10、st 20 years, Korea has been _ into a major industrial nation. (transformed)Structure Unit One3)Obviously, if we dont control the problem, chances are that it will lead us to (or into) danger .(很可能我们会陷人危险)()6) What if your plan doesnt work? _ (你的这个方案行不通怎么办?) We have to change another. Unit Two2)Youd

11、better take warm clothe. in case it gets cold 以备夭气变冷8) The coffee you make tastes as good as your mothers coffee /does(味道和你母亲做的一样好)Unit Three 1)You can go out so long as you promise to be back before 10 oclock(只要你保证十点之前回来).4) Ill tell you, so long as you dont tell anyone else (只要你不告诉别人)Unit Four 2)I

12、t is not impossible for you to become a top student(你不是不可能成为优等生), if you work hard4) I In todays information age e-mail is not such an unusual word(电子邮件已不再是一个不同寻常的字眼)as it used to be.Unit Five 2) Every/Each time I catch a cold (每次感冒),I have pain in back.7)If only I were back home (我要回家了多好),I dont li

13、ke this place.Unit 6 1)Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses (护士的两倍)3) It is a common sense that water is eight hundred times as dense as air (水的密度是空气的800倍)Unit Seven 2) Faced with plenty of evidence, I came to believe that he was innocent (渐渐相信他是无辜的),5) After being rejecte

14、d by several companies due to his poor English, he came to understand the importance of learning English (他才懂得学习英语的重要性).TranslationUnit One 3) The freedom accompanying college dorm life can be both blessing and a curse. 3)伴随大学宿舍生活而来的自由,可能是苦乐参半。5) The more you get out of your dorm room, the more youll get out of college dorm life. 你走出宿舍越多,从大学宿舍生活中获益也就越多。Unit Two 4) I could see he was trying to think of a way, any way, to explain our behavior so it wouldnt sound quite as deceptive; wrong

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