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1、Module Two1. satisfy sb 使某人满意 satisfied 令人满意的 satisfying 使人感到满意的2. stressful 充满压力的,紧张的3. volunteer to do 自愿做某事4. offer to do 主动做某事5. particular 特定地 in particular 尤其,特别6. on average 平均7. in theory 理论上 in practice 实际上8. pass by 经过9. take for granted 以为理所当然10. have a close encounter with 差点遇到11. have a

2、n profound effect on 对产生深远的影响12. be qualified to do 有资格做某事13. take up 占据;站好位置以备 14. take notice of 注意到15. temporary jobs暂时的工作16. sign the contract 签合同17. apply (to sb) for sth 申请18. require sb to do 需要某人做某事19. essention that (should) do 必不可少的20. in response to 作为的回应21. in demand 被需要22. suffer from a

3、 disease 遭受疾病23. individual 个人24. an outgoing personality 一个外向的性格 Module Three1. have connection with 与 有联系/有关联2. solve/settle a problem 解决问题3. an account of 对 的叙述 on account of=because of 因为4. run away 逃跑5. ahead of time/schedule 提前6. lie-lied-lied 撒谎 lie-lay-lain 平躺,位于 lay-laid-laid 下蛋7. panic-pan

4、icked-panicked 使恐慌,使惊慌失措8. be curious about 对感到好奇9. to our astonishment/ surprise/ happiness/ joy/sadness/disappointment 让我们惊讶/吃惊/高兴/高兴/悲伤/失望的是10. play a trick on sb 捉弄某人11. make up an excuse 编造借口12. be/feel in the mood有心情做某事;有意做某事13. be set in 设置背景14. no exception 毫无例外15. be determined to do=decide

5、 to do=determine to do=make up ones mind to do 决定做某事16. make ones fortune 发财17. set off from A for B 从A地到B地18. establish the reputation 建立名誉 Module Four1. hide-hid-hid 掩藏,躲藏 2. confuse sb 使人疑惑 confusion 杂乱,混乱3. expand A to B 把A延长到B (面积上的扩大)4. pretend to do 假装做某事5. come to an end 完结6. dress up 装扮,打扮

6、sb be dressed in 某人穿着7. wander 漫步,闲逛 wonder想知道+if ;奇观,奇迹 ask/wonder +if 表“是否”8. consist of=be made up of 由组成,由构成。无进行无被动。9. relax sb 使某人放松 relaxing 使人放松的10. tasty 美味可口的11. 反mark 标志着12. import 引进,进口 export 出口13. master 掌握,精通;主人14. celebration 庆典,庆祝 celebrate sth congratulate sb on sth 因某事祝贺某人15. origi

7、n 起源 originate from 起源于+传说 original 原来的 date from 追溯到+时间 Module Five1. retire from 从退休2. perform well/badly 表现得好/不好 performance表演3. on the increase=increasing 正在增加4. have an advantage over 有优势/长处5. guarantee to do 保证做某事6. special 特别的 specific 具体的,特定的。7. the symbol of 的象征8. quality 特性,品德;质量 be of hig

8、h/low quality 质量好/坏 quantity 数量a large/small quantity of 大量/少量9. rise-rose-risen rise to ones feet 站起身10. dramatically 戏剧性地;大幅度地;非常地11. protest about 抗议12. get tough with 费力的,棘手的 Module Six1. endanger species 濒危物种2. be/become extinct 灭绝的,绝种的3. struggle with 与斗争 struggle for 为斗争4. be worth doing 值得被做

9、5. on the spot 在现场6. condition 环境,情况7. meanwhile=at the same time=in the mean time同时8. involve 涉及,包括 人+be involved in 人卷入9. be concerned/worried about sth 关心某事,担心某事10. feed on (动物)以为食11. on the brink of 在边缘12. on the brink of extinction 在绝种边缘13. stand for 代表14. focus on=concentrate on 集中于15. set up

10、建立,设立顺序选修六Module One1. make friends with 与交朋友2. in lack of 缺乏3. be nervous about 对胆怯/焦虑不安4. think of 想到 think about 考虑5. look away from 把目光从移开6. in addition=besides=whats more 除此之外,另外7. find out sth 了解,找出8. opportunity=chance 机会9. win a prize 赢得奖金10. application form 申请表格11. get a full refund 得到一个全额

11、的退款12. do sb a favor=help sb 帮某人的忙13. reception 招待会 recept sb 招待某人14. certain adj. 某些的15. reply to sb 回复某人16. put ones foot in ones mouth 说错话17. as a consequence=as a result 因此,结果18. awkward=embarrassed 尴尬的19. tease sb 戏弄某人20. make an apology 道歉 apologise to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉21. cheer sb up 使某人高兴/

