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1、Talking about past eventsI went back to Canada.When did you come back?I came back last Thursday.Did you go to see your grandparents?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. wrote a story, went back to Canada, made cakes, came back, went to the airport, finished the piano lessons, return the books, win the footbal

2、l match, last Thursday/ Monday morning/ weekX, X-ray, Xerox, box 词汇:动词过去式(规则和不规则变化)句型:五上U2What did you do yesterday? I went to四下U9When do you get up?I get up at 7:00.五上U3Did you visit your grandparents?Yes, I did. / No, t didnt.things, grandparents, just, learn, Peking Opera, no wonder, stronger , c

3、ousins, both, summer camp, return, finish,mountains, miss(想念)No wonder you look stronger. It took only two hours by bus.三个学习课“Lets do”板块均是“听和写”相结合的教学。在“写”之前要进行充分的口语表达,最后进行书写练习。Lesson 4 “Now I can read” 板块是转述对话而成的短文。第一段转述的是Mike暑期的生活。结合Lesson 1,Lesson 3两课的对话内容。对于学有余力的学生可以写一篇玲玲暑假生活的短文。Unit 2What happen

4、ed to your neck?IllnessesSeeing a doctorWhy did you stand on your head?Because I wanted to practice kung fu.What happened to you?I hurt my right leg.What did you say?I said you should stop eating too much. stand on your head, practice kung fu, cry, fell down, go to hospital, cut finger, hurt, broke,

5、 scratched, eating too much, playing computer games, smokingY, year, yellow baby, lucky stay, play by, fly, sky身体部位词汇;G3U11 How are you today?Whats the matter?My head/ leg/ mouth hurts. stand on your head, ache, terribly, kung fu, a blood test, scratch, upset, pill, stop doingWhats wrong with you?I

6、stood on my head.I hurt myself.对于新句型Whats wrong with you?可以由已知句型Whats the matter?导入。本单元的情感态度目标着眼于:安全运动、自我保护和合理膳食等。Lesson 8“Now I can read” 板块,对于学有余力的学生可以写一篇关于Little Piggy的短文。“Now I can write”板块可以让学生给短文起一个恰当的题目。Unit 3How did you go to Hangzhou?TravelTalking about travellingWhere did you go last weeke

7、nd?We flew to Hangzhou.We went there by air.Who invented those vehicles?Some smart people did. last weekend, yesterday afternoon, on Friday morning, flew/ drove /took the train to Hangzhou, the Spring Festival Fair, the train station by air / bus / subway/ taxi / train, on foot, those vehicles, some

8、 smart people Z, zebra, zip, zipper 交通工具词汇;G5U2 What did you do yesterday?I watched TV.G4U10How do you go to school?I go by bus.miss(错过),flight, passport, hotel, fantastic, silk, subway, bridge, sound, special, the Spring Festival Fair, invent, vehicles, smart, invention本单元话题非常贴近学生生活实际,鼓励学生进行真实的表达与交

9、流。Lesson 9、Lesson 10的对话关联性很强,可以结合起来学习,同时为Lesson 12“Now I can read”的短文学习进行有效铺垫。Unit 4RevisionLesson13 (1)可将Can you talk? 、Can you write? 和Can you do?三个板块进行整合在一起作为13课的第一课时,可先由说进行导入,然后小组活动完成“Can you do?板块,最后完成Can you write ?”板块。Lesson 13 (2) 由于本课含有阅读,而且内容较多,所以建议与“Do you understand?整合在一起,听力相对较容易,把大部分精力放

10、在阅读教学上。在阅读时,教师可以提前让学生搜集一些有关四大发明的资料,以便更好地理解短文。Lesson14(1)可将”Can you talk?, Can you write? Can you do?三个板块整合作为14课的第一课时,教师以Free talk的形式,以旅行为话题进行交流,可用“when,where, who, how, what等特殊疑问代词进行提问,然后让学生看图说一说完成”Can you talk板块,以小组的形式完成“Can you do?小组进行展示,如果有时间让学生写一写完成”Can you write?没有时间,可作为家庭作业。Lesson14 (2)将 Do yo

