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牛津小学英语 5B unit 2教案Word文件下载.docx

1、四教学准备1.教具准备:a tape, a recorder, pictures of Unit 2, cards of words2.教学准备:学生课前预习五课时安排五课时六教学过程The First Period一教学内容九年制义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语5B第二单元第一课时 B. Look, read and learn C. Ask and answer 二课时目标2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型How do you feel now?3. 能正确、熟练地运用句型进行交际。4. 正确熟练的说出八种疾病的名称。三教学重点1能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词lunch, speak

2、, a headache, bad, a cough, get, feel, a fever, a cold2能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型How do you feel now? I feel I can get for you.四教学难点1 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型,并能正确、熟练地运用。2 正确熟练地说出疾病名称。五课前准备教具准备:a tape, a recorder, pictures of Part B、C, cards of words, a body model板书准备:黑板上预先写上课题Unit 2 A telephone callA. Free talk1.T: Good

3、 morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Sky.T: What day is it today? S: Its What lessons do you have in the morning? We have 2. T: Now lets play a game. Listen and do (听命令做游戏)复习人体器官 Touch your nose. Touch your mouth. Touch your hair. Touch your head. Touch your back. Touch your stomach. Show me yo

4、ur eyes. Show me your ears. Show me your teeth Review the words: head, ears, back, head, stomach3. Play a game: Listen and point (听教师说名词,学生在人体模型上指出各是哪个器官)4. T:(手捂牙齿,做疼痛状)Oh, whats wrong with me?T(s): Ive got a toothache.-toothache 牙疼Read and spell Show the pictures of Part B and ask Whats wrong with

5、 the girl? She has got an earache - earache 耳朵疼Read and spell同法教授: backache, headache, stomach ache Point out: 这类单词的词尾都是-ache Practice these words Show another pictures Whats wrong with the boy? He has got a fever-fever 发烧Teach cold, cough in the same way.5. Read and spell all the new words 6. 出示单词图

6、片学生迅速反映出单词B. Presentation and practice(Part C)1. T: I feel cold. Ive got a cold. How do you feel? I feel ( Review the word of sence: cold, hot, tired, ill (摸摸一位学生的头) Whats wrong with you? Ive got a fever. T: I feel hot. Dont worry , I can get a cup of water for you . Thank you.(like this ask some st

7、udents)(Show the picture of Part C)师问图中的人物,并模仿回答、 I feel hot. Ive got a fever Oh, I can get a cup of water for you.(1) Learn the sentences :I feelI can get a /some for you. -feel(2) Say it in pairs.(3) Understand the meaning of the sentences.2. Show Picture 2 to Picture 4 Students say it like Pictur

8、e 1 in pairs. Point four groups to ask and answer. 3. Students ask and answer together.4. 利用所学句型同座说一说自己今天的身体情况。5. students ask and answer in pairs. C. Consolidation1. 小组讨论运用所学句型进行表演.2. 教师做动作,学生问候进行表演.3 Let the students come to the front and act the dialogue.D. Assign homework1. 抄写单词(五英一中)2. 编写C部分的对话

9、;3预习A部分。3 多了解一些身体疾病名称七板书设计Words 图片How do you feel now?八教学后记The Second Period九年制义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语5B第二单元第二课时 A. Read and say1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词lunch, speak, bad, medicine2能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型May I speak to ? This is speaking. Im sorry to hear that. See you soon. Sorry, wrong number.等句,并能在日常生活中正确运用。3能正确理

10、解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。1能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词lunch, speak, bad, medicine, absentSorry, wrong number. 等句,并能在日常生活中积极运用。3能热情、大方、有感情为大家朗读课文,表演对话4. 能熟练运用打电话的专业用语进行交际。1 复习所学过的句型并能熟练运用。2 根据课文对周围的生活做些交谈。3 能熟练运用打电话的专业用语进行交际。五教学准备a tape, a recorder, pictures of Part A、B, cards of words Good morning, Miss Zhang.2请学生小组

11、内互相问候,练习句型。BRevision1. 依次出示单词卡片,学生快速抢答,发音和拚读。2.操练句型 How do you feel now?C. Presentation and practice Hello, 。How are you ?S1: Im fine, thanks. Hi, how are you?S2: Not so good. Ive got a fever( toothache, headache, cold, cough) Im sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon. Thanks. ( Like this as