12、振作起来22. anyhow 不管怎么说,无论如何23. somehow 用某种方法24. interrupt sb 打断某人的话25. leaveout 省去,删去26. be aware of 意识到27. take the lead 带头,领先28. graciously=elegant 优雅地29. show off 炫耀30. imagine +doing 想象做某事31. purpose 目的 on purpose 故意地32. under/on circumstance 在某种情况下 Module Two1. play a part in 起作用;扮演角色;参加2. vanish

13、=suddenly disappear 消失3. behave strangely 奇怪的行为4. definitely 确定地,一定地5. hesitate to do 犹豫做某事,迟疑做某事6. without (any) doubt 毫不怀疑7. bite-bit-bit 咬,咬伤8. put down=write down 放下,写下9. hold-held-held hold out=stick out 伸出10. come up to 朝走过来11. long for 渴望得到12. turn away=walk away 走开13. be invisible to sb 对某人来

14、说是看不见的14. sweep over 向扩展15. keep ones eyes on 注视,盯着看16. fix on 注视,凝视17. cast about=find=look for 寻找,搜索18. roughly estimate 粗略不计19. utterly=completely 完全地,绝对地20. be laden with 空气中充溢着某种味道的21. awake 醒着的 wake up 醒来22. look around for=look for 四处寻找23. take revenge on sb 对某人复仇24. marry sb 娶某人25. put a spe

15、ll on 咒语26. appeal of sth 的吸引力 appeal to sb 吸引某人27. be associated/connected with 与有联系28. swift=quick 快的,迅速的29. overcome difficulty 克服困难30. criticism 批评,评论 criticise sb 批评某人31. be restricted to=limited to 限于32. attain=get 达到,得到33. inquisitive=curious 好奇的34. look back over ones shoulder 回头看35. catch a

16、 glimpse of 瞥见36. set out for 出发,动身37. possess 拥有 possession 占有物,拥有物,所有物1. note 钞票,纸票;补充说明2. burst out doing=burst into 突然做某事3. knock over 撞伤,撞死4. moody 喜怒无常的 in good mood 好心情5. lose interest in 对失去兴趣6. turn round 转过身来7. a amount of 有数量8. fair 义卖会,公平的 fairly=very 非常9. raise money 筹款 charity 慈善机构10.

17、thief 贼 theft 偷窃行为11. 门+swing open 门旋转开 swing-swung-swung12. 人 be confronted with sth 人面对某事13. on the phone/line 在通电话14.quarrel 吵架 quarrel with sb 与某人吵架15. lively 活泼的,有生气的16. make up with sb 与某人和好17. keep in touch with 保持联系18. lose touch with 与失去联系19. 人 be ashmed of 人感到惭愧/羞耻20. considerate=thoughtfu

18、l 体贴的,考虑周全的21. forgive sb for sth 原谅某人某事 forgive-forgave-forgiven22. a great loss 一个巨大的损失23. scold=blame 责备24. be blessed with 享有某事的福气25. be allergic to 对过敏26. mature 人成熟 ripe 植物水果成熟27. slide-slid-slid 滑行,滑落28. hurt 身心伤害 damage 损害物体 injure 意外伤害 wound 刀伤枪伤(战场上受的伤) scratch 擦伤,刮伤29. tear-tore-torn 撕破,撕

19、裂 tears 眼泪 tearopen 撕开 teardown 拆除30. be on good terms with sb=get along/on well with sb 与某人关系很好31. rewind-rewound-rewound 到磁带,倒回去32. click with sb 与某人志同道合 click on 点击33. flee-fled-fled 逃跑,逃走34. all at once 突然,忽然35. bringto mind 想起36. in return 反过来,作为交换 in turn 轮流的37. mention=refer to 提到,涉及到38. belo

20、ng to 属于 (无进行,无被动)39. from the bottom of ones heart 发自内心的from top to bottom 从头到底 at the bottom of 在底部1. give concerts 举办音乐会2. be true of/for =be the same with 与 情况相同3. give life to 赋予生命4. combine A with B 把A和B结合起来5. share with 与分享6. make contact with 与 进行来往7. regarding=about 关于,考虑到8. passerby 行人,过路人

21、 passersby (复数)9. pedestrian walk 人行道10. regulate 规定 regulation 规章制度11. voluntary 自愿的12. shrink-shrank/shrunk-shrunk/shrunken 变小,减小13. vacant 空的,空缺的14. all of a sudden= suddenly 突然间15. dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞16. relief 解除,减轻17. have a collection of 收藏18. charm=attract =appeal to 吸引19. draw upon 利用,凭借,依赖20. honour =respect 尊敬,敬重;对去世人的怀念 in honour of 尊敬/怀念21. in addition to 除此之外,还有22. therefore=thus=as a result =as a consequence 因此,所以

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