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1、BShe has just taken a new job.CShe likes her job.4 What did the woman want to do?ATo celebrate her own birthday.BTo give Tom a present for his birthday.CTo e to Toms birthday party.5 What do we know from the conversation?ASomething is wrong with the womans telephone.BSomething is wrong with the mans

2、 telephone.CSomething is wrong with the womans TV set.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6 Which trip does the woman think is tiring?AThe trip to Mount Tai.BThe trip to Hainan.CThe trip t

3、o Hong Kong.7 What does the woman like to do best?ASwimming.BShopping. CSkating.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What does the man want to do?ATo sell the flat.BTo buy the flat.CTo change the flat.9 How many bedrooms are there in the flat?A1. B2. C3.10When will the man go to see the flat?AAt 6 am. BAt 2 pm. CAt 6 p

4、m.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11Where are the two speakers?AThey are at the ticket office.BThey are at the music hall.CThey are at the airport.12Why are there so many people expecting to go to the concert?ABecause they have never been to the concert in the music hall before.BBecause they think it is a nice con

5、cert.CBecause they are on vacation and have nothing else to do.13What causes the delay of selling the tickets?AThe puter doesnt work well.BSome of the people there jump the queue.CNot enough people sell the tickets.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14Whose birthday are they talking about?ATinas. BJims. CLindas.15Whe

6、n is her birthday?AOn June 27th.BOn July 27th.COn July 7th.16What does Jim want to give her for her birthday?ASome books. BA CD. CA magazine.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What subject is Li Ming best at?AMaths and physics.BEnglish and physics.CMaths and chemistry.18Where did Li Ming see the girl crossing the

7、road?AIn his school.BOn his way home.CIn his home.19How old is the girl?ASix years old.BSeven years old.CEight years old.20Who were planning to go out to look for Li Ming when he arrived home?AHis parents.BHis grandparents.CHis classmates.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

8、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Which of the two poems do you like better?_ shorter one,of course.I think its really_ most interesting one.AA;the BThe;a CThe;the DA;a22He was very selfish.When you asked him to help you,he_ say he was very busy.Aused to Bmust Ccould Dwould23_ you take part in physical activities_ b

9、e able to keep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if;you will BOnly if;will youCUnless;you will DUnless;24Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?Yes.I gave it to her_ I saw her.Awhile Bthe momentCsuddenly Donce25On snowy days,you have to drive very_ to avoid traffic accidents.Acautiously Bneat

10、lyCsmoothly Dproperly26Its generally agreed that women are more easily to be_to by the sales promotions(促销活动) in big stores.Aaccelerated BappealedCabsorbed Dattached27Excuse me,but I want to use your puter to type a report.You_ have my puter if you dont take care of it.Ashant Bmight notCneednt Dshou

11、ldnt28We are travelling to Germany for the Beer Festival._!ACongratulations BSee you laterCHave fun DTake care29This match class is very_;I spend about two hours every day doing the homework.Areliable BdemandingCloose Dtolerant30With the governments_ to solve the problem of unemployment,a fresh appr

12、oach should be suggested.Afailure BfashionCprocession Dfail31His father_of his going to the west and working as a teacher in a poor mountain village.Ashared BapprovedCsupported Dmotivated32All carryon luggage in the airplane must be stored in the overhead partments before_.Adeparture BfarewellClandi

13、ng Darrival33He is a man full of selfconfidence.Whenever he meets difficulties,he always tries to solve them by himself_asking others for help.Ain spite of Bin honor ofCin favor of Dinstead of34When first_to the market,these products enjoyed a great success.Aintroducing BintroducedCintroduce Dbeing

14、introduced35He has two sons,and_are doctors.Aboth of whom Bboth of themCneither of whom Dneither of them第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。You may be surprised to see “making sure children never suffer” as a mistake.The following_36_may help you understand how r

15、escuing children from all suffering_37_weakness.A little boy felt sorry for a butterfly struggling to_38_from its chrysalis(蛹)He decided to_39_the butterfly.So he peeled(剥开) the chrysalis open for the butterfly.The little boy was so_40_to watch the butterfly spread its wings and fly off into the sky

16、.Then he was horrified_41_he watched the butterfly fall to the ground and die because it did not have the muscle_42_to keep flying.In fact,the butterflys struggle to_43_the chrysalis helps the butterfly bee stronger.Like the little boy,_44_too often want to protect their children from struggle in th

17、e_45_of love.They dont realize that their children need to struggle,to experience_46_,to deal with disappointment,and to solve their own problems.Only in this way can children_47_their emotional strength,bee_48_and develop the skills necessary for the even bigger struggles they will meet throughout

18、their lives.Children experiencing sufferings can_49_the ups and downs of life.However,it isnt helpful either in this case when parents_50_lectures(训斥),blame and shame to what the child is experiencing.Mothers_51_to say,“Stop crying and acting like a spoiled boy.You cant always get what you want.” Th

19、ese_52_words should be avoided.Instead,parents can offer loving support.You can say,“Dont lose_53_.Be brave!You will succeed if you try again.” Then es the tough partno_54_and no lectures.Simply allow him to discover that he can get over his disappointment and_55_what he can do to get what he wants

20、in the future.36A.story BproverbCsaying Dexperiment37A.damages BburnsCcreates Dexperiences38A.hear Bsuffer Cdate Demerge39A.kill Bfeed Chelp Drescue40A.excited BmovedCpuzzled Bsince Cbefore Duntil42A.power Benergy Cstrength Dforce43A.e up with Bdo away withCget along with Dbreak awa

21、y from44A.teachers Bparents Crelatives Bcharge Cname Dcourse46A.friendships BscholarshipsCrelationships Dhardships47A.strengthen BrequireCget Dachieve48A.warmhearted BstrongwilledCabsentminded Dcoldblooded49A.expect Bpredict Csurvive Davoid50A.add Badapt Cdevote Dcontribute51A.prete

22、nd Bhappen Ctend Dseem52A.discouraging BinspiringCinteresting Dtouching53A.heart Bface Csight Dweight54A.parking Bsmoking Cdrinking Drescuing55A.figure out Bcarry outCrule out Ddrop out第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat if it isnt a dogeatdog world?What

23、 if caring for a dog or for a mom with Alzheimers(老年痴呆症) makes you stronger and allows you to live longer?Researchers at the University of California,Berkeley are challenging our longheld belief that humans are born to be selfish.Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection was misunderstood by

24、his male followers,the researchers say.Rather than “every man for himself”,Darwin believed that humans are successful as a species precisely because of our educational,selfless and sympathetic characteristics.Why has it taken so long for Darwins central revelation(揭示) to be properly understood?“Weve

25、 had too many men in social science,” Berkeley psychology professor Dacher Keltner told me from an interview.“Female scientists acknowledge that caring for people is part of human nature according to the research,which shows the human ability to care exists in our brains and nerve systems.”In my boo

26、k Passages in Caregiving,I urge women who take the whole responsibility for taking care of an elderly parent or a sick relative to build a “Circle of Care”Reach out to your brothers and sisters,friends,neighbors and munity volunteers to help you care,because no one can perform this overwhelming role

27、 alone.You will be as shocked as I to learn how the most selfless caregivers are rewarded with longer life.Sympathy is not a womans word.In fact it makes all of us stronger under stress and more highly respected by our peers.For so long we have repeated the false saying “Nice guys finish last”But the 40 richest Americans mitted to doing good by donating half their fortunes are no_spring_chickens.So here is my new explanation:Nice guys die last.56The first paragraph serves to_.Agive the background of the topicBblame the world fo

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