12、k some students) - Whats wrong with you? = Whats the matter?- Ive got -Im sorry to hear that.- I hope you get better soon.(1) Read the sentences(2) Students make a dialogue like this.2. (出示a telephone model ) (做打电话状) Hello, may I speak to (说一学生名字)? This is speaking.(Ask some students)-speak-May I sp

13、eak to ? 找某人接电话-This is speaking. 我是。Teach the word and sentences Use the sentences, Practice in pairs3. Show a picture of Part A Today Helen isnt at school. She is absent today.Why? She is ill. Shes in her bedroom.-absent Now Su Yang is calling her. Lets listen to the tape. And think some questions

14、.(1) What time is it?(2) Whats wrong with Helen?(3) After school, How does Helen feel now?5. Answer the questions -lunch -bad -medicine -a bad cough -stay in bed -get better soon -take some medicine 否定句或疑问句中 some 应变为 any -get for -See you soon Read the words and phrases And then make some phrases 利用

15、所学句型,同作座位一问一答练习生词及词组 Review the sentences: Whats wrong with you/ your watch/your stomach? Ive got a Learn the sentence, ask and answer in pairs.5. Listen to the tape and students repeat after it6. T: Read the books by yourselves. S看书自读。找出不熟悉的地方,教师巡视指导。7Read together 分角色读D. Consolidation1 齐读、分小组读、分角色

16、读。2 学生表演准备的对话3 看黑板,总结板书 讲解句型的用法Whats wrong with you/ your watch/your stomach?Im sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.I feel I can get for you.4Practice in pairs and act it out.EAssign homework1 Listen read and recite the dialogue. Act it2Listen read and spell all the words and phrases.3. C

17、opy words, phrases, sentences.4.Prepare for D、E、H。七、板书设计Unit 1 A new term单词Ive got a 八、教学后记The third Period九年制义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语5B第一单元第三课时 D. Work in pairs E. Look and read F. play a game1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词bad, medicine, rest2. 进一步操练句型What subject do you like? I like How about you?3. 复习所学单词、课文和句型。4能正确

18、运用句型进行交际。5会唱歌曲2 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词bad, medicine, rest3能熟练运用句型Whats wrong with you/ your watch/your stomach?3会唱歌曲Im ill1 能正确理解、掌握对话内容.a tape, a recorder, pictures of Part D、E, cards of wordsA. Say a rhyme Listen to the rhyme Read the words. Repeat the rhymeS try to speak the rhymeB. Review and free talk

19、1 复习单词。2 复习课文,读课文,背课文。3 表演对话。4 就图交谈。5. 同座练习句型:C. Presentation and practice1.(Look at the picture of Part D) 师示范表演 Im sorry to hear that.两人一组,模仿练习2 Ask some students to make a dialogue.3 就Part D的图进行问答。4 Have a match between four groups。5 请学生上台表演 Picture 26。6 Make a dialogue like the model(学生自由组合,编写并表

20、演对话)7 Teach Part E(1) Read the dialogue in pairs. Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue(2) -anything 一些事,任何事-else 别的,其他的-rest 休息learn the words(3) Review the phrases: a bad cough, take some medicine, have a lot of rest8 Read the dialogue together9 学生表演课文。10 Teach Part F: Play a game(1) Read

21、the dialogue together(2) Try to know how to play the game.(3) Play the game together.将学生分成四人小组,其中三人写出自己的电话号码,并注上姓名,另一人要记住其中一个人的电话号码,然后打给该同学。(4) Point out : 打错电话是可以说:Sorry, wrong number.(5) 自由组合玩打电话游戏Make a dialogue like Part D or Part EE. Say a rhymeSay a rhyme: Im illF. Assign homework1. 听读背短文。2抄写单

22、词(五英一中)。3. 仿照例句写D的图五幅。4. 仿照E,F的对话,自编一段对话。5. 预习G。复习H。6. 完成练习册的笔试部分Whats wrong with you? I feel I can get for you. Sorry, wrong number.The Fourth Period九年制义务教育六年制小学教科书牛津小学英语5B第二单元第四课时 G. Listen and repeat Listen and do Workbook Dictation1 复习单词、课文。2 复习本单元所学句型,较好的完成练习册上的听力练习。3 能正确发音单词brother, love, monkey, mother,并能总结出元音字母o在单词中的读音。4 完成练习册上的笔试练习1复习单词、课文。2复习本单元所学句型,较好的完成练习册上的听力练习。3能正确发音单词brother, love, monkey, mother,并能总结出元音字母o在单词中的读音。4 完成练习册上的笔试练

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