11、u understand?与阅读板块放在一课时,以便给学生充足的阅读时间,更好地帮助学生理解短文的内容。Unit 5When did the ancient Olympic Games begin?Sports and matchesTalking about the Olympic GamesThey began in 776 BC.When did people hold the first modern Olympics?They held them in 1896 in Athens.How many medals did the Chinese athletes win?They w

12、on 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals, and 28 bronze medals. the ancient Olympic Games, the Qin Dynasty, Athens776BC, 618AD, buy, borrow, gold/ silver/ bronze medals bl, blue, black,br, bright, break, brightcl, class, clean, climbcr, cross, crowd, crowded运动词汇;基数词和序数词When does the movie start?G2U9How m

13、any?ancient, modern, Olympic Games, BC(Before Christ), AD(Anno Domini), history, fair, Greece, take part in, Dynasty, shame, Athens, capital, events, motto, host, success, medal, athletes, silver, bronze, visitor, be proud of, hundreds of, thousands ofWhen did ?How many did?学生对古代奥运会的知识了解的很少,对于2008年奥

14、运会,本届六年级学生当时只有6岁左右,感受不是很深。教师可以组织学生搜集相关材料(任务型教学)灵活处理新词较偏、较多、难读的情况。Lesson 17中Lets do这一板块是用演讲的形式谈论2008年和2012年奥运会,形式新颖,教师要把握机会,可以和Free talk相结合。Unit 6What is he wearing?ClothesTalking about peoples wearingHe is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie.What does she wear on stage?She wears pretty dresses.Wha

15、t size do you wear?I wear a Medium and she wears a Large. a blue suit with a silver tie, a denim skirt, jeans, pajamas, a hoody, pretty dresses, formal clothes, on stage, at work, at school, Medium, Large, XS, XL, fl, flag, floor, flowerfr, fridge, fried, friendgl, glad, gl, glass, glovegr, grass, g

16、reat, green服装: skirt, jeans,pajamas, coat, dress, tie; 职业:singer;颜色:purple, black, white, yellow;表示身高的词汇:158cmG4U3He is wearing .What size do you want?G4U1What does she do?She is a singer.suit, denim, hoody, silver, lawyer, serious, wait for, the taller man, a blue suit with a silver tie, denim, a p

17、air of, no wonder, formal clothes, XS, XL, on stage, pretty, a pair of glasses, cool(酷),1.58m, wish, go well, by handI would love to do.本单元“服装”的话题学生很熟悉,具有一定的知识储备。在原有基础上,语言更加丰富,将服装与职业进行整合,尺寸和身高相联系,颜色搭配,手工制作等注重与学生的生活实际联系,用语言做事情。Unit 7What are the twelve animals?AnimalsTalking about the Chinese zodiacH

18、ow often does each animal come around?Every twelve years.Which animal was the first of the twelve?It was the rat. Grandma likes the dog best. She is as caring as a dog. each animal, come around, go to the dentist, practice together, rat, nephew, caring, smart, strong, friendly pl, place, plane, plan

19、tpr, practice, pretty, 动物词汇;形容词;家庭成员词汇Happy New Year!How often ?He likes tigers.mean, named, enter, rat, ox, rooster, dragon, come around, birth-year, the order of, cycle, as as, nephew, brave, caring, smart, friendlyWhat do you mean?She is as as.I work as as.关于as as 的表达方式学生很陌生,教材中出现两种情况:I work as a

20、s. 需要引出教师更多的关注,创设情境,借助图片、实物、动作等帮助学生理解含义、恰当表达。My birth-year animal is the tiger. 介绍自己的属相,学生要能够介绍自己及家人的属相。Unit 8Lesson 27- 1是27课第一课时,教师教学时先从“说”入手进入课程学习,然后是“写”,“说”与“写”结合(本节课的“说”、“写”没什么关联,其他复习课还是有些联系的)。最后谈论can you do。或者将can you do 放在can you talk之前也可以,学生可以结合北京奥运会进行表达。 Lesson 27- 2是27课第二课时,可以从“听力”,也可以从“谈话”入手,最后进行“读写”内容。教师可以让学生、也可以自己搜集一些关于开幕式的图片欣赏,帮助学生更好得理解阅读短文。短文中的生词教师可给出提示,降低学生阅读难度。 教师可根据学生、教学情况自行调整教学。此资源为word格式,您下载后可以自由编辑,让智慧点亮人生,用爱心播种未来。感谢您的选用。

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